Labels:book | cabinet | daily | sky | windowpane OCR: PalmeT Ms. Humpden co The Chicopee Paris lies milcs hi "Trom the Ware. the Swift and aome smE Ter streans Puris Monroe cr, miles TAtAT the town and give t grent hydraulic JeTerson power On the banks of thege ver are Bitianted Paris Oneidn The Sadagnnda the pieasant and fourishint village: Three Creck n important inill ftrenm, waters this River Sedgwick Palmer De town. Sarface high pia RnOven soil calenre- pat There deasant village the centre vus a Tc sanly loam. Henr trsiluy On trorn the S. Utict side Of the to Wt} from the depot The Paris surfat iomer rhat braken but the trana branch Little Sandy ftiver. ON miles wt prodactive. porticularly along the streamx from Nashvil! where trnct: of finc intervale Palme Porish Salmon Creek and Depnt the Westerni Railroad. to Boston branches this 11.4 ...