Labels:book | daily | gazette | reckoner | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: LIGHT HOUSES THE UNITED STATES. TEP following table is taken from the list of light-housea; bezcons, &nd floating lights, with the names of the atates in which they n atuated their f l0 tion their latitude ane longitudo and soine remar copied from pamphlet contaiing acrouu: of the light- .housss the United States July 1851 and publishei by authority Jatihdr longitude 11 from Green- vich mile. from London. Within e. FearS many light-houres have been rebuilt repaired furni*bed with wlate glaas. The light- -houses the American PDT1 arA considered by mariners eicellent condition the present time HAINE volving, Height of lanterl abovo th 170 Portiand Portiand Head. off har- feet Red and white light. hor de at tgo Lon. 70o Rixed Head aidc entranco of Haight iantorn abora the sen, BO feet nobzcot ...