DDESHR.ZIP 21,920 12/31/92 Visual Basic: Example of using DDE's.
DTBL30B.ZIP 142,606 05/26/93 The DataTable (version 3.0-beta) custom developers. The DataTable custom control is a Visual interface to the Paradox Engine 3.X. Using the DataTable custom control developers have access to multi-user, network compatible database resources. An excellent development tool. A must see!
ENO.ZIP 16,510 01/26/93 A mini-animation written in Visual Bas ic...check it out!
EVBMAG01.ZIP 81,469 01/19/93 Visual Basic Magazine on disk for VB programmers. It is an electronic magazine
EVBMAG02.ZIP 321,608 04/10/93 ELECTRIFIED VISUAL BASIC MAGAZINE ISSUE 2. An electronic magazine for Visual Basic programmers. This 2nd issue is bigger and better. Has reviews of commercial and Shareware/freeware programs for Visual Basic. Book reviews, tips and trick and more.
GRID.ZIP 25,587 07/27/93 Microsoft Updated Grid.Vbx For Visual Basic
INICON2.ZIP 12,401 06/23/93 IniCon Visual Basic VBX to allow easy read and write access to configuration parameters in WIN.INI and application INI files.
PBCWIN10.ZIP 26,605 01/22/93 PBCwin 1.0 library for Visual Basic This is a general-purpose DLL with some 78 routines. Shareware by Tom Hanlin.
STBA2.ZIP 17,151 01/16/93 Status Bar vbx for vb-win, includes version for vb1 2, latest versions from ci$
TRIEDRUN.ZIP 184,079 03/01/93 Visual Basic Dos Runtime Mod Vbdrt10.Exe w/ Triedit Sample Application.
VBCOMM20.ZIP 17,165 08/22/92 Communications Controls for Visual Basic.
VBDOS.ZIP 7,701 07/12/91 Visual Basic DOS routines w/source
VBENGINE.ZIP 159,436 04/04/93 A database development tool for Visual Basic programmers. Its easy to use, has an object-oriented database interface, and sophisticated multi-user, network compatible capabilities. Requires MS Windows and a 286 or higher machine (designed specifically for Visual Basic Programmers).
VBFLL105.ZIP 6,310 07/08/93 VB Fast Load V1.05c VB. Program that is designed to improve the speed and functionality of ALL Visual Basic applications, including the new VB 3.0! Does NOT include any of the three Visual Basic runtime DLLs.
VBMDIXPL.ZIP 26,583 05/17/93 Visual Basic Mdi Example Well Done
VBPRINT.ZIP 80,300 03/17/93 Dll With All The Printing Functions For VB.
VBRUN100.ZIP 157,221 05/10/91 run module for visual basic programs
VBRUN200.ZIP 206,344 11/09/92 Runtime DLL for Visual Basic v2.00 programs
VBRUN3.ZIP 230,339 05/27/93 MS Visual Basic 3.0 Run Time Module.
VBRUN300.ZIP 228,729 04/28/93 MS Visual Basic 3.0 run time module.
VBTIPS.ZIP 12,552 08/04/91 Helpful Tips for Visual Basic
VBTOOL20.ZIP 35,742 04/08/93 Toolbar custom control for visual basic
VBUTIL.ZIP 43,673 06/06/91 Copy/Del utils for Visual Basic .MAK files.
VBWMODEL.ZIP 2,231,289 07/25/93 Visual Basic Working Model
VH14.ZIP 129,687 05/14/93 Help file creator for VB programs
VINST8.ZIP 215,313 05/14/93 Install/Uninstall VB source for VBasic useres
VXB302.ZIP 337,167 06/24/93 Visual Basic Database engine and xBase compatible file system, main files.
VXB_CODE.ZIP 38,992 06/21/93 Example C code for Visual Basic Database engine system; VXB302.ZIP.
WIN_VW11.ZIP 56,687 08/05/93 Winview V1.10 is A Utility Which Was Written to Help The Visual Basic Programmer Snoop Around A Window's Attibutes. This Utility Has Proven Very Useful to me And Since The Original Author Permitted The Free Use.
ZIPSHELL.ZIP 147,635 07/13/92 ZIP file manager for Win 3.1. Written in Visual Basic.