Labels:book | bulletin board | daily | earth | plant | reckoner | sidewalk | sky | windowpane OCR: Y02 COLLEGES THE UNITED STATEN UNIVERSITY PENNSYLV This inatitution located Philadelphis papunof 155 and fnily established in 21a present forn in 791 the collep viat Geran tanen Lad, in 1850 instractors and 88 studenta The tihrary contains abont 5000 The univerlty ombraces faculry of arts facnity medicino and HJ ncademical departinent: The medical one of the celebrated the United States. Tt bud profesaors and 438 Etadents in nttendanco upon tha lectutres 1850 it has giver medica] dcgrece 5180 graduates. The for the modical lectures begins the first Monday in Noyember, and ends about the first of March. The comn Loncement for con ferring Imedical tegrees ist hald by Spocial mandamus of the board of trustess, about the first April, soon asccon oniont after the eramination: of the candidates ...