Labels:book | reckoner | sky OCR: 692 SHDCTIOD IN THE UNTET BTA TES great number of distiogutahcl mer hare been educated .t this college. It WA9 established by the synot of New Yorl Tith special ? rating un miniaters of the ted07 has alumnt nearly 0 of whom hAte po194t the ministry Studenta in 43 instructors, 15 liorries 16.000 Comneneement DT the June iccerou Suerersion Preriaants Fnitu 1746 Roy DickingDE, 1747 ReT 10TV BurT 1753 1757 Jonathan Edwards 1758 1759 Rey Samuot Davies 1761 Rer. Samusl Finley 1766 Rev John epoon, 794 1795 Samual Smith 181 Ashbel Green 1823 Rey Jame: Carnahan, COLLEGE TE HOLY CROSS MS. This intitution It. located founded in 1843 ter, by on the Roman Catholics elevated C site has not about two obtaincd miles BT act from in the corporatior. Worcest beautifully town One large brick edifice has been ...