Labels:book | daily | gazette | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: 1f the prospect almoat aodium, gr. 215.756 hi-carbonnto of line 2.678 uuT ivalled. There also near the bi-carlonate of Inagncsia, 113,459 bi-cr lonate minernl spring of constdernhle eclebrity con- of godn, 33.584 hydriointa of potarsa, 3.600 tains muriate of axia muriate ot lime rhuriste iron silox and alarainn Solid mngnesia, sulphatc of lime carbonate of nag- tet ts 399.877 nesin, sitex, anct curbouater oxidc of iron Carbonic acid 260. .182 ntmos spheric air tempornture Fahrenbeit, an cis 3.314 Gascons coutents, 263. 46 charges 30 Kallons hour These springe situatel 2 mileg Fom Seven miles from sring, on mountain, Sehenectady, from Alhany To New Budd' T'on niles Jong and mile wide Schenectady anrt Alhany 182 rmiles et deptr, clenr wtrich atounds to Utica Sehenoctady 95 mileg Montreal. wi ...