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INI File  |  1998-08-31  |  6KB  |  743 lines

  1. [throw away phrases]
  2. Can I see
  3. Can you help
  4. E mail
  5. Find a copy
  6. Find all references
  7. Find anything
  8. Find copy
  9. Find me anything
  10. Find me something
  11. Find out
  12. Find out about
  13. Find something
  14. Give me details
  15. Give me details about
  16. Give me details onI'm after
  17. Help me
  18. Help us
  19. How much
  20. I am looking
  21. I am requesting
  22. I need
  23. I request
  24. I want details about
  25. I want details on
  26. Information concerning
  27. Looking for
  28. Need a
  29. Please display
  30. Please find
  31. Please give
  32. Please provide
  33. Please provide
  34. Please show
  35. Please tell me
  36. Provide details
  37. Search for information
  38. Tell me about
  39. Thank You
  40. Thank you
  41. WWW site
  42. WWW sites
  43. We're after
  44. Web page
  45. Web pages
  46. Web pages
  47. Web site
  48. Web sites
  49. What the hell
  50. all about
  51. all of
  52. all on
  53. and/or
  54. any of
  55. any reference
  56. any references
  57. available about
  58. available at
  59. available in
  60. available on
  61. available to
  62. both of
  63. can I see
  64. can you help
  65. data concerning
  66. direct me to
  67. direct me towards
  68. example from
  69. example of
  70. examples from
  71. examples of
  72. facts concerning
  73. find a copy
  74. find all references
  75. find anything
  76. find copy
  77. find me anything
  78. find me something
  79. find out
  80. find out about
  81. find something
  82. give me details
  83. go about
  84. happened at
  85. happened in
  86. happened on
  87. happened to
  88. happens at
  89. happens in
  90. happens on
  91. happens to
  92. has done
  93. has in
  94. have in
  95. help me
  96. help us
  97. how much
  98. in the way of
  99. included in
  100. information about
  101. information concerning
  102. information from
  103. information on
  104. is available
  105. know about
  106. known about
  107. latest data
  108. latest info
  109. latest information
  110. list of
  111. lists of
  112. look up
  113. looking for
  114. mention of
  115. more about
  116. more of
  117. more on
  118. name of
  119. names of
  120. need a
  121. need to know
  122. overview of
  123. please display
  124. please find
  125. please give
  126. please provide
  127. please provide
  128. please show
  129. please tell me
  130. provide details
  131. related to
  132. search for information
  133. several
  134. so much
  135. some of
  136. some reference
  137. some references
  138. summary about
  139. summary from
  140. summary of
  141. summary on
  142. taken by
  143. tell me about
  144. thank you
  145. the fuck
  146. the heck
  147. the hell
  148. things about
  149. want to see
  150. we're after
  151. web page
  152. web pages
  153. web pages
  154. web site
  155. web sites
  156. what the hell
  157. www site
  158. www sites
  159. [throw away words]
  160. &
  161. I
  162. I'd
  163. I'll
  164. I'm
  165. Thanks
  166. URL
  167. URLs
  168. WEB
  169. a
  170. all
  171. am
  172. an
  173. any
  174. are
  175. as
  176. ask
  177. available
  178. be
  179. been
  180. being
  181. both
  182. but
  183. call
  184. called
  185. can
  186. can't
  187. common
  188. companies
  189. companies
  190. company
  191. company
  192. did
  193. do
  194. does
  195. doesn't
  196. don't
  197. etc
  198. etc.
  199. example
  200. examples
  201. explain
  202. explaining
  203. explains
  204. featuring
  205. find
  206. firms
  207. following
  208. fucking
  209. get
  210. gets
  211. getting
  212. give
  213. got
  214. gotten
  215. had
  216. happened
  217. happens
  218. has
  219. have
  220. he
  221. her
  222. hers
  223. him
  224. his
  225. how
  226. how's
  227. i
  228. if
  229. include
  230. included
  231. includes
  232. including
  233. info
  234. information
  235. involved
  236. irregardless
  237. is
  238. it
  239. it's
  240. its
  241. know
  242. like
  243. list
  244. lists
  245. look
  246. lookup
  247. many
  248. may
  249. me
  250. mention
  251. might
  252. more
  253. my
  254. name
  255. named
  256. names
  257. no
  258. nor
  259. not
  260. one
  261. our
  262. ours
  263. overview
  264. political
  265. provide
  266. really
  267. regarding
  268. regardless
  269. she
  270. should
  271. show
  272. sites
  273. some
  274. strange
  275. such
  276. summary
  277. take
  278. taken
  279. tell
  280. tells
  281. that
  282. the
  283. their
  284. them
  285. there
  286. there's
  287. they
  288. thing
  289. things
  290. this
  291. took
  292. url
  293. urls
  294. want
  295. was
  296. we
  297. we'd
  298. we'll
  299. were
  300. what
  301. what's
  302. when
  303. when's
  304. where
  305. where's
  306. which
  307. who
  308. who's
  309. whose
  310. why
  311. why's
  312. will
  313. won't
  314. would
  315. you
  316. your
  317. [join words]
  318. and
  319. or
  320. [prepositions]
  321. about
  322. around
  323. at
  324. between
  325. by
  326. for
  327. from
  328. in
  329. into
  330. of
  331. on
  332. onto
  333. over
  334. to
  335. unto
  336. with
  337. [adjectives]
  338. Canada
  339. Canadian
  340. Define
  341. Dr.
  342. Freeware
  343. Hardware
  344. Mr.
  345. Mrs.
  346. Ms.
  347. Prof.
  348. Shareware
  349. Software
  350. University
  351. access
  352. accessed
  353. accessesallow
  354. accessing
  355. address
  356. addresses
  357. affect
  358. after
  359. allowed
  360. allowing
  361. allows
  362. analysis
  363. antique
  364. architectural
  365. associations
  366. average
  367. bad
  368. bad
  369. beautiful
  370. before
  371. began
  372. best
  373. better
  374. big
  375. bigger
  376. biggest
  377. black
  378. blue
  379. bought
  380. brown
  381. build
  382. building
  383. builds
  384. built
  385. buy
  386. buying
  387. buys
  388. cause
  389. caused
  390. causes
  391. causing
  392. change
  393. changed
  394. changes
  395. changing
  396. cheap
  397. cheaper
  398. cheapest
  399. colorful
  400. colourful
  401. combine
  402. combined
  403. communications
  404. components
  405. configure
  406. configured
  407. configures
  408. configuring
  409. convert
  410. converted
  411. converting
  412. converts
  413. cool
  414. create
  415. created
  416. creates
  417. creating
  418. criminal
  419. current
  420. current
  421. currently
  422. define
  423. different
  424. display
  425. displayed
  426. displaying
  427. displays
  428. easier
  429. easier
  430. easiest
  431. easiest
  432. easily
  433. eastern
  434. easy
  435. economical
  436. economically
  437. education
  438. educational
  439. eight
  440. eighth
  441. electronic
  442. end
  443. ending
  444. ends
  445. export
  446. exported
  447. exporter
  448. exporters
  449. exporting
  450. exports
  451. fall
  452. fast
  453. faster
  454. fastest
  455. fastest
  456. favorite
  457. favourite
  458. female
  459. fifth
  460. finance
  461. financed
  462. finances
  463. financing
  464. first
  465. five
  466. forth
  467. founded
  468. four
  469. free
  470. freeware
  471. goes
  472. going
  473. good
  474. green
  475. grew
  476. grey
  477. grow
  478. growing
  479. growing
  480. grows
  481. happened
  482. happening
  483. happens
  484. harder
  485. hardest
  486. hardware
  487. harvest
  488. harvested
  489. harvesting
  490. harvests
  491. high
  492. high-tech
  493. higher
  494. highest
  495. highest
  496. identical
  497. illegal
  498. images
  499. industries
  500. industry
  501. inexpensive
  502. join
  503. joined
  504. joining
  505. joins
  506. kill
  507. killed
  508. killing
  509. kills
  510. large
  511. larger
  512. largest
  513. last
  514. latest
  515. league
  516. least
  517. legal
  518. little
  519. lives
  520. long
  521. longer
  522. longest
  523. lovely
  524. low
  525. lowest
  526. lowest
  527. made
  528. major
  529. make
  530. makes
  531. making
  532. male
  533. manufacture
  534. manufactured
  535. manufacturer
  536. manufacturers
  537. manufactures
  538. manufacturing
  539. market
  540. married
  541. marries
  542. marry
  543. marrying
  544. meaner
  545. meanest
  546. measure
  547. measured
  548. measures
  549. measuring
  550. mined
  551. mining
  552. minor
  553. most
  554. natural
  555. need
  556. needed
  557. needing
  558. needs
  559. new
  560. newer
  561. newer
  562. newest
  563. newest
  564. nice
  565. nicer
  566. nicer
  567. nicest
  568. nicest
  569. nine
  570. ninth
  571. northern
  572. official
  573. old
  574. older
  575. older
  576. oldest
  577. oldest
  578. one
  579. only
  580. operations
  581. orange
  582. order
  583. ordered
  584. ordering
  585. orders
  586. organizations
  587. over
  588. payed
  589. paying
  590. pays
  591. people
  592. permanent
  593. person
  594. persons
  595. pictures
  596. play
  597. played
  598. playing
  599. plays
  600. poor
  601. pretty
  602. prices
  603. problems
  604. produce
  605. produced
  606. produces
  607. producing
  608. product
  609. products
  610. provide
  611. provided
  612. provides
  613. providing
  614. publish
  615. published
  616. publishes
  617. publishing
  618. rapidly
  619. reached
  620. recent
  621. red
  622. relate
  623. related
  624. relates
  625. relating
  626. remove
  627. removed
  628. removes
  629. removing
  630. require
  631. required
  632. requires
  633. requiring
  634. restrictions
  635. sample
  636. second
  637. sell
  638. selling
  639. sells
  640. seven
  641. seventh
  642. shareware
  643. short
  644. shorter
  645. shorter
  646. shortest
  647. shortest
  648. six
  649. sixth
  650. slow
  651. slower
  652. slowest
  653. slowest
  654. softer
  655. softest
  656. software
  657. sold
  658. southern
  659. spend
  660. spending
  661. spends
  662. spent
  663. sported
  664. spring
  665. standard
  666. starred
  667. starring
  668. stars
  669. start
  670. start
  671. started
  672. started
  673. starting
  674. starting
  675. starts
  676. starts
  677. statistical
  678. statistics
  679. stop
  680. stopped
  681. stopping
  682. stops
  683. stronger
  684. strongest
  685. summer
  686. support
  687. supported
  688. supporting
  689. supports
  690. survey
  691. surveys
  692. take
  693. takes
  694. taking
  695. taller
  696. tallest
  697. temporary
  698. ten
  699. tenth
  700. third
  701. three
  702. took
  703. treat
  704. treated
  705. treating
  706. treats
  707. two
  708. typical
  709. under
  710. unique
  711. university
  712. unofficial
  713. use
  714. used
  715. uses
  716. using
  717. various
  718. version
  719. versions
  720. violet
  721. weaker
  722. weakest
  723. went
  724. western
  725. white
  726. widely
  727. winter
  728. won
  729. worn
  730. worse
  731. worse
  732. worst
  733. worst
  734. worthless
  735. worthwhile
  736. write
  737. writing
  738. written
  739. wrote
  740. yellow
  741. younger
  742. youngest