Labels:book | daily | gazette | sky | windowpane OCR: signed chicfs n River DRSSOS thragh the: whole enrth n the &th of Febrt ar 0691 the thico the town present nnmc WILS given to conistine of 12 houses and church, TYNA the 1658 when submitted to the goverament scene OF traral confngration an thnt bare Massachusotts previously the cnstcrn side of barous massnere, br party of Prens-h and In. the tiver and toarsh wis culted Black Point ani dians from Careda bolial J the times the westort 3luo Point nantes which are srill familiat [0 (M) tarhty daies place This of town has the honor + being the birth Al A a diamal hrang tJae trinter PN it the distinguished ntateyman Rufus Kig and his half brother William King thc frst thie governor ot Maino. About mies From then mrtherin their beddes Portl. shatre ar Sehughticoke Itonssolner Watered Aru oronthr ...