Labels:book | daily | sky | windowpane OCR: 1,100, pounds of hiouutainous wol 1000 tots 30 coat 10,000 gal of olivn Manchester Ontario co Drnined by the 8000 gnllons of sperm oil, 6000 Pallons Canatud aigun outlet Clifton Springs, situatod in nlale oil, 0,00 pounds of oil sqap. and 0,000 the this town, ArC quite ceichratel. poundk JL starch and pradnce about 14,010 000 miles ETOIT Canandaigna mens soline de faines pur fine printa, that Manch totter Coffoc the head are relebrated for the briflljancy of thoir color OF Dark ur fron Nnshville. and tha taste displayed in o patterns, Manchester Benningron One pf the Srre the beginning of the yeur 1839 large countr Sitnated between the Greeu Maan villare grown ap Juat the mills, in which arg tains 10 the F and Mountain on the meeting houses erceted L ATL expense Tere nent in thtx valley mo ...