Usenet 1994 January
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Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu rec.arts.startrek.misc:13337 news.answers:4860
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From: rccarm00@mik.uky.edu (Ron C Carman)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek.misc,news.answers
Subject: TNG Novels Compendium [Intro]
Followup-To: poster
Date: 1 Jan 1993 06:02:39 GMT
Organization: University Of Kentucky, Dept. of Math Sciences
Lines: 71
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: 15 Jan 1994 06:02:09 GMT
Message-ID: <Star-Trek/Novels/TNG/Introduction_725868129@athena.mit.edu>
Reply-To: rccarm00@mik.uky.edu
NNTP-Posting-Host: pit-manager.mit.edu
Summary: The TNG Novels Compendium is a compilation of information
found in the series of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" novels
which are published by Pocket Books. The Compendium contains
listings of characters, races, worlds, ships, mistakes, and
cross-references for each book in the series, as well as the
plot summary from the back of each book. Its appendices contain
alphabetical listings of the above info, as well as a file of
notable quotes, and more.
X-Last-Updated: 1992/12/13
Archive-name: Star-Trek/Novels/TNG/Introduction
Last-modified: 01 December 1992
Version: 2.2
The following files make up a complete copy of the TNG Pocket
Books Novels Compendium. The complete Compendium is posted only
once a year, due to its extreme size. Updates are posted monthly.
The complete Compendium is available by E-mail request to
rccarm00@mik.uky.edu, or by Anonymous-FTP at either of the sites
listed below. If requesting by E-mail, please specify if you
need ASCII format; otherwise, you will receive uuencoded, TARred
and compressed data.
The Compendium is divided into nine files, which comprise the
nine sections of the Compendium. The "Compendium" file is the
main body of the document; it contains listings of characters,
races, worlds, ships, and cross-references for each book in the
TNG series, as well as the plot summary from the back of each
The "Appendix A" file is a listing of the number of appearances
made by the regular/recurring characters in the series (i.e. Picard,
Guinan, Ro, etc...). This file also contains a listing of each
author who has written a ST:TNG novel, along with the novel(s) he/she
The "Appendix B" file is an alphabetical listing of every guest
character to have appeared in the novel series (i.e. Q, Lwaxana, etc).
The "Appendix C" file is an alphabetical listing of every race
encountered in the novel series (i.e. Romulans, Denebians, etc).
The "Appendix D" file is an alphabetical listing of every world
encountered in the novel series (i.e. ch'Havran, Klinzhai, etc).
The "Appendix E" file is an alphabetical listing of every Starfleet
ship mentioned in the novel series, along with the name of its commanding
officer (when known) and its registry (also when known)...
(i.e. U.S.S. Enterprise (Constellation-class) <Captain James T. Kirk>).
The "Appendix F" file is a collection of notable quotes from the
novel series (i.e. "I'm a doctor, not a...").
The "Appendix G" file is an alphabetical listing of cross-references
from the novel series (i.e. references to famous people, novels, etc).
The "Appendix H" file is an alphabetical listing of all characters
which have died in the course of the novel series.
FTP Availability
Site Path
pindarus.cs.uiuc.edu /pub/star.trek
FILENAME(s): TNG.Novels.tar
pit-manager.MIT.edu /pub/usenet/news.answers/Star-Trek/TNG/Novels
FILENAME(s): Introduction
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Have fun, and feel free to send along any suggestions,
complaints, comments, etc...
RC Carman