Labels:book | daily | gazette | windowpane OCR: been cfliencious chrouir disensus, such art considered i1 terofula, rheanatism &e Visitors to theso snringe remed for gravel rhoumatiam, cutaneou: and fnd accommoiation auited to their wishes other discnsos Visitor here fni gaol accommo at the fine hotel eitublished for their reception. dations SPRINGS ISLES or SHOALS, HE. AND N 1 Sitnnted in the western section af the state, iT Tortsmonth These shoals 7 in thte vicinity the other Yirginir Springs, about rumber lying aboot wiles out at sca The 200 Tmites Richmond They are liy miles larecst of the islands familiarly knowp Hog 'distant from the Springs. They nro Island contnins 950 aeres and hns m clevatinn 1T rnanticnlly sitnuted in vallsy surrountled its highest part: of 50 feet DAKU the Upon mountain menks There Are soramto springs this i ...