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From: rccarm00@mik.uky.edu (Ron C Carman)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek.misc,news.answers
Subject: TNG Novels Compendium [07/09]
Followup-To: poster
Date: 1 Jan 1993 06:03:01 GMT
Organization: University Of Kentucky, Dept. of Math Sciences
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Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: 14 Feb 1993 06:02:09 GMT
Message-ID: <Star-Trek/Novels/TNG/Appendix_F_725868129@athena.mit.edu>
References: <Star-Trek/Novels/TNG/Introduction_725868129@athena.mit.edu>
Reply-To: rccarm00@mik.uky.edu
NNTP-Posting-Host: pit-manager.mit.edu
Summary: The TNG Novels Compendium is a compilation of information
found in the series of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" novels
which are published by Pocket Books. The Compendium contains
listings of characters, races, worlds, ships, mistakes, and
cross-references for each book in the series, as well as the
plot summary from the back of each book. Its appendices contain
alphabetical listings of the above info, as well as a file of
notable quotes, and more.
X-Last-Updated: 1992/12/13
Archive-name: Star-Trek/Novels/TNG/Appendix_F
Last-modified: 01 December 1992
Version: 2.2
ST:TNG Novel Compendium 11/12/92
Notable Quotes
Over her cobalt-and-black uniform, her hair was a Cleopatra crown of pure
terra cotta -- and there was just *something* about a redhead.
-- Diane Carey
Dying is irreversible in my estimation.
-- Capt. Picard
Refusing to make a decision is its own kind of cowardice.
-- Capt. Picard
Heaven is a transporter room.
-- Andrew Deelor
Never apologize for the truth...
-- Capt. Picard
So far I have failed to comprehend the appeal of unconsciousness.
-- Cmdr. Data
Dammit, nobody orders my medical staff around but me!
-- Dr. Crusher
Gold which he cannot spend will make no man rich.
-- Poet
Womankind more joy discovers
Making fools, than keeping lovers.
-- Poet
Picard: Worf, do you have eleven weapons on you?
Worf: Of course not, sir.
Picard: Good... How many DO you have on you?
Worf: Fourteen.
Gava: Fourteen? In a uniform far less designed
for weapons concealment than that of a
Klingon? Very impressive.
Worf: Everything about me is very impressive.
ST:TNGNC <Appendix F, page 2> 11/12/92
Picard: This is Captain Picard. You have some business with us?
Kreel: Yes, business. You are to surrender your ship to us.
Worf: Permission to blast them from space, sir.
Picard: (to Data) You're joking.
Data: Joking? Most unlikely, sir.
Picard: Are you implying, Mr. LaForge, that I was once a teenager?
LaForge: Never, sir.
Picard: I should think not.
Picard: The Starship Enterprise has done quite well for close to a
century before Mr. Crusher came along, Doctor. We can
certainly muddle through without him for a while longer,
if you need him down there.
Pulaski: Oh my. Close to a century, you say? May I make note of the
fact that this is the fifth model of the good ship Enterprise?
And not only that, but it's my understanding that our Mr.
Crusher was instrumental, on several occasions, in delaying
the need for a sixth? Perhaps if Mr. Crusher had been born
a generation earlier, we would still be at NCC-1701 without
the 'D' suffix.
One cannot take offense at the truth.
-- Lt. Worf
Data: Doctor... it has been a very educational conversation.
Pulaski: Why, thank you, Data. I certainly hope you'll be able
to store it away somewhere.
Data: And I hope you will as well, Doctor.
Pulaski: Well, Data, not being a machine, I wouldn't know where.
Data: I think, Doctor, you know where you can store it.
Data: (to Wesley) I certainly hope it was an appropriate thing
to say.
Wesley: It was an insult!
Data: Was it?
Wesley: Yes!
Data: Are you quite certain?
Wesley: Absolutely certain.
Data: Good.
ST:TNGNC <Appendix F, page 3> 11/12/92
I've read their [human's] philosophies. They don't realize that
turning the other cheek simply results in getting bruises on
both sides of your face.
-- Gava
Compassion can get you a knife in the back.
-- Worf
To speak someone's name is to establish a degree of familiarity.
It gives you a certain power over someone with whom you talk,
either bringing you up to their level, or them down to yours.
... Those you consider your peers you address by given names.
But you would not dream of addressing the captain as Jean-Luc,
nor would I.
-- Ambassador Kobry
Data: Oh. Have I been babbling again?
Picard: Like a brook.
Some costs are too high, no matter what the return.
-- Cmdr. Riker
Klingonese always sounds like somebody either
gargling or getting strangled.
-- Lt. Cmdr. LaForge
Riker: You didn't see this, Geordi.
LaForge: See what? I'm blind, remember?
...it was rather hard to hide moody undercurrents
from an empath sitting eighteen inches away.
-- Howard Weinstein
Sometimes the only way to win a battle is to
avoid fighting it.
-- Capt. Picard
'Our actions are our own; their consequences belong to heaven'.
-- Saint Francis of Assisi,
as quoted by Ambassador Lewis
A Klingon is no one's vassal.
-- Lt. Worf
ST:TNGNC <Appendix F, page 4> 11/12/92
...from the masks of the dead, new masks are born.
-- Trim Hands
If you're bashing each other with swords all
the time, you need a healer.
-- Lt. Worf
All experiences are pathways to wisdom. Even the distasteful ones.
-- Strak
Had I sneezed, you would not be standing.
-- Lt. Worf
Kid, you'll go anywhere, do anything, to get your hands on a female.
And you go through 'em like lightning. I think we'll call you Thunderball.
-- Jackson Carter, to Riker
There are no atheists in foxholes.
-- Counselor Troi, quoting an old earth saying
No one goes from my sickbay unless I tell them to.
-- Doctor Crusher
I am only human.
-- Cmdr. Data
I don't think women know they go around tempting men just by being female.
-- Cmdr. LaForge
To be forced to fight is to have lost the first battle.
-- Darryl Adin
Pris: Good night, Data.
Data: It is actually morning, ship's time.
Pris: Good morning, then, but I'm going to bed anyway.
Perhaps we can work on your intuition at a time when
I'm not so sleepy.
Data: I think I missed something.
Guinan: Yes, you did.
Data: What?
Guinan: Your friend wanted to know more about you.
Data: She did not ask me any questions.
Guinan: There are certain things a womand does not come
right out and ask a man.
Data: But what could she not ask *me*? And why?
Guinan: When you work out *what*, you'll know why.
ST:TNGNC <Appendix F, page 5> 11/12/92
A life without a beneficial purpose is empty existence.
-- Surak, as quoted by Dr. Selar
It is always best to accept what one does not expect.
-- Surak, as quoted by Professor Coleridge
A leader has to lead, or otherwise he has no business in politics.
-- Harry S Truman, as quoted by Professor Coleridge
Data: What would you suggest we do?
Worf: Perhaps I should shoot him.
Data: That seems a bit extreme.
Worf: That was not my extreme plan. I suspect you would not want
to hear my extreme plan.
For of all sad words of tongue of pen, the saddest are these: 'It might
have been!'
-- John Greenleaf Whittier, as quoted by Data
Gregach: You speak your mind at times when you can ill afford to do so.
Worf: I speak my mind, and let the times attend to themselves.
I have learned that if I had been allowed to shoot things when I wanted
to shoot themin the first place, we would have significantly fewer problems.
-- Lt. Worf
Don't you know the definition of a diplomat, Captain? One who can tell you
to go to Hell -- and make you look forward to the trip.
-- Ambassador Navirra
I'm a doctor, not a miracle worker.
-- Dr. Crusher
Every man prefers belief to the exercise of judgment.
-- Seneca, as quoted by Guinan
Ozemmik: A leader serves his people.
Retthew: No. A leader *leads*.
...you did what you thought was right. That's all any of us can do.
-- Commander Riker
Death is a commingling of eternity with time; in the death of a good man,
eternity is seen looking through time.
-- Goethe, as quoted by Captain Picard
ST:TNGNC <Appendix F, page 6> 11/12/92
Anything that color, in that amount, cannot be healthy.
-- Saduk of Vulcan, speaking of a banana split
The Borg uni-mind fired off a message to the intruder. It was a simple
message: SURRENDER.
The reply from the intruder was equally succinct: GO TO HELL.
-- Peter David
I'm a doctor, not a psychic.
-- Dr. Crusher
Turane: As long as we come to an understanding about --
Borg: Understanding is irrelevant.
Turane: I have needs.
Borg: Needs are irrelevant.
Turane: All you've discussed is what you want. What about me?
Borg: You are irrelevant.
Data, the point is that every fight is worth fighting.
Even the hopeless ones.
-- Cmdr. LaForge
Picard took some measure of enjoyment in that there were certain universal
constants, one of them seemingly that it always took women longer to make
themselves presentable than it did men.
-- Peter David
Indeed, some might say that the Klingon (Worf) had a terminal case of
itchy trigger finger -- terminal for whomever the phaser was pointed at.
-- Peter David
The galaxy is always whispering.
-- Guinan
There is such a thing as love at first sight.
-- Counselor Troi
ST:TNGNC <Appendix F, page 7> 11/12/92
Borg: Prepare to be assimilated by the Borg.
Worf: Prepare to eat phasers.
Phasers are the universal communicators.
-- Lt. Worf
He (Wesley) wondered if he would ever understand women. The fact that even
Riker was occasionally mystified by them did not give him hope.
-- Mel Gilden
Wesley: What did I do wrong?
Picard: You did nothing wrong. No one has ever triumphed over the
Kobayashi Maru scenario.
Data: Though legend has it that about eighty years ago, certain cadets
fought it to a standstill.
Picard: Legend. Academy scuttlebutt.
Dr. Crusher: Can't you control your ship?
Capt. Picard: I'll make it my highest priority.
A warrior was not meant to be a bird.
-- Worf
Crusher: It's raining down there, Captain.
Picard: Where? On deck twelve?
Ens. Perry: Cats and dogs, sir.
Worf: None of us will dissolve.
...an extreme of one emotion usually indicates that an extreme of another
emotion is present... ...those we love the most are also the most capable of
driving us to complete distraction.
-- Captain Jean-Luc Picard
For she shall be mine, and I hers, until all the stars burn away.
-- Kerin of the Tizarin
In this whole galaxy, there's somebody for everybody.
-- Dr. Crusher
Worf! Still struggling up the evolutionary ladder?
-- Q
Permission to bounce uninvited guest, Captain.
-- Lt. Worf
ST:TNGNC <Appendix F, page 8> 11/12/92
You'll have to forgive Worf. He just discovered opposable thumbs, and he's
feeling overly confident.
-- Q
Picard, the list of things you find unamusing is truly staggering. Someday
I might actually find something to crack that stoic facade.
-- Q
You can't be omnipotent and have two left feet, now can you?
-- Commander Riker
All of life is a waking dream, and in death is the final awakening.
-- Q
Nobody, dear girl, can lie quite as well as we do to ourselves.
-- Q
Love does not conquer all. Only conquest conquers all.
-- Q
Lwaxana Troi: You (Q) used me! You made me look like a fool!
Q: Nature did that. I simply gave you an audience.
Riker: She's (Lwaxana Troi) really beating the stuffing out of him (Q).
What do you think we should do?
Worf: Sell tickets.
Picard, get some hair. Your brain has caught cold.
-- Q
Never underestimate the power of a good cup of tea.
-- Captain Picard
...I have no desire to gasp, choke, or wildly gesticulate...
-- Cmdr. Data
ST:TNGNC <Appendix F, page 9> 11/12/92
Terrorists are what the big army calls the little army.
-- Kurta
A man isn't truly a man unless he's on his own.
-- Spartacus (holodeck simulation)
Some people want to be right more than they want to
solve their problems.
-- Guinan
Wendy Roper: You Human men are very hairy. Why is that?
Lt. Riker: Traction.
Look around you, Riker. There were twice as many people
in here when you came in. Half of them left to do some-
thing more fun than be near you -- like shoot themselves
out the photon torpedo tube.
-- Guinan
Kathy Li: It's been a lot of laughs, cupcake.
Lt. Riker: No more than that?
Kathy Li: *More* than that? With Will-the-Thrill,
I-Never-Met-a-Woman-I-Didn't-Like Riker?
Right now, Lieutenant, I'd like to address you to Vulcan
and send you out with the next batch of communiques.
-- Counselor Troi (to Lt. Riker)
If something attacks you, shoot it. If it doesn't attack
you, leave it alone. Everything else is just window dressing.
-- Sergeant Tang
Winning isn't everything, sir... but losing isn't anything.
-- Sergeant Tang
If knowledge is power, then knowledge of the future is
the ultimate power.
-- Commodore Data
Cmdr. Riker: For all you knew, *I* could have been one of *them*.
When you came here, you might have been walking into
a trap.
Adm. Riker: I know. That's why I mentioned the lines of poetry
to you. I watched your reaction very carefully.
That wasn't just to convince you that I'm you. It
was also to convince me that you're me.
Capt. Picard: I hate to break this up, but I, who am unquestionably
me, would be most grateful if either of you cared to
tell either of me WHAT IN HELL IS GOING ON?