Labels:book | cabinet | daily | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: and find alundant antsemer for trout Roman Catholier and n Jows Srnagoguc. The Sawnmh'Ga. The largest city in the StRIC, warchouss aroranged along the lant uf tho riYcr port of te entr 90 and the W. seat of justice from of Charleston, Chatham the 0 lower storics stury ghigl from un the t:e Tiver sidc, aceessille the whnrres, Sonth Carolina and 15A 5 fnm Millcigc- uer from thr city Tilfe, Popuintion, 5191 1920, 7523 The osition and the ltarbor Saruah offer 1830 7TTG 1840. 1.21 1850 a 17 The fincad Tantages: for vigotiot and DCC The population of Savannah aul:joct considerabla harhor is one nf the finest on the soul:crn coast Ractuations the chango the from of the Unitel States The chtrance fram the une wirtter The place having former sea over the bar is full tmile wide, ati'nrding. very unh ...