Labels:book | daily | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: hall extonding orer This fne build. and Battery and con tain. Dn this island Highted br window: in the 1000 roof. scholars with al] the aro throe fortificationg For Columbus n th? ing will accomraodato neccssary appliances and j has cost exclusive 01 ttar-shaped : Caaile Willisms OE0 the the TTORRA and farnitare, about 50,000 point, thict punot tower, 60 fect high The totat value real and PePSonA property with jer guns and likewise hator in the city of New York AA agse8sed in 851 TAS on the aide commanding the cntrane $20 108,353. This incrense from the Bnttermilk Channel. Here RIO barracka, and value tresod 1850 $34.022.941 1850 Tho BO1 houscs on for the Bedlow's officers, and for Elli: considerable Islands isr garri. are amount tater athorized to b reisad in 578 325 etrong fortifications ...