Labels:bulletin board | earth | lodestone | plant | reckoner | sky OCR: 70.0 COLLEGES +N THE UNITED BELIYIS alamti : about 150 The library contains aboat 300 volumes Comm encemen! the laet Tharada T Jaly Rey Verhaegen the beal of the institution KARYS COLLEGE This college wa: founded in 1799 and incor porated 1804 located in Baltimort, and jis a Roman Catholic institution. Library 12.00 volumes instractor student: T 1850 almni, 187 Cornmoneemont or third Tuosday in July Rey the proeident PATLS COLLEGE Foundod 1837 : locatod T Finshing has 11 instractorg studenta in 1850, and alumni libraries, about 3000 volumes Commencement Of the Thursday in Juue ThE collere the atrection of the Epiaopplians FT PHILIPS COLLEGE MN Thi. Romau Catholia cotlere located in the vicinity Dotroit It was founded in 1839 instructora 1850 had 30 etudents Ita library contains about 3000 ...