ALIGNGB.ZIP 16,261 05/28/92 Alignment for Windows is a developer's tool which creates a "grid" from your choices of background color, foreground color, and line style. It then replaces your WINDOWS 3.1 wallpaper with that grid, showing you how your app will look in different resolutions. Shareware from Graphical Bytes, Inc. Requires VBRUN100.DLL AND WINDOWS 3.1.
BWCC103.ZIP 43,067 03/18/93 Lastest copy of BWCC.DLL with .H from Borlands BBS.
CKIT258.ZIP 212,121 06/01/93 Ckit2.58 Door Kit For Microsoft C, Quick C, Turbo C And BC++. Supports PCBoard 12.0, 14.0 14.5, Wildcat!, Door.sys, Dorinfox.Def And Any BBS Known.
CLIKBR15.ZIP 231,322 03/23/93 Borland Resource Workshop Custom Control Toolbar Dll For Windows Programmers.
CTL3D.ZIP 28,107 05/08/93 3-D Controls Dll For Windows Programming.
CTL3DPAS.ZIP 17,075 04/04/93 Turbo Pascal For Windows Source Executable In How To Use The 3d Dialog Boxes.
C_ALL.ZIP 878,065 09/03/93 Borland C++ Programing Tips.
DFVB14.ZIP 184,941 03/25/93 Doorframe v1.4 Door Library for Visual Basic.
EMAIL248.ZIP 63,386 11/15/92 Freeware Email System for Windows Networks.
ETC120.ZIP 117,656 11/03/92 Et Cetera, Macro Language to Automate Apps.
FONTCDLG.ZIP 4,819 03/21/92 Borland C++ OWL example of common font dialog
GDEMO.ZIP 351,500 12/18/92 Demo of Microhelp's 3-D Gizmos for VB.
HLPDK40.ZIP 248,198 04/30/93 Help Development Kit 4.0 Dos/Windows/DV-X Author: Ron Loewy, ISoft D&M HLPDK40 Help Development Kit A hyper-text development kit that includes a royality free and a help compiler with a built in cross ref supports creation of DOS help databases, and files, DESQview/X and Windows help (winHelp)
HWAB30.ZIP 162,492 05/01/93 Utility to help develop Help files for Win
MEDIT23.ZIP 100,202 04/01/93 M-Edit, Programmer's Editor For Windows 32/Nt
MEW10S.ZIP 249,318 04/17/92 Source code for MicroEMACS ported to Windows 3.0. MicroEMACS is a slimed-down version of the infamous EMACS editor. Use Borland C 2.0 or above to compile. Slight changes in mewfile.c to compile with QC/Win.
MEW11.ZIP 98,598 10/12/92 Microemacs Version 1.1.
MEWH11.ZIP 149,798 10/12/92 Help Files for MEW11.ZIP.
MTASK.ZIP 6,408 03/30/93 Multi-Tasking Demo for Win with C source code For C++ And Visual Basic programmers.
ORIEL.ZIP 65,940 04/06/91 Basic programming tool for Windows
SAMDU220.ZIP 60,739 04/01/93 Sample program for using the SABDU001.DLL that comes with SAB Diskette Utility. SAB Diskette Utility must be obtained seperately. It can be found on many BBS's under the name SABDUxxx.ZIP where xxx is the version number. It can also be found on CompuServe under the name SDUxxx.ZIP where xxx is the version number. Sometimes it can be found under the name SABDU.ZIP.
UCLP15.ZIP 75,771 01/02/93 UltraClip v1.5: MS-Windows clipboard enhancement that stores multiple objects placed on the clipboard restores them on demand; each object gets a separate window w/a graphic representation for easy selection; OLE-aware, it can store/restore OLE objects as well as private clipboard formats; displays/stores bitmaps, DIBs, metafiles text objects; includes a toolbar status line w/memory usage size of each object.
WBB13.ZIP 307,162 02/23/93 BasicBasic for MS-Windows v1.3: Basic-like language that contains a subset of MS-Basic as well as many new/unique cmds; supports mouse/buttons and menu (Windows version only) req src editor; BB13.ZIP is DOS version
WCD101.ZIP 38,350 04/16/92 CD Player for Win 3.1.
WCLIB.ZIP 37,518 05/03/93 Function library for Wincmd see 5/25/93 PCMag
WDJUN93.ZIP 131,995 05/07/93 Windows/Dos Developers Journal June 1993
WINDOSIO.ZIP 110,794 07/06/93 Windows DLL for C programmer.
WPJ1_3.ZIP 131,393 03/02/93 Windows Programmers Journal Volume 1 Issue 3. Online magazine in .txt or .hlp formats
WPJ1_6.ZIP 133,400 06/12/93 Windows Programmers Journal Vol 1 Issue 6.
WPJ1_7.ZIP 252,722 O8/02/93 Windows Programmers Journal Vol 1 No. 5
WPJV1N1.ZIP 35,083 01/03/93 Windows Programmer Journal Volume 1 No. 1 Electronically Distributed Newsletter Concerning Windows Programming.
WPJV1N2.ZIP 46,751 02/01/93 Windows Programmer Journal Vol 1 No. 2 Electronically Distributed Newsletter Concerning Windows Programming
WPJV1N3.ZIP 130,153 03/18/93 Windows Programmers Journal Vol 1 #3
WTEK0593.ZIP 253,133 04/09/93 Source code from the May 93 issue of Windows Tech. Journal.
WTJ007.ZIP 228,394 04/17/93 Wintech Journal Code Listings August 1992
WTJ008.ZIP 174,330 04/16/93 Wintech Journal Code Listings September 1992