1216 Disconnecting from multiplayer game...\n\n\n\nPlease press ESC if the game does not\ndisconnect within 15 seconds.
1217 Problem communicating with %s...
1218 Creating multiplayer game...\n\n\n\nPlease press ESC if the game is not\ncreated within 15 seconds.
1219 Creating multiplayer game...\n\n\n\nPlease press ESC if the game is not\ncreated within 15 seconds.\n\nAlso, make sure you are connected to the Internet\nbefore starting Age of Empires.
2000 place holder
2001 Error
2002 Could not initialize program. Uninstall Age of Empires, and then run Setup again.
2003 Could not initialize graphics system. Make sure that your video card and driver are compatible with DirectDraw.
2004 Could not initialize sound system.
2005 Could not initialize communications system. Make sure that you have DirectX 5.0a or higher and that it is installed properly.
2006 Could not create game.
2007 Could not load game data.
2008 You must insert a game CD to play a single player game, and then restart Age of Empires
2009 One game CD is required for every three players.
2010 You must insert a game CD to use the scenario builder.
2011 Age of Empires requires a color palette of 256 Color or higher to run. To change you color palette, go to the Display Properties dialog box in Windows Control Panel.
2012 Game stopped because it was out of sync!
2013 Age of Empires requires DirectX 5.0a or higher.
2014 Age of Empires requires Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3 and the DirectPlay 5.0a update.
2015 Not enough memory or swap file space. Close other applications and/or free some disk space, and then restart Age of Empires.
2300 Computer Player Messages
2301 You traitorous wretch! Vengeance will be mine!
2302 It was wise to do as I requested.
2303 You have made a wise choice -- together we shall rule the world.
2304 Alas! We could have made an unstoppable team.
2305 You dare defy me?! Prepare to die!
2306 Tribute %d more gold to me or you will be destroyed!
2307 Tribute %d gold to me or you will be destroyed!
2308 If you tribute me %d gold, I will ally with you.
2309 If you tribute me %d more gold, I will ally with you.
2310 Your petty offerings will not sway my determination to crush your empire!
2311 Your empire is worthy of my allegiance.
2312 %s is attacking me, please help!
2313 I am preparing to attack %s, please join me.
2400 ********** TRIBE ERRORS **********
2401 An error occurred while trying to start the game.
2402 The game could not be saved. Free some disk space, and then try again.
2403 The scenario could not be saved. Free some disk space, and then try again.
2404 The game could not be loaded.
2405 The scenario could not be loaded.
2406 You were dropped from the game because of a sync error. Your network connection may have been lost.
2410 Timed out while trying to connect to the game.
2500 This is not enabled in the trial version.
2501 The trial version does not allow you to advance to the Iron Age.
2502 Random Map games are not enabled in the trial version.
2503 Death Match games are not enabled in the trial version.
2504 The Iron Age is not enabled in the trial version.
2505 Computer players are not enabled for multiplayer games in the trial version.
2506 This scenario does not work with the trial version.
2507 Changing the screen size is not possible in the trial version.
2510 Multiplayer Rumble (8-Player)
3001 Not enough food.
3002 Not enough wood.
3003 Not enough stone.
3004 Not enough gold.
3005 You need to build more houses.
3006 No docks to trade with.
3007 Not close enough to land to unload.
3008 Not enough room to unload all.
3009 %s paid %d gold in tribute to you.
3010 Not enough room to place unit.
3011 You cannot trade with an enemy.
3012 %s disconnected.
3013 %s resigned.
3014 %s defeated.
3015 %s paid %d wood in tribute to you.
3016 %s paid %d food in tribute to you.
3017 %s paid %d stone in tribute to you.
3018 Can't repair ... out of resources.
3019 %s started building a Wonder!
3020 You completed a Wonder. You will win if it stands for 2000 years!
3021 %s completed a Wonder. You will win if it stands for 2000 years!
3022 %s completed a Wonder. You will lose if it stands for 2000 years!
3023 Your Wonder was destroyed!
3024 %s's Wonder was destroyed!
3025 %s changed diplomatic stance with you to Neutral.
3026 %s changed diplomatic stance with you to Ally.
3027 %s changed diplomatic stance with you to Enemy.
3028 All Artifacts have been captured. Hold them for 2000 years to win!
3029 All Artifacts have been captured. You will lose if they are held for 2000 years!
3030 Control of the Artifacts was lost!
3033 All Ruins have been captured. Hold them for 2000 years to win!
3034 All Ruins have been captured. You will lose if they are held for 2000 years!
3035 Control of the Ruins was lost!
3040 Click an area to move there.
3041 Click an item or unit to work on it.
3042 Click the item or unit to attack.
3043 Click the unit to heal.
3044 Click the unit to convert.
3045 Click an area to attack ground.
3046 You have reached your population limit.
3047 Not enough faith to perform a conversion.
3048 You must research Monotheism before you can convert enemy Priests.
3049 You must research Monotheism before you can convert enemy buildings.
3050 Town Centers cannot be converted.
3051 Wonders cannot be converted.
3052 Click the building or boat to repair.
3053 Click where you want the transport to unload.
3054 You completed a Wonder.
3055 %s completed a Wonder.
3056 All Artifacts have been captured.
3057 All Ruins have been captured.
3058 You have started building a Wonder!
3059 Game speed changed.
3060 Game paused/unpaused.
3070 You cannot chat after you have resigned or been defeated.
3100 Are you sure you want to quit and load a new game?
3101 Are you sure you want to quit this game?
3102 Are you sure you want to restart this game?
3103 Are you sure you want to resign?
3501 This is permanant. Are you sure?
3700 Click to heal this unit.
3701 Click to attack this unit.
3702 Click to attack this building.
3703 Click to attack this wall.
3704 Click to attack this boat.
3705 Click to repair this building.
3706 Click to board this transport.
3707 Click to fish here.
3708 Click to chop down this tree.
3709 Click to forage here.
3710 Click to hunt this animal.
3711 Click to mine for stone.
3712 Click to mine for gold.
3713 Click to repair this wall.
3751 Click to convert this unit.
3752 Click to convert this building.
3754 Click to convert this boat.
3755 Click to construct this building.
3760 Click to attack this animal.
3800 Click to select this villager.
3801 Click to select this building.
3803 Click to select this military unit.
3804 Click to select this boat.
3805 Click to select this siege weapon.
3806 Click to select this Priest.
3807 Click to select this Artifact.
3820 Capture this Artifact for your civilization!
3821 Fish here for food.
3822 Chop down trees for wood.
3823 Forage here for food.
3824 Mine here for stone.
3825 Mine here for gold.
3826 Hunt this animal for food.
3857 Click to select this Ruin.
3870 Capture this Ruin for your civilization!
3900 Right-click to heal this unit.
3901 Right-click to attack this unit.
3902 Right-click to attack this building.
3903 Right-click to attack this wall.
3904 Right-click to attack this boat.
3905 Right-click to repair this building.
3906 Right-click to board this transport.
3907 Right-click to fish here.
3908 Right-click to chop down this tree.
3909 Right-click to forage here.
3910 Right-click to hunt this animal.
3911 Right-click to mine for stone.
3912 Right-click to mine for gold.
3913 Right-click to repair this wall.
3951 Right-click to convert this unit.
3952 Right-click to convert this building.
3954 Right-click to convert this boat.
3955 Right-click to construct this building.
3960 Right-click to attack this animal.
4001 OK
4002 Cancel
4003 Yes
4004 No
4005 Retry
4006 Cancel
4007 Abort
4008 Error
4009 ?
4101 Work (W)
4102 Move (M)
4103 Build (B)
4104 Trade
4105 Stop (S)
4106 Unselect (ESC)
4107 Unload (L)
4108 Group (G)
4109 Ungroup (U)
4110 Formation
4111 Cancel (ESC)
4112 Next (X)
4113 Chat
4114 Diplomacy
4115 Menu
4116 Trade with
4117 Research
4118 Create
4119 Build
4120 Cancel construction
4121 ? Help (SHIFT+F1)
4122 Stand Ground (D)
4123 Attack Ground (T)
4124 Heal (E)
4125 Convert (C)
4126 Attack (A)
4127 Repair (R)
4128 Trade food for gold.
4129 Trade wood for gold.
4130 Trade stone for gold.
4131 S
4132 Score (F4)
4151 B
4152 S
4153 G
4154 U
4155 X
4157 D
4158 T
4159 H
4160 N
4161 B
4162 D
4163 A
4164 K
4165 L
4166 P
4167 Y
4168 E
4169 C
4170 M
4171 W
4172 A
4173 R
4174 L
4201 Stone Age
4202 Tool Age
4203 Bronze Age
4204 Iron Age
4205 Post-Iron Age
4206 Nomad
4301 Food
4302 Wood
4303 Stone
4304 Gold
4305 Health
4306 Armor
4307 Attack
4308 Passengers
4309 Researching
4310 Training
4311 Building
4312 Sight
4313 Population
4314 Range
4315 Goods
4316 Speed
4320 Victory Condition
4321 Conquest
4322 Exploration
4323 Ruins
4324 Artifacts
4325 Discoveries
4326 Gold
4327 Default
4328 %
4329 Time Limit
4330 Score
4331 Custom
4332 Standard
4400 7
4401 Ramses
4402 Thutmose
4403 Ramses II
4404 Thutmose II
4405 Ramses III
4406 Thutmose III
4407 Ramses IV
4410 7
4411 Alexander
4412 Achilles
4413 Pericles
4414 Miltiades
4415 Leonidas
4416 Themistocles
4417 Alexander II
4420 7
4421 Hammurabi
4422 Nebuchadnezzar
4423 Hammurabi II
4424 Nebuchad II
4425 Hammurabi III
4426 Nebuchad III
4427 Hammurabi IV
4430 7
4431 Tiglathpileser
4432 Ashurbanipal
4433 Shalmaneser
4434 Sargon II
4435 Adad-Nirari II
4436 Esharhaddon
4437 Shalmaneser II
4440 7
4441 Minos
4442 Rhadamanthys
4443 Minos II
4444 Rhadamanthys II
4445 Minos III
4446 Rhadamanthys V
4447 Minos IV
4450 7
4451 Mursuli
4452 Suppiluliuma
4453 Mursuli II
4454 Suppiluliuma III
4455 Mursuli III
4456 Suppiluliuma V
4457 Mursuli IV
4460 7
4461 Hannibal
4462 Hanno
4463 Hannibal II
4464 Hanno II
4465 Hannibal III
4466 Hanno III
4467 Hannibal IV
4470 7
4471 Gilgamesh
4472 Sargon
4473 Gilgamesh II
4474 Sargon II
4475 Sargon III
4476 Gilgamesh III
4477 Sargon IV
4480 7
4481 Cyrus
4482 Darius
4483 Cyrus II
4484 Darius II
4485 Xerxes
4486 Xerxes II
4487 Cyrus III
4490 7
4491 Wang Hei
4492 T'ang
4493 Wang Hei II
4494 T'ang II
4495 Wang Hei III
4496 T'ang III
4497 Wang Hei IV
4500 7
4501 Nintoku
4502 Sei
4503 Sei II
4504 Nintoku II
4505 Sei III
4506 Nintoku III
4507 Sei IV
4510 7
4511 Tan'gun-Wanggom
4512 Wiman Choson
4513 Tan'gun II
4514 Wiman Choson II
4515 Tan'gun III
4516 Wiman Choson III
4517 Tan'gun IV
5001 Academy
5002 Alligator
5003 Discovery
5004 Ruins
5006 Artifact
5007 War Chest
5008 Barracks
5009 Fishing Boat
5010 Fishing Ship
5011 Trade Boat
5012 Merchant Ship
5013 Light Transport
5014 Heavy Transport
5015 Scout Ship
5016 War Galley
5017 Trireme
5018 Catapult Trireme
5019 Bones 1
5020 Bones 2
5021 Bones 3
5022 Build-Road
5023 Builder
5024 Cactus 1
5025 Cactus 2
5026 Cactus 3
5027 Cactus 4
5028 Medusa
5037 Cliffs
5047 Dead A Cavalry
5048 Dead Alligator
5050 Dead Arch 2
5056 Dead Catapult
5057 Dead Chariot
5059 Dead Elephant
5060 Dead Farmer
5061 Dead Fisher
5062 Dead Forager
5063 Dead H Cavalry
5064 Dead Hunter
5065 Dead Infantry
5066 Dead L Swd
5067 Dead L cavalry
5068 Dead Phalanx
5069 Dead Long Bow
5070 Dead Lumber
5071 Dead Man
5072 Raft
5077 Dead Tree
5078 Dead War Ele
5079 Flying Dutchman
5080 Desert Patch 1
5081 Desert Patch 2
5082 Desert Patch 3
5083 Dock
5085 Elephant
5086 Elephant King
5087 Explorer
5088 Farm
5089 Farmer
5090 Wood Fence
5091 Stone Fence
5092 Fire
5093 Fish Whale
5094 Fish - Salmon
5095 Fish - Shore
5096 Fish - Shore
5097 Fish - Tuna
5098 Fisherman
5099 Double Pole Flag
5100 Single Pole Flag
5101 Berry Bush
5102 Forager
5103 Gazelle
5104 Goat
5105 Government Center
5106 Granary
5107 Grass Clump 1
5108 Grass Clump 2
5109 Grass Clump 3
5110 Grass Clump 4
5111 Grass Clump 5
5112 Grass Clump 6
5113 Grass Clump 7
5114 Grass Clump 8
5115 Grass Clump 9
5116 Grass Clump 10
5117 Guard Tower
5118 Horse
5119 House
5121 Hunter
5122 Hero Alexander
5123 Hero Amon Ra
5124 Hero Perseus
5125 Hero Tiberius
5126 Hero Xerxes
5127 Lion
5128 Lion King
5129 Lion - Tame
5130 Woodcutter
5131 Villager
5132 Market
5134 Gold Mine
5139 Stone Mine
5140 Gold Miner
5141 Stone Miner
5142 Missile - Nuke
5143 Missile - Arrow
5144 Missile - Arrow Fire
5145 Missile - Boat Stone
5146 Missile - Bolt
5147 Missile - Bolt Fire
5148 Missile - Catapult Stone
5149 Missile - Catapult Stone Fire
5150 Missile - Spear
5151 Bird - Hawk
5152 Bird - Eagle
5153 Priest
5154 Archery Range
5155 Repairman
5156 Rubble 1
5157 Rubble 2
5158 Rubble 3
5160 Sentry Tower
5161 Shallows
5162 Siege Workshop
5163 Smoke
5164 Smoke Battlex1
5166 Dock Destruction
5167 Smoke Column1
5170 Bowman
5171 Improved Bowman
5172 Composite Bowman
5173 Ballista
5174 Stone Thrower
5175 Catapult
5176 Cavalry
5177 Heavy Cavalry
5178 Horse Archer
5179 Chariot
5180 Chariot Archer
5181 Elephant Archer
5182 War Elephant
5183 Clubman
5184 Axeman
5185 Short Swordsman
5186 Broad Swordsman
5187 Long Swordsman
5188 Hoplite
5189 Phalanx
5190 Scout
5191 Nuke Trooper
5192 Stable
5193 Storage Pit
5195 Temple
5196 Terrain crack 1
5197 Terrain crack 2
5198 Terrain crack 3
5199 Terrain crack 4
5200 Terrain crack 5
5201 Dead tree
5202 Dirt path 1
5203 Dirt path 2
5204 Dirt path 3
5205 Dirt path 4
5206 Dirt path 5
5207 Dirt path 6
5208 Grass path 1
5209 Grass path 2
5210 Grass path 3
5211 Grass path 4
5212 Grass path 5
5213 Grass path 6
5214 Stone 1
5215 Stone 2
5216 Stone 3
5217 Stone 4
5218 Stone 5
5219 Stone 6
5220 Stone path 1
5221 Stone path 2
5222 Stone path 3
5223 Stone path 4
5224 Stone path 5
5225 Stone path 6
5226 Rock 1
5227 Rock 2
5228 Rock 3
5229 Rock 4
5230 Rock 5
5231 Rock 6
5232 Rock 7
5233 Rock 8
5234 Rock 9
5235 Rock 10
5236 Rock 11
5237 Rock 12
5238 Rock 13
5239 Rock 14
5240 Rock 15
5241 Rock 16
5242 Rock 17
5243 Rock 18
5244 Rock 19
5245 Rock 20
5246 Rock 21
5247 Rock 22
5248 Rock 23
5249 Rock 24
5250 Rock 25
5251 Rock 26
5253 Bones
5255 Town Center
5257 Trade Workshop
5258 Tree Stump
5259 Tree Stump
5260 Tree Stump
5261 Tree
5262 Tree - Pine 1
5263 Tree - Spruce
5264 Tree - Pine 2
5265 Tree - Pine 3
5266 Tree - Pine 4
5267 Tree - Beech
5268 Tree - Oak
5269 Tree Forest
5270 Tree Forest
5271 Tree - Oak
5272 Tree - Oak
5273 Tree - Oak
5274 Tree Forest
5275 Tree - Ash
5276 Tree - Palm
5277 Tree - Palm
5278 Tree - Palm
5279 Tree - Palm
5280 Tree - Palm
5281 Tree - Pine
5282 Tree - Pine
5283 Tree - Pine
5284 Tree - Pine
5285 Tree - Oak 10
5286 Tree - Oak 14
5287 Tree Forest
5288 Tree Forest
5289 Tree Forest
5290 Tree Forest
5291 Tree - Oak 31
5292 Tree - Oak 32
5293 Tree - Oak 33
5294 Tree - Oak 34
5295 Tree - Oak 35
5296 Tree - Oak 36
5297 Fortification
5298 Medium Wall
5299 Small Wall
5300 Watch Tower
5301 Tree - Palm Forest
5302 Tree - Palm Forest
5303 Tree - Palm Forest
5304 Tree - Palm Forest
5305 Tree - Pine Forest
5306 Tree - Pine Forest
5307 Tree - Pine Forest
5308 Tree - Pine Forest
5309 Hero Jason
5310 Blind Lame Priest
5311 Invisible Demon
5312 Hero Mor Havoc
5313 Hero Corlis
5314 Hero Herisfon
5315 Hero Hector
5316 Stealth Archer
5317 Big Bertha
5318 Laser Tower
5319 Black Rider
5320 Hero 12
5321 Hero 13
5322 Traitor
5323 Mercenary
5324 Laser Trooper
5334 Wonder
5335 Ballista Tower
5336 Juggernaught
5337 Helepolis
5338 Heavy Catapult
5339 Heavy Horse Archer
5340 Legion
5341 Cataphract
5342 Centurion
5343 Cliff waterfall
6002 Build Academy (Y)
6008 Build Barracks (B)
6009 Build Fishing Boat (F)
6010 Build Fishing Ship (F)
6011 Build Trade Boat (R)
6012 Build Merchant Ship (R)
6013 Build Light Transport (T)
6014 Build Heavy Transport (T)
6015 Build Scout Ship (E)
6016 Build Galley (E)
6017 Build Trireme (E)
6018 Build Catapult Trireme (C)
6022 Build Build-Road
6037 Build Cliffs
6083 Build Dock (D)
6088 Build Farm (F)
6106 Build Government Center (C)
6107 Build Granary (G)
6117 Build Guard Tower (T)
6118 Create Horse
6119 Build House (E)
6131 Create Villager (C)
6132 Build Market (M)
6133 Build Market (M)
6153 Train Priest (T)
6154 Build Archery Range (A)
6155 Create Villager (C)
6160 Build Sentry Tower (T)
6162 Build Siege Workshop (K)
6170 Train Bowman (T)
6171 Train Improved Bowman (A)
6172 Train Composite Bowman (A)
6173 Build Ballista (B)
6174 Build Stone Thrower (C)
6175 Build Catapult (C)
6176 Train Cavalry (C)
6177 Train Heavy Cavalry (C)
6178 Train Horse Archer (C)
6179 Train Chariot (R)
6180 Train Chariot Archer (R)
6181 Train Elephant Archer (E)
6182 Train War Elephant (E)
6183 Train Clubman (T)
6184 Train Axeman (T)
6185 Train Short Swordsman (S)
6186 Train Broad Swordsman (S)
6187 Train Long Swordsman (S)
6188 Train Hoplite (T)
6189 Train Phalanx (T)
6190 Train Scout (S)
6192 Build Stable (L)
6193 Build Storage Pit (S)
6195 Build Temple (P)
6255 Build Town Center (N)
6297 Build Fortification (W)
6298 Build Medium Wall (W)
6299 Build Small Wall (W)
6300 Build Watch Tower (T)
6334 Build Wonder (O)
6335 Build Ballista Tower (T)
6336 Build Juggernaught (C)
6337 Build Helepolis (B)
6338 Build Heavy Catapult (C)
6339 Train Heavy Horse Archer (C)
6340 Train Legion (S)
6341 Train Cataphract (C)
6342 Train Centurion (T)
7001 Light Transport
7002 Trade Boat Not in use
7003 Scout Ship
7004 Fishing Ship
7005 Galley
7006 Merchant Ship
7007 Trireme
7008 Heavy Transport
7009 Catapult Trireme
7010 Small Wall
7011 Sentry Tower
7012 Medium Wall
7013 Fortification
7014 Guard Tower
7015 Watch Tower
7016 Astrology
7017 Polytheism
7018 Monotheism
7019 Mysticism
7020 Afterlife
7021 Jihad
7022 Fanaticism
7023 Ballistics
7024 Irrigation
7025 Wheel
7026 Domestication
7027 Coinage
7028 Plow
7029 Artisanship
7030 Nobility
7031 Engineering
7032 Mathematics
7033 Alchemy
7034 Scouting
7035 Leather Armor for Infantry
7036 Leather Armor for Archers
7037 Leather Armor for Cavalry
7038 Scale Armor for Infantry
7039 Scale Armor for Archers
7040 Scale Armor for Cavalry
7041 Toolworking
7042 Chain Mail for Infantry
7043 Chain Mail for Archers
7044 Chain Mail for Cavalry
7045 Metalworking
7046 Metallurgy
7047 Catapult
7048 Improved Bow
7049 Composite Bow
7050 Ballista
7051 Chariot Archer
7052 Horse Archer
7053 Elephant Archer
7054 Battle Axe
7055 Short Sword
7056 Bronze Shield
7057 Long Sword
7058 Chariot
7059 Cavalry
7060 War Elephant
7061 Heavy Cavalry
7062 Phalanx
7063 Tool Age
7064 Bronze Age
7065 Iron Age
7066 Republic Age Not in use
7067 Broad Sword
7068 Woodworking
7069 Gold Mining
7070 Stone Mining
7071 Craftsmanship
7072 Siegecraft
7073 Architecture
7074 Aristocracy
7075 Writing
7076 Toolworking
7077 Shield
7078 Iron Shield
7079 Ballista Tower
7080 Juggernaught
7081 Helepolis
7082 Heavy Catapult
7083 Heavy Horse Archer
7084 Legion
7085 Cataphract
7086 Centurion
8001 Upgrade to Light Transport
8004 Upgrade to Fishing Ship
8005 Upgrade to War Galley
8006 Upgrade to Merchant Ship
8007 Upgrade to Trireme
8008 Upgrade to Heavy Transport
8009 Research Catapult Trireme
8010 Research Small Wall
8011 Upgrade to Sentry Tower
8012 Upgrade to Medium Wall
8013 Upgrade to Fortification
8014 Upgrade to Guard Tower
8015 Research Watch Tower
8016 Research Astrology: Conversion 30% more effective
8017 Research Polytheism: Priest moves 40% faster
8018 Research Monotheism: Convert enemy Priests and buildings
8019 Research Mysticism: Double Priest hit points
8020 Research Afterlife: +3 conversion range
8021 Research Jihad: Increased villager attack strength/speed/HPs
8022 Research Fanaticism: Priest rejuvenation 50% faster
8023 Research Ballistics: Increased missile weapon/siege weapon accuracy
8024 Research Irrigation: +75 food production for Farms
8025 Research Wheel: Villagers 30% faster; required for chariots
8026 Research Domestication: +75 food production for Farms
8027 Research Coinage: +25% gold mine productivity; free tribute
8028 Research Plow: +75 food production for Farms
8029 Research Artisanship: +1 missile weapon range; +2 woodcutting;
8030 Research Nobility: +15% Cavalry, Chariots, Horse Archer hit points
8031 Research Engineering: +2 siege weapon, siege ship range
8032 Research Mathematics Not in use
8033 Research Alchemy: +1 Ballista, Helepolis, missile weapon attack
8034 046 Not in use
8035 Research Leather Armor: +2 infantry armor
8036 Research Leather Armor: +2 archer armor
8037 Research Leather Armor: +2 cavalry armor
8038 Research Scale Armor: +2 infantry armor
8039 Research Scale Armor: +2 archer armor
8040 Research Scale Armor: +2 cavalry armor
8041 Research Toolworking: +2 hand-to-hand unit attack
8042 Research Chain Mail: +2 infantry armor
8043 Research Chain Mail: +2 archer armor
8044 Research Chain Mail: +2 cavalry armor
8045 Research Metalworking: +2 hand-to-hand unit attack
8046 Research Metallurgy: +3 hand-to-hand unit attack
8047 Upgrade to Catapult: +1 range and damage area
8048 Research Improved Bow
8049 Upgrade to Composite Bow
8050 Upgrade to Ballista Not in use
8051 Upgrade to Chariot Archer Not in use
8052 Upgrade to Cavalry Archer Not in use
8053 Upgrade to Elephant Archer Not in use
8054 Upgrade to Battle Axe
8055 Research Short Sword
8056 Research Bronze Shield: +1 infantry armor vs. missile weapons
8057 Upgrade to Long Sword
8058 Upgrade to Chariot
8059 Upgrade to Cavalry
8060 Upgrade to War Elephant
8061 Upgrade to Heavy Cavalry
8062 Upgrade to Phalanx
8063 Advance to Tool Age: Requires 2 Stone Age buildings
8064 Advance to Bronze Age: Requires 2 Tool Age buildings
8065 Advance to Iron Age: Requires 2 Bronze Age buildings
8066 Advance to Republic Age Not in use
8067 Upgrade to Broad Sword
8068 Research Woodworking: +1 missile weapon range; +2 woodcutting
8069 Research Gold Mining: +3 gold mining
8070 Research Stone Mining: +3 stone mining
8071 Research Craftsmanship: +1 missile weapon range; +2 woodcutting
8072 Research Siegecraft: Villagers can destroy walls and towers
8073 Research Architecture: -33% build time; +20% building/wall HPs
8074 Research Aristocracy: Academy units 25% faster
8075 Research Writing: Shared exploration with allies
8076 Not in use
8077 Research Bronze Shield: +1 infantry armor vs. missile weapons
8078 Research Iron Shield: +1 infantry armor vs. missile weapons
8079 Upgrade to Ballista Tower
8080 Upgrade to Juggernaught
8081 Upgrade to Helepolis
8082 Upgrade to Heavy Catapult
8083 Upgrade to Heavy Horse Archer
8084 Upgrade to Legion
8085 Upgrade to Cataphract
8086 Upgrade to Centurion
9002 Select Object
9003 Select Terrain
9004 You are victorious!
9005 You have been defeated!
9006 Game over. Click Menu/Quit Game to exit.
9100 Host name: %s
9101 No IP addressing information is available.
9201 Age of Empires
9202 Single Player
9203 Multiplayer
9205 Help
9206 Scenario Builder
9207 Exit
9209 About
9220 Single Player Menu
9221 Scenario
9223 Saved Game
9224 Campaign
9225 Cancel
9226 Random Map
9227 Death Match
9241 Microsoft⌐ Age of Empires"!
9242 Version 1.0b
9243 ⌐ &
9244 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
9245 Developed by Ensemble Studios Corp. for Microsoft Corporation.
9246 Product ID:
9247 WARNING: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.\n\nThe names of companies, products, people, characters, events and/or data mentioned in Age of Empires and its documentation are fictitious unless otherwise noted.
9248 Credits
9249 Close
9250 Microsoft⌐ Age of Empires"! Trial
9251 Genie engine technology ⌐ Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 by Ensemble Studios Corp. All rights reserved.
9253 This program is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws as described in Menu/About.
9261 Scenario Builder
9262 Create Scenario
9263 Edit Scenario
9264 Cancel
9265 Campaign Editor
9271 Achievements
9272 Save
9273 Quit Game
9274 Game Settings
9275 Cancel
9276 Load
9277 More Help
9278 Scenario Instructions
9279 Restart
9280 Resign
9281 Save
9282 Save As
9283 Quit to Main Menu
9284 Cancel
9285 Edit Scenario
9286 Test
9287 Do you want to save your changes to this scenario?
9411 Save Game
9412 Save Scenario
9413 Return to Game
9414 You must enter a name to save the game.
9415 You must enter a name to save the scenario.
9416 That file exists. Overwrite it?
9417 Delete
9418 Are you sure you want to delete the file \n'%s'?
9421 Select Scenario
9422 Load Scenario
9423 Cannot load that scenario.
9431 Game Settings
9432 Normal
9433 Fast
9434 Very Fast
9435 Music\nVolume
9436 High
9437 Off
9438 Sound\nVolume
9439 Speed
9440 Screen Size
9445 Return to Game
9446 Return to Menu
9447 640 x 480
9448 800 x 600
9449 1024 x 768
9450 Mouse Interface
9451 Two Buttons
9452 One Button
9453 Roll-over Help
9454 On
9455 Off
9456 Scroll\nSpeed
9457 Fast
9458 Slow
9471 Saved Games
9472 Start Game
9473 Cannot load that saved game.
9474 Select Saved Game
9611 Multiplayer Connection
9612 Name
9613 Connection Type
9614 Microsoft Internet Gaming Zone
9615 You must enter a valid player name.
9616 That service is currently inactive.
9617 A link could not be established using the selected service .
9618 No multiplayer connections are available.
9619 Start your Web browser and go to The Internet Gaming Zone?
9631 Multiplayer Games
9632 Join
9633 Show Games
9634 Create
9635 Unable to join game.
9636 There are no games to join.
9638 Create Game
9639 Multiplayer Setup
9640 Select Game to Join
9641 Looking for games...
9642 Game Name
9643 Click Show Games to see a list of games. Click Create to start a new game.
9644 You must enter a game name.
9645 Unable to create game. For TCP/IP games, you may need to connect to the Internet before starting Age of Empires.
9646 Player
9647 Team
9648 -
9651 You
9652 Player %d
9653 Random Map
9654 Map Type: %s
9655 Players:
9656 Reveal Map: %s
9657 Enabled
9658 Disabled
9659 Enable Cheating: %s
9660 Victory: %s
9661 Victory: %s (%d%%)
9662 Victory: %s (%d)
9663 I'm Ready!
9664 I'm Not Ready!
9665 All players must be ready for a game to start.
9666 The selected scenario is invalid.
9667 This scenario only supports up to %d players.
9668 Everyone must select a unique civilization.
9669 This scenario requires exactly %d players.
9670 You cannot start a game with only one player.
9671 You cannot start a game with no computer players.
9672 Do you want to eject %s?
9673 You were dropped from the game.
9674 The game was canceled.
9675 Percent
9676 Count
9677 Quantity
9678 Multiplayer Game
9679 Single Player Game
9680 Name
9681 Civ
9682 Settings
9683 Computer
9684 Closed
9685 Open
9686 None
9687 Chat
9688 Number of Players
9689 This scenario contains Individual Victory conditions that cannot be customized.
9690 Map Size: %s
9691 Map Type
9692 This is a game played on a random map. The next screen allows you to change random map settings.
9693 %s is running the wrong version of the game.
9694 %s is using the wrong connection type.
9695 CD
9696 Difficulty Level: %s
9697 %s does not have this scenario or has a different version of it.
9698 %s is not running version 1.0b of the game... Everyone must run the same version of Age of Empires before you can start the game.
9699 The host is not running version 1.0b of the game... Everyone must run the same version of Age of Empires to play a multiplayer game.
9700 Age: %s
9701 Resources: %s
9702 Low
9703 Medium
9704 High
9705 Fixed Positions: %s
9706 Lengthen Combat: %s
9707 Disable Trading: %s
9708 Full Tech Tree: %s
9709 Scenario: %s
9710 Start Game
9711 IP
9712 Population Limit: %d
9713 Path Finding: %s
9721 Scenarios
9722 Scenarios
9723 Enable Cheating
9724 Reveal Map
9725 Loading list of scenarios...
9726 Select Scenario
9727 Players
9728 Scenario Instructions
9729 Fixed Positions
9730 Lengthen Combat
9731 Disable Trading
9732 Full Tech Tree
9733 Units
9734 Starting Age
9735 Resources
9736 Low
9737 Medium
9738 High
9741 Path Finding
9742 Default
9743 Medium
9744 High
9747 Population Limit
9749 %s Scenario Settings
9750 Scenario Settings
9751 Death Match
9752 A game played on a random map where each player gets 20,000 of each resource.
9760 Scenario
9780 15,000 years (2:00 hr)
9781 13,000 years (1:45 hr)
9782 11,000 years (1:30 hr)
9783 9,000 years (1:15 hr)
9784 7,000 years (60 min)
9785 5,000 years (40 min)
9786 3,000 years (25 min)
9813 Instructions
9814 Conquer all enemies.
9815 Locate %d Discoveries.
9816 Control %d Artifacts.
9817 Control %d Ruins.
9818 Accumulate %d gold.
9819 Explore %d%% of the known world.
9820 Standard Game: Win this game by constructing a Wonder, by capturing all Ruins or Artifacts, or by Conquest.
9821 Time Limit Game: Win this game by achieving the highest score within the specified time.
9822 Score Game: Win this game by achieving the specified score.
9823 Conquest Game: Win this game by destroying all enemy villagers, military units, boats, and buildings.
9831 Send Messages to
9832 Chat
9833 Allies
9834 Enemies
9835 Everyone
9836 Return to Game
9837 Comment
9838 Select Player
9851 Diplomacy
9852 Civilization
9853 Ally
9854 Neutral
9855 Enemy
9856 Pay Tribute (cost %d%%)
9857 Allied Victory
9858 OK
9859 Clear Tributes
9860 Exit
9861 100 Gold
9862 Name
9863 You need a Market to pay tribute.
9871 --------Population--------
9872 Tribe
9873 Losses
9874 Kills
9875 Total
9876 Gold Collected
9877 Explor-
9878 ation
9879 Artifacts/
9880 Discoveries/
9881 Ruins/
9882 Tech-
9883 nology
9884 Close
9885 Elapsed Time
9886 Achievements
9887 Restart
9900 Military
9901 Economy
9902 Religion
9903 Technology
9904 Legacy
9905 Total Score
9906 Aftermath
9909 Total Score
9910 Kills
9911 Razings
9912 Kills - Losses
9913 Losses
9914 Largest Army
9918 Gold Collected
9919 Villager High
9920 Villager Bonus
9921 Exploration
9922 Most Explored
9923 Tribute Given
9926 Conversions
9927 Most Conversions
9928 Ruins
9929 Artifacts
9930 Temples
9934 Technologies
9935 Bronze Age First
9936 Iron Age First
9937 Most Technologies
9942 Survival
9943 Wonder
9944 Timeline
9945 Summary
9946 Back
9947 Click a column for more details.
9948 All Artifacts/Ruins.
10010 Map
10011 Terrain
10012 Players
10013 Units
10014 Individual Victory
10015 Messages
10016 Cinematics
10017 Options
10018 Diplomacy
10019 Global Victory
10020 Menu
10050 You need to make at least one player active
10051 One or more civilizations must be set to Player Type: Either
10101 <None>
10102 Gaia
10103 Place
10104 Delete
10105 Move
10106 Rotate
10107 Random
10211 Computer
10212 Either
10231 Egyptian
10232 Greek
10233 Babylonian
10234 Assyrian
10235 Minoan
10236 Hittite
10237 Phoenician
10238 Sumerian
10239 Persian
10240 Shang
10241 Yamato
10242 Choson
10244 Unknown
10245 Tribe Name
10251 Food
10252 Wood
10253 Stone
10254 Gold
10255 Name
10256 Player Type
10257 Civilization
10258 Personality
10259 Strategy
10260 City Plan
10261 Starting Age
10319 Technologies
10321 < None >
10322 Bring Object to Object
10323 Bring Object to Area
10324 Create # of Objects
10325 Create Objects in Area
10326 Destroy # of Objects
10327 Destroy Specific Object
10328 Destroy All Objects
10329 Destroy Player
10330 Capture Object
10331 Gold Stockpile
10332 Food Stockpile
10333 Wood Stockpile
10334 Stone Stockpile
10335 Population
10336 Age
10337 Exploration
10338 Other Attributes
10340 Number of Players
10341 Player 1
10342 Player 2
10343 Player 3
10344 Player 4
10345 Player 5
10346 Player 6
10347 Player 7
10348 Player 8
10349 You
10351 Object Type
10352 Victory Condition
10353 Victory Type
10354 Set Object
10355 Set Destination
10356 Go to Destination
10357 Quantity
10358 Which Player
10359 1 Player
10360 2 Players
10361 3 Players
10362 4 Players
10363 5 Players
10364 6 Players
10365 7 Players
10366 8 Players
10370 Razings
10371 Conversions
10372 Kill Ratio
10373 Wonders
10374 Military Population
10375 Technologies
10376 Kills
10377 Villager Population
10402 Any one
10403 All
10404 Quantity
10405 Which Conditions
10600 ********** MAP SCREEN **************
10601 ******* STYLE *******
10602 Small Islands
10603 Large Islands
10604 Coastal
10605 Inland
10606 Highland
10610 ******* SIZE *******
10611 Tiny
10612 Small
10613 Medium
10614 Large
10615 Huge
10621 Grass
10622 Desert
10623 Forest
10624 Water
10625 Palm Desert
10626 Jungle
10627 Shallows
10628 Pine Forest
10629 Deep Water
10631 Elevation
10652 Blank Map
10653 Random Map
10654 Seed Map
10655 Default Terrain
10656 Map Size
10657 Map Type
10658 Seed
10659 Seed
10660 Generate Map
10662 Map
10671 Brush Size
10672 Tiny
10673 Small
10674 Medium
10675 Large
10676 Huge
10681 Brush Type
10682 Cliffs
10683 Clean up
10684 Terrain
10701 Ally
10702 Neutral
10703 Enemy
10704 Allied Victory
10750 Select Player
10751 Name
10752 New
10753 Remove
10754 Are you sure you want to remove player %s?
10755 Name
10756 New Player
10801 History
10802 Instructions
10803 Instructions
10804 Victory Condition
10805 Failure
10806 Scenario Instructions
10807 Hints
10808 Victory
10809 Loss
11001 Pre-Game Cinematic
11002 Victory Cinematic
11003 Loss Cinematic
11004 Scenario Instruction Map
11101 Loading list of campaigns...
11201 Campaign Editor
11202 Campaign Filename
11203 Load
11204 Save
11205 Add
11206 Remove
11207 Scenarios
11208 Campaign Scenarios
11209 Do you want to save your changes to campaign\n %s
11210 default campaign
11211 At least one scenario is required in a campaign.
11212 Cannot save. You must enter a campaign name.
11213 Campaign
11214 Select Campaign
11215 Difficulty Level
11216 Hardest
11217 Hard
11218 Moderate
11219 Easy
11220 Easiest
11221 Up
11222 Down
11300 %d Years
11301 Wonder: %d Years
11302 Artifacts: %d Years
11303 Ruins: %d Years
11350 Time (Hr:Min)
11351 World Population
12001 Aggressive
12002 Compassionate
12003 Defensive
12004 Friendly
12005 Passive
12006 Vengeful
13001 Granary
13002 Storage Pit
13003 Dock
13004 Barracks
13005 Market
13006 Archery
13007 Stable
13008 Temple
13009 Govt Ctr
13010 Siege Wkshop
13011 Academy
13012 Tool Age
13013 Bronze Age
13014 Iron Age
13015 Disable Technology
13016 Town Center
13017 Wonder
16002 Y
16008 B
16009 B
16010 F
16011 F
16012 R
16013 R
16014 T
16015 T
16016 E
16017 E
16018 E
16019 C
16084 D
16085 D
16089 F
16106 C
16107 G
16118 T
16120 E
16121 E
16132 C
16133 M
16134 M
16154 T
16155 A
16161 T
16163 K
16171 T
16172 A
16173 A
16174 B
16175 C
16176 C
16177 C
16178 C
16179 C
16180 R
16181 R
16182 E
16183 E
16184 T
16185 T
16186 S
16187 S
16188 S
16189 T
16190 T
16191 S
16193 L
16194 S
16195 S
16196 P
16256 N
16257 N
16258 O
16298 W
16299 W
16300 W
16301 T
16302 T
16303 C
16304 B
16305 C
16306 C
16307 S
16308 C
16309 T
16310 O
20001 OBJECT
20003 TECH
20005 Inventory
20013 Menu
20015 Chat
20017 Diplomacy
20019 Diamond Map
20021 Age
20023 Next Button
20025 Unselect Button
20027 Help
20028 Scores
20029 Stop Button
20031 Build Button
20033 Group Button
20035 Ungroup Button
20037 Cancel Build Button
20039 Trade Button
20041 Unload Button
20042 Stand Ground Button
20043 Attack Ground Button
20049 Heal Button
20050 Convert Button
20051 Attack Button
20052 Move To Button
20053 Work On Button
20054 Repair Button
23929 academy
23930 resources
23932 ruins
23936 barracks
23937 fishing boat
23938 fishing ship
23939 trade boat
23940 merchant ship
23941 light transport
23942 heavy transport
23943 scout ship
23944 war galley
23945 trireme
23946 catapult trireme
23951 villagers
23965 town center
24007 resources
24011 dock
24013 resources
24014 resources
24015 resources
24016 farm
24017 villagers
24020 resources
24021 resources
24022 resources
24026 villagers
24027 flag
24029 resources
24030 villagers
24031 resources
24032 resources
24033 government center
24034 granary
24045 guard tower
24046 resources
24047 house
24049 villagers
24055 resources
24056 resources
24057 resources
24059 villagers
24060 market
24062 resources
24067 resources
24081 priest
24082 archery range
24088 sentry tower
24090 siege workshop
24098 bowman
24099 improved bowman
24100 composite bowman
24101 ballista
24102 stone thrower
24103 catapult
24104 cavalry
24105 heavy cavalry
24106 horse archer
24107 chariot
24108 chariot archer
24109 elephant archer
24110 war elephant
24111 clubman
24112 axeman
24113 short swordsman
24114 broad swordsman
24115 long swordsman
24116 hoplite
24117 phalanx
24118 scout
24120 stable
24121 storage pit
24123 temple
24183 town center
24189 resources
24225 fortification
24226 medium wall
24227 small wall
24228 watch tower
24257 resources
24258 resources
24259 resources
24260 resources
24261 resources
24262 wonder
24263 ballista tower
24264 juggernaught
24265 helepolis
24266 heavy catapult
24267 heavy horse archer
24268 legion
24269 cataphract
24270 centurion
24328 multiplayer
24329 civilizations
24330 victory conditions
25929 light transport
25931 scout ship
25932 fishing ship
25933 war galley
25934 merchant ship
25935 trireme
25936 heavy transport
25937 catapult trireme
25938 small wall
25939 sentry tower
25940 medium wall
25941 fortification
25942 guard tower
25943 watch tower
25944 astrology
25945 polytheism
25946 monotheism
25947 mysticism
25948 afterlife
25949 jihad
25950 fanaticism
25951 ballistics
25952 irrigation
25953 wheel
25954 domestication
25955 coinage
25956 plow
25957 artisanship
25958 nobility
25959 engineering
25960 mathematics
25961 alchemy
25963 leather armor for infantry
25964 leather armor for archers
25965 leather armor for cavalry
25966 scale armor for infantry
25967 scale armor for archers
25968 scale armor for cavalry
25969 toolworking
25970 chain mail for infantry
25971 chain mail for archers
25972 chain mail for cavalry
25973 metalworking
25974 metallurgy
25975 heavy catapult
25976 improved bowman
25977 composite bowman
25978 ballista
25979 chariot archer
25980 horse archer
25981 elephant archer
25982 axeman
25983 short swordsman
25984 bronze shield
25985 long swordsman
25986 chariot
25987 cavalry
25988 war elephant
25989 heavy cavalry
25990 phalanx
25991 ages
25992 ages
25993 ages
25995 broad swordsman
25996 woodworking
25997 gold mining
25998 stone mining
25999 craftsmanship
26000 siegecraft
26001 architecture
26002 aristocracy
26003 writing
26006 iron shield
26007 ballista tower
26008 juggernaught
26009 helepolis
26010 heavy catapult
26011 heavy horse archer
26012 legion
26013 cataphract
26014 centurion
26028 attributes
26928 data\Archers Bronze.ai
26929 data\Archers Iron.ai
26930 data\Archers Walls.ai
26931 data\Phalanx Bronze.ai
26932 data\Phalanx Iron.ai
26933 data\Phalanx Walls.ai
26934 data\Cavalry Bronze.ai
26935 data\Cavalry Iron.ai
26936 data\Cavalry Walls.ai
26937 data\Infantry Stone.ai
26938 data\Infantry Tool.ai
26939 data\Infantry Bronze.ai
26940 data\Infantry Walls.ai
26941 data\Trireme Bronze.ai
26942 data\Trireme Iron.ai
26943 data\Trireme Walls.ai
26944 data\Cav Archer Iron.ai
26945 data\War Elephant Iron.ai
26946 data\Elephant Archer Iron.ai
26947 data\Priest Bronze.ai
26948 data\Priest Iron.ai
26949 data\Priest Walls.ai
26950 data\Death Match Assyria.ai
26951 data\Death Match Babylon.ai
26952 data\Death Match Choson.ai
26953 data\Death Match Egypt.ai
26954 data\Death Match Greek.ai
26955 data\Death Match Hittite.ai
26956 data\Death Match Minoa.ai
26957 data\Death Match Persia.ai
26958 data\Death Match Phoenicia.ai
26959 data\Death Match Shang.ai
26960 data\Death Match Sumeria.ai
26961 data\Death Match Yamato.ai
26962 data\Immortal Assyria.ai
26963 data\Immortal Egypt.ai
26964 data\Immortal Greek.ai
26965 data\Immortal Minoa.ai
26966 data\Immortal Sumeria.ai
26967 data\Immortal Yamato.ai
26968 data\Assyria Ballista.ai
26969 data\Assyria Bowmen.ai
26970 data\Babylon Swordsmen.ai
26971 data\Babylon Scouts.ai
26972 data\Choson Swordsmen.ai
26973 data\Choson Axemen.ai
26974 data\Egypt War Elephants.ai
26975 data\Egypt Chariots.ai
26976 data\Greek Phalanx.ai
26977 data\Hittite Horse Archers.ai
26978 data\Hittite Bowmen.ai
26979 data\Minoa Composite Bowmen.ai
26980 data\Persia Elephant Archers.ai
26981 data\Phoenicia Elephants.ai
26982 data\Shang Heavy Cavalry.ai
26983 data\Shang Cavalry.ai
26984 data\Shang Clubmen.ai
26985 data\Sumeria Catapults.ai
26986 data\Sumeria Scouts.ai
26987 data\Yamato Heavy Cavalry.ai
30101 Type your player name.
30102 Select the type of connection to make. For more information, click More Help.
30201 To limit a game to less than 8 players, close some of the positions. Closing a position occupied by a player ejects the player from the game.
30202 Click to select a civilization. Each civilization has special skills and can research different technology. For more information, click More Help. More than one player can select the same civilization.
30204 Click to change the scenario settings.
30205 Displays chat messages.
30206 Type a message.
30208 Select the number of players.
30209 Click to display your network address. You can give your IP address to other players so they can join your game.
30210 Click to indicate that you are ready to start the game. The game creator cannot start the game until all players are ready. The names of players who are ready are shown in green.
30211 Click to select a team if you want to start the game with other players as allies. A dash (-) indicates no team. Players on the same team automatically have their diplomatic stance set to Ally and Allied Victory set.
30212 Click to select your starting position on the map and civilization color. In a multiplayer game, two or more players can select the same player number and play a cooperative game, in which they share control of the same civilization.
30250 Select the map size. The larger the map, the longer the game.
30251 Select the distribution of land and water on the map.
30252 Select the victory condition. The first civilization (or team) to achieve the victory condition wins the game. For more information about the victory conditions, click More Help.
30257 Select the age at which the game begins. For example, Bronze Age indicates that all Stone Age and Tool Age technology has been completed. Nomad indicates that the game starts in the Stone Age and you choose where to build your Town Center.
30258 Select the quantity of resources (food, wood, stone, and gold) in each player's stockpile when the game begins.
30259 If there is a check in the box, players begin the game in fixed (clockwise) positions based on the player number. Team members with consecutive player numbers are located adjacent to each other on the map. Otherwise, players begin the game in random locations on the map.
30260 If there is a check in the box, the map terrain is revealed at the beginning of the game. Otherwise, it is revealed as you explore.
30263 If there is a check in the box, all civilizations can research all technologies in the game and the special attributes usually associated with each civilization are removed. Otherwise, each civilization can research limited technology and has special attributes.
30264 If there is a check in the box, players can use the cheat codes.
30265 Select the scenario to play.
30266 Explains what you must do to win the game.
30267 Select the time limit for the game. The civilization with the highest score at the end of the time limit wins the game.
30268 Select the score for the game. The first civilization to achieve this score or military conquest wins the game.
30269 Select the skill of civilizations controlled by the computer.
30270 Select the path finding capability. The higher the value, the better paths units can find to get from one place to another. Higher values also require faster machines.
30271 Select the maximum number of units a player can create or train. The recommended value is 50. Also, higher values require faster machines.
30300 Select a player name.
30301 Click to add a new player name.
30302 Click to remove a player name.
30310 Select the scenario to play.
30311 Explains what you must do to win the game.
30320 Type a name for the game.
30321 Select a saved game.
30325 Select the scenario to play.
30330 Type a message. Press ENTER to send.
30331 Click to send a message to all allies.
30332 Click to send a message to all enemies.
30333 Click to send a message to all players.
30334 Select which players receive your messages.
30335 Click to send a message to this player.
30340 Click to set your diplomatic stance toward this player as Ally. Your military units do not attack this civilization.
30341 Click to set your diplomatic stance toward this player as Neutral. Your military units attack all buildings and military units (but not villagers) who enter their sight.
30342 Click to set your diplomatic stance toward this player as Enemy. Your military units (except Scouts) attack all buildings, military units, and villagers who enter their sight.
30343 Click to tribute this player 100 wood. Each time you click the button, 125 wood is deducted from your stockpile (100 goes to the player and 25 is paid as a fee).
30344 Click to tribute this player 100 food. Each time you click the button, 125 food is deducted from your stockpile (100 goes to the player and 25 is paid as a fee).
30345 Click to tribute this player 100 gold. Each time you click the button, 125 gold is deducted from your stockpile (100 goes to the player and 25 is paid as a fee).
30346 Click to tribute this player 100 stone. Each time you click the button, 125 stone is deducted from your stockpile (100 goes to the player and 25 is paid as a fee).
30347 Click to clear all tributes before they are paid.
30348 If there is a check in the box, allied players win or lose as a team. Any allied player who achieves the victory condition wins the game for all allies. All players who want to pursue an allied victory must select Allied Victory.
30400 Click to create randomly generated or custom maps.
30401 Click to place resources, elevation, cliffs, forests, and water.
30402 Click to choose the starting age, starting stockpiles, civilization, starting technology, and computer personality for each player.
30403 Click to place buildings, villagers, military units, and boats for each player, as well as world (Gaia) objects, such as trees, Artifacts, Ruins, Discoveries, and grass clumps and other terrain accents.
30404 Click to choose unique victory conditions for each player.
30405 Click to write scenario instructions, hints, a victory message, a loss message, and historical information.
30406 Click to choose the cinematics that play at the beginning and end of the scenario.
30407 Click to enable the full tech tree or disable technology for each player.
30408 Click to choose the diplomatic stance of players (ally, neutral, or enemy) and whether any players pursue allied victory.
30409 Click to select one or more victory conditions that all players must achieve.
30415 Click to display the default terrain with no resources (food, wood, stone, or gold).
30416 Click to display a random distribution of land, water, and resources.
30417 Click to display a random distribution of land, water, and resources based on the seed (number) you type.
30418 Select the map size. The larger the map, the longer the game.
30419 Select the distribution of land and water on the map.
30420 Type the number of the seed map to use. For example, if you type 532, and select the same number of players, map size, and map type, the same map always appears. You can type any number up to 99999.
30421 Click to create the map.
30422 Click to set the default terrain.
30425 Click to select the brush size.
30426 Click to select the brush size.
30427 Click to select the brush size.
30428 Click to select the brush size.
30429 Click to select the brush size.
30430 Click to paint background terrain (grass, forest, water, etc.).
30431 Click to paint hills.
30432 Click to paint cliffs. To paint cliffs, drag the mouse. To delete cliffs, right-click and drag over the existing cliffs. Placing cliffs on different elevations creates gaps between the cliffs that villagers and military units may have difficulty moving through.
30433 Select the terrain to paint.
30434 Select the elevation to paint. The larger the elevation number, the higher the terrain. Elevation 2 is flat terrain.
30438 Select the player to customize.
30439 Select the number of players.
30440 Type the amount of food the player has at the beginning of the game.
30441 Type the amount of wood the player has at the beginning of the game.
30442 Type the amount of gold the player has at the beginning of the game.
30443 Type the amount of stone the player has at the beginning of the game.
30444 Type a tribe name if you want to replace the civilization name with a unique name when the scenario is played as a campaign.
30445 Select whether the position is played by the computer, a human, or either. If you select Either, the position can be played by a human or by the computer (if it is not filled by a human).
30446 Select the player's civilization. Each civilization has special skills and can research different technologies. More than one player can select the same civilization.
30447 Select the strategy the computer player uses to determine which buildings, military units, boats, and technologies to research.
30448 Select the city plan the computer player uses to determine where to construct buildings.
30449 Select the personality of the computer player. For most situations, you can select Aggressive or Passive.
30455 Click here, and then click the unit to delete.
30456 Click here, select a unit from the list box, and then click a location on the map.
30457 Click here, and then click the unit to move on the map.
30458 Click here, and then click the unit to rotate on the map.
30459 Select the unit to place on the map.
30460 Select the player to place units for.
30465 Click to allow players to achieve any one of the custom victory conditions to win the game.
30466 Use all Vc
30467 Click to require players to achieve all of the custom victory conditions to win the game.
30468 The first civilization (or team) to destroy all opponents' villagers, military units, boats, and buildings wins the game. You do not need to destroy trade vessels, transport vessels, fishing vessels, Artifacts, Ruins, or walls.
30469 The first civilization (or team) to explore the specified percentage of the map wins the game. For allied victory, only one of the allies must explore the specified percentage of the map.
30470 Type the percentage of the map that must be explored.
30471 The first civilization (or team) to control the designated number of Ruins wins the game. The game ends immediately. There is no countdown clock. For allied victory, the Ruins must be controlled by any of the allies.
30472 The first civilization (or team) to control the designated number of Artifacts wins the game. The game ends immediately. There is no countdown clock. For allied victory, the Artifacts must be controlled by any of the allies.
30473 The first civilization (or team) to locate the specified # of Discoveries wins. Discoveries are natural sites of significance represented by a white horse etched into the ground. To locate a Discovery, move a unit near it. A colored flag shows which civilizations have located the Discovery. For allied victory, all allies must locate all Discoveries.
30475 Type the percentage of the map that must be explored for an exploration victory.
30476 Type the number of Ruins that must be controlled for a Ruins victory.
30477 Type the number of Artifacts that must be controlled for an Artifacts victory.
30478 Type the number of Discoveries that must be located for a Discoveries victory.
30482 Click the number of the victory condition to set or edit.
30483 Select the player to customize.
30484 Select a unit.
30485 Select the age.
30486 Select the victory condition.
30487 Click here, and then click a unit on the map.
30488 Click here, and then click a location on the map or drag the mouse to create an area box.
30489 Click to display the destination location or area.
30492 Type the scenario instructions. Be sure to explain what players must do to win the game.
30493 Type the hints text for the scenario (optional).
30494 Type the victory message that appears for the winner(s) of the scenario (optional).
30495 Type the loss message that appears for the loser(s) of the scenario (optional).
30496 Type historical background information for the scenario (optional).
30500 Select the cinematic that plays before a scenario begins (optional).
30501 Select the victory cinematic that plays for the winner(s) of the scenario (optional).
30502 Select the loss cinematic that plays for the loser(s) of the scenario (optional).
30503 Select the mission briefing map that appears before a campaign (optional).
30505 If there is a check in the box, all civilizations can research all technologies in the game and the special attributes usually associated with each civilization are removed. Otherwise, each civilization can research limited technology and has special attributes.
30506 If there is a check in the box, players can use the cheat codes.
30507 Select the player to customize.
30508 Click to prevent the player from building a Granary and accessing any units/technology available from it.
30509 Click to prevent the player from building a Storage Pit and accessing any units/technology available from it.
30510 Click to prevent the player from building a Dock and accessing any units/technology available from it.
30511 Click to prevent the player from building a Barracks and accessing any units/technology available from it.
30512 Click to prevent the player from building a Market and accessing any units/technology available from it.
30513 Click to prevent the player from building an Archery Range and accessing any units/technology available from it.
30514 Click to prevent the player from building a Stable and accessing any units/technology available from it.
30515 Click to prevent the player from building a Temple and accessing any units/technology available from it.
30516 Click to prevent the player from building a Government Center and accessing any units/technology available from it.
30517 Click to prevent the player from building a Siege Workshop and accessing any units/technology available from it.
30518 Click to prevent the player from building an Academy and accessing any units/technology available from it.
30519 Click to prevent the player from advancing to the Tool Age.
30520 Click to prevent the player from advancing to the Bronze Age.
30521 Click to prevent the player from advancing to the Iron Age.
30522 Click to prevent the player from building a Town Center and accessing any units/technology available from it.
30523 Click to prevent the player from building a Wonder.
30525 Select the player to customize.
30526 Click to select whether allied players win and lose as team. Any allied player who achieves the victory condition wins the game for all allies. You must select Allied Victory for all allies.
30527 Click to set the player's diplomatic stance toward this player as Ally. The player's military units do not attack this civilization.
30528 Click to set the player's diplomatic stance toward this player as Neutral. The player's military units attack all buildings and military units (but not villagers) who enter their sight.
30529 Click to set the player's diplomatic stance toward this player as Enemy. The player's military units (except Scout) attack all buildings, military units, and villagers who enter their sight.
30540 Click to display the menu.
30550 Click to require players to achieve one of the standard victory conditions (Artifacts, Ruins, Wonders, or Conquest) to win the game.
30551 The first civilization (or team) to destroy all opponents' villagers, military units, boats, and buildings wins the game. You do not need to destroy trade vessels, transport vessels, fishing vessels, Artifacts, Ruins, or walls.
30552 Click to set the victory condition to Score. The first player to achieve the specified score wins the game.
30553 Click to set the victory condition to Time Limit. The player with the highest score at the end of the time limit wins the game.
30554 Click to set one or more custom victory conditions.
30555 Select the score for the game.
30556 Select the time limit for the game.
30560 Select which enemy player.
30561 Select the attribute to achieve: Razings (enemy buildings to destroy), Conversions, Kill Ratio (# of units killed compared to those lost), Wonders that must be built and held, Military Population that must be created, Technologies that must be researched, Villager Population that must be created, Kills (# of military units, villagers, or boats that must be killed).
30562 Select the technology to achieve.
30565 Select the starting age.
30566 Type the number of objects.
30567 Type the number of objects.
30568 Type the number of objects.
30569 Type the quantity of gold.
30570 Type the quantity of food.
30571 Type the quantity of wood.
30572 Type the quantity of stone.
30573 Type the number of population.
30574 Type the percentage of exploration.
30575 Type the quantity.
30576 Type the scenario instructions.
30577 Type the hints (optional).
30578 Type the victory message (optional).
30579 Type the loss message (optional).
30580 Type the history text (optional).
39465 Academy - Used to train elite infantry units, including the Hoplite, Phalanx, and Centurion.
39466 Alligator - Predator that can be hunted for food.
39467 Discovery - Natural sites of significance. Locating all Discoveries is a victory condition. To locate a Discovery, move a unit near it. A colored flag indicates which civilizations have located the Discovery.
39468 Ruins - Ancient structures built by now-lost cultures. Ruins can be a victory condition or increase your score.
39470 Artifact - Ancient objects crafted by now-lost cultures. Artifacts can be a victory condition or increase your score.
39472 Barracks - Used to train infantry, including the Clubman, Axeman, Short Swordsman, Broad Swordsman, Long Swordsman, and Legion. You must build the Barracks before you can build the Archery Range, Siege Workshop, Stable, or Academy.
39473 Fishing Boat - Provides food by gathering fish and depositing them at the Dock. The cargo capacity of a Fishing Boat is greater than the carrying capacity of a villager.
39474 Fishing Ship - Provides food by gathering fish and depositing them at the Dock. The Fishing Ship has more hit points and is faster than the Fishing Boat.
39475 Trade Boat - Used to trade with other civilizations to increase your stockpile of gold.
39476 Merchant Ship - Used to trade with other civilizations to increase your stockpile of gold. The Merchant Ship is faster and has more hit points than the Trade Boat.
39477 Light Transport - Used to transport villagers, military units, and Artifacts across water.
39478 Heavy Transport - Used to transport villagers, military units, and Artifacts across water. The Heavy Transport has more hit points, is faster, and carries more units than the Light Transport.
39479 Scout Ship - The weakest of the war vessels.
39480 War Galley - Upgrade of the Scout Ship. The War Galley has more hit points, attack strength, and range.
39481 Trireme - Upgrade of the War Galley. The Trireme has more hit points, attack strength, and range.
39482 Catapult Trireme - Has fewer hit points and a slower fire rate than a Trireme. But the Catapult Trireme has much more attack strength, range, and is armed with a catapult, which can fire at a location instead of at a particular unit.
39487 Builder - Constructs buildings.
39536 The raft carries one occupant.
39547 Dock - Used to create fishing, trade, transport, and war vessels, including the Fishing Boat, Fishing Ship, Trade Boat, Merchant Ship, Light Transport, Heavy Transport, Scout Ship, War Galley, Trireme, Catapult Trireme, and Juggernaught.
39549 Elephant - Can be hunted for food.
39550 Elephant King - Can be hunted for food.
39551 Explorer - Explores the map.
39552 Farm - Provides a reliable supply of food that can be gathered by a villager. Farms eventually go fallow and need to be rebuilt.
39553 Farmer - Gathers food from a Farm.
39557 Whale - Can be fished for food.
39558 Salmon - Can be fished for food.
39559 Jumping Fishes - Can be fished for food.
39560 Swimming Fishes - Can be fished for food.
39561 Tuna Fish - Can be fished for food.
39562 Fisherman - Fishes for food.
39563 Flag - description
39565 Forage Site - Can be foraged for food.
39566 Forager - Gathers food from a Forage Site (berry bush).
39567 Gazelle - Can be hunted for food.
39569 Government Center - Used to build additional Town Centers and research technologies that improve your buildings and military units, including Writing, Architecture, Engineering, Aristocracy, Alchemy, and Ballistics.
39570 Granary - Used to build walls and towers, including the Small Wall, Medium Wall, Fortification, Watch Tower, Sentry Tower, Guard Tower, and Ballista Tower.
39581 Guard Tower - Defensive structure that fires missiles at enemy villagers and military units within range. The Guard Tower has more hit points, attack strength, and range than the Sentry Tower.
39583 House - Supports up to four villagers, military units, or boats. You must have enough Houses before you can create new units.
39585 Hunter - Hunts animals for food.
39586 Alexander - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39587 Amon Ra - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39588 Perseus - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39589 Tiberius - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39590 Xerxes - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39591 Lion - Predator that can be hunted for food.
39592 Lion King - Predator that can be hunted for food.
39593 Lion Tame - description.
39594 Woodcutter - Chops trees for wood.
39595 Villager - Engages in combat or has not been assigned a task.
39596 Market - Used to build the Farm and research technologies that improve your military units and the effectiveness of your villagers, including Woodworking, Artisanship, Craftsmanship, Stone Mining, Siegecraft, Gold Mining, Coinage, Domestication, the Plow, Irrigation, and the Wheel.
39598 Gold Mine - Can be mined for gold.
39603 Stone Mine - Can be mined for stone.
39604 Gold Miner - Gathers gold from Gold Mines.
39605 Stone Miner - Gathers stone from Stone Mines.
39606 Missile-Nuke - description
39607 Ballista Tower - The ultimate tower. Upgrade of the Guard Tower. The Ballista Tower has more attack strength than the Guard Tower.
39608 Juggernaught - Upgrade of the Catapult Trireme. The Juggernaught has more hit points and causes damage to a larger area. Like the Catapult Trireme, the Juggernaught is armed with a Catapult, which can fire at a location instead of a particular unit.
39609 Helepolis - Upgrade of the Ballista. The Helepolis has more range and a faster fire rate.
39610 Heavy Catapult - Upgrade of the Catapult. The Heavy Catapult has many more hit points and more range.
39611 Heavy Horse Archer - Upgrade of the Horse Archer. The Heavy Horse Archer has more hit points and attack strength.
39612 Legion - Upgrade of Long Swordsman. The Legion is the ultimate infantry unit. It has many more hit points and more attack strength than the Long Swordsman.
39613 Cataphract - Upgrade of Heavy Cavalry. The Cataphract is the ultimate cavalry unit. It has more hit points, attack strength, and armor than Heavy Cavalry.
39614 Centurion - Upgrade of Phalanx. The Centurion is the ultimate elite infantry unit. It has more hit points, attack strength, and armor than the Phalanx.
39617 Priest - Heals friendly and allied units and converts enemy units.
39618 Archery Range - Used to train archers, including the Bowman, Improved Bowman, Composite Bowman, Chariot Archer, Elephant Archer, Horse Archer, and Heavy Horse Archer. You must build the Archery Range before you can build the Siege Workshop.
39619 Repair Man - Repairs buildings and boats damaged in combat.
39624 Sentry Tower - Upgrade of the Watch Tower. The Sentry Tower has more hit points, attack strength, and range.
39625 Shallows - Water that is passable by villagers, military units, and boats.
39626 Siege Workshop - Used to build siege weapons, including the Stone Thrower, Catapult, Heavy Catapult, Ballista, and Helepolis.
39634 Bowman - The weakest of the archers. The Bowman cannot be upgraded. However, you can research the Improved Bowman, which is stronger than the Bowman.
39635 Improved Bowman - Has more hit points, attack strength, and range than the Bowman.
39636 Composite Bowman - Upgrade of Improved Bowman. The Composite Bowman has more hit points, attack strength, and range.
39637 Ballista - Used to attack military units, buildings, and walls. The Ballista has a minimum range of 3.
39638 Stone Thrower - The weakest of the siege weapons.
39639 Catapult - Upgrade of Stone Thrower. The Catapult has more attack strength and range and causes a larger area of damage.
39640 Cavalry - Has more hit points and attack strength (including +5 attack against infantry) than the Scout.
39641 Heavy Cavalry - Upgrade of Cavalry. Heavy Cavalry has more attack strength and armor (including +1 against missile weapons) than Cavalry.
39642 Horse Archer - A fast archery unit with strong attack strength and range.
39643 Chariot - A fast, two-wheel cavalry unit pulled by horses. High resistance to conversion. Double attack against Priest.
39644 Chariot Archer - A powerful archery unit that combines the speed and mobility of the Chariot and the attack strength of the Improved Bowman.
39645 Elephant Archer - Combines the hit points of the War Elephant and the attack strength and range of the Composite Bowman.
39646 War Elephant - A cavalry unit with many hit points and special attack strength. Causes trample damage to adjacent enemy units.
39647 Clubman - The weakest of the infantry units.
39648 Axeman - Upgrade of Clubman. The Axeman has more hit points and attack strength than the Clubman.
39649 Short Swordsman - Has more hit points, attack strength, and armor than the Axeman.
39650 Broad Swordsman - Upgrade of Short Swordsman. The Broad Swordsman has more hit points, attack strength, and armor.
39651 Long Swordsman - Upgrade of Broad Swordsman. The Long Swordsman has more hit points, attack strength, and armor.
39652 Hoplite - The weakest of the elite infantry units.
39653 Phalanx - Upgrade of Hoplite. The Phalanx has more attack strength and armor.
39654 Scout - The weakest of the cavalry units.
39655 Soldier_Nuker - description
39656 Stable - Used to train cavalry units, including the Scout, Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry, Cataphract, Chariot, and War Elephant.
39657 Storage Pit - Used to research technologies that improve the armor and attack strength of military units, including Toolworking, Metalworking, Metallurgy, the Bronze Shield, the Iron Shield, Leather Armor, Scale Armor, and Chain Mail.
39659 Temple - Used to train Priests and research technology that increases their powers, including Polytheism, Mysticism, Astrology, Monotheism, Afterlife, Jihad, and Fanaticism.
39719 Town Center - Used to create villagers and advance to the next age. It is also where villagers can deposit food, wood, gold, and stone. The Town Center supports four units.
39725 Tree - Can be chopped for wood.
39761 Fortification - Upgrade of the Medium Wall. The Fortification has more hit points and is the ultimate wall.
39762 Medium Wall - Upgrade of the Small Wall. The Medium Wall has more hit points.
39763 Small Wall - The weakest of the walls.
39764 Watch Tower - The weakest of the towers.
39773 Jason - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39774 Hero02 - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39775 Hero03 - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39776 Mor Havoc - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39777 Hero Corlis - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39778 Hero Hersifon - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39779 Hero07 - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39780 Hero08 - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39781 Hero09 - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39782 Hero10 - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39783 Hero11 - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39784 Hero12 - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39785 Hero13 - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39786 Traitor - Traitors have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39787 Mercenary - Mercenaries have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39788 Hero14 - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39789 Hero15 - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39790 Hero16 - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39791 Hero17 - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39792 Hero18 - Heroes have special attributes, as shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of the game screen.
39798 Wonder - A massive structure that is the crowning achievement of a civilization. Building a Wonder can be a victory condition or increase your score.
39799 Ballista Tower - The ultimate tower. Upgrade of the Guard Tower. The Ballista Tower has more attack strength than the Guard Tower.
39800 Juggernaught - Upgrade of the Catapult Trireme. The Juggernaught has more hit points and causes damage to a larger area. Like the Catapult Trireme, the Juggernaught is armed with a Catapult, which can fire at a location instead of a particular unit.
39801 Helepolis - Upgrade of the Ballista. The Helepolis has more range and a faster fire rate.
39802 Heavy Catapult - Upgrade of the Catapult. The Heavy Catapult has many more hit points and more range.
39803 Heavy Horse Archer - Upgrade of the Horse Archer. The Heavy Horse Archer has more hit points and attack strength.
39804 Legion - Upgrade of Long Swordsman. The Legion is the ultimate infantry unit. It has many more hit points and more attack strength than the Long Swordsman.
39805 Cataphract - Upgrade of Heavy Cavalry. The Cataphract is the ultimate cavalry unit. It has more hit points, attack strength, and armor than Heavy Cavalry.
39806 Centurion - Upgrade of Phalanx. The Centurion is the ultimate elite infantry unit. It has more hit points, attack strength, and armor than the Phalanx.
39864 Status box - displays the civilization, name, hit points, attack, armor, piercing armor, and range of the selected unit. Also displays Priest rejuvenation percentage.
40464 ********** MESSAGES FOR UNIT BUILDS **********
40466 Click to build an Academy.
40472 Click to build a Barracks.
40473 Click to build a Fishing Boat.
40474 Click to build a Fishing Ship.
40475 Click to build a Trade Boat.
40476 Click to build a Merchant Ship.
40477 Click to build a Light Transport.
40478 Click to build a Heavy Transport.
40479 Click to build a Scout Ship.
40480 Click to build a War Galley.
40481 Click to build a Trireme.
40482 Click to build a Catapult Trireme.
40501 Click to build a Cliff.
40547 Click to build a Dock.
40552 Click to build a Farm.
40570 Click to build a Government Center.
40571 Click to build a Granary.
40581 Click to build a Guard Tower.
40583 Click to build a House.
40587 Click to Train Alexander.
40588 Click to Train Amon Ra.
40589 Click to Train Pereus.
40590 Click to Train Tiberius.
40591 Click to Train Hector.
40595 Click to create a Villager.
40596 Click to build a Market.
40617 Click to train a Priest.
40618 Click to build an Archery Range.
40619 Click to create a Villager.
40624 Click to build a Sentry Tower.
40626 Click to build a Siege Workshop.
40634 Click to train a Bowman.
40635 Click to train an Improved Bowman.
40636 Click to train a Composite Bowman.
40637 Click to build a Ballista.
40638 Click to build a Stone Thrower.
40639 Click to build a Catapult.
40640 Click to train Cavalry.
40641 Click to train Heavy Cavalry.
40642 Click to train a Horse Archer.
40643 Click to train a Chariot.
40644 Click to train a Chariot Archer.
40645 Click to train an Elephant Archer.
40646 Click to train a War Elephant.
40647 Click to train a Clubman.
40648 Click to train an Axeman.
40649 Click to train a Short Swordsman.
40650 Click to train a Broad Swordsman.
40651 Click to train a Long Swordsman.
40652 Click to train a Hoplite.
40653 Click to train a Phalanx.
40654 Click to train a Scout.
40656 Click to build a Stable.
40657 Click to build a Storage Pit.
40659 Click to build a Temple.
40719 Click to build a Town Center.
40722 Click to build a Trade Workshop.
40761 Click to build a Fortification.
40762 Click to build a Medium Wall.
40763 Click to build a Small Wall.
40764 Click to build a Watch Tower.
40798 Click to build a Wonder.
40799 Click to build a Ballista Tower.
40800 Click to build a Juggernaught.
40801 Click to build a Helepolis.
40802 Click to build a Heavy Catapult.
40803 Click to train a Heavy Horse Archer.
40804 Click to train a Legion.
40805 Click to train a Cataphract.
40806 Click to train a Centurion.
41465 Click to upgrade to Light Transport.
41468 Click to upgrade to Fishing Ship.
41469 Click to upgrade to War Galley.
41470 Click to upgrade to Merchant Ship.
41471 Click to upgrade to Trireme.
41472 Click to upgrade to Heavy Transport.
41473 Click to research the Catapult Trireme.
41474 Click to research the Small Wall.
41475 Click to upgrade to Sentry Tower.
41476 Click to upgrade to Medium Wall.
41477 Click to upgrade to Fortification.
41478 Click to upgrade to Guard Tower.
41479 Click to research the Watch Tower.
41480 Click to adopt Astrology.
41481 Click to adopt Polytheism.
41482 Click to adopt Monotheism.
41483 Click to adopt Mysticsm.
41484 Click to adopt Afterlife.
41485 Click to declare Jihad.
41486 Click to adopt Fanaticsm.
41487 Click to research Ballistics.
41488 Click to research Irrigation.
41489 Click to research the Wheel.
41490 Click to research Domestication.
41491 Click to research Coinage.
41492 Click to research the Plow.
41493 Click to research Artisanship.
41494 Click to research Nobility.
41495 Click to research Engineering.
41496 Click to research Mathematics.
41497 Click to research Alchemy.
41499 Click to research Leather Armor for Infantry.
41500 Click to research Leather Armor for Archers.
41501 Click to research Leather Armor for Cavalry.
41502 Click to research Scale Armor for Infantry.
41503 Click to research Scale Armor for Archers.
41504 Click to research Scale Armor for Cavalry.
41505 Click to research Toolworking.
41506 Click to research Chain Mail for Infantry.
41507 Click to research Chain Mail for Archers.
41508 Click to research Chain Mail for Cavalry.
41509 Click to research Metalworking.
41510 Click to research Metallurgy.
41511 Click to upgrade to Heavy Catapult.
41512 Click to research Improved Bow.
41513 Click to upgrade to Composite Bow.
41514 Click to upgrade to Ballista.
41515 Click to upgrade to Chariot Archer.
41516 Click to upgrade to Cavalry Archer.
41517 Click to upgrade to Elephant Archer.
41518 Click to upgrade to Battle Axe.
41519 Click to research Short Sword.
41520 Click to upgrade to Bronze Shield.
41521 Click to upgrade to Long Sword.
41522 Click to upgrade to Chariot.
41523 Click to research Cavalry.
41524 Click to upgrade to War Elephant.
41525 Click to upgrade to Heavy Cavalry.
41526 Click to upgrade to Phalanx.
41527 Click to advance to the Tool Age.
41528 Click to advance to the Bronze Age.
41529 Click to advance to the Iron Age.
41531 Click to upgrade to Broad Sword.
41532 Click to research Woodworking.
41533 Click to research Gold Mining.
41534 Click to research Stone Mining.
41535 Click to research Craftsmanship.
41536 Click to research Siegecraft.
41537 Click to research Architecture.
41538 Click to research Aristocracy.
41539 Click to research Writing.
41542 Click to upgrade to Iron Shield.
41543 Click to upgrade to Ballista Tower.
41544 Click to upgrade to Juggernaught.
41545 Click to upgrade to Helepolis.
41546 Click to upgrade to Heavy Catapult.
41547 Click to upgrade to Heavy Horse Archer.
41548 Click to upgrade to Legion.
41549 Click to upgrade to Cataphract.
41550 Click to upgrade to Centurion.
41564 Click to trade food for gold.
41565 Click to trade wood for gold.
41566 Click to trade stone for gold.
50000 Testing
54477 Click to display the game menu.
54479 Click to display the Chat dialog box.
54481 Click to display the Diplomacy dialog box.
54483 The diamond-shaped map shows the world at a smaller scale. Click the diamond-shaped map to go to that location on the large map.
54487 Click to display more buildings.
54489 Click to unselect a unit.
54492 Click to display player scores.
54493 Click to stop the current action.
54495 Click to construct a building.
54497 Click to group selected units.
54499 Click to ungroup selected units.
54501 Click to cancel the current action.
54503 Click to trade with another civilization.
54505 Click to unload a transport vessel.
54506 Click to order units to stand ground instead of attacking any units within their sight.
54507 Click to order catapult units to target a location, instead of a particular unit.
54509 Food inventory: %d
54510 Wood inventory: %d
54511 Gold inventory: %d
54512 Stone inventory: %d
54513 Click to order the Priest to heal a friendly or allied unit.
54514 Click to order the priest to convert an enemy unit.
54515 Click to order units to attack.
54516 Click to order units to move.
54517 Click to order units to work.
54518 Click to order units to repair a building or boat.