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- Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume I Number 387
- Monday, April 8th 1991
- Today's Topics:
- Re: Rick Redux
- Belgian Reports
- Koa
- Re: Bill Cooper
- Re: Proof
- Re: Thanks, Jerry!
- Re: Thanks, Jerry!
- Carp.UFO revisited
- Re: Serios Business
- Re: THEY'RE HERE!!!!
- Re: (none)
- Re: SS433
- Human visitors
- Re: Mail Problems
- Re: A SETI Update
- ''The Search For Schroedinger's Cat''
- Resonant Coil Implications?
- Serios Business
- Re: Thanks, Jerry!
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim.Delton@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Delton)
- Subject: Re: Rick Redux
- Date: 6 Apr 91 03:03:00 GMT
- Elaboration on Calvin. A string of buzzword that sounded good but
- meant nothing. Looses something in the translation.
- --
- Jim Delton - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Jim.Delton@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Subject: Belgian Reports
- Date: 5 Apr 91 21:26:00 GMT
- > An interesting little tidbit from the International Literary Gazette
- > (reprinted by UFONS) in an interview by Oleg Moroz of Ivan Tretyak, CIC
- >
- > MOROZ. "The Belgian Air Force headquarters published some excerpts from
- > a report which gave an account of the events that occurred on the night
- > of March 30: It was at last officially confirmed that the mysterious
- > black triangles that had for seven months recurrently appeared over
- > Belgium were detected by military radars."
- >
- > TRETYAK. "I know about this publication. But the fact is that several
- > days later it was refuted; there had been no detection by radars."
- >
- > Have we missed a followup somewhere? Throughout the interview, Tretyak
- > seems to be a fairly straightforward guy.
- I would rather doubt this, as I have talked directly to Richard Haines who is
- working directly with SOBEPS in Belgium. I also checked with him about the
- other Hard Copy allegations concerning the Stealth being identified as the
- triangular-shaped craft. This is erroneous also. At last check, the report
- coming from Col. DeBrouwer (sp?) was accurate, and the anomaly is still
- classified as unidentified or TRUFO. Any further information you might find
- on this publication may shed some light on this.
- Mike
- --
- Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Subject: Koa
- Date: 5 Apr 91 21:55:00 GMT
- > How did the KOA appearance go?
- Extremely well received! I was scheduled for one hour. At the end of the
- first hour the host says, "The lines are melting with people wanting to get on
- with you. Can you stay on into the next hour?" I was on for a total of 90
- minutes, and out of all of the callers, there was only one who tried to crack
- a joke about the only saucers that she had seen were the ones her two kids
- through out the kitchen widow while doing dishes.
- The caliber of calls was very high, and I found most people calling in to have
- had some type of sighting experience -- not the kook stuff -- and were
- genuinely interested in wanting to gain an understanding of what it might have
- been.
- Mike
- --
- Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Tyson.Mitchiner@f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Tyson Mitchiner)
- Subject: Re: Bill Cooper
- Date: 4 Apr 91 04:38:00 GMT
- > > much information in or your brain will pop out"
- > > concept.
- > > Our mind supposedly has unlimited storage capacity.
- >
- > Yea Tyson, that may be, but still, that does not mean that
- > you don't question, and research. Do you believe EVERYTHING
- > you hear? If so, I got this really GREAT car that I am
- > selling, and BOY* * * can YOU BUY it CHEAP. You send me a
- > check, I send you the papers-----OK?
- Well, I never stated that you disbelieve everything you hear.. I was just
- trying to point out the danger in using the "mind so open the brains flutter
- out" concept.. It gives an excuse to ignore possible information. I sound too
- serious sometimes, and I apologize if I seemed too vehement in my post.
- My point isn't that you should believe or disbelieve anything. My point is
- that you should consider all sources of information.. and if there is not
- sufficient (or reasonable) proof to disbelieve it, then it shouldn't be
- dismissed totally. However, there are some claims that do not have to be
- researched into, for they seem to be a waste of time (like the aliens are
- "demons" type). I agree with you totally on that. I also never lead myself
- to believe any information if I do not have sufficient proof of it also.. I just
- consider it, and try to learn more information about it, and hopefully gain
- more proof for or against it.
- Tyson
- --
- Tyson Mitchiner - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Tyson.Mitchiner@f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
- Subject: Re: Proof
- Date: 4 Apr 91 16:23:00 GMT
- Jim:
- I will try once more.
- First, you do not have to convince me that there are events
- happening with regard to unidentified flying somethings. I
- ( once more with feeling ) had a dramatic sighting in 1966.
- *** K N O W S *** where these damn things come from, and IF
- you a chunk of cash IF YOU CAN SHOW ( get ready, here it
- comes ) ****** P R O O F ******* of what they are and where
- they come from.
- Ok, that is it, I said my piece and IT IS NOW BURIED.
- --
- Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jerry.Driscoll@p0.f30.n134.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jerry Driscoll)
- Subject: Re: Thanks, Jerry!
- Date: 5 Apr 91 11:53:00 GMT
- In a message to Jerry Driscoll <04-03-91 21:01> Clark Matthews wrote:
- CM> I have just completed the migration to Imail 1.10 and am
- CM> now experiencing no problems whatever. In fact, Imail
- CM> managed to recover many, many bad messages and posted them
- CM> correctly. It's an excellent program, extremely
- CM> zone-smart, and it sets up with menus that are almost
- CM> foolproof (I am living proof of the foolproofness).
- I have heard about this Imail thingy... and I might take a look at it...
- Zmail 1.14, and 1.13, for that matter, are supposed to have too many bugs,
- and alot of the Zmail users, including Joe Lindstrom, who is the Canadian
- Rep for Zmail, have gone back to Zmail 1.12... Joe is very unhappy with
- having to use Zmail 1.12... He is a very happy RA user, and is very
- unhappy with the Zmail 1.12 tearline [ZMailQ 1.13 (QuickBBS)]... :-)
- Jerry
- --
- Jerry Driscoll - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Jerry.Driscoll@p0.f30.n134.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Elizabeth.Anderson@p0.f30.n134.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Elizabeth Anderson)
- Subject: Re: Thanks, Jerry!
- Date: 6 Apr 91 03:49:00 GMT
- Hey Clark!!!!
- CM> tell Elizabeth that I will contact Ft. Smith Chamber of
- ^^^^^
- It is NOT Fort Smith!!!! It is Fort Simpson!!!!! You confuse everybody if
- you write to the wrong chamber of commerce!!!
- Get it right, man! 8-)
- Elizabeth
- --
- Elizabeth Anderson - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Elizabeth.Anderson@p0.f30.n134.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: vm1.yorku.ca!YSCS1296
- Subject: Carp.UFO revisited
- Date: 6 Apr 91 22:21:30 GMT
- From: User <YSCS1296@vm1.yorku.ca>
- I came across the book 'Nostradamus predicts the end of the world' in a
- local bookstore recently.
- Apparently, the predictions listed as Nostradamus' armageddon story is
- almost completely similar to the 'warnings' given in Don Ecker's file
- CARP.UFO (though not written by Don).
- The Nostradamus predictions tell of an invasion of combined Arab and
- Chinese forces, spearheaded by an attack from the Artic, and with the
- flagship bacteriological weapons.
- The book may be a hyped-up version of the original Nostradamus
- predictions, but there is definitely a correlation between it and
- CARP.UFO - and in fact, the author of that file might have been
- influenced by those predictions as opposed to reading some kind of
- 'secret' government documents.
- I cannot comment on the alleged c/r of the alien starfighter.
- However, mind manipulation via ELF EM pulses is possible. I have
- read about it somewhere else, and such technology can feasibly alter
- the subconscious and/or manipulate subliminally.
- Finally, the Nostradamus predictions indicated a fall of Israel at the
- hands of the invading forces (also that Italy will be the first target
- in the European communities).
- The problem I have with the way things are going is that it seems that
- the bible predictions were correct in that Babylon would fall at the
- hands of the forces of good (the U.S.?!) but if so then how can Israel
- fall?
- In any case, we'll all know whether or not we're just wasting our time
- on Paranet discussing all of this stuff in about 10 years' time.
- Within ten years, I should say.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim.Speiser@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
- Subject: Re: Serios Business
- Date: 5 Apr 91 14:09:00 GMT
- OK, Dan, you've convinced me. I shall look for the much-vaunted *second
- edition* of the World of Ted Serios.
- In the meantime, I shall review Martin Gardner's "Science: Good, Bad
- and Bogus" and may excerpt a few things from it for your reading
- "pleasure." Mind you, I'm no great fan of Gardner's, and if I run
- something of his up the flagpole, its because I'm really hoping it can
- be shot down - personally I think the guy is the most pompous of the
- CSICOP hit-men. But I will be looking for bulls-eyes on Eisenbud's
- part.
- Jim
- --
- Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim.Speiser@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
- Subject: Re: THEY'RE HERE!!!!
- Date: 5 Apr 91 14:10:00 GMT
- > They're Here!
- And they look like the Michelin Tire Man!
- --
- Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim.Speiser@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
- Subject: Re: (none)
- Date: 6 Apr 91 07:08:00 GMT
- Scott:
- I'm slowly getting more and more turned off by this case. Your message
- didn't help too much.
- First of all, there's this:
- > They include one fireman (one of several who saw it that day) and three
- > civilians. These witnesses are not looking for publicity and will not
- > let Gordon release their names to the media for fear of ridicule.
- I am going to check this with Cindy Bowles, who helped produce the
- segment for Unsolved Mysteries, but I believe at least two of the
- firemen did use their real names on that segment. And they certainly
- didn't take great pains to disguise themselves on a national TV
- broadcast. Somehow I think the people of Kecksburg, the people who are
- most apt to ridicule them, know who they are.
- > Never mind that scientist Ivan T. Sanderson traced the flight >
- pattern of the UFO and discovered it made a controlled 25-degree turn in
- > Ohio and headed for Pennsylvania (Fate Magazine, arch 1966). Not a >
- typical movement of a satellite crashing back to Earth.
- As I understand it, (and PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong), such
- calculations are made from a composite of eyewitness accounts. I'm
- sorry, but I don't see how a conclusion can be drawn from a bunch of
- people saying, "it went that-a-way." The margin of error for such
- observations would be right around 25 degrees, I think.
- > so states before crash-landing. But he failed to mention that Sanderson
- > estimated the object's speed at 1062.5 miles per hour. PASU did a
- Do you have any information on just how Sanderson was able to arrive at
- this "estimate"? Did he aim a radar gun at the thing or what?
- > concluded that at most the object was moving at a speed of 5257 miles
- > per hour. Neither estimate comes anywhere near the minimum speed for a
- > meteor which is approximately 27,000 miles per hour. Witnesses to the
- Where does that figure come from? I'm not challenging it, I'm genuinely
- curious if that's an accurate figure - if so, it impacts some other
- famous cases. If not...then of course it doesn't belong here. (I wish I
- had been paying attention in Meteoritics 101!)
- > Anyhow, why would numerous local fire companies, the
- > Pennsylvania State Police, the U.S. Air Force, the 662nd Radar Squadron,
- > and various other military officials gravitate to the village of
- > Kecksburg to recover a rock from space? What happened to this alleged
- > meteor? Why did it have to be removed that night? And why all the
- > secrecy?
- I remember seeing a bright bolide around 1966. My parents and I (I was
- 10) were coming out of Manero's restaurant in Old Greenwich, CT, when my
- mother looked up and froze. I followed her gaze and saw a multi-colored
- object arcing down towards the earth, breaking up as it fell. My mother
- immediately said, "Its a UFO!" I calmly replied, "No, Mom, its a
- meteor." (At 10, I was probably the youngest subscriber to NICAP's UFO
- Investigator!) As we drove home, we were passed by various fire and
- emergency vehicles, headed north towards the apparent ground zero. It
- looked very much as if the object had fallen on North Greenwich. Turned
- out later, it had fallen somewhere near the Canadian border, 600 miles
- north. This is a common occurence with bolide sightings - they often do
- seem to be headed towards your backyard.
- > was stationed at Lockborne Air Base near Columbus, Ohio, who claims the
- > base was put on 'red alert' during the early morning hours of December
- Can't this be verified somehow?
- > Several days later, a witness reported seeing the object at
- > Wright-Patterson. Reporter Sharon Santus writing in the Greensburg
- > Tribune-Review (Dec. 9, 1990) writes:
- As Young says, where WERE these people in 1965?
- + Another witness, Ohio truck driver John Cummings (not his real name),
- + said he actually saw the object inside a building at Wright-Patterson
- + on Dec. 12, 1965, just three days after the alleged landing.
- +Cummings, who made deliveries for a Dayton-area building-supply company,
- +said a high-ranking military officer arrived at the firm on Dec. 11,
- +1965, and ordered a special radiation-, moisture-resistant brick for
- +construction of a protective room inside a building at Wright-Patterson.
- +
- +Cummings said he and a cousin delivered 6,500 bricks to Wright-Patterson
- +the next day after being instructed by their boss not to discuss
- +anything they might observe at the compound.
- +
- +'We were unloading the bricks onto pallets and me and my cousin decided
- +to sneak inside to see what all the secrecy was about,' Cummings said.
- +'Guards immediately ordered us out ... but not before we saw it.'
- Come on, Scott. An anonymous truck driver and his cousin claim to have
- snuck into see a recovery operation shrouded in the secrecy of "the most
- highly classified project in the US - higher than the H-bomb" (Wilbur
- Smith). You're buying this? I've read your work in the past, you're a
- more responsible researcher than that.
- So what do we have? A few scattered eyewitness reports, dubious
- measurements by a scientist of dubious credentials (isn't Sanderson the
- guy who claims to have seen dinosaurs and giant bats in Africa?), a
- truck driver and his cousin saying, "yeah, we seen it too", and a couple
- of firemen who try to protect their identity by going full-face on
- national TV. I was impressed with this case before, and I am still
- impressed with the quality of work Stan Gordon has done in general, but
- I hope you guys can put up a better defense to Young's article than the
- above.
- In the spirit of constructive debate,
- Jim Speiser
- --
- Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Steve.Rose@p1.f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Steve Rose)
- Subject: THEY'RE HERE!!
- Date: 6 Apr 91 04:38:00 GMT
- In a message to All <04 Apr 91 14:52> well.sf.ca.us!ddrasin wrote:
- we> \../
- we> =oo=
- we> # m \/ w
- we> #_# \(__)/
- we>__________________ # # ^(__)^
- we>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ #_# ^(__)^
- we> \__#__________________ _/ \_
- we> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\____________'____'________
- we> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Your rendition of 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Ants'?
- --
- Steve Rose - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Steve.Rose@p1.f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
- Subject: Re: SS433
- Date: 5 Apr 91 16:44:00 GMT
- Really I wanted to say I dug out something which may quell some of the
- mystery on SS433. I'm not big on this so please excuse inadvertant errors and
- my lousy spelling.
- Sanduleak-Stephenson 433:
- From Science News Vol 117, page 140.
- "The facts are that a compact radio source was found. It's position agrees with
- the optical position to within 1/100 of a second of arc. For the record that
- position is right ascension 19 hours 9 minutes 21.29 seconds, declination +4
- (degrees) 53' 54" .07. The radio output varies on a cycle of 6.6 days,
- something not explained in the models for its optical behavior."
- "SS433 has three sets of emission lines. One of them stays still in apparent
- wavelengths, as the emission spectrum of an ordinary star should. Two of them
- gradually change, shifting redwards, then bluewards, then back again."
- I won't take more time on this, but it appears that reptiles from outer space
- are not comming to take over Earth, and SS433-W50 is interesting and possibly
- something new that we have not observed before. The article mentions that
- variations in redshifts produce two symmetrically opposed cycles. I'm sure
- there is more current study information, but I just happened across this and
- thought it might be of interest.
- The object called SS433 is a small stellar object located approximately 18,000
- light years in distance from our Solar System. It is surrounded by a supernova
- remnant named W50 (R.A. 19h 09m 20s and Dec. 4 degrees 55'). It is suggested
- that SS433 might be a candidate for a 'black hole' with an accretion disk
- orbited by another star that is feeding the black hole. In any case, SS433 is
- emitting two jets of gas... which is yielding a curious spectral signature (red
- shift/blue shifted lines at the same time). This object emits hard X-rays and
- strong radio waves... both very common for this type of stellar object.
- Sources: The Invisible Universe Revealed, by Gerrit L. Verschuur.
- pp 174-185. ISBN: 3-540-96280-8.
- 'Accretion-Driven Stellar X-ray Sources', from the Cambridge
- AstroPhysics Series, by Dr. P. J. Van den Heuvel.
- pp 289-301. Chapter 7 "SS 433" by Bruce Margon, Astronomy
- Department, Univ. Washington. ISBN: 0-521-24521-4.
- 'The X-Ray Universe', by Tucker and Giacconi. Harvard Univ Press.
- ISBN: 0-674-96285-0
- (page 99 has references to SS Cygni type stars, which SS 433 is
- of that type).
- 'COSMOS', by Carl Sagan. Page 242. ISBN: 0-394-50294-9
- 'STARS - Voyage through the universe', by TIME-LIFE books.
- Reference page: 120, lower left corner.
- ISBN: 0-8094-6858-1
- Well.... that's the only references I could find in 20 minutes. But suffice
- it to say.... there is PLENTY of REAL information about this object.
- Cheers!
- The first part of the message is from Pete Porro second part Gregg Gillis.
- It's a canned answer because the question keeps comming up. I wish I had a
- whole disc of stock answers explaining where to start on investigation of
- <blank>. Hopes this explains the name, and where you might find more.
- --
- Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
- Date: 5 Apr 91 16:49:00 GMT
- Arthur C. Clark pretty well says this was a con job, using the tube for
- holding small parts of photos. I have not read the book, so my answer is only
- a reference to someone who I have seen accept some very unusual occurances,
- and still be able to say some things are probably hoaxes. He did a whole show
- on mysterious photos. It's shown on the Discovery Channel from time to time,
- Thursday evenings at 7pm (cst) and repeats on Saturday. I record all the
- shows because they air at the same time as "The Simpsons" and I can't miss
- that! 8*)
- --
- Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: eniac.seas.upenn.edu!snelson
- Subject: Human visitors
- Date: 7 Apr 91 08:19:13 GMT
- From: snelson@eniac.seas.upenn.edu (Steven Nelson)
- Why are the visitors so humanlike? Given the complexity of the
- evolutionary process, the odds that aliens would have such a human shape as is
- commonly reported seems rather implausible. Parallel evolution adapts creatures
- that live in similar environments to similar shapes, yet certainly there's no
- reason to assume that our planet and any alien planet would be remotely
- similar.
- I hold out, at present, no explanations. I would not invalidate the
- phenomenon based on this point, but I find that this datum, which many
- researchers seem to ignore, is essential to understanding the UFO phenomenon.
- I use Whitley Streiber's term 'visitors' simply because it is less
- committal than the term 'aliens.'
- Does anyone have any comments?
- -Steve
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Charles.Mcelhinney@f70.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Charles Mcelhinney)
- Date: 6 Apr 91 14:19:00 GMT
- PP> Arthur C. Clark pretty well says this was a con job, using
- PP> the tube for holding small parts of photos. I have not read
- PP> the book, so my answer is only a reference to someone who I
- PP> have seen accept some very unusual occurances, and still be
- PP> able to say some things are probably hoaxes. He did a whole
- PP> show on mysterious photos. It's shown on the Discovery
- I've seen Clarke's show also and have read a few of his books. On the
- show, he comes across as quite the skeptic. In fact, everything on that
- show he trys his best to blow out of the water. However, he is a great and
- unusual man who writes a very good story.
- --
- Charles Mcelhinney - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Charles.Mcelhinney@f70.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Clark.Matthews@f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
- Subject: Re: Mail Problems
- Date: 5 Apr 91 22:13:00 GMT
- Elizabeth, thanks for the re-post!
- Actually, the problem had nothing to do with your message -- it had to do
- with MY software, which turned your message into hamburger.
- So thanks again for the into -- I'll let you know the info I glean.
- Best,
- Clark
- --
- Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Clark.Matthews@f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
- Subject: Re: A SETI Update
- Date: 6 Apr 91 00:19:00 GMT
- va>Silvio Conte (R-MA): 'We don't need to spend $6 million this year
- va>to find evidence of these rascally creatures. We only need 75
- va>cents to buy a tabloid at the local supermarket. Conclusive
- va>evidence of these crafty critters can be found at checkout
- va>counters from coast to coast. [Mr. Conte then entered into the
- va>Congressional Record five articles on UFOs from tabloid
- va>publications.]
- How amusing for him! Of course, Conte became greatly exercised the
- following week, when the media called his attempted murder of the NASA SETI
- appropriation "The Search For Congressional Intelligence".
- Still you can't blame Silvio -- $6 million spent unraveling the secrets of
- the universe is $6 million that won't be here to pay for Congressional
- junkets...
- va>I had heard Conte was unfriendly to the concept, but I
- va>didn't know it was
- va>this bad. But didn't he die a couple months ago?
- ... only from the neck up.
- Why are politicians always such self-serving poltroons?
- Best,
- Clark
- --
- Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
- Subject: ''The Search For Schroedinger's Cat''
- Date: 6 Apr 91 05:11:00 GMT
- > If you want to read about other dimensions, try The Search for
- > Schroedinger's Cat.
- >
- > And after you've done that, read the file REALITY.ASC from
- > KeelyNet, on
- > Bohm's holographic model of the universe and Pribram's
- > holographic model of
- > the mind. Excellent work! (Maybe Clark or I should post it,
- > although it's
- > not UFO-related. Comments?)
- >
- Jim, you're a mind-reader! I am planning to follow up on the
- posting of the Gravity Coil with a posting of REALITY!
- There was only limited response to the gravity coil post, but it was
- scholarly & interesting. Bohm's paper should be at least as
- provocative, eh?
- Best,
- Clark
- --
- Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
- Subject: Resonant Coil Implications?
- Date: 6 Apr 91 05:23:00 GMT
- > From: vanth!jms@amix.commodore.com (Jim Shaffer)
- >
- .......
- > someone tell me exactly what can happen within the distorted
- > space-time
- > that this Resonant Coil produces? What are the implications?
- .......
- > antigravity field with this coil, everything I've heard seems
- > to indicate
- > that such a coil is supposed to be able to modify the
- > fundamental
- > characteristics of matter itself.
- Well, not so much the fundamental *characteristics* of matter, just
- its *boundaries*. This is what I've been told by an experimenter.
- In other words, power up the coil and turn it off suddenly and the
- objects around the coil will be physically altered, possibly
- displaced.
- I agree that the only real test of this device will be a documented
- test of the device. [...a quote from the guidelines of the
- Department of Redundancy Department]
- Funding, plans, materials and a safe test space are needed to do
- this, and all of these issues are being addressed right now.
- Stay *tuned*, Jim. :-)
- Best,
- Clark
- --
- Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
- Subject: Serios Business
- Date: 6 Apr 91 05:33:00 GMT
- >
- > evidence for fraud, and many hundreds of photographs as
- > evidence
- > of Serios' 'talents.' One of the key evidential factors was
- > the
- > *distortions* of space and time in many of the photos --
- > 'dream-like' or "imagination-like" distortions and seamless
- > composite images that positively could not have been faked by
- > any
- > mechanical means under the circusmtances. Also, many photos
- > were
- > made with the cameras at quite some distance from Serios, and
- > in the
- > hands of the investigators. Some of the pictures appeared as
- > if
- > taken from 'impossible' angles; from places where the cameras
- > had
- > never been positioned. There's more, too. *Much* more.
- > Including a
- > lot of pictures not previously published.
- >
- Hi! This message exchange is very interesting! I wonder, is anyone
- familiar with the collection of "ghost" or "spirit" photos in the
- possession of the Warrens of Monroe Connecticut? Yes, I'm talking
- about the same Warrens who were involved in the Amityville Horror
- fiasco, among other high-profile "hauntings", exorcisms, etc.
- Some of their photos are really remarkable -- often they're "bad"
- drugstore-type pix taken by people who later realize how very
- strange the photos are. Many of the same characteristics of the
- Serios photos, including impossible angles, bizarre juxtaposed
- images, faces, etc.
- I should add that the pictures range in age from 90 years or more to
- quite recent. Whatever you thing about the Warrens' other interests
- ("demonology", possessions, etc.), the photos are definitely worth a
- look. They take a good sampling of them on their lecture tours.
- Best,
- Clark
- --
- Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
- Subject: Re: Thanks, Jerry!
- Date: 6 Apr 91 23:25:00 GMT
- > CM> tell Elizabeth that I will contact Ft. Smith Chamber of
- > ^^^^^
- >
- > It is NOT Fort Smith!!!! It is Fort Simpson!!!!! You confuse
- > everybody if you write to the wrong chamber of commerce!!!
- >
- Well, in the words of America's elder statesman Richard Nixon, when
- confronted with the Watergate Tapes:
- "You know what I said...but *I* know what I meant" :-)
- Best,
- Clark
- --
- Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
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