Labels:book | daily | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: tontr projeution fcet inchcs 19 Ecet 25 dinensions wilth thus forming a louble portica tl:c eentro ittehas ba fuet incles the ceiting 35 tho fuoude, similar in generil design to that oi fret in facignt wil snnkey pmnels and oraments the present eartcrn partien. There 51 3T simular thoro nf tu 1100 uf Ropresentetivos tico OD the Front of cach wing 105 foot urent uescrilxl There anple room in this inches in width projecting 10 inches; and iall setirate soais for Jng senators llowin the N. S. fronts porticnos of the amc pro at the time alli space that will cyfr be jection, eachi which 121 FCt inefes requrel for lobhie: the aecomniolation width. dist iuguis ihrvl visiterx The whole tent of the buildings from The galleries like those of the Ha[] of Repre- when finisheu, 115 be 751 fect inches a ...