Labels:book | cabinet | daily | sky | windowpane OCR: POOr contnins porirait the Governor RhOTe which our of observation Winslow and niso of the second governor 1is son. eterated 165 fi:ct F this tmaiut the copicd from the priginals, painted Lonton enablet. clanr atinosphere sonetimes There FC lesides these many others DE great tiscern the white sand clifFs of Cape Cod, value hut hore of thos do came n tho Mny the hirs at distance 27 nikes withir which, flower exeept thet of Wiusiow on the llth OF Nuvemher, 1620 the 'Mayfiower, imone Frent of antiquarinn relies fier passage diys, joyfullg cast har ehair f Governor Catver thaa swor of ifes anchor and where shc remained tniil the onst Standish. the original letter of King Ph.iti to hnd Ieen explored find plnce sottlement Governor Prince and many utensils ard nricles There, on tluat day hefore t ...