Labels:book | daily | gazette | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: overy thing that tompt the appetite. aout mile The promonades are benutifuliy cmbellished, and slnded from the midday sun by large sugar SACHEM'S JEAD naples the natives of the forest." This AT attrnetive watering plare on the The spring. arc gitaated in the part Connecticut shore of 1sF&nd Sound the valley and the water colloctel into two milc of New Iaven, anil miles Gui white marbio founta tins, over which is thrown ford Point It has spacious and clegant hotel, beautiful Regular stagas, octegon-shaned or post 11 eoaches vilion artive here dai with place fumple witd iccommod pietnresque, iations andt for the visitors sea The both from the N ind For farther partica bathing, rides aro peculiariy gratofal lars of general route iee White Suiphar Srings atjar ehing during the sulity gumner in ...