Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: 712 BANKING INSTITUTIONS, COIN, AND CURRENCY the Union follows : AON York, 1784 : Maryland, 1790 ; the first the States Tebruary 1791 Rhode Island, 1791 South Carolina, 1792 Virginia and Connecticat, 1792 District of Columbia, 1793 Delaware, 1795 Maine, 1799 Lentacky, 1802 Ohio, 1803 Carolina, 1804: Louisiana 1181 and Gootgia, 1812 Twenty -throa institutions wera cstablishtd in the BOTerAI statos prarious your 1800 Since the beginning of the present century bauks btve increased in rapid stccetsion. The country em fuently prosperous from 1794 1807 with Erad lual incroam of rodvd currency, and any Treat reaction in trade tll 1809 then yery general contraction of the currency took piace, with possardop atato of trde cattsing the f ilure of teveral banks, great depreciation real catate ar,d *1 ...