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3D Studio 3.0 Help File: Shaper Command Columns
Each entry can contain up to 20 lines, 70 characters long.
Don't use tabs; only use spaces.
This file can be any length.
New Help topics begin with the ">" character, followed by the
numeric code assigned to the topic.
>100 ( Create/Line )
Create/Line lets you draw an open or closed spline polygon one
vertex at a time, or insert vertices into existing polygons.
>102 ( Create/Freehand/Draw )
Create/Freehand/Draw lets you draw a polygon freehand by
dragging the mouse, or create a polygon by setting individual
>103 ( Create/Freehand/Settings )
Create/Freehand/Settings lets you determine the smoothness of
freehand polygons by specifying the number of vertices placed in
a polygon.
>105 ( Create/Arc )
Create/Arc lets you create a four-vertex arc by specifying a
center point, radius, start angle, and end angle.
>110 ( Create/Quad )
Create/Quad creates a quadrilateral--either a rectangle or
square. (Holding down the Ctrl key creates a square.)
>120 ( Create/Circle )
Create/Circle lets you create a circle by specifying its center
point and radius.
>130 ( Create/Ellipse )
Create/Ellipse lets you create an ellipse by defining its major
and minor axes.
>140 ( Create/N-gon/Flat )
Create/N-gon/Flat creates a closed, linear polygon with three or
more equal sides.
>145 ( Create/N-gon/Circular )
Create/N-gon/Circular creates a closed, circular polygon with
three or more equal segments.
>150 ( Create/N-gon/# Sides )
Create/N-gon/# Sides sets the number of segments for all future
flat and circular n-gons.
>151 ( Create/Text/Font )
Create/Text/Font lets you select a font for text polygons.
>152 ( Create/Text/Enter )
Create/Text/Enter lets you enter the text for text polygons.
>153 ( Create/Text/Place )
Create/Text/Place lets you define the area where you want text
polygons to appear by creating a box around that area. The
resulting text appears within the boundaries of the box. (Hold
down the Ctrl key for the correct font aspect ratio.)
>160 ( Create/Copy )
Create/Copy copies one or more existing polygons.
>180 ( Create/Open )
Create/Open deletes a segment from an existing polygon.
>190 ( Create/Close )
Create/Close closes an open polygon.
>195 ( Create/Connect )
Create/Connect lets you connect two end vertices by drawing a
line between them. This command ignores the curvature values
of end vertices and always creates a linear segment.
>196 ( Create/PolyConnect )
Create/PolyConnect connects two open polygons, producing a
single, closed polygon.
>200 ( Create/Outline )
Create/Outline creates an "outline" polygon. Outlining an open
polygon results in one closed polygon. Outlining a closed
polygon results in two closed, nested polygons scaled in opposite
>210 ( Create/Boolean )
Create/Boolean lets you combine two overlapping, closed
polygons by performing a Boolean operation on them.
>300 ( Select/Vertex/Single )
Select/Vertex/Single adds vertices to a selection set on an
individual basis. Selected vertices appear red, and unselected
vertices appear white. Selecting all vertices in a polygon adds
the entire polygon to the selection set.
>310 ( Select/Vertex/Quad )
Select/Vertex/Quad lets you add vertices to a selection set by
creating a box around the vertices you want to add. Selected
vertices appear red, and unselected vertices appear white.
>311 ( Select/Vertex/Fence )
Select/Vertex/Fence lets you add vertices to a selection set by
creating a closed polygon around the vertices you want to add.
Selected vertices appear red, and unselected vertices appear
>312 ( Select/Vertex/Circle )
Select/Vertex/Circle lets you add vertices to a selection set by
creating a circle around the vertices you want to add. Selected
vertices appear red, and unselected vertices appear white.
>320 ( Select/Polygon/Single )
Select/Polygon/Single adds polygons to a selection set on an
individual basis. Selected polygons appear red, and unselected
polygons appear white.
>332 ( Select/Polygon/Quad )
Select/Polygon/Quad lets you add polygons to a selection set by
creating a box around the polygons you want to add. Selected
polygons appear red, and unselected polygons appear white.
>333 ( Select/Polygon/Fence )
Select/Polygon/Fence lets you add polygons to a selection set by
creating a closed polygon around the ones you want to add.
Selected polygons appear red, and unselected polygons appear
>334 ( Select/Polygon/Circle )
Select/Polygon/Circle lets you add polygons to a selection set by
creating a circle around the polygons you want to add. Selected
polygons appear red, and unselected polygons appear white.
>330 ( Select/Polygon/Window )
Select/Polygon/Window turns Window mode on and off. When
Window mode is on, 3D Studio only selects geometry that is
entirely within the defined region.
>331 ( Select/Polygon/Crossing )
Select/Polygon/Crossing turns Crossing mode on and off. When
Crossing mode is on, 3D Studio selects geometry that is entirely
within the defined region, plus geometry that crosses its
>340 ( Select/All )
Select/All assigns all geometry to the current selection set.
>350 ( Select/None )
Select/None deselects all selected geometry.
>355 ( Select/Invert )
Select/Invert reverses the selection state of all geometry.
Selected components (red) become unselected (white) and vice
>400 ( Modify/Vertex/Move )
Modify/Vertex/Move moves a vertex. Drag the mouse to affect
the curvature of the segments on either side of the vertex.
>410 ( Modify/Vertex/Rotate )
Modify/Vertex/Rotate rotates a vertex around a global axis, or
multiple vertices around the local or global axes.
>420 ( Modify/Vertex/Scale )
Modify/Vertex/Scale scales a vertex to and from a global axis, or
multiple vertices to and from the local or global axes.
>430 ( Modify/Vertex/Skew )
Modify/Vertex/Skew lets you distort a polygon by skewing one
of its vertices on a plane parallel with the global axis, or one or
more polygons by skewing multiple vertices on a plane parallel
with the local or global axes.
>600 ( Modify/Vertex/Adjust )
Modify/Vertex/Adjust alters the spline value of a vertex, thus
changing the curvature of the segments on either side of it.
>610 ( Modify/Vertex/Linear )
Modify/Vertex/Linear applies a linear value to one or more
vertices, thus affecting the segments on either side of it.
>620 ( Modify/Vertex/Curve )
Modify/Vertex/Curve applies a default curved value to one or
more vertices, thus affecting the segments on either side of it.
>621 ( Modify/Vertex/Weld )
Modify/Vertex/Weld welds two adjacent vertices, or two end
vertices, into one vertex. This command is commonly used on a
selection set of vertices after loading a .DXF or .AI file.
>450 ( Modify/Vertex/Delete )
Modify/Vertex/Delete deletes one or more vertices.
>630 ( Modify/Segment/Adjust )
Modify/Segment/Adjust alters, equally, the spline values of
vertices at each end of a selected segment.
>640 ( Modify/Segment/Linear )
Modify/Segment/Linear lets you make a segment linear by
adjusting half of the spline value of each end vertex.
>650 ( Modify/Segment/Curve )
Modify/Segment/Curve lets you curve a segment by adjusting
half of the spline value of each end vertex.
>20000 ( Modify/Segment/Break )
Modify/Segment/Break lets you break a single segment into two
segments by inserting two coincident, end vertices. This
command doesn't affect the curvature of the selected segment. If
you use this command on a closed polygon, it becomes open.
>20001 ( Modify/Segment/Refine )
Modify/Segment/Refine inserts a vertex anywhere in a segment
without altering its curvature.
>180 ( Modify/Segment/Delete )
Modify/Segment/Delete deletes a segment from a polygon.
>460 ( Modify/Polygon/Move )
Modify/Polygon/Move moves one or more polygons.
>470 ( Modify/Polygon/Rotate )
Modify/Polygon/Rotate rotates one or more polygons about the
global axis or local axis.
>480 ( Modify/Polygon/Scale )
Modify/Polygon/Scale scales one or more polygons to and from
the global axis or local axis.
>490 ( Modify/Polygon/Skew )
Modify/Polygon/Skew lets you distort a polygon by skewing it
on a plane parallel with the global or local axis.
>170 ( Modify/Polygon/Mirror )
Modify/Polygon/Mirror "flips" one or more polygons. The
direction of the flip depends on the cursor you use. The four-
arrow cursor flips the path along both axes; the horizontal
cursor flips horizontally; and the vertical cursor flips vertically.
>660 ( Modify/Polygon/Adjust )
Modify/Polygon/Adjust alters the spline value of all non-linear
vertices in one or more polygons, thus changing the curvature of
all connected segments.
>670 ( Modify/Polygon/Linear )
Modify/Polygon/Linear applies a linear value to all vertices of
one or more polygons. The result is one or more polygons made
up of straight segments.
>680 ( Modify/Polygon/Curve )
Modify/Polygon/Curve applies a default curved value to all
vertices of one or more polygons. The result is one or more
polygons made up of curved segments.
>510 ( Modify/Polygon/Delete )
Modify/Polygon/Delete deletes one or more polygons.
>530 ( Modify/Axis/Place )
Modify/Axis/Place moves the global axis to a new location.
>540 ( Modify/Axis/Center )
Modify/Axis/Center places the global axis at the center of
one or more selected polygons. The axis appears as a small
black X at the center of an invisible bounding box surrounding
the selected polygon(s).
>550 ( Modify/Axis/Show )
Modify/Axis/Show displays the global axis if it's currently
hidden. An asterisk appears next to this command when the
axis is displayed.
>560 ( Modify/Axis/Hide )
Modify/Axis/Hide hides the global axis if it's displayed. An
asterisk appears next to this command when the axis is hidden.
>570 ( Modify/Axis/Home )
Modify/Axis/Home resets the global axis to its default location.
>700 ( Shape/Assign )
Shape/Assign defines the polygon or polygons that make up a
shape to be lofted.
>710 ( Shape/All )
Shape/All assigns all polygons currently displayed in the 2D
Shaper as one shape. Red polygons within an active selection
set turn orange, and all other polygons turn yellow.
>720 ( Shape/None )
Shape/None unassigns all polygons currently assigned as a
>730 ( Shape/Hook/Place )
Shape/Hook/Place moves a shape's hook to a new location.
>740 ( Shape/Hook/Center )
Shape/Hook/Center places the hook at the center of the shape.
The hook appears at the center of an invisible bounding box
surrounding the assigned shape.
>750 ( Shape/Hook/Show )
Shape/Hook/Show displays the hook of the defined shape if the
hook is currently hidden. An asterisk appears next to this
command when the hook is displayed.
>760 ( Shape/Hook/Hide )
Shape/Hook/Hide hides the hook of the defined shape if the
hook is currently displayed. An asterisk appears next to this
command when the hook is hidden.
>765 ( Shape/Hook/Home )
Shape/Hook/Home resets the hook to its default location.
>770 ( Shape/Check )
Shape/Check checks the validity of the assigned shape.
It first checks for open polygons, and then for intersecting
segments and overlapping vertices. Small red boxes indicate
where segments intersect and vertices overlap.
>690 ( Shape/Steps )
Shape/Steps sets the number of steps for all segments in all
>775 ( Display/First/Choose )
Display/First/Choose lets you choose a new first vertex in a
polygon. If Display/First/On is active, the first vertex appears
black, unless it's part of an active selection set, in which case it
appears green. If Display/First/Off is active, you can't see the
first vertex, but the vertex you choose becomes the new first
>780 ( Display/First/On )
Display/First/On displays the first vertices of all polygons. First
vertices appear black, unless they're part of an active selection
set, in which case they appear green.
>790 ( Display/First/Off )
Display/First/Off turns off the display of all first vertices.
>800 ( Display/Tape/Move )
Display/Tape/Move displays the tape measure (if it's not
currently displayed), and then lets you adjust its length and
angle by moving either end. The status line displays its current
>805 ( Display/Tape/Find )
Display/Tape/Find rescales the tape measure to fill the viewport.
This lets you find the tape measure when it's outside the
viewport boundaries, or when the scale of the viewport makes it
too small to be seen.
>810 ( Display/Tape/Show )
Display/Tape/Show displays the tape measure if it's currently
hidden. An asterisk appears next to this command when the
tape measure is on.
>820 ( Display/Tape/Hide )
Display/Tape/Hide hides the tape measure if it's currently
displayed. An asterisk appears next to this command when the
tape measure is off.
>830 ( Display/Tape/Toggle VSnap )
Display/Tape/Toggle VSnap turns VSnap mode on and off.
When Vsnap is on (indicated by an asterisk), the selected end of
the tape measure snaps to the nearest vertex, providing accurate
measurement of geometry.
>900 ( Display/3D Display/Choose )
Display/3D Display/Choose selects 3D mesh objects from the 3D
Editor to use as background images in the 2D Shaper.
>920 ( Display/3D Display/On )
Display/3D Display/On displays the 3D mesh objects you
selected with Display/3D Display/Choose. They appear in light
>930 ( Display/3D Display/Off )
Display/3D Display/Off turns off the display of the 3D mesh
objects you selected with Display/3D Display/Choose.
>950 ( Display/Freeze/Polygon )
Display/Freeze/Polygon freezes one or more polygons so
that they're unaffected by modifications. Frozen polygons
appear in light gray.
>960 ( Display/Freeze/All )
Display/Freeze/All freezes all polygons so that they're unaffected
by modifications. Frozen polygons appear in light gray.
>970 ( Display/Freeze/None )
Display/Freeze/None thaws all frozen polygons so that you can
modify them.
>99999 (EOF MARKER)