Labels:book | cabinet | daily | rotogravure | sky OCR: iVestow, Midulesex ioits plana to the minatest details roccived intorporntion thee The territory town WAA this setticd NOWT 1:0 ment PRY and The the British soldiera had who strong iabored at dosire them to hat niettown niout 1673 high trOund and ftg surface themsalves of thia important past; and ica Yaricd 1ille al valleys. The soil 15 surrender, wel knowti havo icen tt pau There are isome Binall firet fniit rnola' treason, whict waa provi in the town. Stomy and others dentiali: proyented the dezection Major pts Charles River, wash its eastern border Andre and the discover the correspondeuca The w orcester Itailroad passes its sonth-enstery in hin SOn corner pev the Fitchhurg Railroad goes throogh Those epanoas recupicd by the national the N. part of the town 14 miles hy 8. Milttary Acade ...