Labels:book | cabinet | daily | gazette | sky | windowpane OCR: from Richmond In are OraRdY Mistricl h nt Orangchur There pleugnnt village near the centre Boundc hy Lexington and Riclland dil. of the town fron which. Barnistablo coart tricts, Sumptor, Charleston and Barn- housa pailes Bartc Formel well, by Barnwell and Edgefield! Hiatricts. Ortens County hountled by The Congaree un River runI on part of it N. and from Ontario, Gonasec Monroc Gehosce and the Santer border. The Soutlt Edisto Inka Washes border and the Nortl Edisto Ningara C Waterexi Orehard, and branches drain the interior. Johnson's, and aeveral other moal creeky Icve}, witis Hrwing the into on the t hant North Exlista Orangchurg River 45 Iistrict. milas Lake ccption of the Surface monntain ridge which PtInB ngariy C from Cotnmbia grass parallel and with gtuio. the lake There shore are ...