31FUN.ZIP 698 04/21/92 Step by step instructions on how to get the gag screen
ACC_KB.ZIP 395,540 01/15/93 Knowledge Base articles on MS Access.
ALLSCRIP.ZIP 4,643 06/07/93 This is a set of files that will help you to make scripts that will allow you to log on to several famous bulletin boards around the country.
APDCK400.ZIP 55,116 07/15/92 Application Dock for Windows 4.0 The latest release of the original icon-bar program launcher for Windows. Enhanced speed and functionality. Requires Windows 3.1
APORIA.ZIP 45,111 05/08/89 a frontend for windows msdos executive
APWIN3.ZIP 10,961 10/31/90 Application Notes for Windows 3.0 Windows, Pagemaker and Excel software application notes.
BARTEYES.ZIP 12,428 01/30/91 Windows 3.0 mouse tracker
BATSHELL.ZIP 16,314 07/31/92 shell for windows
BBSW012.ZIP 161,960 06/16/93 BBSouthWest BBS Guide v1.2 for Windows The Best BBS guide in the SouthWest! SysOps advertise free in VGA!
BCKMN139.ZIP 24,073 03/01/91 Win3 Popup menu v. 139 and cmdline prog. New Backmenu ver. root menu popup from desktop now supports multi-line cascading menus DOS cmd line feature w/10 line history. Freeware!
BYTEW053.ZIP 136,144 04/19/93 Orange County CA Windows Newsletter
BYTEW307.ZIP 150,771 06/19/93 Orange County Electronic Newsbytes (Windows)
BYTEWB.ZIP 52,120 03/25/93 Byte Magazines Windows Benchmarks, This is much better than PC Magazine's benchmarks, because it can't be cheated. All the latest boards and advertisements that you see quoting either PCBENCH 2.5 or 3.11 are based on video drivers that cheat the benchmarks.
C9CONMDB.ZIP 65,173 02/07/93 Microsoft Access Database Of Cloud Nine Preferences, Descriptions, Numbers.
CC0101.ZIP 182,995 07/31/93 CYBER CULTURE MAGAZINE Volume 1, Issue 1 MultiMedia/Win3.1 An electronic magazine for Windows 3.1 that's all about the Digital Age; fact, fiction, graphics and sound are used in a hypertext format. Get CS0101.ZIP for sound effects
CDROMHLP.ZIP 171,155 07/16/93 CD-ROM information from many sources, as a Windows help file Files: 1 07-16-93
COMPAT31.ZIP 9,875 04/16/92 Windows 3.1.Compability help-file.
CPQ_HELP.ZIP 61,193 11/09/92 Windows Help file of Compaq information
CS0101.ZIP 242,266 08/03/93 CYBER CULTURE MAG Vol 1, Issue 1 *SOUND* GET CC0101.ZIP for the magazine itself.
DVDEMO.ZIP 172,762 09/07/90 Demonstration version of DV 2.x.
ENCARTA.ZIP 274,767 06/30/93 Screen shots, info, reviews from MS Encarta Encyclopedia for CD-ROM
FAQWIN02.ZIP 75,436 06/01/93 Internet FAQ file for Windows. Good tricks,
MNTBK48.ZIP 462,172 03/27/93 ModemNews Magazine Issue #47 -The Alternative Press for BBS's -Our 4th Anniversary Issue! This is the WINDOWS version w/.WAVs
MPEGNT.ZIP 140,288 03/16/93 An MPEG player for Windows NT Dir 58 MPEG is JPEG animation.
MSINF593.ZIP 31,633 05/24/93 Microsoft information as of 5/25/93, PSS Phone numbers, drv
NEWLUT01.ZIP 275,557 08/01/93 Windows hypertext description of the new Apple Newton
NOTEP1.ZIP 551 06/14/93 How to see the credits/secret gag file built into Windows 3.1 Notepad.
NTALIEN0.ZIP 45,692 06/01/93 Aliens for Windows NT Nice animations
NTDESK24.ZIP 28,352 03/24/93 TDESK24.ZIP Desktop version 2.4 for Win NT
NTFAQT.ZIP 25,062 05/10/93 TFAQT.ZIP More FAQ's for WinNT.
NT_BOG.ZIP 32,048 04/03/93 Windows NT Word game (March 93 ver.)
NT_CAT.ZIP 405,623 01/04/93 NT ISV Catalog. UL by Microsoft Canada.
NT_PZL.ZIP 18,208 04/03/93 Windows NT Word Game (March93 ver)
RAD2.ZIP 952,514 05/02/93 Issue 2 of the "best" magazine for Windows
RCALC_.ZIP 278,150 03/15/93 RCalc for Windows NT Talking Reverse Polish Notation Calculator WOLLy sez: Is reverse Polish anything like pig latin?<<<
SCSIHLP.ZIP 146,496 07/30/93 SCSI tech info in Windows Help format
SMD.ZIP 1,519 05/12/92 Text file describing the use of SMARTDRV.SYS with Windows.
VIVID1.ZIP 104,733 08/13/93 ViViD Magazine: Issue 1 A hypertext magazine with cyberspac
VW006A.ZIP 80,293 02/23/93 Win 3.1 ViewNotes on Serial Communications
WE0696.ZIP 4,986 02/25/93 Microsoft Application Note on using MS-Excel Workbooks
WIN31DSK.ZIP 39,480 04/17/92 Microsoft Whitepaper on SMARTDrive 32-Bit disk access (W4W format)
WIN31FIX.ZIP 5,685 04/17/92 Solving memory manager problems with Windows
WINSFT11.ZIP 46,540 10/27/89 Cardfile listing current upcoming programs specifically for MS-Windows.
WINSOCK.ZIP 264,507 06/11/92 Draft specification for implimentation of Berkley Sockets under MicroSoft Windows <3,Nt,etc>. Contains document in text, W4W 2, and PostScript format.
WINTRICK.ZIP 1,348 02/01/93 Bill Gates' Top Ten Tricks for Windows 3.1.
WMD0022W.ZIP 147,991 05/04/93 Multimedia Digest Issue 22 for Windows.