Usenet 1994 January
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Newsgroups: alt.sex.fetish.fashion,news.answers,alt.answers
Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!sunic!trane.uninett.no!news.eunet.no!nuug!dkuug!login.dkuug.dk!pg
From: FAQ Maintainer <pg@login.dkuug.dk>
Subject: alt.sex.fetish.fashion FAQ: Part 1 of 3 - Introduction
Message-ID: <pg.756514764@login.dkuug.dk>
Followup-To: alt.sex.fetish.fashion
Sender: news@diana.dknet.dk
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Reply-To: pg@login.dkuug.dk (The FAQ Maintainer)
Organization: DKnet
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1993 22:59:24 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: Tue, 4 Jan 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Lines: 515
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu alt.sex.fetish.fashion:177 news.answers:16068 alt.answers:1461
Archive-name: alt-sex/fetish-fashion/part1
Version: 1.2
Last-modified: 21-Dec-93
(and other information)
((( alt.sex.fetish.fashion )))
Posted bi-weekly (on the 8th and 22nd) in
alt.sex.fetish.fashion, alt.answers and news.answers
- or when significant updates require it.
Created and maintained by:
Per Goetterup <pg@login.dkuug.dk>
Your input is *very* welcome!
Send suggestions, additions, updates and corrections
to me and it'll be included in this document.
Except where specifically noted,
all information was supplied and written by me.
Please note this this FAQ is copyrighted. You are allowed to use
the information contained freely for personal use. Any and all
commercial use must be agreed upon by me and the permission
in writing (personally signed).
Dedicated to the late Thorkild Borup of Avantgarde, Copenhagen
who made me aware of the fetish fashion world.
<< Part 1/3 >>
1. General.
1.1 Legend.
1.2 What is this newsgroup all about?
1.3 Netiquette on alt.sex.fetish.fashion.
1.4 FAQ Revision History.
1.5 Credits.
2. The questions and the answers.
2.1 Jessica - Wearing high heels for an extended period of time.
3. Vocabulary.
3.1 High heels.
3.2 Outfits.
3.3 Bondage fashions.
<< Part 2/3 >>
4. The people behind the fashions.
4.1 The designers.
4.2 The models.
4.3 The photographers.
4.4 Advocacy groups.
5. Fetish fashion in literature, comics, on movies and TV.
5.1 About fetish fashion.
5.2 Containing use of fetish fashion.
5.3 Persons having used elements of fetish fashion.
<< Part 3/3 >>
6. Guides.
6.1 Product Guide.
6.2 Magazine Guide.
6.3 Shops.
6.4 The PVC/rubber/leather/high heels source list.
<< Part 1/3 - Introduction >>
1.1 Legend.
This newsgroup was created by me on October 27, 1993, following
my proposal of a group named alt.sex.fetish.fashion, and later discus-
sion in alt.config where I got nothing but support for the idea (and
lots of it). Due to propagation difficulties of the newgroup message,
a second newgroup message was issued two days later from a kind soul
(mathew@mantis.co.uk) in UK which finally set this newsgroup in
motion. Subsequent newgroup messages has been issued both from me and
other kind people to combat persistent propagation difficulties.
This document was written and maintained at my private PC using
WordPerfect 5.1 and a couple of my own batch-scripts to automate the
end preperation of the 3 parts for transfer to a Unix-based system and
proper posting, which is primarily automatic as well.
1.2 What is this newsgroup all about?
First of all: To spread the knowledge about fetish fashion and
dressing for pleasure; what it is, why we wear it, where to get it and
so on. To show that we're not perverts, weirdos, psychopaths or worse,
but only regular people with a special taste in clothing and/or
footwear - people, that are dressing for pleasure. And finally: To
create a forum where we can meet and talk about our common interest
more or less in private.
As the UseNet fetish hierarchy developed, I observed something I
found pretty peculiar: There was no newsgroup for perhaps the biggest
fetish of them all: Fetish clothing and dressing for pleasure.
The alt.sex.fetish.feet newsgroup did partially cover the topic
of high heels but most people there was more into bare feet and
painted toenails than anything you might put on a foot; some even
expressed a dislike of high heels due to the possible 'damage' they
could cause on a foot.
But there was no newsgroup for the connoisseurs of sexy, skin-
tight clothing in leather, PVC, latex-rubber and Spandex, and the art
of enhancing the posture and sexiness of a womans legs and body by her
wearing high heels, or ditto for men.
This all made me propose and subsequently create this group,
which has the following major topics:
- The materials: Leather, PVC, Spandex and rubber.
- The sexy footwear to match the clothing: High heels - shoes and
- The fashion designs using the above mentioned materials and the
- The art of depicting these fashions, the models, the photogra-
phers and the publications.
- Bodypainting (by request, for some reason not welcome in
- Stories relating to some or all of the above; your own (!)
experiences or fiction. Do share your experiences and fantasies
with us!
- Pictures (GIF, JPEG etc.) relating to the topics for this group.
Use of alt.binaries.pictures.erotica is recommended but many
sites don't get that newsgroup (due to the size of the traffic
in it) or allow access to it, so posting of relevant pictures is
okay here as well.
- Literature, comics, movies and TV with a fetish fashion element.
Please refer discussions about tatoos and piercing to the
rec.arts.bodyart newsgroup, and pure B&D and S/M stuff to the
alt.sex.bondage newsgroup where it belongs.
Some B&D and S/M are welcome here (in particular stuff like
bondage clothing, straightjackets and so on), but as a general rule it
must relate to the main topic as well, i.e. it must have fetish
clothing or designs in some form as a central issue.
1.3 Netiquette on alt.sex.fetish.fashion.
Here's a few words on how to behave on alt.sex.fetish.fashion.
This is a sexually oriented newsgroup about an area sometimes
considered a taboo or deviant behavior. Explicit language will occur
now and then so please do not be offended. If you dislike this, please
unsubscribe now for your own good.
Please respect other peoples feelings and desires, and do not
try to harass anyone by persistent questioning and obnoxious comments.
Persistant harassment *will* be reported to the culprits system
administrator and may result in the loss of access to UseNet or
perhaps your account entirely.
The behavioral keywords must be: Be towards others as you'd like
them to be towards yourself. Don't be a jerk or try to be funny by
making fun of any of us or our interest. Nobody finds it funny and
you'll only hurt yourself in the process.
Anonymous posting to this group is *very* welcome, but note that
any abuse (for instance by harassing someone) will be reported to the
system administrator for the anonymous reposting site immidiately and
this will most likely cause a ban for the abusers use of this particu-
lar server and perhaps even disclosure of culprits true name and
address to the victims or the group as a whole. You have been warned.
1.4 FAQ Revision History.
October 28, 1993: First release.
November 1, 1993: Vocabulary section added. Advocacy group sub-
section added. Split into three parts due to
size considerations. Answers to the how-to-put-
on-my-latex-suit question added. Posting fre-
quency changed. David's supplier list updated.
November 15, 1993: Reformatting of the three parts. Now treated
with an automatic script for easier updating.
December 3, 1993: Jessica's story added. The supplier list updat-
ed. This document was finally approved for
posting to news.answers and alt.answers.
December 21, 1993: Copyright notice added. Minor corrections
throughout the document.
1.5 Credits.
These are the people who have contributed in some way to this
document or the creation of this fetish fashion group, making sure it
expands and lives. Thanks, all of you!
- David <david@world.std.com>
- Joseph Spenner <Jems@cybernet.cse.fau.edu>
- Mathew <mathew@mantis.co.uk>
- Jessica [address withheld by request]
- Rich Greenberg <richgr@netcom.com>
Q: Who are wearing this?
A: All kinds of people! - There's secretaries, editors, pres-
idents, housewives, students, workmen, politicians, models
and even unemployed among those known to enjoy the fash-
ions. Perhaps you're next?
Q: When do people wear their fetish fashions?
A: Often to fetish parties or while engaging in a scene at
home. Some wears something along with regular clothing on
a daily basis, just to 'stay in touch' with their fetish.
I've seen a couple on a somewhat chilly spring afternoon
on the streets here in Copenhagen that was out walking the
dog and with a baby in a pram. Both were dressed in
'relaxed' clothing (jogging outfits or similar), but on
her feet she had black patent leather pumps with 5" heels!
- I cannot imagine any other reason other that fetishism
for wearing those while walking the dog and the baby as
they obviously weren't dressed for a party or similar.
Q: Is it true that high heels damage the foot?
A: No, not when we're talking quality footwear and healthy
feet. All footwear may cause damage to the feet if too
small or too badly designed. High heels are no exception,
but studies even show that it actually may be healthy
(better) to wear heels in the range 2"-3" than to wear
Q: Why do some women (and men) enjoy (or even prefer) to wear high
A: Ask them! - No, seriously, it may be that they both find
them comfortable and enjoy what they're doing to the pos-
ture. There can be no doubt that high heels enhance both
the legs and the overall posture and this makes the ap-
pearance much more sexy. And sex is power...
Q: Do some women really find high heels to be comfortable?
A: Yes! - Most prefer more ordinary heel heights like 3", but
some find higher heels even more preferable, and some even
find 5" heels to be comfortable! Some even wear 6" heels
on a regular basis, although those are more often to be
found in connection with a scene - worn in the bedroom.
Even 7" heels exist, but these are rarely seen.
Q: Can excessive wearing of high heels in any way be damaging?
A: Yes, but in no way permanent. Non-stop wear can cause a
shortening of the tendrons in the back of the legs, caus-
ing pain when wearing heels lower than usual. Ignoring
this pain *can* damage the tendron permanently, but the
condition can be cured by wearing slightly lower and lower
heels for an extended period. Some of the people suffering
from this problem chose to handle it by wearing high heels
all the time, and the story of one of these, Jessica, a 24
year old woman, can be found at the end of this part of
the FAQ.
Q: Isn't tight clothing uncomfortable?
A: Nope. Correctly designed it's both supportive and shape-
enhancing and doesn't need to be any more restrictive or
uncomfortable than whatever you'd consider 'normal' cloth-
ing. Naturally it *can* be uncomfortable but then it's
worn particularly for the uncomfortability or to achieve
some special effects like a small waist or to show off the
legs or the butt particularly well.
Q: Is it true that wearing rubber can cause the skin to rot?
A: Yes and no. If you let the skin breathe now and then, and
keep a good hygiene, there should be no problems whatsoev-
Q: Is corsets dangerous to wear?
A: No more than a scarf or a tie - if it's too tight it may
cause serious damage, but when worn correctly, it's just
like any other garment.
Q: Do people still wear corsets today?
A: Sure! - A lot fewer than in the Victorian Age, but there's
still thousands all over the world that wouldn't be caught
dead without the corset laced on, and I'm not talking
about fat, old ladies that needs to keep the fat under
Q: How do I get my latex or PVC garment on?
A: Baby powder helps here, or if you look at SCUBA diving wet
suit material, one version has smoooooooooth nylon on the
inside and latex on the outside.
From: Rich Greenberg <richgr@netcom.com>
Q: How do I make my latex or PVC garment shiny?
A: ???
Q: What is the best care for latex garments?
A: ???
These answers are not definite nor complete. If you've got a better
answer (in your opinion), do send it to me along with your reason for it.
This is a section where your input is needed, so if you feel you've got the
answer or corrections/expansions to the answers to any of these questions -
send them to me!
2.1 Jessica - Wearing high heels for an extended period of time.
Through a friend on the net I heard about this now 24 year old woman
named Jessica who's been wearing 4"-5" heels for the past 10 years or so,
more or less non-stop. I got in touch with her and she didn't mind sharing
her footwear experiences with us. I've edited some of her replies to my
queries into a whole which follows below - mostly in her own words:
I started wearing them when I was about 15. I started and refused to
wear anything else because I wanted to get used to them. After about a year
it was difficult to flatten my foot so I just wore heels always instead.
After about 3 years I couldn't wear anything lower than 4" or it would
really really hurt. I've been in them since. I have tried to get help but
nothing worked. Most doctors say to slowly wear lower heels. When I try
anything lower than 4", my calves really hurt almost immediately and my
calves will hurt for the next few days during which I have to wear 5" heels
or so, or it will hurt.
I guess I started wearing them when I was pretty young and still
growing, and I grew into them, and can't change now.
I used to really hate the heels because I was so limited, but I have
accepted it ok. Yes, I have shoes, I think they're called mules, that I wear
at night sometimes and in the shower. I can walk on my toes if I have to,
but my calves get tired real fast.
Mules are heels, like pumps, but with nothing covering the heel of my
foot, so they sort of slip on like slippers.
I don't sleep in them often but I have many times. Sometimes after I
have been wearing them all day it hurts when I try to take them off. I guess
my foot gets used to being in such a tight shoe all day that it can't handle
being pulled out of the shoe too fast. So I just wear them to bed and
usually the next day I can take them off, but sometimes it takes even
longer. It usually just happens with my new shoes. I have a ton. I have
about 50 pair of 4" and higher heels, and about 5 or 6 pair of boots with
4"-5" heels. Most of them are black, because black goes with everything. I
have about every color though!
In the winter I wear my boots mostly. The beach? Well, I don't do
that too much but I would just wear an old pair of pumps, but it's hard for
me to walk on sand or anything like that because my heels tend to sink into
the sand and that causes my foot to try to go flat, and it hurts when I let
that happen. I work in a professional setting, so heels are almost required,
so I'm ok thank goodness.
I started wearing them because I liked how they looked and I really
wanted to get used to them so that they wouldn't bother me when I wore them.
I thought that if I just wore them all the time that I would get used to
them and they would feel normal to me, so I wore them and did everything in
them all day long.
I am 24, 5'7" in my heels (that was another reason I started earing
them and wanted to get used to them. I was only 5'2"). My problem doesn't
seem to bother anyone really. I get foot massagges all the time because I
need them so much.
I don't discourage women from wearing them. In fact, I think I almost
encourage people since they see me wear them always and have no trouble with
I have mixed responses from people. I usually don't really care what
people think though. I just wear what I want to wear.
Yes.. I drive a lot, but if it's only a few blocks I'll walk. I
probably walk just as much as everyone else does. I can handle it. The only
problem with walking too much in heels is that the heels wear out fast.
I only have a few pair higher than 5". I have 4 or 5 pair that are 5 1/4 I
think. My foot is already somewhat hyperextended when I wear those though.
I only wear a size 7, so 5" are quite high already. I find 4 1/2" to be the
most comfortable.
Used with full permission.
3.1 High heels
Ballet Shoes/boots: Shoes and boots in various designs with the
common speciality that you stand on the tip of
your toes instead of on the balls of your feet
as with ordinary high heels. These are almost
exclusively used in scenes and/or in the bed-
Heel heights: Centimetre <=> Inch conversion: 1" = 2.54 cm.
This gives: 2"= 5.08 cm
3"= 7.62 cm
4"= 10.16 cm
5"= 12.70 cm
6"= 15.24 cm
7"= 17.78 cm
Old Oxford: A classically designed shoe originating in
Oxford, England. It's pretty much an ordinary,
closed shoe, dark or plain black, with an ordi-
nary 3 or 4 point lacing, but with the excep-
tion of the heel height, that can be anything
up to 6".
Pumps: An open shoe usually without any straps (except
perhas an simple ankle strap). Can sometime
also be toeless.
Shoe locks: Usually a simple system of straps, one going
under the foot (between the heel and the in-
step), the other around the ankle. These are
locked together, preventing the wearer from
removing the shoes without the key to the lock.
Sometimes a shoe or boot is equipped with lock-
ing ankle straps per design, serving the same
Stilettos: The same as 'spikes' - a long, slender heel,
often ending in a point.
Spikes: Very thin heels, often almost ending in a point
at the tip (like a nail).
Thigh Highs: Long boots reaching al the way up to the
thighs, thus the name.
3.2 Outfits
Body: Garment that covers the body from the crotch to
just below the neck, sometimes with the arms
included. Can be made out of anything, usually
something see-though or latex/PVC.
Bodystocking: Like 'body' but also covers the legs and some-
times the feet (like 'stockings' added to the
Catsuit: An all-over body suit. Usually without feet and
hands, but these can be included, leaving only
the head free. Most materials are used, in
particular lycra, nylon, PVC and latex.
Corset: Garment intended to create an ideal hourglass
figure on a woman, either permanent through
long training or by simply creating the illu-
sion while wearing it. Usually it covers the
body from the hips to the breasts, with a long
lacing in the back. Some versions went all the
way from the knees to the shoulders, often
extra stiffly boned, intended to enforce a
stiff posture if worn in the daytime (making
the wearer unable to sit down), or as training
corset worn during the night.
Garter belt: A belt (goes around the waist) with attached
garters which hold up 'stockings' or similar.
Pantyhose: Like a pair of stockings with a panty built in.
Comes in many materials. See also the newgroup
Stockings: Covers the feet and legs up to the thighs.
These can either be the stay-ups type or the
kind that needs a 'garter belt' to stay up. See
also the newsgroup alt.pantyhose.
3.3 Bondage fashions.
Hobble Skirt: A tight skirt usually made of leather, PVC or
thick rubber, going from the waist to the an-
kles. Leaves only very little space to move the
legs in, thus acting as a hobble.
Single Glove: Much as the name implies, it is a single glove
to put both arms into. Made of many materials
(usuall leather though), it laces the arms
together on the back, with straps going over
the shoulders to prevent it from slipping down
and off. Some versions are intended to be
slightly loose, only trapping the arms, others
are literary skin-tight, making the elbows
touch behind the back. Zippers and buckles
sometimes complement/replace the lacing.
Dicipline Hood: A hood usually made of leather, thick rubber or
PVC with only a hole for the nose. Usually the
suject is gagged with a ball-gag or similar
under it. It is usually laced tightly in the
back of the head.