The Ultimate Windows Shareware Collection
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File List
271 lines
_MSTAPPS.ZIP 631,708 04-18-93 MSTApps 1.0 for Windows
10KEY201.ZIP 100,323 06-21-93 JUDY'S TENKEY v2.0 <ASP> Powerful calculator
3DCAL.ZIP 4,132 05-14-93 Pop-up calendar for MS-Windows
4ACAL310.ZIP 47,635 08-06-93 4A Calculator v3.10: MS-Windows calculator
ABM117.ZIP 29,751 07-16-93 Activate BackMenu (ABM) v1.17: MS-Windows util
ACCTMN12.ZIP 149,781 05-20-93 Account Manager 1.2 a time usage tracking prgm
ACDP142.ZIP 149,426 11-12-92 CD Player and Database for Windows. Audio CD
ACSTRASH.ZIP 137,550 06-12-93 Acstrash v1.00 for Windows 3.1.
ACUBO.ZIP 5,591 01-09-93 MS-Windows Clipboard enhancer. Uses 8K Mem.
ADDRESSN.ZIP 627,108 07-15-93 Address For Windows
ADDRS172.ZIP 192,559 12-23-92 EnvAddress v1.72: MS-Windows address mgr
ADIAL10.ZIP 92,932 03-28-93 AutoDial v1.0: MS-Windows 3-D phone beeper
ALLINI21.ZIP 16,352 06-05-93 Select Edit .INI Files by Line Or Section.
ANALYZ12.ZIP 8,200 07-10-93 Analyze v1.2: MS-Windows timer-based bar
AR116.ZIP 26,782 05-04-93 Auto-Raise for Windows. Version 1.16.
AREACODE.ZIP 89,426 03-10-93 MS-Windows program pick a state
ARJPAPR1.ZIP 11,318 08-04-93 ARJPAPER v1.0 by Ted Trost
ASMITH10.ZIP 29,966 08-11-93 ArrowSmith v1.0: MS-Windows utility
ASSA01.ZIP 38,197 01-07-93 Acc/util that facilitates sharing resources.
ASTLIT.ZIP 138,752 07-23-93 Astro-Lite 1.1 is A Windows Program
AUTODL10.ZIP 57,818 06-08-93 AutoDial v1.0: MS-Windows application
AWINLOCK.ZIP 57,457 04-25-93 Security App for Windows.
BAHASHEM.ZIP 5,252 02-28-93 No Description Available
BARCLK23.ZIP 34,251 10-03-93 W31 powerfull Barclock v.2.3
BARRYUTL.ZIP 222,217 06-23-93 Barry Press Utilities, (for Win) Calendar
BC105.ZIP 26,716 05-04-93 Big Clock v1.05 by Glen Neal.
BCALC22.ZIP 222,894 07-19-93 Business Calculator V2.20 for Windows 3.1
BCS104.ZIP 101,518 01-06-93 Berlin's Cheat Sheets-Nice Math tool (Win)
BHOLE2.ZIP 11,025 04-25-93 Black Hole v2.0: MS-Windows file deletion pgm
BIZWIZ30.ZIP 167,370 06-01-93 BizWiz v3∙0:Windows power user's calculator
BMPBRW10.ZIP 91,676 06-01-93 BMP Browse v1.0: handy Win& Vbasic utility
BMPPCX.ZIP 56,205 07-03-93 Clipart in PCX and Windows Bitmap format.
BRCLK131.ZIP 17,517 04-06-93 Barclock v1.31: Formerly Winclock.
BRPNC20.ZIP 92,875 05-29-93 Berry RPN Calculator v2.0: (Windows& VBasic)
BWE.ZIP 9,435 02-14-93 Exits Windows quickly! (VBasic 2 req.)
BWE150.ZIP 15,384 06-06-93 Exits Windows quickly! (VBasic 2 req.)
BYEBYE20.ZIP 16,858 04-21-93 Windows VBasic, config's times to exit Win;
C4WIN.ZIP 239,783 08-17-93 The file Clip4Win.EXE is a full-featured demo
CALCPD10.ZIP 32,468 06-05-93 CalcPad is a small scientific calculator prgm
CALCUL.ZIP 30,420 03-12-93 Super little calculator for WinWord 2.0.
CALENDRS.ZIP 8,356 03-21-93 Perpetual calendar. One for Win one for DOS
CCSWAP11.ZIP 7,544 04-29-93 CCswap v1.1: (Win) swaps the Ctrl and Capsloc
CDP.ZIP 165,197 02-05-93 CD Player for Windows v. 2.0 w/o VBRUN200
CHPDC70.ZIP 21,236 01-18-93 CHPaper v7.0: [2/7] wallpaper replacer (Win)
CHPEF70.ZIP 45,986 01-18-93 CHPaper v7.0: [3/7] wallpaper replacer (Win)
CHPES70.ZIP 14,546 01-18-93 CHPaper v7.0: [4/7] wallpaper replacer (Win)
CHPHL70.ZIP 25,110 12-05-92 CHPaper v7.0: [5/7] wallpaper replacer (Win)
CHPSC70.ZIP 27,756 01-18-93 CHPaper v7.0: [6/7] wallpaper replacer (Win)
CHPTX70.ZIP 9,919 01-18-93 CHPaper v7.0: [7/7] wallpaper replacer (Win)
CLEN.ZIP 65,068 08-02-93 Organizes your icon, (Req. VBasic 3.00) wav
CLIPS.ZIP 27,139 04-16-93 Clips: An enhanced clipboard (Win,VBasic 2)
CLIPST.ZIP 62,659 07-15-92 Last PC Magazine Utility. Win Clipboard util
CLOCKCAL.ZIP 12,561 07-19-93 Time And Date Display in an Icon Program
CLPCAP11.ZIP 8,385 03-22-93 Clipcap v1.1: Dos filter pgm that captures
CLPMT201.ZIP 192,195 08-01-93 ClipMate for Windows Clipboard Enhancement.
CLPMT207.ZIP 193,065 08-24-93 ClipMate v2.07: Enhances MS-Win 3.1 clipboard
CLUPW100.ZIP 101,213 05-03-93 CleanUp for Windows v1.00: Win HD utility
COD100.ZIP 27,326 08-15-92 Clock of Doom v1.00; Win clock
COLRMA.ZIP 27,074 01-20-93 ColrMastr 1.02: Manages your Windows desktop
CONVRTR1.ZIP 35,185 02-20-93 Extensive Measurement Conversion Utility (WIN
CPBX20.ZIP 21,167 07-13-92 ClipBox -Supports Text Graphics Modes (Win)
CRD2ST10.ZIP 10,689 02-07-93 Utility that converts Win cardfile to Stick
CRD2TXT.ZIP 2,795 06-21-93 Converts Windows' Card Files to standard ASCII
CRITOC41.ZIP 10,503 09-17-92 Digital clock for Win, VBasic 1
DC0110.ZIP 71,321 07-16-93 Digiclk v1.10: MS-Windows compatible pgm
DCOPY110.ZIP 163,940 05-08-93 Windows Floppy Copy Program.
DFALLW11.ZIP 94,918 05-29-93 Update to DFALLWIN,(VBasic 2)Shows Disk space
DFALLWIN.ZIP 21,152 05-28-93 Shows disk space across all drives,(VBasic 2)
DIALWD10.ZIP 20,596 09-11-92 dial program for windows
DIL103.ZIP 16,565 06-25-93 DiskLine (Win)==== v1.03 by Glen Neal
DIRCO1.ZIP 182,430 01-30-93 W31 2 COLUMNS FILE DIR V. 1.0
DIRPRI.ZIP 18,161 06-01-93 Directory Print for Windows.
DISKIC12.ZIP 13,803 08-06-93 DiskIcon v1.2: Win, tells when 2% of HD left
DISKMANG.ZIP 45,580 03-21-93 Disk Cataloger for Windows.
DL112.ZIP 55,632 06-25-93 Shows time,date,sound,cute buttons,etc in Win
DLGDRP10.ZIP 5,917 03-19-93 Drags any file from Win FileMan,drops
DP101.ZIP 13,037 08-06-93 Changes you BMP every time you boot
DPAD10.ZIP 49,174 06-28-92 3 Windows utilities: Desktop scratch pad
DRFRANK.ZIP 103,385 01-16-92 Dr Frankenstein Windows 3.1 diagnostic
DSKTOP13.ZIP 58,463 06-07-93 Desktop: Win wallpaper (bitmap) randomizer
DSM13.ZIP 68,765 03-21-93 Disk Space Manager (Win, VBasic 2) app
DSW050.ZIP 60,627 05-24-93 DiskSpace, version 0.5, is a Windows 3.1 util
DWIN.ZIP 13,898 02-03-93 W31 SECURITY UTILITY.
EIW200.ZIP 94,412 03-23-93 Encrypt-It for Windows v2.00: encryption prgm
EKG2.ZIP 23,460 02-18-93 Realtime Display of Windows Cpu, Memory
ELPHNT.ZIP 6,486 01-04-93 Elephant Clock Runs from the Mouse.
EM10.ZIP 18,135 02-20-92 Easy Macro v1.0; Easy to use keystroke (Win)
ETC125.ZIP 350,159 01-21-93 Etcetera v1.25: Batch Language Interpreter.
EVENT_PC.ZIP 29,282 04-05-93 Event Manager/Calendar for Windows Startup!!!
EXECHIDE.ZIP 1,945 06-07-93 Windows utility from Europe. Hides a program
EXIT12.ZIP 135,951 05-26-93 JRE Exit v1.2: Win,VBasic 2 utility
EXITLITE.ZIP 21,942 12-16-92 The clean, quick, elegant way to exit Win
EZADR12E.ZIP 19,245 09-25-92 EZ Address v1.2e; Windows app
FASTFWD1.ZIP 23,091 06-05-93 (Win,VBasic 2)-- Multiple associations
FCMPW101.ZIP 30,399 04-07-93 FileCmpW v1.01 Win 3.x util compares two files
FIREEXIT.ZIP 23,155 08-16-93 FireExit lets you exit quickly from Windows
FIREPLAC.ZIP 3,461 01-16-93 A Windows program for those cold winter nites
FIXINI11.ZIP 1,969 01-05-93 Fix_Ini! V1.1 A FREE Util to Modify Win.ini
FNGRS10E.ZIP 61,980 05-08-93 Fingers 1.01 Automatic Phone Dialer For Win 3
FREMEM31.ZIP 166,832 08-18-93 Windows app that lists free memory
FRES20.ZIP 50,612 03-23-93 FRES v2.00: Displays and updates date/time
FUTIL2.ZIP 69,357 01-23-93 FUTIL v2.0 utility program for Win 3.1
GENIUS.ZIP 52,439 07-09-93 A wave of a mad man talking
GRABPR31.ZIP 141,498 10-04-92 Windows: Screen Grabber Pro 3.1 Snag any scrn
GROUPIC.ZIP 5,163 02-04-93 Simple VB Windows program to view .bmp, .icos
GT212.ZIP 63,513 02-18-93 Great Time Clock v 2.12. Added help file.
GUARD20.ZIP 14,975 01-03-93 Guardian Angel v2.0, A Windows 3.x utility
HERBYRUN.ZIP 7,658 03-28-93 HerbyRunner, replace Windows 3.1 RUN command
HEXVUE10.ZIP 31,245 06-11-93 View Files in Hexadecimal Format.
HIDER10.ZIP 9,305 07-19-92 Hides Icon while apps are still active
HKFR110.ZIP 36,918 08-20-92 Hkfree V1.10 Here! Now!
HYPERCD.ZIP 69,038 04-25-93 HyperCD is an easy and un-obtrusive CD Player
IEDIT101.ZIP 426,947 12-27-92 INI-Edit v1.01 INI editory for Windows
INFORM1A.ZIP 90,629 11-25-92 Informant a cpu 'load' monitor for windows
INIUPD11.ZIP 87,509 08-08-93 INI Update and Edit Utility v1.1: MS-Windows
INSPRO11.ZIP 72,374 07-28-92 Install Pro v1.1 Complete customizable
JETCURSR.ZIP 5,319 03-27-93 Jet cursors for change cursor ver2.21 +misc.
JGWINMAG.ZIP 7,771 04-15-92 Cool Little Magnifying Glass For Windows
KICK.ZIP 6,476 06-01-93 Utility to Remove A Loaded Module From Memory
KILLER10.ZIP 63,778 08-09-93 File Killer v1.0: Util to kill files
KS27.ZIP 36,168 05-26-93 Kickstart Version7 Reboot while in Windows
KUTIL12.ZIP 137,514 01-01-93 Kayman Software's MS-Windows KUtilities 1.2
LENS13.ZIP 7,135 08-08-92 A "magnifier" for Windows
LI132.ZIP 176,154 03-28-93 LI version 1.32 Shareware Windows file util
LOCATOR.ZIP 86,063 04-28-93 The Ultimate File Finder and Catalog Program
LOCK33.ZIP 203,459 04-26-93 METZ Lock v3.3: App safeguards your system
LOGIN10.ZIP 239,799 05-05-93 LogIn V1.0 for Win 3.1, Log your time in Win
LOGO3B.ZIP 102,734 04-02-93 Logogo v3.1b for Windows 3.1.
L_UTIL20.ZIP 6,104 05-19-93 Launch Utility Set v2.0: MS-Windows utilities
MAKECARD.ZIP 4,717 04-29-93 MAKECARD.BAS creates a Windows 3.1 Cardfile
MBA30.ZIP 170,514 06-01-93 M-B-A-nalyst v3∙0: MS-Windows power user's
MBZCAT11.ZIP 64,597 09-05-92 Micro-ZipCat v1.1; Windows 3.1 catalog
MCICLB.ZIP 153,039 05-23-93 More Control v2.0/ICL Builder v1.0.
MEMSZ154.ZIP 111,012 01-30-93 System Resources 1.54. Show Swap/Mem/etc
MEMWCH.ZIP 9,322 06-18-93 MemWatch Util displays avail system memory
MESSM12.ZIP 64,372 07-18-93 MESSAGE MACHINE 1.2 for Windows
METZCP.ZIP 46,139 04-06-93 Invokes Metz Task Manager v2.01 Easily.
MINCAL.ZIP 128,699 05-04-93 W31 Minimal calendar/agenda v. 1.0
MIXCS139.ZIP 22,030 01-10-93 MixCase v1.39: file/clipboard mode MS-Window
MNTINI10.ZIP 36,953 03-23-93 MaintINI will allow you to modify any INI's
MORCN11D.ZIP 35,966 02-24-93 More Control v1.1D: MS-Windows utility
MSVIEWER.ZIP 186,191 01-25-93 MS Viewnote viewer from cis
NAGGER.ZIP 17,728 08-23-92 Shows Message Box at random or preset times
NEWCAP.ZIP 42,080 04-03-93 NEWCAP v1.9 FOR WINDOWS by Brian McCarty Prgm
NOEXIT.ZIP 6,550 02-07-93 NoExit disables the CLOSE option on Windows
ONARC102.ZIP 131,883 03-03-93 OneArc v1.02: Convert archives to another
ORA114.ZIP 197,050 04-28-93 Orator Ver 1.14 Offline QWK Reader for Win
ORA114U.ZIP 87,750 04-28-93 Orator Ver 1.14 Offline QWK reader for Win
PASTE113.ZIP 22,094 01-18-93 Fast-Paste for Windows v1.13: util to enhance
PCMAGWIN.ZIP 183,580 01-18-93 Numerous Neat Utilities for Windows 3.1
PCODE131.ZIP 86,123 10-16-92 Windows 3.1 Telephone Area Code Finder v1.31
PFS2_B94.ZIP 163,678 05-28-93 PF Shell for Windows 3.x Belgian made 0.94b
PHNBOOK.ZIP 18,565 03-20-93 Phonebook Ver 0 Initial Release For Windows
PINUP13.ZIP 28,855 02-27-93 W31 popup note v. 1.3.
PMRTSK.ZIP 51,253 01-06-93 Smart Task Smart task manager shell
PPBK11.ZIP 48,449 04-10-93 Practical Phonebook v1.1: Windows Phonebook.
QKCAL20.ZIP 45,509 01-23-93 QuikCal v2.00: small calendar pgm for Win
QREAD.ZIP 85,028 03-12-93 W31 text file viewer utility v. 1.0.
RAISE115.ZIP 25,593 01-19-93 Auto-Raise v1.15: MS-Windows utility
RBND10.ZIP 127,052 06-01-93 Rebound makes it easier to use the Windows
RCLICK.ZIP 32,627 01-14-93 Click Right Mouse Button And Bring up Menu
REDBTN22.ZIP 21,749 06-12-92 Red Button v2.2 App to get out of Win quick
RESTART0.ZIP 2,233 05-13-93 This is a very small restart or exit program
RGAUGE11.ZIP 4,669 05-01-93 Rpm Gauge 1.1 for Win 3.1.
RGROUP10.ZIP 69,167 03-27-93 Enables you to change default start-up group
ROLODX3D.ZIP 356,124 05-17-93 A 3D Rolodex Tracks Birthdays
RSGAGE20.ZIP 12,359 03-26-93 Displays free system resources via an icon
RUN18.ZIP 23,871 02-27-93 Run a MS-Win pgm from a DOS prompt w/in Win
RWALL1_2.ZIP 355,877 07-20-93 Randomly select wallpaper at each start.
SBLITE.ZIP 126,588 07-16-92 Indespensable Backup Storage Management
SCHDX101.ZIP 33,991 03-26-93 SchedX v1.01: flexible event scheduler
SCHED10B.ZIP 8,404 04-02-93 Small Windows Utility That Runs Applications
SCN105BT.ZIP 227,119 05-27-93 Scan Virus v105 Beta copy.
SECGRP10.ZIP 19,907 06-10-93 Password-Protect Groups in Program Manager.
SHRD11.ZIP 13,669 09-29-92 Shredder v1.1 Win trascan type utility
SMTCAN20.ZIP 25,849 04-19-93 Smart Can for Windows. Has undelete feature.
SPACE103.ZIP 18,048 05-11-93 L Display free space on all drives, including
SPEEDY.ZIP 35,544 01-29-93 Excellent Windows graphics performance
SPRCLK.ZIP 86,783 03-09-93 SuperClock is the definitive alarm and clock
START12.ZIP 60,040 03-20-93 Further customize your Windows startup
STICKIES.ZIP 256,078 06-23-93 Stickies 2.1, Looking Glass Technologies $30
STMP10.ZIP 22,146 03-23-93 Stamper v1.0: Change time/date on files
STOPWACH.ZIP 2,728 08-19-93 The best stopwatch for Windows.
STRESS21.ZIP 115,887 02-08-93 StressFree v2.1: MS-Windows app that reminds
SUBLIM10.ZIP 31,563 01-09-93 Subliminal Help v1.0: MS-Windows app designed
SUPERCLK.ZIP 150,302 08-10-92 Like Win's Clock, But better.
SW103.ZIP 13,215 05-23-93 Stopwatch for Windows v1.03: stopwatch/clock
SWB928W.ZIP 88,208 01-25-93 Shareware international Windows use w sw928ti
SYSRES25.ZIP 17,760 01-21-93 System Resources v2.5 For Windows. See Graph
SYSRT1.ZIP 4,284 07-10-93 System information on memory for Windows 3.1
SYSWIT.ZIP 20,863 10-26-91 Program allows you to have several configs
TDL_DRS.ZIP 42,021 06-15-93 TO DO LIST 1.0 by dRs Engineering. Utility
TENKEYS.ZIP 101,163 08-16-93 JUDY'S TENKEY v2.0 <ASP> Win calculator
TI103.ZIP 43,059 08-06-93 Time-It version 1.03 by Glen Neal Time
TICKIT11.ZIP 74,650 08-03-93 Tick-It V1.1 Replacement For Windows' Clock.
TIMER10.ZIP 15,893 05-21-92 Timer for Windows. Track you time on hold
TIMZNA13.ZIP 24,405 02-28-93 World Time vA.1.3: Windows pgm Displays time
TIP151.ZIP 50,051 01-20-93 Tip V1.51 Forappbar. Another waste basket
TMCFW22C.ZIP 272,439 01-06-93 The Message Center For Windows ver 2.22c.
TODOW104.ZIP 107,160 07-05-93 To do List Manager For Windows V1.04.
TOOLBAR2.ZIP 14,923 04-25-93 TOOLBAR 2.0 Toolbar is a floating menu bar
TOPCLC.ZIP 12,197 10-21-92 Simple Windows calculator.Always stays on top
TRASHCAN.ZIP 14,485 03-23-92 Drag and Drop files into trash like
TTI2E.ZIP 95,794 03-31-93 THE TIME IS... V2.0e The best talking clock
TW112.ZIP 66,401 11-04-92 Text Watch; Windows 3.x monitors changes
TZ0112.ZIP 95,917 07-16-93 TimeZone (WinTZ) v1.12: MS-Windows program
UCLP17.ZIP 149,104 05-19-93 UltraClip v1.7: Windows clipboard enhancement
UN4WIN11.ZIP 49,473 01-26-93 Uninstall Utility For Windows
USAGE10.ZIP 8,928 12-09-92 Computer Usage Log v1.0: MS-Windows app
V12N15.ZIP 216,825 09-28-93 V12N15.ZIP PC Mag utilties
VBRE150S.ZIP 207,786 05-02-93 VBReader Offline Mail Reader.
VWIN.ZIP 114,065 08-02-93 Virtual desktop 4 windows great!
W1FNGR10.ZIP 71,682 06-08-93 W1Finger v1.0: Win program similar to macro
WALLPIX.ZIP 27,598 03-11-93 WallPix is an easy-to-use Wallpaper Startup
WALPIX30.ZIP 55,388 07-05-93 An easy-to-use Wallpaper and Startup Sound
WATCHMAN.ZIP 33,710 09-22-92 WatchMan! is a powerful file protection prgm
WBARCLK.ZIP 10,977 02-12-93 Windows Bar Clock Good Clock Utility
WCAPLOCK.ZIP 16,452 02-02-93 Makes caps lock key work like a typewriter.
WD10D.ZIP 47,606 04-06-93 Watchdog 1.0D. Windows Activity Monitor/Log.
WDCE20.ZIP 464,733 08-21-93 WinDial Corporate Edition 2.0: Windows 3.1
WFDS101.ZIP 91,197 07-05-93 Free Disk Space for Windows v1.01
WFIND20.ZIP 35,624 08-19-93 Windows File Finder 2.0a is a file search pgm
WFUEL12.ZIP 82,880 05-25-93 WinFuel v1.2: Fuel consumption calculator
WGREP141.ZIP 126,083 06-18-93 Windows Grep v1.41: Win text search utility
WGRP141A.ZIP 126,052 07-19-93 Windows Grep v1.41A: Windows text search util
WINAGAIN.ZIP 6,824 12-03-92 Windows 3.x auto windows restart or reboot.
WINAPPS.ZIP 7,448 09-03-92 MS-Windows program that will tell you
WINAREA.ZIP 9,350 05-07-93 Nice little utility to look-up area codes
WINBAG22.ZIP 91,688 07-07-93 Windows utility tool bag v2.2 req vbrun200.
WINBRW.ZIP 107,644 03-24-93 Fantastic file viewer. Can display multiples
WINBY101.ZIP 5,722 08-22-92 WINbye v1.01 quick exit from Windows 3.x
WINCAL1.ZIP 327,759 03-01-93 Windows Calendar V1.0: Public Domain Program
WINCLIP3.ZIP 87,742 02-26-93 WINCLIP v3.0: Updated version of neat program
WINCLO12.ZIP 20,430 02-20-93 W31 Clock/Date v. 1.2
WINCMD45.ZIP 142,285 08-15-93 Windows Command Line Processor V4.5 Windows
WINDEXED.ZIP 92,413 06-15-93 Rolodex for Windows∙MUST HAVE!; req vbrun200
WINDNOTE.ZIP 35,804 04-22-92 Places descriptions next to file names.
WINECJ11.ZIP 37,771 05-31-93 WinECJ version 1∙1 Fast Win JPEG viewer
WINEXIT3.ZIP 7,880 02-07-93 Windows Exit door 3.0.
WINHOG20.ZIP 15,697 03-19-93 Graphical pie chart display of disk space use
WINLOG20.ZIP 78,374 01-15-93 Tells how to make your own start up logo
WINMETER.ZIP 170,834 02-03-93 Windows 3.1 bench mark testing
WINSNAP1.ZIP 339,845 05-19-93 Windows Snapshot V1.0 Snapshot any screen
WINSTART.ZIP 3,698 12-04-91 Startup group for Win 3.0 Auto-Starts apps
WINTNT.ZIP 168,936 01-13-93 Windows tips and tricks Includes viewer
WINUSER.ZIP 1,214,887 05-14-93 Win user magazine utilities. unzip with -d
WLPEP111.ZIP 24,734 02-22-93 WallPeeper v1.11: Lets you scroll
WMC13.ZIP 123,070 03-14-93 L*Save/Restore multiple configurations (INIs)
WMEM10.ZIP 3,004 01-08-93 WMEM v1.0: Windows available memory display
WMS10C.ZIP 87,853 05-08-93 Windowmagic v1.0c.
WNBFF15.ZIP 15,297 06-26-93 WinBiff v1.5: Ver of the well known Unix biff
WNBOOT.ZIP 4,367 10-08-92 WinBoot; Closes all active Windows apps
WNCODE14.ZIP 56,978 08-16-93 Windows uuencoded/decoder.
WNOT141B.ZIP 112,004 05-10-93 Windows Notice is Designed to give freedom
WNSHLD11.ZIP 71,109 03-09-93 WinShield v1.1: MS-Windows util password
WPHN21.ZIP 95,943 01-30-93 WinPhone v2.1: MS-Windows address/phone book
WSCH201A.ZIP 35,037 08-09-93 Winsched v2.01A: MS-Windows pgm scheduler
WSHD10.ZIP 27,192 03-04-93 WinShred 1.0 A simple utility with sound
WSK310.ZIP 153,003 01-31-93 WinSock v3.10: Windows resource monitor
WTIME.ZIP 27,313 09-10-91 How do I get out of this?
WTM21D.ZIP 77,362 07-30-93 WorldTime for Windows v2.10D: worldwide clock
WWCLIP.ZIP 12,513 07-29-93 Paste from clipboard into Word for Windows.
WWPLUS.ZIP 528,434 06-28-93 Winwall plus wallpaper tool. req vbrun300.
XCALC112.ZIP 116,671 06-28-93 X-like calculator for Windows 3.1
XCALC12.ZIP 105,191 08-04-93 Highly configurable calculator for Win 3.x
YACC10.ZIP 24,990 07-15-93 Yet Another Clipboard Collector (YACC) v1.0