Labels:book | cabinet | daily | earth | gazette | sky | windowpane OCR: visitors See 25] YDVONONO SALT SPRINOS HNII ORCH. ARD XN Arc upon the shores and in the neirhbor! hood Ja the nane vivon n clevated terrace of of the lake of name which lies wholly in table iand or upon the Catskill "Moun- Onondaga They are prineipally owned trina about 2300 fect abovo the leye} of the the Btatc, and bring T handsome rererue. Hudson River Formerly covered with They Are the largest and best in the The :catierca growth of pines which wila stato making of salt both soiar eraporation and givo to the pame of Orehard the artificial heat on LIA oxtnaiYcly vorge of thia table rock of about acres Salina Syracust, Liverpool. and Goddos placos extent stanils the Catakill Mountain Houno adioiaing each otIHT wjiel included ahnut 140 fet in length, and atories high within the Limits of ...