Usenet 1994 January
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Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!pad-thai.aktis.com!pad-thai.aktis.com!not-for-mail
From: sctfaq@mistik.express.net (Mustafa Soysal)
Newsgroups: soc.culture.turkish,soc.answers,news.answers
Subject: [FAQ] Soc.Culture.Turkish Frequently Answered Questions
Supersedes: <Turkish-FAQ_754549213@GZA.COM>
Followup-To: poster
Date: 29 Dec 1993 00:01:03 -0500
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Sender: faqserv@security.ov.com
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: 11 Feb 1994 05:00:12 GMT
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Reply-To: sctfaq@mistik.express.net
NNTP-Posting-Host: pad-thai.aktis.com
Summary: This is a summary of information regarding frequently addressed
topics in soc.culture.turkish. Please mail submissions/corrections to
X-Last-Updated: 1993/11/14 01:26:46
Frequency: Monthly
Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu soc.culture.turkish:29899 soc.answers:743 news.answers:13428
Archive-name: Turkish-FAQ
Last Modified: 1993/11/14 01:26:46
Version: 1.19
soc.culture.turkish Frequently Answered Questions (FAQ) List
You can send updates to sctfaq@mistik.express.net (Mustafa Soysal)
1993/11/14 01:26:46
After a few initial lists of travel agents and mailing lists, Ahmet
Parlakbilek wrote the initial version of the Frequently asked questions
list for soc.culture.turkish in July 1992, before turning it over to me
for maintenance. He is going to be busy for a while, and I intend to
take care of it. Please send suggestions and updates to
sctfaq@mistik.express.net (Mustafa Soysal). Please keep in mind that I
only maintain this collection, and have no means of verifying the
information contained herein continuously. Also, I don't read
soc.culture.turkish regularly, so don't count on me to automatically
update any changes that might apply in your opinion. If you notice
that something does not apply, is missing, or has changed, please let me
know so that I can update it. A detailed list of most recent changes
are listed at the end of this document. Thank you for your cooperation
in advance.
This is a list of the headings you can find by searching for the
abbreviation. References to the Turkish Republic or TUrkiye are
sometimes abbreviated as TR.
Subject Abbrev
----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Visiting Turkiye ................................................ [Travel]
-> Where can I get cheap tickets to TUrkiye?
-> Can I take one or more camera/camcorder/laptop to TUrkiye?
-> Does my <insert any electrical device here> work in TUrkiye?
-> How can I have a long distance call from TUrkiye?
-> How can I call TR collect from the US? (800 numbers)
-> New area codes for dialing to TUrkiye (detailed)
-> What beverages are available?
-> Ionian Coast Info
Turkish Language ................................................ [Language]
-> What is the origin of Turkish?
-> Is Turkish a hard-to-learn language?
-> Which alphabet do people use in TUrkiye?
-> How can I use Turkish alphabet in Wordperfect/Mac/TeX?
-> Additional font info for DOS/Windows/Mac
-> Are there any books to learn Turkish?
Turkish Food .................................................... [Food]
-> Are there any Turkish restaurants in the US?
Radio Broadcasts ................................................ [Broadcasts]
-> Are there any Turkish radio/TV programmes in North America?
Turkish Videos and Music ........................................ [Video]
-> Where can I buy/rent Turkish Videos?
Turkish Associations ............................................ [Local]
-> Are there any Turkish Associations in my area?
Turkish Publications ............................................[Publications]
-> Are there any Turkish Publications available for subscription?
Electronic Communication ........................................ [E-mail]
-> How can I communicate with someone in TUrkiye via e-mail?
-> Is there any electronic mail list for discussions related to Turkish
people/culture etc.?
History ......................................................... [History]
Poetry .......................................................... [Poetry]
VISITING TURKIYE..............................................................
-> Where can I get cheap tickets to TUrkiye?
Travel Agencies, where you can find tickets to TR, are:
Last verified
FREEDOM ............. 1-212-697-4656 MISTIK930820
1-212-697-4038 Fax
PICASSO TRAVEL....... 1-212-751-9051 MISTIK930820
1-800-525-3632 (Travel Agents Sevin, sule, and Ani)
1-212-751-9053 Fax
1-800-887-5493 (1-800-TURKIYE)
1-212-308-2350 Fax
THY ................. 1-212-986-5050 MISTIK930820
1-800-874-TURK (1-800-874-8875)
1-212-818-1754 Fax
CLUB AMERICA ........ 1-212-972-2865 MISTIK931027
1-212-953-7937 Fax
1-212-486-4014 Fax
TURSAN .............. 1-800-451-6050 MISTIK930820
UNITED WORLD ........ 1-201-523-5950 (YaSar Bey) MISTIK930820
SUNSET .............. 1-800-243-1500 MISTIK930820
1-818-366-3595 Fax
TCI TRAVEL .......... 1-800-333-7033 (Dallas - Ercument Kilic) MISTIK931019
1-214-630-3477 Fax
S&S TRAVEL .......... 1-516-756-0275 MISTIK931019
1-516-756-2543 Fax
FAME TRAVEL ......... 1-718-263-5636 (HepSen Arsel, Susan Tuncer) MISTIK931019
1-718-575-4067 Fax
MOON TRAVEL ......... 1-212-564-5839/5840 (Kazim) MISTIK931019
1-212-564-5853 Fax
SULTAN TRAVEL 1-817-263-5804 Angle/ZUbeyde (Texas) MISTIK931019
1-817-263-7004 Fax
[maintainer's note: I did call up the numbers above and verified them.
I will continue with the rest on another day.
The company above and below are not affiliated.
SULTAN TRAVEL ....... 1-416-923-7936 (Toronto)
SKYTREK ............. 1-613-829-3300 (Ottowa - Leyla Baran)
CONNECTION TOURS .... 1-212-486-9633
-> Can I take one or more camera/camcorder/laptop to Turkiye?
Yes, but according to law, those should be recorded to your passport
at the time of your entrance and they should be checked upon leaving.
Usually, the customs officer do not create problems for a single
camera/camcorder etc. However, it is a good practice to register
them, especially when you have more than one. (..be advised that like
most customs officers, they do not care whether you miss your plane or not..)
-> Does my <insert any electrical device here> work in Turkiye?
220 volts, 50 Hz. is used in TR instead of the 120 volts, 60 Hz.
used in North America. If your device does not mind frequency, it is
easy to make it work in TR by the help of an inexpensive transformer.
In particular, you may use the small transformers sold at Radio Shack
for low-energy consumption (less than 50 watts) devices. If you would
like to take a stereo (amplifier, tape deck, tuner etc.), you should buy
a powerful 220v.-120v. transformer (preferably from TR, not to
carry this heavy thing with you). The amplifier, CD player, tape deck
mostly do not create problems. Tuners, on the other hand, has the
problem of different frequency spacings of radio stations in the US: AM
spacing is 9 kHz instead of 10 kHz and FM spacing is 100 kHz instead of
200 kHz in TR. This means you may not tune AM stations accurately
in TR. Finally, some turntables, which controls the pitch with the
power supply frequency may create problems: you can adjust the speed
manually in many of them, but if this fails, the RPM drops to 5/6 of the
-> How can I have a long distance call from Turkiye? (Information about AT&T
and MCI provided by Ibrahim Semiz)
There are public phones available for this purpose. You need to purchase
some tokens from PTT (Turkish Post/Telegraph/Telephone Company). One
token is on the order of $1 and you probably need a few for a single call.
The long distance code for TR is 90.
But the most practical way make international calls from TR (or
almost any country for that matter) is to use your calling card. For
example, AT&T has services called `USA Direct' and `World Connect',
where you dial 99 80 01 22 77 from any phone in TR, and get
connected to AT&T. If you are calling a number in the US, you can place
your call yourself, assisted by English voice prompts. If you want to
call one of the 46 (at last count) countries on AT&T's list, you wait
for an operator who assists you (Presumably, such calls would be more
expensive). If you are calling from a residence, your host does not get
charged anything, or you can make the call from any pay phone with a
local (`small') token. Of course, you get the bill from AT&T. This is
cheaper than calling from a residence (in TR). I don't know how it
compares to calling from public phones with tokens, but it probably is
cheaper, and you don't have to struggle to feed tokens to the thing at
the rate ! of one every thirty seconds.
MCI has a similiar service, on which somebody else may supply details.
-> How can I call TR collect from the US? (800 numbers)
(by Metin mgokcen@us.oracle.com and Zafer Latif latifz@sunrise.cse.fau.edu)
1-800-VATANIM (1-800-828-2646) via PTT
-> New area codes for dialing to Turkiye.
[Maintainer's Note: I would like to express my sincere and special thanks
to Mr Orhan GOkCol (UCGOKCOL.TRITU.Bitnet) for
going thru the effort of sending me the list of the
new codes and changes from TR with fax and
postal mail. He made it possible to have detailed
information about the area code changes, affected
cities, and the changes relating to each city. Thank you!
The area codes for the cities in TR are changing. The current ones
will be working until the end of 1993, but it is a good idea to start
using them now. Calls to another area code in TR start with a '0',
and international calls start with '00'. All phone numbers are being
changed to 7 digits. The following is a known list of new area codes
and a summary of changes for each city. In changing the phone numbers
to 7 digits, a number of digits will be inserted in front of the original
phone number explained in the comments part of the table below.
City Code Comment
------ ---- --------------------------------------------
Adana 322 KarSIyaka, K.Esat, K.KOprU, TepebaG: insert 3
GazipaSa, AtatUrk, ZiyapaSa, Bul, CemalpaSa: insert 4
Yurt, Yeni Baraj, MahfesIGmaz: insert 2
AdIyaman 416 Numbers starting with 2: insert 23
Numbers starting with 3 and 6: insert 21
Afyon 272 insert 21
AGrI 472 insert 21
Aksaray 382 insert 21
Amasya 358 insert 21
Ankara 312 No Change
Antalya 242 Numbers starting with 27,20,41-43,47,58: insert 2
Numbers starting with 21-23,25,26,30,32,34,39,40,44: insert 3
Ardahan 478 Insert 211
Artvin 466 undetermined
AydIn 256 Numbers starting with 2,3,4: insert 21
Numbers starting with 5: insert 22
BalIkesir 266 Insert 2
BartIn 378 Numbers starting with 2: insert 21
Numbers starting with 7: insert 22
Batman 488 Insert 21
Bayburt 458 Insert 211
Bilecik 228 Insert 21
BingOl 426 Numbers starting with 27: insert 23
Numbers starting with 3: insert 21
Bitlis 434 Numbers starting with 61-64: insert 21
Numbers starting with 65-67: insert 22
Bolu 374 Insert 21
Burdur 348 Numbers starting with 22-24: insert 21
Numbers starting with 3,4,21,26: insert 23
Bursa 224 Numbers starting with 20-24,33-36,43,46,47,50-55,57: insert 2
Numbers starting with 27-29,60-62,66-68: insert 3
Numbers starting with 41,42: insert 4
canakkale 286 Insert 21
cankIrI 376 Insert 21
corum 364 Numbers starting with 2,3: insert 21
Numbers starting with 4,6: insert 22
Numbers starting with 48: insert 23
Denizli 258 Numbers starting with 61-66,68: insert 2
Numbers starting with 71,73,77: insert 3
DiyarbakIr 412 Insert 2
Edirne 284 Numbers starting with 2-3: insert 21
Numbers starting with 57,58: insert 23
Numbers starting with 5: insert 22
ElazIg 424 Numbers starting with 2,8,51: insert 21
Numbers starting with 4: insert 22
Numbers starting with 3,6,7: insert 23
Numbers starting with 71: insert 24
Erzincan 446 Numbers starting with 2,4: insert 21
Numbers starting with 3: insert 22
Erzurum 442 Numbers starting with 2,8: insert 21
Numbers starting with 3-4: insert 23
Numbers starting with 5-6: insert 31
Numbers starting with 7: insert 32
EskiSehir 222 Numbers starting with 21,27,28,30-34,36,37,39: insert 2
Numbers starting with 20,22-24,35: insert 3
Gaziantep 342 Numbers starting with 20,25,26,30-35,50: insert 2
Numbers starting with 21,23,24,36,38,39: insert 3
Giresun 454 Insert 21
GUmUShane 456 Insert 21
Hatay 326 Insert 21
Hakkari 438 Insert 211
IGdIr 476 Numbers starting with 71-74: insert 21
Numbers starting with 75-77: insert 22
Isparta 246 Numbers starting with 8,20,21: insert 21
Numbers starting with 3,7: insert 22
Numbers starting with 2: insert 23
ICel 324 Numbers starting with 23,31-35,37,38: insert 2
Numbers starting with 20,21,24-26,28,36: insert 3
Istanbul 212 European Side. No Change in numbers.
216 Asian Side. No Change in numbers.
Izmir 232 Alsancak area: insert 2
KarSIyaka area: insert 3
Hatay area: insert 4
K.MaraS 344 Numbers starting with 2,4,55-57: insert 21
Numbers starting with 3,50,51: insert 22
Numbers starting with 6,7: insert 23
Karaman 338 Insert 21.
Kars 474 Numbers starting with 2: insert 21
Numbers starting with 3: insert 22
Kastamonu 366 Insert 21
Kayseri 352 Numbers starting with 22-25,31-35,40: insert 2
Other numbers: insert 3
KIrIkkale 318 Numbers starting with 2,8: insert 21
Numbers starting with 4: insert 22
Numbers starting with 3: insert 23
Numbers starting with 5: insert 24
Numbers starting with 62-65: insert 25
Numbers starting with 69: insert 26
KIrklareli 288 Numbers starting with 2,4: insert 21
Numbers starting with 7: insert 22
KIrSehir 386 Numbers starting with 26: insert 25
Other numbers: insert 21
Kocaeli 262 Numbers starting with 21,22,24,25,31,64: insert 3
Numbers starting with 23,26,29,39: insert 2
Konya 332 Numbers starting with 33-36,39,41,44,45,47-49: insert 2
Other numbers: insert 3
KUtahya 274 Numbers starting with 2,6: insert 21
Numbers starting with 3-5: insert 22
Malatya 422 Numbers starting with 38: insert 2
Other numbers: insert 3
Manisa 236 Insert 2
Mardin 482 Insert 21
MuGla 252 Insert 21
MuS 436 Insert 21
NevSehir 384 Insert 21
NiGde 388 Numbers starting with 3,20,21: insert 21
Numbers starting with 22-24: insert 23
Ordu 452 Numbers starting with 2,4: insert 21
Numbers starting with 30-33: insert 22
Numbers starting with 34-36: insert 23
Rize 464 Numbers starting with 2,30-32: insert 21
Numbers starting with 33-36: insert 22
Sakarya 264 Insert 2
Samsun 362 Numbers starting with 28,30-34,38,39: insert 2
Numbers starting with 20,31,32,35,37: insert 4
Siirt 484 Numbers starting with 2: insert 21
Numbers starting with 3: insert 22
Sinop 368 Insert 2
Sivas 346 Insert 2
sanlIurfa 414 Numbers starting with 5,6: insert 21
Numbers starting with 2-4: insert 31
sIrnak 486 Insert 21
TekirdaG 282 Insert 2
Tokat 356 Insert 21
Trabzon 462 Numbers Starting with 21,22,25,26: insert 3
Numbers Starting with 23,24,29: insert 2
Tunceli 428 Insert 21
USak 276 Numbers Starting with 2,5: insert 21
Numbers Starting with 3,7: insert 22
Van 432 Numbers Starting with 2,4,6,7: insert 21
Numbers Starting with 3: insert 22
Yozgat 354 Insert 21
Zonguldak 372 Insert 2
-> What beverages are available? (from Ian Davis, summary of responses
he received to his survey)
- Efes Pilsen, most people say that this is the best.
- Tuborg (originally Danish)
- Tekel, pure Turkish but may not be found in Tourist resorts.
Soft Drinks:
Ayran, sIra, kIzIlcIk, seftali - totally different than anything
available in UK.
much better than beer, including KavaklIdere, Villa Doluca.
Both red and white are good.
-> Ionian Coast Info (from Ian Davis, summary of responses
he received to his survey)
Bodrum is one of the most expensive towns to shop in (40% more expensive
than Istanbul).Buying anything must bargin until the shop keeper gives up.
If you are looking for more expensive souvenirs, its worth while traveling
to other less well know towns in the area.
Places to see:
The castle in Bodrum ( rebuilt by the knights of St John) is worth a visit.
Troy- the famous city is within traveling distance of Bodrum, mostly ruined
but still worth a visit.
Bergama-site of one of the seven original churches mentioned in the bible.
Has nice amphitheater,some pillars still standing, nice arches and a few mosiacs
Efes-site of another one of the seven churches,Paul lived here. Is very well
preserved, very good amphitheater, a library, roads of marble and is said
to be a very exceptional site, comes highly recommended.
These places are only the tip of the iceberg.
>>More info on where-to-visit, what-to-take-with-you etc. missing.
TURKISH LANGUAGE ...........................................................
-> What is the origin of Turkish?
Turkish is an Ural-Altaic language, which is spoken in different forms from
Balkans in the west to China and Siberia in the east. Approximately 150
million people speak Turkish in the world.
There are four main dialects of Turkish (according to Colloquial
Turkish - Y. Mardin):
a) Oriental dialects of Altay
b) Western dialects of Kirgiz and Tatar
c) Dialects of Central Asia
d) Southern dialects: Turkmen, Azerbeycan, Anadolu, Kirim and Osmanli Turkcesi.
-> Is Turkish a hard-to-learn language?
Yusuf Mardin answers this question as follows:
"Turkish is an easy, logical language. There is no gender, no he, she or it,
but one word for all three."
"In Turkish, there are no diphtongs. When two vowels come together, each
retains its individual sound. Every letter in every word is sounded
individually and every word is pronounced as it is written."
[maintainer's note: we need to refine this section, please e-mail any
-> Which alphabet do people use in Turkiye?
Latin alphabet with some modifications. There are 6 extra letters:
c i(without dot) g "o s "u
' '
q, w, x does not exist in Turkish alphabet.
[maintainer's note: Recently, a new Turkic alphabet was agreed upon, and there
are new letters which contradict the statement above.
An update will follow.
-> How can I use Turkish alphabet in Wordperfect/Mac/TeX?
Wordperfect has a Turkish keyboard file which can be used to generate
Turkish letters by the help of Cntrl-Alt keys. For Mac, there is a
Turkish Mac System and Turkish fonts. All of those can be found at
ftp.cs.umn.edu under the directory /pub/users/cosar for anonymous ftp
(Username ftp). There is also a Tex style file, easyturkish.sty which
generates Turkish letters for Tex document preparing system. You may
contact akgul@trbilun.bitnet for Turkish Tex and easyturkish.sty.
Turkish fonts also do exist in several sites for ftp; you may try,
host:kth.se directory:/kth/tex/stuttgart/fonts/metafont or host:
utsun.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp directory:/TeX/fonts for anonymous ftp.
-> Additional font info for DOS/Windows. (by Mustafa Soysal)
Other than the above mentioned Turkish fonts provided for ftp by Ahmet
CoSar at the University of Minnesota, the following information on
additionaly freely available fonts was provided by Erol Esen at Colorado
State University about his DOS/Windows fonts. Furthermore, Bora Baysal
at the Catholic University of America provided general information on a
commercialy distributed font package he can provide you with. The
information about the packages is included below. For detailed
information about the current package contents, please contact the
provided contact e-mail addresses.
Font info by Erol Esen
A set of Turkish fonts are designed both for the DOS platform as well as
the Windows system. DOS fonts are designed to be used for those who have
VGA monitors and EPSON printers. Windows fonts are to be used with the
Adobe Type Manager (ATM); you may use any printer your Windows system
supports. Windows fonts can be used for serious writing, as well as
informal. There are batch files that will assist you. If you have any
questions you can send an e-mail to: esen@mozart.cs.colostate.edu
Font info by Bora Baysal
TurkFontPack is a Turkish font pack which currently includes 10 Turkish
fonts (including all Turkish characters and English characters),
Mac version of the package for system 6 or 7, and a freeware Windows
program in order to type Turkish characters on standard non-Turkish
keyboards, using two-key sequences. The fonts are in various font
formats which are PostScript Type 1, TrueType, bitmap, Unix, and
Encapsulated PostScript. For additional info, please contact Bora
Baysal via e-mail at 18baysal@cua.edu.
[maintainer's note: This address will expire after 8/31/93, use
dm120@cleveland.freenet.edu instead.
-> Are there any books to learn Turkish?
Yes, we even have an online tutor. The online tutor/teacher (for pc) is
available at wuarchive.wustl.edu or other simtel20 mirrors under the
directory /mirrors/msdos/langtutor/turkish1.lzh. We did not try it, so
we do not have any idea about its completeness, usefulness etc. The
books that might be used to learn Turkish are:
- "Colloquial Turkish", Yusuf Mardin, London Routledge (several editions
exist, some include a tape.)
- "Colloquial Turkish", Arin Bayraktaroglu & Sinan Bayraktaroglu,
Routledge, 1992 (Available with cassette).
- "Turkish in Three Months", Bengisu Rana, Hugo's Language Books Ltd., 1989
(Available with cassette)
- "Turkish Basic Course" (2 volumes), Lloyd B. Swift, Selman Agrali, 1966,
State Dept. Series (can be found in libraries, elemantary/intermediate level)
- "Yabancilar icin Turkce Dersleri", Kaya Can, Middle East Technical
University, Ankara, 1981
- "Turkish", Paul Wittek, London, 1956
The following books include Turkish stories and poems:
- "Turkish Sampler: Writings for all readers", Muge Galin, Indiana University
Turkish Studies, 1989
- "Turkish Literary Reader", Andreas Tietze, Indiana University, 1963
- "An Anthology of Turkish Short Stories", Editor: Ali Alparslan, Publications
of rge RCD Cultural Institute No:45, Istanbul, 1973
And about dictionaries:
(by Jack Campin)
By FAR the best portable dictionary is one you can only get in TR - the
Berlitz/ABC Kitabevi "Ingilizce-Turkce/Turkce-Ingilizce Sozluk", 1988 (ISBN
975 09 0150 9). It suffers from the usual problem in Berlitz materials of
not giving you any even remotely naughty words - god help you if you have
to explain a gynaecological problem with it - but it's wonderful on food
terms. About A6-sized, bright red. If it's out of print, the Redhouse
Elsozlugu is a reasonable substitute.[It is not out of print, I checked
For a big dictionary, the Oxford two-volume one (also published cheaper
by ABC in TR, in an edition that may only be sold there) is hard to
beat, though the Redhouse Cagdas Turkce-Ingilizce Sozluk is just as good
(one way only). You may have problems getting that in the US. The Oxford
is also available in a one-volume abridgment.
TURKISH RESTAURANTS ..........................................................
Contributed by tekalp@ee.rochester.edu (A. Murat Tekalp)
in Manhattan:
1422 3rd Ave.
New York, NY
Istanbul Kebap Restoran
303 East 80th Street
New York, NY
(between 1st and 2nd Avenue)
(212) 517-6880
1131 Lexington Ave.
New York, NY
1269 1st Ave.
New York, NY
(between 68th and 69th Street)
(212) 737-5922
2nd Avenue and 73-74th Street
New York, NY
104 Mc Dougle Street
New York, NY
(one block south of Washington Square)
in New Jersey:
Beyti Kebap Salonu
4104 Park Avenue
Union City, New Jersey
(around 40th street)
Istanbul Tavern
Paterson Plank Road
North Bergen, New Jersey
Kervan Kabob House Restaurant
360 Lawton Avenue,
Cliffside Park, N.J.
Urfa Kebab Restaurant
520 Anderson Avenue
Cliffside Park, New Jersey 07010
(201) 943-1095
in North Virginia
3529 Chain Bridge Road (Rt. 123)
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
(703) 273-4310
in Michigan:
AySe's Courtyard Cafe
Turkish Cuisine
1703 Plymouth Rd
Ann Arbor, MI
(313) 662-1711
Mo-Fr: 10am-7pm
Sat: 11am-5pm
in California:
[Maintainer's Note: according to KUrSat KIzIloGlU, Moonangel Restaurant
closed while ago. There are restaurants in the
San Francisco area. I need to hear about them from
readers in that area.
BROADCASTS ...................................................................
-> Are there any Turkish radio/TV programmes in North America?
The following are the frequencies and time periods of various Turkish
broadcasting services.
TV Broadcast in the United States of America:
Broadcast schedule changed. More updates to follow.
Radio Programmes:
Voice of Turkiye: (Everyday)
EUROPE 9795 kHz 21.00-22.00 GMT 31 mB. English
9685 23.00-00.00 31 English
9685 00.00-04.00 31 Turkish
15267 05.01-00.00 19 Turkish
15267 10.00-17.00 19 Turkish
9460 17.00-23.00 31 Turkish
9515 06.00-10.00 31 Turkish
9515 11.00-16.00 31 Turkish
9445 04.00-05.00 31 English
9445 23.00-00.00 31 English
9445 00.00-04.00 31 Turkish
BBC: (all according to EST. For conversion, GMT = EST + 5)
Time Day Frequency
23:00-23:30 (Mon-Sat) 6050,7210,9750
03:00-04:00 (Sun) 1296,6015,9635,9740,17695
04:00-04:15 (Mon-Fri) 6015,9740,17695
11:00-12:00 (Sun) 6015,15135,17640
TURKISH CULTURAL HOUR (Northern San Francisco Bay Area)
Time Day Frequency
17:00-19:00 (Sat) FM90.3 KUSF
ORIENT EXPRESS (Southern San Francisco Bay Area, Monterey and Santa Cruz)
Time Day Frequency
18:00-21:00 (3rd Sat of each month)
FM 91.5 KKUP
TURKISH MUSIC HOUR WUVT (Southwestern Virginia Area)
Time Day Frequency
13:00-15:00 Sat FM 90.7
TURKISH MUSIC HOUR WRPI (50 mile radius of Troy, NY. This includes Albany,
Schenectady, and small towns in MA and VT near
the NY state border.)
Time Day Frequency
11:00-12:00 Sat FM 91.5
TURKISH VIDEOS AND MUSIC .....................................................
-> Where can I buy/rent Turkish Videos?
Active Video
12-14 E 37th St
New York, NY 10016
(212) 594-1707
UludaG Video
Brooklyn, NY
(718) 934-6226
[Maintainer's note: There are more sources. Please send the information. ]
Turkish Associations ........................................................
-> Are there any Turkish Associations in my area?
[maintainer's note: Please send the name and address of your local
Turkish Associations (Student/Cultural/Professional)
along with a contact name, e-mail address, and
telephone number.
TURKISH PUBLICATIONS .........................................................
-> Are there any Turkish Publications available for subscription?
a bilingual quarterly news and views magazine
Publisher & Editor-in-chief: Tanju Cataltepe
You are welcome to write articles, express opinions or make
suggestions on matters concerning Muslims in America, in Turkiye
or in the other parts of the world.
Circulation: 500 copies.
In North America: Send $10.00 or equivalent in stamps to
T. Cataltepe, 25A Rector Place, Red Bank, NJ 07701
Phone: (908) 741-1392
e-mail: anadolu@wakeup.org
For more information and subscription in other countries contact
the publisher at the above address, phone number, or e-address.
Turkish Daily Newspaper
(212) 921-8880 Voice
(212) 391-4017 Fax
ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION .....................................................
-> How can I communicate with someone in Turkiye via e-mail?
There are EARN/bitnet and Internet nodes in TR. A list of nodes (
not necessarily complete) is as follows:
Node name Organization City Contact (user-id)
------------- -------------------------- ------------ -----------------
emunivm1 East Mediterranean University G.Magusa.TRNC necdet
trakden Akdeniz University Antalya saka
tranavm1 Anadolu University Eskisehir onder
tranavm2 Anadolu University Eskisehir onder
tratauni Ataturk University Erzurum bisam42
trbilun Bilkent University Ankara arkun
trboun Bogazici University Istanbul kaylan
trcuniv Cukurova University Adana ilhami
trdeu1 Dokuz Eylul University Izmir ayten
trdicle Dicle University Diyarbakir baykal
trearn Ege University Izmir aytac
trege1 Ege University Izmir aytac
trerun Erciyes University Kayseri yapici
trfirat Firat University Elazig uzun
trgantep Gaziantep University Gaziantep ege
trhun Hacettepe University Ankara unal
triuvm11 Istanbul University Istanbul erol
tritu Istanbul Teknik University Istanbul harmanci
trktu Karadeniz Teknik University Trabzon aras
trkosgeb Small and Medium Industry Ankara sogut
Development Organization
trmarunv Marmara University Istanbul iskar1
trmetu Middle East Technical Uni. Ankara anlagan
trmetua Middle East Technical Uni. Ankara ozgit
tromuni Ondokuz Mayis University Samsun nazmit
tryildiz Yildiz University Istanbul yahya
tryldz02 Yildiz University Istanbul yahya
tryok Higher Education Council Ankara arinc
trtetm Tubitak Info. Tech. Center Ankara selcuk
trgebze Tubitak Gebze Gebze
trmbeam Tubitak Gebze Marmara Rsrch. Gebze
For mail access to EARN/BITNET nodes from internet, append .bitnet to
the node name.
[maintainer's note: due to the nature of the internet, a complete
list of the internet domains would be inappropiate for
this FAQ. Universities can be reached under their
domain name as in domain.edu.tr
-> Is there any electronic mail list for discussions related to Turkish
people/culture etc.?
Yes, there are plenty, and the list below does not claim to be complete,
however, the most important ones should be covered by these. We will
not express a preference for this or that list, try them out to find the
ones that suit your taste.
However, The Turkish Radio Hour News List (trknws-l) is important for
keeping up with the recent news and therefore should be mentioned here.
Also, please note that Mcimail is offering a special e-mail subscription
under TURKNEWS grouprate to the subscribers of trknws-l. The first year
costs $15, and $25 thereafter. Contact Bret Fisherkeller or Terri
Malone at (510) 945-0491 for details on the TURKNEWS group rate. You
need a modem, a computer with communications software or a terminal to
use this service. Access is available by calling an 800 number.
Other lists can be summarized (not complete) as follows:
listname topics discussed mail address command for
-------- -------------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------
amiga-tr amiga users listserv@trearn.bitnet sub amiga-tr fullname
autos-l classic and sports cars listserv@tritu.bitnet sub autos-l fullname
bilfel science and philosophy listserv@
bio-dost biological studies listserv@trearn.bitnet sub bio-dost fullname
borsa-l Turkish stock-exchange listserv@trearn.bitnet sub borsa-l fullname
burc Bogazici U. alumni listserv@trearn.bitnet sub burc fullname
c_c++ c & c++ prog. lang. list listserv@tritu.bitnet sub c_c++ fullname
cclub-l computer club list listserv@trmetu.bitnet sub cclub-l fullname
cevre-l environmetal issues listserv@tritu.bitnet sub cevre-l fullname
cmu-l Commun. of Medit. Univ. listserv@trearn.bitnet sub cmu-l fullname
csp-l cross Sys. Prod. Disc. listserv@trearn.bitnet sub csp-l fullname
deniz-l gemi insaati/deniz bil. listserv@tritu.bitnet sub deniz-l fullname
dkb-l dkb rt graph. interf. dev. listserv@tritu.bitnet sub dkb-l fullname
dkbport dkb rt port. 2 oth. Platf. listserv@tritu.bitnet sub dkbport fullname
dost Turkish scientists listserv@trearn.bitnet sub dost fullname
duvar-l general announc./disc. listserv@tritu.bitnet sub duvar-l fullname
esper-l esperanto list listserv@trearn.bitnet sub esper-l fullname
exper-l exper. on viral attacks listserv@trearn.bitnet sub exper-l fullname
friend-l friend server discussions listserv@trearn.bitnet sub friend-l fullname
herb medicinal and arom. plants listserv@trearn.bitnet sub herb fullname
ieee-ege ieee Ege student branch listserv@trearn.bitnet sub ieee-ege fullname
ieee-tr ieee Turkish chap. listserv@tritu.bitnet sub ieee-tr fullname
image-l image proc. & applications listserv@trearn.bitnet sub image-l fullname
inet-tr Internet quest/answers listserv@vm.cc.metu.edu.tr sub inet-tr fullname
itu-l I.T.U. alumni listserv@tritu.bitnet sub itu-l fullname
kimya-l chemistry listserv@tritu.bitnet sub kimya-l fullname
kitap-l books listserv@tritu.bitnet sub kitap-l fullname
kutup-l Turkish libraries listserv@trmetu.bitnet sub kutup-l fullname
macturk mac users listserv@trearn.bitnet sub macturk fullname
mount-l Mountaineering listserv@trmetu.bitnet sub mount-l fullname
metu-l METU alumni listserv@trmetu.bitnet sub metu-l fullname
misc misc. questions, requests listserv@trearn.bitnet sub misc fullname
multas-l multitasking progr. for PC listserv@trearn.bitnet sub multas-l fullname
pascal-l pascal language listserv@trearn.bitnet sub pascal-l fullname
politika Turkish politics listserv@tritu.bitnet sub politika fullname
progdil programming languages listserv@trearn.bitnet sub progdil fullname
ptt-l everything-u listserv@trearn.bitnet sub ptt-l fullname
sanat-l arts listserv@tritu.bitnet sub sanat-l fullname
sinema-l movies listserv@tritu.bitnet sub sinema-l fullname
senfoni weekly commentory listserv@trearn.bitnet sub senfoni fullname
sysprg-l system programmers list listserv@tritu.bitnet sub sysprg-l fullname
swl-tr SWL in Turkiye listserv@tritu.bitnet sub swl-tr fullname
textiles textiles, clothing listserv@trearn.bitnet sub textiles fullname
tnng Turkish neural netw. group listserv@trmetu.bitnet sub tnng fullname
travel-l tourism discussions listserv@trearn.bitnet sub travel-l fullname
trknws-l news listserv@uscvm.bitnet sub trknws-l fullname
tsaa-l everything listserv@purccvm.bitnet sub tsaa-l fullname
turkce-l Turkish as a science lang. listserv@tritu.bitnet sub turkce-l fullname
turkmath Turkish Math. listserv@trmetu.bitnet sub turkmath fullname
tv-l tv discussions listserv@trearn.bitnet sub tv-l fullname
urban-l urban planning listserv@trearn.bitnet sub urban-l fullname
uzay-l Hava-Uzay Bilim ve Tekn. listserv@tritu.bitnet sub uzay-l fullname
virus-l computer viruses listserv@tritu.bitnet sub virus-l fullname
vm-show comics magazine listserv@trearn.bitnet sub vm-show fullname
yardimci sistem ile ilgili tartisma listserv@trearn.bitnet sub yardimci fullname
yoneylem Turkish OR list listserv@tritu.bitnet sub yoneylem fullname
yunus Turkish tex users listserv@trmetu.bitnet sub yunus fullname
All you have to do to subscribe to any of these lists is to send a mail
to the "mail address" containing the "command for subscription" as the body
of the message. "fullname" should be your first and last name.
HISTORY ......................................................................
Turkish history is a very long subject to include here. There are
several frequently asked questions on this issue. We allocated a
directory (/pub/users/cosar/history) at ftp.cs.umn.edu for this
purpose. There are articles there including recently posted Oztuna
articles and excerpts from Coles. You may contact to cosar@cs.umn.edu,
if you would like to upload any information on this topic.
POETRY .......................................................................
This section is provided by Ahmet Cosar
Archive-name: auto/soc.culture.turkish/Turkish-Poetry-in-ftp-cs-umn-edu
There is a new directory in ftp.cs.umn.edu named "users/cosar/literature"
where you can find about 70 Turkish Poems, some as English translations.
If you have any more Turkish Poetry/Story ready in electronic form
please mail them to cosar@mail.cs.umn.edu to be added to the archive
for public benefit.
I also put an older list of Turkish Student Associations to the archive
but it's not publicly readable since it might be considered private
information. If you send me an e-mail asking for a specific University's
Turkish Student Association I can mail you the contact address of the
person in charge or forward your request to them if an e-mail address
is available.
Turkish Poems in the Archive (Poet_Name.Poem_Name):
Latest FAQ History:
Revision 1.19 1993/11/14 01:26:46 Mustafa_Soysal
- Only the 800 collect call number for PTT worked. (Mustafa Soysal)
Others removed.
Revision 1.18 1993/11/14 01:11:57 Mustafa_Soysal
- Added UludaG Video (Ali Kayaalp)
- Corrected fax number for Club America (Mustafa Soysal)
- 800 number for Istanbul Travel & Tours back in service (Mustafa Soysal)
Revision 1.17 1993/11/04 18:38:17 Mustafa_Soysal
- Removed TEL list (canceled). (Mustafa Soysal)
- Added Newspaper HUrriyet (Zeynel Aksoy)
Revision 1.16 1993/10/31 03:16:06 Mustafa_Soysal
- New Section about Turkish publications (Mustafa Soysal)
Revision 1.15 1993/10/31 02:29:33 Mustafa_Soysal
- Small addition to bitnet host addresses. (Mustafa Soysal)
- 800 number for Istanbul Travel canceled. (Ahmet Murat FiS)
- Added AySe's Restaurant (Melek InOzU)
- Izmir's phone number changes were missing (Ali DurgunoGlu)
- Added Active Video (former BoGaziCi) (Orhan SOylemez)
- Added Marmaris Restaurant, TopkapI Restaurant. (Murat Tekalp)
- Collect call via 800 number. (Metin GOkCen, Zafer Latif)
- Opened a new section about local associations. (Mustafa Soysal)
- Added short explanation on internet addresses (Mustafa Soysal)
to domains in TR.
Revision 1.14 1993/10/20 15:09:49 Mustafa_Soysal
- Removed Moonangel restaurant from the list, closed. (KUrSat KIzIloGlu)
Revision 1.13 1993/10/19 23:06:02 Mustafa_Soysal
- Changed AM spacing info, thanks to Rich Wales, (Rich Wales)
Ibrahim Semiz, and Suat Ayoz.
- Added "Colloquial Turkish - BayraktaroGlu" (Bruce V. Schwartz)
and "Turkish in Three Months".
- Changed BBC broadcast hours (Suat Ayoz)
- Changed WUVT broadcast hours (BahadIr Acuner)
Revision 1.12 1993/10/19 18:22:09 Mustafa_Soysal
- Added very detailed information about phone number changes (Orhan GOkCol)
sent by Orhan GOkCol (UCGOKCOL.TRITU.Bitnet) Special Thanks.
- Added new section about Turkish Food, Restaurant (Murat Tekalp)
information compiled by Murat Tekalp
- Verified more travel agents (Mustafa Soysal)
Revision 1.11 1993/08/29 21:56:18 Mustafa_Soysal
- Added Isparta to the area code list (Mustafa Soysal)
Revision 1.10 1993/08/29 15:51:39 Mustafa_Soysal
- Changed submission e-mail address. (Mustafa Soysal)
- Added another 800 number for Tursan Travel. (Mustafa Soysal)
- Removed bogus/old travel agency number [UNKNOWN?], (Mustafa Soysal)
it was actually a number at University of New Hampshire
- Removed bogus number for Istanbul Travel (868-3394) (Mustafa Soysal)
- Removed bogus listing for Hurturk, the numbers were (Mustafa Soysal)
actually for Istanbul Travel & Tours, Inc.
They have nothing to do with Hurturk.
- Updated changed numbers for Freedom Travel (Mustafa Soysal)
- Updated numbers for THY (Giray Pultar, Mustafa Soysal)
- Updated numbers for Club America (Mustafa Soysal)
- Updated listing for Picasso Travel (Mustafa Soysal)
- Updated listing for United World (Mustafa Soysal)
- Updated listing for Sunset Travel (Mustafa Soysal)
- Blue Voyage changed name to Anadolu Travel (Mustafa Soysal)
- Noted change in TV broadcast, update to follow. (Mustafa Soysal)
- Updated radio broadcast for SW Virginia (Cem Unsal)
- Added radio broadcast info for Troy, NY area (Seyfettin C GUlen)
- Updated index, restructured entries (Mustafa Soysal)
- Added more entries about Turkish fonts (Mustafa Soysal, Erol Esen,
Bora Baysal)
- Added inet-tr and updated/restructured (Erkan Tekman, Mustafa AkgUl,
information in the topic. Mustafa Soysal)
- Translated and added area code change information (Mustafa Soysal)
posted by haldun@wotangate.sc.ti.com to TRKNWS-L
Revision 1.9 1993/05/25 23:07:01 Mustafa_Soysal
- Minor header changes, summary, etc. (Mustafa Soysal)
Revision 1.8 1993/05/24 16:59:01 Mustafa_Soysal
- Changed FAQ maintainer address (Mustafa Soysal)
Revision 1.7 1993/05/23 00:41:53 Mustafa_Soysal
- Inserted additional information about calling to/from Turkiye
using AT&T and MCI. (Ibrahim Semiz)
- Updated ftp infomation for ftp.cs.umn.edu. (Ahmet Cosar)
Revision 1.6 1993/05/03 01:50:34 Mustafa_Soysal
- Added Texas phone numbers for Sultan Travel (Sazi Temel, Sabit Adanur)
Revision 1.5 1993/04/09 22:33:36 Mustafa_Soysal
- Turkish TV Program (Voice of Anatolia) added. (Mustafa Soysal)
- Turkish Music Hour added to the list. (BahadIr Bilal Acuner)
- ptt-l mailing list info updated. (Ahmet Toprak)
- Mcimail TURKNEWS grouprate announcement. (Ahmet Toprak)
- Added news.answers to the posted groups list. (Mustafa Soysal)
- Added more electronic lists. (Jan-Arendt Klingel)
- Removed turksci, and fortran mailing lists. (Dale Ross)
- Updated language tutor and country code info. (Jan-Arendt Klingel)
- Updated travel info on Ionian coast and beverages. (Ian Davis)
- Removed Travel 24 Inc, and Istanbul Travel from travel agencies list.
Updated area code for Picasso Travel. (Mustafa Soysal)
Revision 1.4 1992/12/11 00:00:00 Mustafa_Soysal
- Bunch of new e-mail distribution lists added. (Mustafa Soysal, and others)
- Ftp site name and anonymous login name at cs.umn.edu changed. (Ahmet Cosar)
- Local broadcasts in the San Francisco Bay Area are listed now. (Ahmet Toprak)
- New network nodes added/updated. (SItkI Aytac, and others)
- New poetry section. (Ahmet Cosar)
Revision 1.3 1992/08/27 00:00:00 Mustafa_Soysal
- Corrected tel's subscription address in the example.
Corrected Short Wave List name to swl (was wl).
Thanks to Selim Guncer for pointing it out.
Revision 1.2 1992/07/27 18:01:00 Mustafa_Soysal
Changed format a bit and added yoneylem mailing list at tritu
upon Erdem Ince's request.
Changed description of tsaa-l mailing list upon Hasan Cam's request.
Revision 1.1 1992/07/23 18:00:34 Ahmet_Parlakbilek
Initial revision
Please send updates to sctfaq@mistik.express.net (Mustafa Soysal)
soc.culture.turkish Frequently Answered Questions (FAQ) List