Labels:book | daily | sky | windowpane OCR: aDs consi erabia strenms whicl srnin the dstao: fron Alhany pour their over the lil}s their course IrTuoia Gounty Hontgomery towards the lako: and by their Ieantifial cascades Bounded Will CO- Indiana, ,ant and and stupendots cnthracts atd ratch the pic+ Vernilion CU by thHe turesque features of the seenery. The lurges of Siver branches Kankakee liver, nni Sugat theat are the Cascatilln, Fa!l Creck, Six pig Spring Crooks Mneh of the is fertile Milc Creck The Caseaflilla in tUTH- bleg over suceession leriges, EI the form Treine Kv. 11 Estill Co the 4idt t gigantic sta?rway thirough n desernt of 0 teet. Kentucky itiver .68 miles Frora Franktort Near the N. of the villnge, Fall Creck de Erubin County rwinville Bomnded 5tens otor rocks witiin of onc mito, Dooly Pulaski Telfair by Telfitir 438 ...