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- Canonical Bug List
- ABasic bugs:
- ABasiC Animate command----- Give up on this. The 1st page
- of the errata, referring to page R-96 "Note that the animate command might
- not be currently be implemented." C-A had hoped to get this in and working
- before the V1.0 release but it just didn't happen. It is, in fact not
- implemented. Your Amiga Basic upgrade DOES do animation.
- The "_" at the end some of the lines is put there by ABasiC when you press
- the down-arrow key at that point. This will cause a LF/CR/TAB-7 to start the
- next line indented to right under the beginning of the last excluding the
- line number.
- There is apparently a bug in ABasiC in regard to the color used for the
- cursor and OUTLINEs. In the above example, register 3 is only used for these
- functions if the number of bit planes (in the SCREEN command) is 2. What is
- apparently happening is that the cursor/outline color is the "highest
- different color". Thus:
- # of bitplanes C/O Register
- ============== ============
- 1 1
- 2 3
- 3 7
- 4 15
- 5 31
- ( Remember the registers are numbered 0-31 )
- Contrary to what the ABasiC manual says, to get that rise at the end of a
- sentence that makes it a question, LEAVE OFF ALL PUNCTUATION. The question
- mark seems to act like a period.
- Conrary to the manual, LOF(n) returns the number of BYTES in the file
- REGARDLESS of whether the file is opened as sequential or random access.
- Divide by the record length to get the number of records.
- RGET will generate an end-of-file error upon reading the last block of the
- file. Use code similar to below to process that last block:
- 1010 ON ERROR GOTO 9010:_
- RGET #1, BLK%
- 1020 ON ERROR GOTO 0 ' Disable ON ERROR
- .
- . Process the block as you would any other
- . It will be padded with blanks
- 8999 END_
- 9010 RESUME NEXT ' Returns to 1020
- Bugs in ROM Manual
- From Gary Girzon, Tue Oct 15
- As probably noted earlier, the ROM Kernel manual has a 'few' bugs. Most of
- them are flagrant C errors in type casting and pointers. The one that has got
- me has to do with the type APTR. If I recall correctly,
- typedef APTR *STRPTR
- typedef unsigned char *STRPTR
- thus APTR -> STRPTR --> unsigned char, so APTR is an address location which
- holds another pointer to an array of chars.
- However, the ROM manual constantly insists in using APTR to point to a data
- buffer ( Actually, the Intuition manual does the same for defining things
- like menu text. I am sorry I cannot remember the exact pages). If you do
- that, the compiler will complain.
- Has anyone gotten the multi tasking example to run? It has the same probelem
- in assigning stack pointers using APTR type. My program, even when type cast
- and corrected, dies after the 'littletask' is launched. I am very tired of
- guru's.
- Also, is the console IoRequest structure documented anywhere? The ROM manual
- says "more on this latter...". I wish there was an example for console and
- serial IO (although that sort of works) similar to the one for audio.
- From Perry S. Kivolowitz
- The Intuition manual (v1.0) states that ACTIVEWINDOW and INACTIVEWINDOW
- are NewWindow flags. They are actually IDCMP flags. If you ``or'' in
- ACTIVEWINDOW, you get messages through the IDCMP whenever your window
- becomes the active window (message->Class == ACTIVEWINDOW). Similarly
- Look at intuition/intuition.h for more information.
- I was using these messages in IntuiScope, an intuition utility I am
- writing. I wanted to back track out of a menu selection if the IntuiScope
- window became deselected.
- /* text of Lattice 3.02 bugs, AmigaDOS 1.0 bugs, 1.1 improvements */
- Subject: Lattice C V3.03
- Date: 30 Oct 85 00:59:31 GMT
- From: Bob Page <page%ulowell.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
- Here are the problems with Lattice C V3.02 that are fixed in C V3.03:
- 1. When objects whose size was not a power of two was subscripted with a
- short index, long multiplication was performed. Now the multiply is
- performed in-line with the MUL instruction.
- 2. Indirect references with offsets greater than 32K did not work correctly.
- 3. There were miscellaneous problems with short and character expressions
- where the operands were not being extended or masked correctly.
- 4. Technically invalid declarations were being accepted by the compiler
- (e.g., int a(space)b(space)c; instead of int a,b,c;).
- 5. Expressions like ((a !=0) != 0) were not evaluated properly.
- 6. When character pointers were converted to other types of pointers the
- value was forced to an even value to cause alignment on word boundaries.
- This has been removed; Caveat Emptor.
- 7. Casting an enum to an integral type generated an error message.
- 8. Initialization of arrays of structures required full use of brackets.
- 9. Enum declarations caused the compiler to fail on the Amiga, usually
- dragging the system down with it.
- Feel free to repost this to BIX, the fridge, and anywhere else you'd like.
- From bobp@amiga.UUCP (Robert S. Pariseau) Thu Nov 7 03:46:21 1985
- Path: gumby!uwvax!seismo!cmcl2!philabs!prls!amdimage!amdcad!amd
- !pesnta!greipa!decwrl!pyramid!amiga!bobp
- From: bobp@amiga.UUCP (Robert S. Pariseau)
- Date: 7 Nov 85 09:46:21 GMT
- Reply-To: bobp@snake.UUCP (Robert S. Pariseau)
- Organization: Commodore-Amiga Inc., 983 University Ave #D, Los Gatos CA 95030
- No Curt, you've read that backwards. The V1.0 manual says that OpenLibrary()
- will work if the library it finds has a version number equal to or greater
- than the one you requested. That manual also says (in the Libraries
- chapter), that as of this writing, the requested version number should be 0.
- For various compatability reasons, we had to disable the version checking in
- OpenLibrary() and OpenDevice() for V1.0. This was due to the pre-release
- software having version numbers like 29 (sigh).
- We currently plan to re-install the version checking for V1.1. We will
- maintain compatability by using library version numbers like 101 (for 1.1
- yes?). In addition, the version checker will treat any requested version
- number of 100 or less as if you requested version 0. Thus old code asking
- for version 0 will continue to work and even older code asking for version 29
- will continue to work.
- Any code dependent upon the new features in a V1.1 library should ask for
- version 101. This gives you a clean way to back out if the user tries to run
- your new program under a V1.0 Kickstart or with the V1.0 libraries and
- devices found on the Workbench disk.
- From: rodb@tektronix.UUCP (Rod Belshee )
- Date: 25 Oct 85 20:23:02 GMT
- Organization: Tektronix, Beaverton OR
- I previously posted a FLAME about the documentation. After speaking with
- AMIGA support I have calmed down a bit.
- It seems that there is a discrepancy between the First half and the Last half
- of the manual.
- In particular the interface definition of the MakeVPort(&v,&vp,&ri,&ri)
- calls in the front and the MakeVPort(a0,a1) assembler interface definition
- in the back.
- Amiga is redoing the ROM Kernal Manual and it should be out soon.
- For those of you who care, the following changes have to be made to the
- program found on page 8-29.
- 1. change include <hardware/dma.h>
- include <hardware/dmabits.h>
- 2. delete inlcude <hardware/regs.h>
- 3. change BitMap *b
- BitMap b
- 4. delete OFF_DISPLAY
- 5. delete ON_DISPLAY
- 6. delete call to Panic()
- 7. change "graphics"
- to "graphics.library"
- 8. add.*******
- vp.RastInfo = &ri; before MakeVPort call
- 9. delete last 2 parameters in the call to MakeVPort();
- I forgot to ask but I don't think the call to Debug should be
- there either.
- If anybody else gets' info please take a minute to post it
- thanks.
- Curt Jutzi
- tektronix!gpp1!golem!jutz
- tektronix!rodb