Labels:bottle | bulletin board | cabinet | door | earth | fence | grass | person | reckoner | sky OCR: 0123 156789 ~!@#$%^ S*0 <.10N :;/? the quich brown TOX jumps ober the (agh dog The quick broion fox junps ouer the (a3y) dog The quick bromn fox jumps over the la31) bog 36 Zhe quick broiwnt jump3 over the la3y) bog The quick broimn fox jumps pber the lasy bog. 60 the quick bromn jumps ober the lagy he quick bromn jumps Dner the abedefghijk mnopqr3tuoiox1 0123456789 jumbs lagh broivn broin lajy broint pner pper Iasy uaotg