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- Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume I Number 382
- Tuesday, March 26th 1991
- Today's Topics:
- Re: Fritterheads(tm)
- Re: Bill cooper
- Re: Philisophical concerns
- Rick Redux
- Re: Statements of accepta
- Re: Bill cooper
- Fireball clippings
- Goof
- Re: Bill Cooper
- Re: New Paranet Affiliate
- Gravitational Magnetism
- Hello & Have You Heard???
- Re: New Paranet Affiliate
- Openmindedness and psychic phenomena
- Rick Redux
- Australian SETI success?
- Rick Redux
- Ss433
- Internet Difficulties
- The mutliation factor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
- Subject: Re: Fritterheads(tm)
- Date: 21 Mar 91 07:25:54 GMT
- > "> I've always been strongly in favour of open-mindedness -- as long
- > as "> your mind isn't so open that things flutter in and out.
- >
- > An excellent way to ignore any opinion that doesn't fit your worldview
- > without sacrificing your high moral and ethical standards. Sir, I
- > salute you.
- It could indeed serve as a pretext for such a stance. If you have any
- particular evidence that I am in fact doing so, and are not merely
- engaging in a variety of name-calling, I would be interested to hear it.
- Until then, happy fluttering! ;-)
- Best Regards,
- Rick M.
- --
- Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
- Subject: Re: Bill cooper
- Date: 21 Mar 91 07:31:10 GMT
- > "> Sorry Rick; but I can't go along with you on that one. The
- > "> purpose of the message was not to protect Bill Cooper from
- >
- > Forgive me for tuning in late, but what did Bill Cooper do to offend
- > the powers-that-be? Had I a collection of any author's frowned-upon
- > text, I would be disinclined to trash it for any reason short of a
- > court order. I'd rather leave it available, with appropriate editoral
- > comments--and allow any foolishness or fritterheadedness to reflect on
- > the author hirself.
- Exactly my position, except that I personally would dispense with the
- "appropriate editorial comments". Still, I wouldn't remark that the
- latter is "an excellent way to denigrate any opinion that doesn't fit
- your worldview without sacrificing your high moral and ethical
- standards".
- For that would be a cheap shot, and we wouldn't want that, would we?
- Best Regards,
- Rick M.
- --
- Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
- Subject: Re: Philisophical concerns
- Date: 21 Mar 91 07:40:23 GMT
- > I read your continuing debate with boredom at many points. The reason
- > is not what you have stated or in some cases what others propose, but
- > because of the nit picking out of your statements, mis-quoting, and
- > goal-less attacks on motives or people. (that may have been unclear, I
- > meant picking parts out of your statements without concern for the
- > whole of the material, then arguing one word instead of a concept)
- >
- > My answer is in this case: "You can lead a horse to water, but you
- > can't teach it to do the back stroke!"
- >
- > Keep trying Rick!
- Thanks! I have to shake my head at statements like Jim Greenen's that
- I "have read enough on this and other BBSs that I should have come to a
- conclusion that all these claims of UFO sightings has to merit some
- consideration on your part." That is, of course, exactly what I have
- been doing all along, and is wlargely what I am in fact here for. I
- surely haven't gone a large distance out of my way, talking to
- UFOlogists and UFO buff, and hubbing for their e-mail, merely in order
- to ignore what they have to say.
- As they say en Francais, "Incroyable!"
- Best Regards,
- Rick M.
- --
- Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
- Subject: Rick Redux
- Date: 21 Mar 91 08:02:06 GMT
- Hello, folks --
- In order to save echo bandwidth, I've decided to change my mind and
- admit publicly that I'm really a closed-minded zealot who's here to
- attack people for their beliefs, ignore overwhelming evidence that might
- serve to undermine my faith in my ideology and divert me from my hidden
- agenda, and basically to test how dark the depths of my soul really are.
- Since I've now Confessed All, we can regard those subjects as closed
- (unless, of course, you really really want to castigate me for the
- above, in which case I'll be glad to oblige).
- Oh, I almost forgot about my employment as a government disinformation
- agent, but that's a story for another message....
- Wickedly Yours,
- Rick M.
- --
- Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim.Speiser@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
- Subject: Re: Statements of accepta
- Date: 23 Mar 91 06:04:00 GMT
- -> As I wade through this tangled web of lame
- ->rationalization, I must
- ->yet remember that when I asked for the references to the
- ->material with
- ->which you (and you say Jim also) are all too familiar, you
- ->were unable
- ->to supply them. (Jim, if you're there, can you help out
- ->here?)
- Golly, wish I could, John, but I can't seem to get a handle on what the hell
- you guys are arguing about. The rhetoric seems to be getting piled pretty
- high here. If you're asking me what Shaeffer, Klass, et al have held out as
- criteria for proof of UFO reality, I do have some idea, but the references
- would be mostly personal conversations. Will that do? As I posted here
- earlier, Shaeffer once told me that he would "take a long look at" any case
- that involved "multiple independent photos of the same anomalous object."
- Carl Sagan is reportedly looking for a cocktail napkin from on board a UFO.
- I *believe* Klass is looking for some kind of official statement from a body
- such as the National Academy of Sciences (*if* that is his criteria, I
- consider it a neat dodge of the real issue). I have no idea what Oberg would
- accept. He does not seem to be in the same boat with the others; he tends to
- restrict himself to commenting on those cases which he believes he has
- explained, and does not seem bent on extrapolating his explanations to wave
- away the entire phenomenon.
- As to the rest of the argument, I think both you guys ought to cool it. I
- was director of ParaNet at the time Cooper was logging on, and it was my
- decision to keep all of his and John Lear's files public, and I commend Rick
- for doing the same. *My* reasoning was that it was important for those
- people who had not made up their minds on the issue to be given everything
- they needed in order to do so. I felt confident that Cooper would simply
- hang himself with his own words, but regardless of that, its always been my
- feeling that we have nothing to fear from ideas. The good ones should be
- presented so that they may be acted on, and the bad ones, so that they may
- stand as examples of how NOT to think. I suspect that if Rick kept the files
- up because he damn well felt like it, this may be WHY he damn well felt like
- it.
- Jim
- --
- Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
- Subject: Re: Bill cooper
- Date: 21 Mar 91 07:21:49 GMT
- OK, Jim, for the record, you have bluntly stated that
- (1) my intentions are less than honourable
- (2) I lobby against deleting Bill Cooper's files because of ulterior
- motives
- (3) I'm closed-minded
- (4) someone who calls himself a skeptic can't be open-minded
- You are perfectly entitled to your opinion on these matters, and I make
- a firm policy of never arguing with such views.
- Best Regards,
- Rick M.
- --
- Rick Moen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hicks)
- Subject: Fireball clippings
- Date: 20 Mar 91 07:41:01 GMT
- Interesting huh. Note that in the first AP report, the pilots
- reported that the object was moving about over NYC. I have a copy of a
- later AP report that eliminates the pilots altogether.
- jbh
- --
- John Hicks - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
- Subject: Goof
- Date: 21 Mar 91 06:06:00 GMT
- > Is she the former Aileen Edwards of Seattle?
- >
- > Jim
- Yup.
- Don
- --
- Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
- Subject: Re: Bill Cooper
- Date: 21 Mar 91 06:37:00 GMT
- Jim;
- Excuse me for jumping in about your message to Rick Moen,
- but I have to state that as one of the old timers here in
- ParaNet, I have "known" Rick for quite some time. Rick can
- NOT be accused of being "close" minded, but he does ask
- questions. That does not make him a bad guy. Checking my
- dictionary skeptic was listed as: n. doubt in absence of
- conclusive evidence; and BROTHER does that describe Mr.
- Cooper!
- As one who did a two part investigation in Mr. Milton Wm.
- Cooper, I can tell you first hand that Cooper is at the
- forfront of lacking ANY CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE. As a matter of
- fact, several months ago I used the word CHARLATAN in
- reference to Cooper, ( and I was being nice to boot ) and
- Mr. Moen chided me for the adjective. Skeptic? Yep, Mr.
- Moen is that and he uses it in his origin line. Close
- minded? No I do not agree. I had a sighting myself, and a
- dramatic one at that, and I believe in the possibilty of ET
- life. However I to am a SKEPTIC I do not believe in
- allowing my mind to be so open that my brains tumble out _ I
- may never find them! GRIN
- --
- Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Elizabeth.Anderson@p0.f30.n134.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Elizabeth Anderson)
- Subject: Re: New Paranet Affiliate
- Date: 23 Mar 91 00:35:00 GMT
- Hello and best regards from Calgary.
- Jerry has very kindly asked me to be a co-sysop on his board, Just Talk, so
- that I can be the sysop for Paranet - which I nagged him into getting up in
- the first place. So, you won't be seeing much of Jerry, though I am sure
- you'll be hearing a lot from me!
- I am the founder of the Alberta Skeptics, a small but increasing vocal group
- with a lot to say. I would say that the group's main concern currently is to
- prevent the teaching of creationism in the public schools - hardly a Paranet
- topic. However, there is a large new age community in southern Alberta, and
- certainly much interest in paranormal subjects. My personal hobby-horse is
- satanism, and I had done a great deal of research into the subject. My
- degree is in medieval studies, from the University of Toronto, so I feel I
- have a good background to work from. UFOs are something I know a fair amount
- about, not so much because I am interested especially, but more because of
- the 'ancient astronaut' claims. I attended the CSICOP workshop on UFOs in
- Tucson last November and had a wonderful time. I look forward to much
- interesting discussion.
- And I do a great tarot reading too!
- Elizabeth
- --
- Elizabeth Anderson - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Elizabeth.Anderson@p0.f30.n134.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
- Subject: Gravitational Magnetism
- Date: 23 Mar 91 03:41:00 GMT
- To: violet.berkeley.edu!chalmers
- > >
- > >
- > > It might be interesting to consider gravity as the
- > > resultant of mass and time.
- > >
- > Nope, not a chance, not even a small probability.
- Why not, Kurt? Please tell us more!
- Clark
- --
- Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
- Subject: Hello & Have You Heard???
- Date: 23 Mar 91 18:49:00 GMT
- Hello Elizabeth and welcome to ParaNet!
- I am hoping you can steer me in the right direction for some
- research I'm doing. Any assistance you could provide off-the-cuff
- would be greatly appreciated.
- In the Northwest Territories, there's a river called the Nahani
- River. I believe it's just north of Atla or Sask. Could you tell
- me if the river runs through a national park or wildlife preserve,
- and if it's accessible by road? Supposedly it's home to a lot of
- Bigfoot. (Bigfeet?)
- Ultimately, I'd like to speak to or write any local park rangers or
- law enforcement personnel in the area in question. If you could
- just tell me which town or ranger station I should try calling, I'd
- really appreciate it. The people at the Consulate General in
- N.Y.C. are greatly amused at my phone calls...
- Thanks in advance for any help you can offer, and welcome once
- again!
- Best,
- Clark
- --
- Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
- Subject: Re: New Paranet Affiliate
- Date: 23 Mar 91 21:07:00 GMT
- > Hello and best regards from Calgary.
- >
- Hello, and welcome, Elizabeth! Glad to see we're getting more active skeptics
- online. I've been bugging Mike Stackpole for years to log in and bat things
- back and forth with us - he's the head of the Phoenix Skeptics, and you may
- know of him from some of his own studies on Satanism. And of course, Rick
- Moen of the Bay Area Skeptics is also with us, though he has now admitted to
- being a closed-minded government disinformation agent. <grin>
- Look forward to some interesting conversations with you and your comrades in
- that neck of the woods.
- Jim Speiser
- PS: I'm a long-time creation-basher myself, though I agree that this is
- probably not the place for it. That's a never-ending argument; here we prefer
- to stick to things that, at least in theory, have SOME chance of being
- resolved (like....<sheepish grin>...UFOs...?)
- --
- Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: gatech!apple.com!well!ddrasin
- Subject: Openmindedness and psychic phenomena
- Date: 25 Mar 91 00:53:21 GMT
- From: gatech!apple.com!well!ddrasin (Dan Drasin)
- (I submitted the following last week, but evidently due to your
- Domain Address problem you never received it. So here it is again,
- with a few minor editorial revisions:)
- + It is not so much that I don't believe that 'channeling' is real,
- + but more, what scientific methods can be applied to study the
- + phenomena? I was talking with a person the other day who told me that
- + there have been some solid-based scientific research done regarding
- + psychic phenomenon. Does anyone have any information relating
- + scientific research being conducted to validate psychic phenomenon?
- Mike, I think you'd agree that whenever anything gets pushed
- underground or declared taboo in a society a great deal of folklore
- gets generated about how there's 'no evidence' for such-and-such.
- This produces more 'religion' (which involves a-priori
- preclusiveness, true-belief-based circular reasoning and the
- avoidance of uncomfortable revelations) than 'science' (which is
- theoretically based upon openmindedness, responsiblity, etc.). Try
- proposing the establishment of a procedurally-impeccable
- parapsychology department at any major university and see how
- quickly the vaunted concept of academic freedom becomes
- circumscribed by ignorance and fear.
- The Journals of the Society for Psychical Research (Britain) and the
- ASPR (US) have been published for many decades, and a perusal of same
- should keep any earnest researcher busy for a long time. You also
- might check out the recent work done at Princeton that analyzes
- decades of experiments by many researchers using random number
- generators with psychics under controlled conditions. There is a
- conference on the WELL bbs here in the SF Bay Area (415-332-6106)
- called the 'fringes' conference. Topic 11 in that conference is
- devoted to the 'Princeton PK Review' and would be a good place to
- start familiarizing yourself with that material.
- You might also check out a book, THE WORLD OF TED SERIOS (*Second*
- Edition), by Jule Eisenbud, M.D., (C) 1989, published by McFarland
- & Co., Inc, Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640. It is a fascinating
- account of one of the most copiously evidential parapsychological
- cases on record. It also contains a scathing account of James
- Randi's clumsy attempts to squirm out of his own claims and 'offers'
- with regard to this case. This book (not to be confused with the
- *first* edition, published in 1967) was published privately and is
- in limited circulation, but should be available from the publisher.
- You also might check out John Klimo's book on channeling (sorry, the
- title escapes me at the moment).
- + I've always been strongly in favour of open-mindedness -- as long as
- + your mind isn't so open that things flutter in and out.
- Rick, I've heard variations on this from skeptics for a long time.
- It's usually '...as long as your mind isn't so open that your brains
- fall out.' Pray tell, Rick, just what does this mean? Just exactly
- what are the prescribed limits to openmindedness, and who gets to do
- the prescribing for everyone else?
- In the end, statements like this (lighthearted though they may
- sometimes be) seem to betray a confusion between openmindedness on the
- one hand and sloppy science on the other.
- This falls into the same category as the statement 'extraordinary
- claims require extraordinary proof' -- because (apart from the double-
- standard implied here, which science is never supposed to tolerate)
- nobody has ever defined what 'ordinary' (and therefore "extra-
- ordinary') means. And never will because the definition of what's
- 'ordinary' evolves constantly. And besides, "ordinariness" is not a
- part of scientific method. Never was, and never will be. In science,
- openmindedness and procedural integrity take precedence. Everything
- else is secondary.
- That statement is also frequently used to discourage honest research
- into certain subjects -- as if 'proof' were the *first* stage in an
- investigation instead of the last. In other words, a (real or
- imagined) lack of proof is often used to rationalize avoiding the very
- investigation that would be required to develop such proof in the
- first place.
- If anything, 'extraordinary' claims (assuming one is interested
- enogh to follow them up in the first place) require extraordinarily
- openiminded, careful and resourceful science. Period.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
- Subject: Rick Redux
- Date: 24 Mar 91 06:58:00 GMT
- > In order to save echo bandwidth, I've decided to
- > change my mind and admit publicly that I'm really a closed-minded zealot
- > who's here to attack people for their beliefs, ignore overwhelming
- > evidence that might serve to undermine my faith in my ideology and divert
- > me from my hidden agenda, and basically to test how dark the depths of
- > my soul really are.
- Ah Ha! I knew it all along.... I bet you < GASP!! > even
- write letters to Phil < GASP > KLASS!! Out with the stake
- Mike, we got one to burn!
- Don
- --
- Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: boulder!conncoll.bitnet!gateh
- Subject: Australian SETI success?
- Date: 25 Mar 91 14:39:42 GMT
- From: boulder!conncoll.bitnet!gateh (Gregg TeHennepe)
- I saw a couple of queries in the Space digest (as well as a
- reference in the RISKs digest) to reports on Australian(?) news
- that an Australian radio observatory had received what they thought
- were intelligent signals of non-earth origin. Has anybody else heard
- about this, or any possible follow-ups? There was no response (or
- even interest, it seemed) in the Space digest, which I thought
- somewhat unusual.
- Gregg TeHennepe | SysAdm, Academic Computing
- gateh@conncoll.bitnet | Connecticut College, New London, CT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hicks)
- Subject: Rick Redux
- Date: 25 Mar 91 02:10:00 GMT
- > In order to save echo bandwidth, I've decided to change my mind
- The truth is out! You're really Bill Cooper! ;-)
- jbh
- --
- John Hicks - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Subject: Ss433
- Date: 26 Mar 91 05:00:00 GMT
- *** Quoting John Powell to Mark Freel ***
- > In a message to Gregg Gillis <16 Mar 91 12:49> Mark Freel
- > wrote:
- > MF> This is from _The_Quest_for_SS433_ by David H. Clark
- > (1985)...
- >
- > MF> _IF_ it had moved 10000 light years in the last six
- > years to the outer
- > MF> edge of our solar system, a degree in astrophysics would
- > be worth ... ?
- 10000 light years in 6 years? I'm not sure how that statement is being used,
- but if the author (David Clark) was not trying to be funny, then he has a
- serious problem on his hands... how to explain faster-than-light travel.
- What I am confused about is: SS433 is a stellar object, fully described and
- explained in the appropriate scientific journals by professional astronomers
- and physicists. It is not an object entering our own solar system, manned by
- reptile creature intent on invading Earth, driven by atomic engines. Why
- then, in the face of professional and vastly more educated information, do
- some people cling desperately to the idea that this is indeed an alien
- spaceship with evil designs on Earth? I'd say off-hand, you're looking at a
- psychological anomaly. . .
- Cheers!
- --
- Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Subject: Internet Difficulties
- Date: 26 Mar 91 06:07:00 GMT
- Anyone posting an article via Internet during approximately March 20 through March 25 is
- encouraged to repost it. We experienced network difficulties and some of the
- articles may have bounced. We apologize for any inconvenience.
- Thanks for your patience and understanding.
- Michael Corbin
- Director
- --
- Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Subject: The mutliation factor
- Date: 26 Mar 91 06:09:00 GMT
- There has been some recent interest in the cattle mutilation mystery as it may
- apply to the UFO enigma. Below is a reprint of an article prepared and
- contributed to ParaNet by Don Ecker regarding a possible human mutilation
- which displayed "classic" markings of those found common in cattle
- mutilations.
- This file was provided by ParaNet(sm) Information Service
- and its network of international affiliates.
- You may freely distribute this file as long as this header
- remains intact.
- Contributed by: Don Ecker, ParaNet Staff Writer
- ============================================================
- For further information on ParaNet(sm), contact:
- Michael Corbin
- ParaNet Information Service
- P.O. Box 928
- Wheatridge, CO 80034-0928
- or
- Netmail 1:104/422
- ============================================================
- (C) 1991 by Don Ecker.
- The Human Mutilation Factor
- by Don Ecker
- In the last forty years of UFO research, one of the most baffling
- questions that have plagued researchers has been "Is
- the UFO Phenomenon dangerous to humanity?" Over the years, there
- have been numerous cases where the phenomenon has figured into
- human deaths, but as a rule, most cases have been officially
- ruled accidental. When speaking of cases where death has
- resulted, usually most assume cases where military pilots have
- died as a result of "chasing" the phenomenon. One of the most
- famous of these military chases that is discussed when ever the
- subject of death and UFOs is raised, is the famous "Mantell
- Case". This case is so well known that I will not discuss it
- here, but there are many others. In one of the less well known
- cases, during the mid 1950's, a military jet interceptor was
- observed on radar being "absorbed" into a UFO over the Great
- Lakes. No trace of pilot or aircraft was ever found. In another
- case reported in the excellent work "Clear Intent" was the case
- of the "Cuban MIG Incident". In this case a Cuban MIG was
- locking on his weapons radar when the aircraft exploded in mid*air.
- The wing man was certain that the UFO had fired some type
- of weapon, but other than the jet exploding, no other smoke,
- flame or other obvious weapon firing was observed.
- The matter of either overt or covert hostility on the part of
- UFOs has always been treated warily by serious researchers. On
- the one hand, if the enigma is hostile, then several questions
- must be faced. What if anything should the powers in authority
- tell the public? Is the government capable of handling a threat
- of this type? Is the public ready to face an issue as
- potentially terrifying as a "possible threat from somewhere
- else?" Other than incidents involving military involvement, have
- there been cases where civilians have been injured or killed
- during some type of UFO encounter? Is it possible that the
- reported cases of UFOs and their occupants abducting unwilling
- humans for some type of medical or genetic experimentation could
- be true? Now, if any of this is factual, then what ramifications
- do the Human Race face in light of the above?
- According to Mr. Phil Imbrogno, during the research that led to
- the writing of "NIGHT SIEGE The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings" by
- Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Philip Imbrogno, and Bob Pratt, Imbrogno has
- stated that on several occasions, Hynek specified that he wanted
- no mention of the dozens of human abductions that they had
- already uncovered at that time, to be mentioned in the book.
- Hynek was afraid of the adverse publicity if word of this aspect
- leaked out to the public. After Hyneks death, Imbrogno stated
- publicly on Compuserve and other public forums, facts of
- abductions, animal mutilations, and EVEN several cases of
- mysterious deaths of humans, that he indicated COULD possibly
- be linked to the UFO Phenomenon.
- While researching several stories for UFO Magazine, I interviewed
- a number of prominent UFOlogists, over the last several months,
- and in each case, the question of human deaths, in connection
- with animal mutilations, invariably was raised. Most readers of
- this text will be familiar with Mr. John Keel, who many regard as
- the last of the Great UFOlogists. From the earliest days of
- modern UFOlogy, Keel has been a force to reckon with. The author
- of numerous books that address various aspects of UFOlogy, and
- magazine articles too numerous to mention, Keel has a unique
- slant on the subject that most will never experience. According
- to Keel, the phenomenon has always had an unexplained hostility
- towards humans, that have led to untold numbers of deaths. While
- Keel will be the first to explain that he rejects the ET
- hypothesis, he does not doubt the phenomenon a bit. In what many
- UFOlogists consider as one of Keels best works "The Mothman
- Prophecies", E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc. 1975, Keel related report
- after report of animal mutilations involving cattle, dogs, horses
- and sheep, and also related what were called "vampire killings"
- of four humans in Yugoslavia, were the victims were "mutilated
- and drained of blood".
- After having spoken to John Ford, the Chairman of the Long Island
- UFO Network, for a news story for UFO Magazine, I became even
- more convinced that the aspect of potential UFO hostility should
- be investigated. Ford relayed a numbing number of animal
- mutilations, human disappearances, human abductions, covert
- Federal involvement in areas that suffered high numbers of animal
- mutilations, and even armed military helicopters that chased UFOs
- over civilian communities. Ford, who is a officer of the Federal
- Court system, did investigations into the disappearances of
- mostly young adults over a year period, in areas of high UFO
- overflights, and after having several personal friends who were
- police officers of the local municipalities look into the
- situation, came to the conclusion that the facts were being
- suppressed. The reason given was that there was "no need to
- panic the public." Although no iron clad proof can be made for
- direct UFO intervention, the circumstances are extremely suspect.
- After growing up in an age where the entire human race can be
- decimated by nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, the human
- race somehow manages to keep slogging on. I have seen more
- people "panicked" over a shortage of gasoline than imminent
- nuclear holocaust, yet somehow when the subject of UFOs crop up,
- the government doesn't want to panic anyone. It really makes me
- wonder what they know, that I should. I really don't think that
- they are going to talk to anyone soon, as you shall soon see.
- <<Continued in next message..>>
- --
- Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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