Labels:book | cabinet | daily | earth | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: CANALS AND RAILROADS IN THR UNITED ST ATES CANALS. NEW ENGLAND NEW JERSEY The ouly in MON Eugland now Dlavare pan Rertan 42 miles, from ployed for ot nevigation the Cumber- Rordentown to New Brunswick opens ut intornal tand ad 203 miles, from Port land to sloop navigation frol Philadelphia New York Schago Lake, to which the Tongo River im- The Morris Canal, 102 miles from Jersey City tsati provement Kon The add 30 Middleser miles of Canal lake 27 and miles, river from ABE oppositc communicater Now York with the Faston Lahigh OT the navigation, Delawars, and Duston t the Blesckstone Cantel miles the Tennsylvania Delavare Canal from foreester to Providence, and the Farmington Cumre 18 mites, from New Hsveu Northamp- PENNSYIY ANIA ton, tive al been supersoded by railronds The caral system ati ...