Labels:book | cabinet | daily | earth | sky | windowpane OCR: and Surfnco lovel, anl in parts marshy soil clay and ulphate iron in Mountain. The sandy loart. Morris Canal psscs throngh the part Of this Penn': Upper N 1. Salem Burface towo 0 Morristo levol soll light sandy loam Perruimans PeAr YOrt ate. ED. the out Boon ter NT Gates nsquotank CO., Jat ot Crookod Lake which atfords good walcr Aibemarle Sound and br Chowan cO. traTersel the Crooked iake Canal Drained h Little River whEch runs on N r. from Albany 192 miles boundary and ians rm still which part flowg unsetticd Cornaty both through Undalating banks The and of the Bangor fertile 1 part cen. Sarfaco Rochestor, Irondequoit rinton hilly ad N 80i] 602 and MOnrOR productive. somt from atered Alhany by branchey from the Penosoo Me. Haneock 0 on the Connty AR. Marion Bounded Penobacot N from Bay n ...