Labels:book | cabinet | daily | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: LIGHT-HOUSES IN THE UNITED STATES. 683 CONNECTICUT. the NarroNs. Iat 40c 35 57# Lon 74*3t 50 New Landon. W side of to River Fixed. Height of lantern above the W, side feot TBAT Fixed. Thames. Height Lat. 110 lantern 5511 aboye Lon. the 720 56 Caxsackie Consackic On the Fixel Hudson Biver Rirer light Foet Four Mie Point Four Mile Point milcs Fautkne's Tsiand Fanlkner's Ialand. off 3 from Fixed Hudson River on liglit the Hudson River W Guilforrd harbor. 1 lar +88 IAn 720 $61 Fixed Ilcight of lantern above the Senierties he mouth Sangortics Creck, feet on the Huuson Fixed light tyrda Point Mouth of the Connocticut Stoyresant. Sti on the Hudsou side- Lat 41016 13 Lon. 729 5gir River, F. side Fixet River light Sixed. Hicight of lantern above the sen fect Harant Creek Opposite moutl CE said Nani ...