Usenet 1994 January
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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!nic.hookup.net!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!sun4nl!tuegate.tue.nl!news.win.tue.nl!eba.eb.ele.tue.nl!eba.eb.ele.tue.nl!not-for-mail
From: wjw@ebs.eb.ele.tue.nl (Willem Jan Withagen)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.apollo,news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: comp.sys.apollo monthly FAQ (part1/2)
Supersedes: <apollo-faq/part1_752112011@ebh.eb.ele.tue.nl>
Followup-To: comp.sys.apollo
Date: 1 Dec 1993 01:00:19 +0100
Organization: Digital Systems Group, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Lines: 1367
Sender: wjw@eb.ele.tue.nl
Approved: news-answers-request@rtfm.mit.edu
Distribution: world
Expires: 12 Jan 1994 00:00:12 GMT
Message-ID: <apollo-faq/part1_754704012@ebh.eb.ele.tue.nl>
Reply-To: wjw@eb.ele.tue.nl
NNTP-Posting-Host: ebs.eb.ele.tue.nl
Summary: This posting contains frequently asked questions for
HP/Apollo systems running the Domain/OS.
Keywords: FAQ, Apollo, Domain/OS
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu comp.sys.apollo:17140 news.answers:15222 comp.answers:2855
Archive-name: apollo-faq/part1
Archive-location: ftp.eb.ele.tue.nl:/pub/apollo/FAQ
This is the Apollo Frequently Asked Questions file. I compiled it from
various sources.
As of 25 march 92 this file is maintained by Willem Jan Withagen.
You can mail possible items to add to the file to:
Willem Jan Withagen,
Eindhoven University of Technology,
The Netherlands.
Many FAQs, including this one, are available via FTP on the archive site
rtfm.mit.edu in the directory pub/usenet/news.answers.
The name under which this FAQ is archived appears in
the Archive-nameline above. This FAQ is updated monthly.
I've also started to annotate the message with the date that they were
entered into the FAQ. Messages which do not have a date were entered before
march 23rd 1993.
As suggest in the FAQ mailing list, so legallese:
"This FAQ(and the mentioned files) is presented with no warranties or
guarantees of ANY KIND including correctness or fitness for any particular
purpose. The author(s) of this document have attempted to verify
correctness of the data contained herein; however, slip-ups can and do
happen. If you use this data, you do so at your own risk."
1 ) Is there an archive of comp.sys.apollo?
1a) What and where is information available for my apollo?
2 ) Where can I get "foo" for my Apollo (for all values of "foo"
where "foo" is some freely available software package)?
2a) What is going on with using ZIP. (not only apollo)
2b) Remarks about compiling tcsh
3 ) Would anyone have a termcap entry that will work correctly with
the VI editor?
4 ) Why is X so slow at sr10.2?
5 ) Why do I get these errors when I try to compile an X application?
6 ) Where can I get x11r4?
6b) Where can I get x11r5?
7 ) A list of third-party component vendors.
8 ) Where can I get a version of sendmail which supports MX records?
9 ) "does this or that version of sendmail work on apollos?"
10) What is "unknown mailer error 1?"
11) How can I use the DM editor for mail or while su'd?
12) How can I keep my node clocks synchronized?
13) When I try to use NFS on my IBM PC to access files on my
Apollo, it complains about not finding an "Authentication Server."
Or: Where is the pcnfsd for Apollo's?
Or: How do I compile a pcnfsd?
14) Why doesn't Apollo ftpd support anonymous ftp?
15) How can I get auto word-wrapping in the DM?
16) How can I connect my Macs to my Apollo in a reasonable way?
17) Are the VT100 PF1-PF4 keys defined in the Apollo version of xterm?
18) What else should I know about X keysyms?
19) Where can I get emacs?
How about version 19?
20) Do you have a problem with Gnu Emacs' C-x` command?
21) Does anybody know where I can get proxy ARP?
22) Are there third-party vendors of ethernet boards?
23) How do I enable IP name service?
24) Why can't I log in as root anywhere except a DM pad?
25) How can I determine the load average without /dev/kmem?
26) Why do I get "cannot start daemon" when I try to use lpr?
27) How can I get my printer to work?
28) About Exabyte Tapes.
28a) Do I need to buy Omniback to use my Exabyte 8mm tape drive?
29) How can I read cartridges written on SUN systems?
30) Does anyone out there know about using DAT drives for backing up Apollos?
31) How do I use wbak to write stdout to a SUN workstation's tape?
32) Why does routed not work for long periods of time under SR10.2?
33) Does Apollo NFS work?
Or: what should I know about Apollo/NFS.
Or: NFS strategies
34) How can I get gcc and g++ to run?
35) Where can I get an assembler?
36) What's the story on adding more disks to my node?
37) I'm trying to get a SCSI-2 type disk to work with my Apollo but it
does seem to work. What did I do wrong?
37a) Get a new PROM from HP and it does run SCSI-2 on 425t's
37b) Connecting old EDSI drives to a SCSI interace?
37c) Using old ESI drives in PC's?
38) What are the connections in a 3-way serial port splitter.
39) Why do I get:
Unable to go into maintenance state User not authorized to
perform operation (network computing system/Registry Server)
40) Fixing your 19" monochrome monitor.
41) How well does SLIP work?
42) What are the internal names for the various node types?
43) Where else can I go besides HP for repairs?
44) How do I find out about, and fix, bad spots on my disk?
45) Why does my dn10000 ethernet interface stop working?
46) Has anyone else experienced power-supply problems with their
Apollo 10000.
47) TCP/IP problem with routing.
48) Can I add serial ports to DN{345}x00 nodes
49) What do I need to run the Post-office deamon. (POP-deamon)
50) MIT X11 R5 Core & GUI Classic Distribution
51) Funny Status codes and their backgrounds.
52) What is the use of an ATR card in a HP9000/7xx?
53) How do I get my Emacs keydefinitions back when running under X?
54) What do I need to emulate a PC on apollo?
or DPCC, DPCE, and DPCI support
55) I am looking for a font to use under X that will match the DM font
f7x13.b. I like the size and shape of the characters and would like
as close a match as possible.
56) How does one manage a NIS database and the Domain registry?
57) Can I convert my apollo into an X-terminal?
58) What can I do with old parts from DN.......
58a) Is there any way to use the controller+monitor on a Windows PC
58b) What can I do with an old SMS-OMTI harddisk controller
59) How to prevent a system-hang when booting while preserving editor files.
60) What (display) mgrs are needed for what type of system
60a) Specifications of monitors once sold by HP/Apollo
61) Installing an Ethernet Controller in an Apollo DN4000
xx) Here should yours be. !!
998) Former maintainer
999) Contributers
1 ) Is there an archive of comp.sys.apollo?
There is an archive and an info server at the Eindhoven University of
Technology, maintained by Willem Jan Withagen <wjw@ebh.eb.ele.tue.nl>. To
try it out, telnet to apoinfo.eb.ele.tue.nl on port 3401 from a vt100 or
equivalent. From your Apollo, for example, start up an xterm or vt100 and
run "telnet apoinfo.eb.ele.tue.nl 3401" .
An archive of the comp.sys.apollo newsgroup is maintained by Jim Richardson
(jimr@maths.su.oz.au) and is available by anonymous FTP from maths.su.oz.au
The file README.FIRST in directory comp.sys.apollo gives details of the organ-
ization of the archive, which goes back to November 1989.
There are index files, which contain the following fields from each article:
From Subject Summary Keywords
Message-ID References Date
These indices should be useful to people wanting to search through the wealth
of information in the archive for answers to questions that have been discussed
in the newsgroup in the past.
1a) what and where is information available for my apollo?
This is what I know is available:
(most of it requires having a service contract. :-( )
1/ patches
I get them by asking my suport persons for it. Since it's a very long line
to the states, they lag behind in what's available. But in general they give
good service.
2/ patch_notes
When you get the official patch in includes something like:
patch_{m68,a88}k _yymm_notes
which are descriptions of the patches upto the month mm in year yy.
I try to make an effort to get the most recent one available for anon FTP
ASAP. (Usually I have to ask someone in HP, and sometimes I forget
(or have little time))
From the NOTES:
These release notes describe the software patches for m68k Domain sys-
tems. This patch kit includes patches released since July, 1992 for
SR10.x versions of the Domain/OS operating system and for SR10-based
optional products. When one of these patches requires installation of
another patch released prior to July, 1992, we also include and docu-
ment that patch.
3/ Something called ssb (Software Status Bulletin)
From the SSB
MARCH 1992
This document supersedes all previously published SSBs.
This Software Status Bulletin (SSB) documents known problems in the DOMAIN/OS
software product line. The SSB is derived from Known Problem Reports which
result from Service Requests (SR) submitted by users of these products. The
SSB is provided as a benefit of Hewlett-Packard's Account Management Support,
Response Center Support, Software Materials Subscription, and Software
Notification Service.
Not all SRs submitted to HP are listed in the SSB. Ones which involve problems
which cannot be duplicated, requests for enhancements and misunderstandings
about an application or a feature are are not liste in the SSB. When a new
software release is made for the product line, all problems that were
corrected in that release are removed from the SSB.
Please note that all defects fixed in SR10.4 and related releases have been
removed from the SSB and published in the Domain OS Software Release Bulletin
(SRB) available on the SR10.4 media as:
4/ HPSL HP Support Line.
There are Bulletin boards where online information on bugs and fixes
are available.
People have reported that they retrieved patches from this.
It is also available on the Internet.
It certainly requires a sopport contract, en you first have to ask your
support-rep for a handle and password, before thing start to work.
I haven't used it for a long time, since it's usually down when I'm awake. :{
5/ I've created an interactive archive server where you can search a database
for keywords. After that you can look at the articles, and possible get
a copy per Email.
For this you have to use telnet from a vt100 terminal:
telnet apo-info.eb.ele.tue.nl 3401
6/ There is an unoffical HP anonymous FTP site:
hpcvaaz.cv.hp.com []
Where several items can be retreived, mostly X.
7/ There is INTERWORKS(former ADUS) which have a magazine (subscription is free)
which also has a bulletin board on which plenty of software can be found.
8/ Three other sites carry Apollo specific stuff:
9/ Did I leave something out ???
2) Where can I get "foo" for my Apollo (for all values of "foo"
where "foo" is some freely available software package)?
Many things are available by anonymous ftp over the Internet. Check the
"Anon-FTP-sites" file on archive.umich.edu. A good place to find Apollo
specific code is
the ADUS archive at adus.ecn.uiowa.edu.
Also try
and ftp.eb.ele.tue.nl.
2a) What is going on with using ZIP. (not only apollo)
mmedina@halcon.dpi.udec.cl (Mario Medina C.) writes:
>Willem Jan Withagen (wjw@ebh.eb.ele.tue.nl) wrote:
->In article <1885@ddbeano.Dundee.NCR.COM> chris@ddbeano.Dundee.NCR.COM (Chris Ashmole) writes:
->=> Can Anybody tell me where I can get a copy of PKzip or
->=> equivalent to run under Domain O/S Rev SR 10.3.5
->=> What I would like to be able to do is compress a file
->=> on the Apollo, send it to a PC and then uncompress it.
->There is a public available version, to be compiled on Unix (ea.) boxes.
->Given the fact that we have it as unzip41.tar.Z would mean that it compiled
->straight from the box.
->I think I saw version 5 somewhere. (On my OS/2 box??)
->Note that I've come across some files zipped with the apollo version, which
->didn't unzip on a PC. :-(
> About pkzip on the apollo, you can't run either pkzip or any
>other pkware product on the apollo. These are copyrighted software, and
>there is no apollo version (neither is there a version for any other
> What is out there is a compatible archiver by a shareware
>company, info-zip. These guys make zip and unzip, and the archives they
>create are compatible with pkzip 1.1 for DOS, and implement the
>deflation method introduced by pkzip 1.93a for DOS. These are available
>in wuarchive.wustl.edu, in /usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume31/unzip50,
>and /usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume31/zip19, respectively.
> They compile great under unix, and we use them currently in a
> Now for the bad news :
> Unzip can dearchive files made by pkzip 1.1, but files
>compressed by zip cannot always be decompressed by pkunzip 1.1 for DOS,
>as unzip implements a more advanced algorithm. So, you can't always
>decompress in your PC what you compressed in your unix box.
> There's a shareware version of info-zip's zip and unzip for Dos
>that are intended to replace pkzip's products, and work very well.
> To further mess things up, pkware has just released pkzip
>v2.04c, which can decompress files made by info-zip's zip and pkzip
>v1.1, but rumor has it it's very buggy.
> So, go figure!
My what a mess we have above....
Last September, Info-Zip released new versions of zip/unzip (1.9 and 5.0
respectfully) that were to be compatible with the new pkzip 2.xx that was
supposed to be released RSN. Well, the new pkzip finally was released a few
weeks ago, and by all reports still has a number of annoying bugs.
Info-Zip's unzip5.0 will uncompress everything that the pkzip compresses, and
is fully backward compatible, so it's safe to install.
Info-Zip's zip1.9 compresses with the new pkzip format unavailable before
pkzip2.xx, so unless you have the latest (and still buggy) pkzip, don't use
zip1.9, use the previous version (who's number I don't recall offhand).
All of the above Info-Zip versions are available on grind.isca.uiowa.edu in the
unix/arc-progs area.
* Michael Pins | Internet: amigapd@isca.uiowa.edu *
* ISCA's Amiga Librarian | #include <std.disclaimer> *
2b) Remarks about compiling tcsh
The latest version of tcsh (6.03) can be found at tesla.ee.cornell.edu
through anonymous ftp in the directory /pub/tcsh/.
This version has a config.apollo in the config/ directory (copy it to
../config.h as it says in the docs.)
Further, the Ported file claims that tcsh has been ported as follows:
MODELS : apollo
CFLAGS : -U__STDC__ -I. -O
LIBES : -ltermcap
OS : domain 10.4.3
CONFIG : config.bsd
ENVIRON : bsd4.3
NOTES : Don't use gcc; breaks tc.os.c
VERSION : 6.01.00
Hope this helps answer your question:
| tapostma@engin.umich.edu _|_ Lady kiss that frog (Peter Gabriel) |
3 ) Would anyone have a termcap entry that will work correctly with
the VI editor?
Answer: Nope. You have to use the vt100 emulator (which ought to get loaded
automatically when you run vi - unless you're trying to do it remote).
You can also use an xterm.
Pads are not terminals.
Workstations were supposed to obsolete terminals.
But they didn't.
But pads still aren't terminals.
4 ) Why is X so slow at sr10.2?
You need to install "psk5". This should be available from your friendly
HP/Apollo sales office. It's fixed in sr10.3.
5 ) Why do I get these errors when I try to compile an X application?
xtiff.c: 63: Unable to find include file 'X11/Xaw/Form.h'.
xtiff.c: 64: Unable to find include file 'X11/Xaw/List.h'.
xtiff.c: 65: Unable to find include file 'X11/Xaw/Label.h'.
Your application was written for X11r4, and your Apollo only has X11r3.
Even though r5 is out now, HP still only fully supports r3 -- that puts them
two revs behind.
6 ) Where can I get x11r4?
Your r4 clients will work just fine with the Apollo share-mode r3 X server.
The psk_q3_91 from Apollo includes some r4 client libraries (but not Xaw,
the Athena widgets) and a server that runs simultaneously with the DM, but
rather than sharing the screen, you switch between them with a hot key. You
can get this by anonymous ftp from hpcvaaz.cv.hp.com, in the directory
~ftp/pub/apollo/pskq3_91 . You can get shared r4 client libraries in binary
form by ftp from archive.umich.edu. You can get x11r4 sources from the
following sites:
Machine Internet FTP
Location Name Address Directory
-------- ------- -------- -------------
(1) West USA gatekeeper.dec.com pub/X11/R4
Central USA mordred.cs.purdue.edu pub/X11/R4
(2) Central USA giza.cis.ohio-state.edu pub/X.V11R4
Southeast USA uunet.uu.net X/R4
(3) Northeast USA crl.dec.com pub/X11/R4
(4) UK Janet src.doc.ic.ac.uk X.V11R4
UK niftp uk.ac.ic.doc.src <XV11R4>
(5) Australia munnari.oz.au X.V11/R4
6b) Where can I get x11r5?
I've just finished compiling the X11 r5 libraries and have built a shared
library that contains X, Xt, Xaw, and Xmu. You can get it by ftp from
apollo.archive.umich.edu. If that fails, try archive.umich.edu.
Jim Rees
Also for those on a service contract:
Hi Willem,
In July I got a letter from HP offering me X11 r5 (for 10.4) as part
of my standard software support contract if I was interested. I was and true
to their word a tape arrived from HP last month containing X11 R5, Motif 1.2
and HPTERM 1.3.
So it looks like X11 R5 is available to those with Domain software support
Donie Collins | Philips Research Laboratories (Natuurkundig Laboratorium).
| Eindhoven. The Netherlands.
, , , | Dept : CAD Support. Building : WAY. Tel : +31-40-742112.
Donal O Coileain | Internet : collins@prl.philips.nl SERI : collins:nlwayhp
7 ) A list of third-party component vendors.
I am looking for addresses for Apollo third-party vendors for disk
and memory (DNxxxxx's, PRISM, and 400 series). Anyone have a list of
addresses? Any info would be appreciated.
DISCLAIMER: I will neither vouch for, nor complain about, any of the
following companies. I have never worked for any of them, nor am I
receiving any favoritism from them. To the best of my knowledge, the
products listed are available from them, but it is not necessarily a
COMPLETE list of products -- please call them yourself.
The vendors listed are not in any particular order. I typed them as
their addresses came up in my folders.
The last three companies _appear_ to be HP suppliers primarily. If
this is true, I would expect them to deal mainly in the 9000 series
peripherals. (However -- again -- call them).
John Thompson (jt)
Honeywell, SSEC
Plymouth, MN 55441
National Peripherals, Inc
1111 Pasquinelli Drive, Suite 400
Westmont, IL 60559
(312) 325-4151
==> DNxxxx memory
==> 9000/400 series memory, I believe
==> Maxtor 8760E (697MB) disk drives
==> SCSI drives for 9000/400 series
==> Exabyte 8mm tape drives
==> other disk drives, etc.
North Central Peripherals
14041 Burnhaven Drive, Suite 114
Burnsville, MN 55337
(612) 881-2302
==> DNxxxx memory
==> 9000/400 series memory
==> Maxtor 8760E (697MB) disk drives
==> Exabyte 8mm tape drives
==> other disk drives, etc.
AnDATAco Computer Peripherals
9550 Waples Street
San Diego, CA 92121
(619) 453-9191
==> DNxxxx memory
==> Maxtor 8760E (697MB) disk drives
==> Exabyte 8mm tape drives
==> other disk drives, etc.
Infotek Systems
1045 S. East Street
Anaheim, CA 92805
(714) 956-9300
==> 9000/400 series memory
1151 West Valley Boulevard
Alhambra, CA 91803
(818) 281-3555
==> 9000/400 series memory
Digital Micronics, Inc
5674 El Camino Real, Suite P
Carlsbad, CA 92008
(619) 931-8554
==> 9000/400 series memory
R Squared
11211 E. Arapahoe Road, Suite 200
Englewood, CO 80112
(800) 777-3478
==> DNxxxx memory, I believe
==> 9000/400 series memory
==> 9000/700 series memory
==> SCSI drives for 9000/400 series
==> SCSI drives for 9000/700 series
==> other disk drives, etc.
MDL Corporation
15301 NE 90th Street, Redmond, WA 98052
(206) 861-6700 (206) 861-6767 FAX
==> memory, disk drives (internal, external, removable, ESDI, SCSI,
==> winchester, floppy), optical (CD-ROM, erasable optical), tape & optical
==> jukeboxes, tape drives (1/4", 4mm, 8mm, 1/2", 3480) for Apollo DN-3000 &
==> up, and for HP 9000/300's, /400's, /700's and /800's.
==> MDL also offers the same stuff for other platforms, such as Sun, SGI, DEC,
==> IBM RS-6000, etc., but that doesn't count in this newsgroup :-)
-- John Thompson (jt)
Honeywell, SSEC
Plymouth, MN 55441
Here are the names/addresses of two third party vendors that I have had
good luck with.
local office corporate
Mesa Tech MESA Tech
267 Boston Rd.; Suite 13 9720 Patuxent Woods Drive
Billerica, MA 01862 Columbia, Maryland 21046
ATN: Michael Hall 301-290-8150
==> HP SCSI drives for 9000/400 series
==> Exabyte 8mm tape drives
==> other disk drives, etc.
-- Greg Rocco
MIT Lincoln Lab
8 ) Where can I get a version of sendmail which supports MX records?
Sendmail 5.61+IDA is available by anonymous ftp from eng.clemson.edu in
directory mail+ftp. For some small patches to make it run better under
Domain/OS, ftp the file sendmail.5.61-apo.Z from maths.su.oz.au.
-- Jim Richardson
Also, check out Neil Rickert's version of sendmail 5.65 with the IDA
enhancements available from uxc.cso.uiuc.edu in
-- ianh@bhpmrl.oz.au (Ian Hoyle)
Rumor has it that sr10.4 comes equipped with sendmail 5.65b+IDA-1.4.3, which
supports MX records.
-- Jim Rees
9 ) "does this or that version of sendmail work on apollos?"
the questioncan be rephrased:
"does this version of apollo work under sendmail?"
are there sites out there that deliver or queue 8,000 - 10,000 messages
a day on/through their ring?
we do.
three mods to mail are required to handle this volume of mail.
1. use dbm files for /etc/passwd info, and do not query the rgy all
the time.
2. use nR_xor_1W concurrency control and not cowriters, so you are
able to have different nodes process files without regard for which
node has the disk attached.
3. have sendmail "tempfail" errors like ios_$concurrency_violation,
and get clues from the difference between ios_$name_not_found and
ios_$object_not_found. Along with #2, this makes alias files much
easier to deal with. Also makes it harder to miss someone's forward
3a. display the apollo error text, and not just the perror() text. if
you see things like sfcb allocation failures, or can't lock pipe
errors, just go ahead and reboot.
if you use the rgy, and do any volume, you need to make sure that any 0
returned by getpw routines is not accompanied by an errno. if you use
the /etc//passwd approach, you will get your errors at open time (you
hope) but we have seen hours and hours go by and still a machine will
not successfully get the rgy data cached into `node_data/systmp.
when we quit using the rgy, we discovered that we ran into other
problems, like not getting sfcbs, having mutex locks never released by
processes trying to get an IP route, and other fatalities. So, I call
proc2_$list() and see how many procs are running. The load average is
not sufficient because the # of procs can get quite large without
appreciably bumping the load ave.
Anyway, I don't know offhand what arrangements the "king james" or IDA
releases make for apollos, but in my experience the aforementioned ones
have been crucial here.
We also spike a dec3100 at load aves. of anywhere from 40-60 doing news
and mail, so after a while, you just get used to "big mail."
Having said all this, the apollo/domain file system architecture is
really very good for doing the definitive distributed mail
environment. We do run into loading problems and plain old bugs, but
we could not provide the scale of service we do now on anything but
apollos, quite honestly.
One hopes that other distributed or networked file systems will get
better and have features that support the same sort of functionality
I've gotten used to on apollos.
-- paul@CAEN.ENGIN.UMICH.EDU (Paul Killey)
10) What is "unknown mailer error 1?"
The Apollo file system uses mandatory, implicit locks. The Apollo mail
system has never been fixed to properly deal with this.
Mail is usually delivered to the spool file by /bin/mail. If /bin/mail is
busy delivering mail when you try to collect it, you will be unable to open
the spool file. If you are busy collecting mail when /bin/mail tries to
deliver, then sendmail will see the infamous "unknown mailer error 1."
As far as I know, /bin/mail doesn't use any other locking scheme. It can't
use flock(), since flock() can only be called on open files. It may use
.lock files but I doubt it.
The proper solution to all this is to write a new version of /bin/mail that
retries on locked spool files, and make sure all your mail reading agents
keep the spool file open only long enough to collect the mail, and also
retry on locked files. Apollo should do this. You shouldn't have to. Don't
hold your breath waiting for this to happen.
-- Jim Rees
I think Apollo patch pd91-m0336 (Oct 1, 1991) fixes the mail file locking
problem that results in the "unknown mailer error" message from sendmail.
-- orchard@eceserv0.ece.wisc.edu (Bruce Orchard)
11) How can I use the DM editor for mail or while su'd?
Answer: Many people have written programs to call the DM editor from a program
and wait until it exits. For one solution, ftp the file dmedit.tar.Z from
maths.su.oz.au or ftp.eb.ele.tue.nl.
Question: Why won't kermit compile (or run) on my Apollo?
Answer: There are some very old versions of kermit that have #ifdefs for
Apollo in them. These are no longer necessary with Domain/OS (they were
needed for previous versions of Aegis with Domain/IX). Get the standard
Unix kermit and use that. I recommend the one on cuvmb.cc.columbia.edu.
12) How can I keep my node clocks synchronized?
Use xntp, available from the usual ftp sites. See the file Readme.xntp for
Apollo patches. See date.tar.Z for a simple program that just sets one
node's clock from another node's clock.
[Note: these files are on Jim Rees' archive: apollo.archive.umich.edu
-- Jim Rees
timed works well on SR10.2-nodes (it did not work in SR10.1).
We start it from rc.local as follows:
/etc/timed -M -n <name of the local network>
and we list this local network in /etc/networks.
This works well for synchronizing the clocks among
all Apollos in the local network.
Recently, we wanted to synchronize the clocks with the
outside world also (i.e. other workstations in our department).
Our Apollos are connected through a token ring, but
one of them has an Ethernet card and runs routed to
provide the connection to the outside world. On
this machine we do the following:
/etc/timed -M
The other ones still listen only to the local network, and do
not attempt to become master anymore:
/etc/timed -n <name of the local network>
This implies that when booting our Apollos the "master machine"
must go first.
timed only accepts corrections from the timed on
another machine if they are not "too extreme". In the latter
case set the clocks manually using /bin/date once
before starting the time daemons. If you set a clock
backwards, don't do it with /bin/date, but shut the node down, use
to set date and time, and wait for the amount of time that you had set
the clocks backwards before rebooting. This avoids
duplicate time stamps.
For all this to work correcty, TCP/IP has to be installed properly.
Best regards, Annegret
Annegret Liebers, Technische Universitaet Berlin, FB 3 (Mathematik), MA 6-1,
Strasse des 17. Juni 136, W - 1000 Berlin 12, Germany
Tel: +49 - 30 - 314 - 25791
email: annegret@combi.math.tu-berlin.de
From: rps@APOLLO.HP.COM (Robert Stanzel)
Hi, you may be interested in the "-a" option added to sr10.4 timed.
It specifies that the master rules the network, with no democratic
input from the other nodes, and thus it's irrelevant when it boots.
13) When I try to use NFS on my IBM PC to access files on my
Apollo, it complains about not finding an "Authentication Server."
Or: Where is the pcnfsd for Apollo's?
Or: How do I compile a pcnfsd?
Like always: There's an easy one, and a hard one.
Easy: Get /pub/apollo/local/etc/pcnfsd.v1
or /pub/apollo/local/etc/pcnfsd.v2
At ftp.eb.ele.tue.nl
Which should get it all to work.
(Don't try pcnfsd.new, since that's the version 2 I'm working on, which
supports membership to multiple groups, but has printing sort of
messed up. )
Goto /usr/adm, touch the file pcnfsd.log and from there execute the
pcnfsd. You get a nice log, which needs to be cleaned on regular
The advantages of version 2 over version 1 are:
- Membership of multiple Unix groups, when the PC-NFS version understands it.
(Sun PC-NFS v4)
- Looking in the printer queues.
This requires a SysV mechanisme like lpstat, .... which we don't
have since we're running BSD-only. (and printing with prf :-{ )
So I'm hacking the source to get it to work at our site.
Maybe one day we'll see a version which understands both.
Now I've compiled this set with RPC version 3.9, and the most recent
one is 4.0. So You might choose the hard way:
Get the RPC stuff, archie could tell you where.
Get the code for the ftp-deamon (/pub/apollo/pcnfsd.v1.3.tar.Z)
And just compile to only make the library and then compile the pcnfsd.
It's not all that hard.
(Note I keep a version with some changes to have it easier compile on
Apollo's in /ftp/pub/apollo/sunrpc3.9a.tar.Z, which is used uner 10.3 )
-- wjw@eb.ele.tue.nl (Willem Jan Withagen)
14) Why doesn't Apollo ftpd support anonymous ftp?
Answer: Anonymous ftp depends on the chroot() call, which doesn't work on
Apollo. There is a patched version of ftpd that supports anonymous ftp by
fixing all path names before passing them off to the system. It's available
(by anonymous ftp!) from various places, including ocf.berkeley.edu,
archive.umich.edu, and ftp.eb.ele.tue.nl.
15) How can I get auto word-wrapping in the DM?
WW is an undocumented DM command to do word wrap on the currently selected
region or to set word wrapping mode for text subsequently entered. Options:
-ON Turn on word wrap and set column at current right margin
-OFF Turn off word wrap
-C nn Turn on word wrap and set column at specified value
-A Wrap selected region
-I Query current column setting
-- stluka@software.org (Fred Stluka)
16) How can I connect my Macs to my Apollo in a reasonable way?
Answer: See the file mac2apollo (separate file because of its length).
-- Carlton B. Hommel <notelrac@world.std.com>
[ stored in: ftp.eb.ele.tue.nl:/pub/apollo/notes/mac2apollo ]
17) Are the VT100 PF1-PF4 keys defined in the Apollo version of xterm?
If so,where are they? If not, can someone give me a hint how to define
them (or how to redefine any key for that matter).
-- John A. Breen
The manual "Using the X Window System on Apollo Workstations" is the place
to look for some of this -- it's a good summary, but not an exhaustive
treatise on X. The answer to your question is that you will need to use the
client "xmodmap" in order to simulate the keys which are not physically
present on the Apollo keyboard (PF1-PF4 as an example).
Since you are running in a "dm owns root" configuration, you'll need to take
into account the "keyboard.config" file which tells XApollo "this list of
keys doesn't exist for X, pass them through to the Apollo Display Manager".
This is important because you don't want to remap keys for xterm which
XApollo will not GIVE to xterm. See section 2.2.2 in the manual for a
detailed discussion about the /usr/lib/X11/keyboard/keyboard.config file.
Once you have picked a set of physical keys to emulate the PF keys, feed
this to xmodmap using the physical keycode and the keysym name (from the
include file /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h).
Example - you want to make the "AGAIN" key map to PF1. Looking at the
output of "xmodmap -pk" you see that it is labeled "Redo" (which agrees with
the entry in the keyboard.config file), and it is keycode value 158.
Looking at the include file keysymdef.h, you see "#define XK_KP_F1 0xFF91"
which is the entry for "keypad function key 1" - also known as PF1. The
xmodmap client will take either a file entry or a command line remapping, so
you could invoke it as < xmodmap -e "keycode 158 = KP_F1" > (the quotes are
required on the command line) and the deed is done.
If you don't have a copy of the manual, you can get one by using the order
number "015213-A02". Hope that helps.
-- weber_w@apollo.HP.COM (Walt Weber)
18) What else should I know about X keysyms?
I suggest you put the following into /usr/X11/lib/XKeysymDB :
LineDel: 1000FF00
CharDel: 1000FF01
Copy: 1000FF02
Cut: 1000FF03
Paste: 1000FF04
Move: 1000FF05
Grow: 1000FF06
Cmd: 1000FF07
Shell: 1000FF08
LeftBar: 1000FF09
RightBar: 1000FF0A
LeftBox: 1000FF0B
RightBox: 1000FF0C
UpBox: 1000FF0D
DownBox: 1000FF0E
Pop: 1000FF0F
Read: 1000FF10
Edit: 1000FF11
Save: 1000FF12
Exit: 1000FF13
Repeat: 1000FF14
KP_parenleft: 1000FFA8
KP_parenright: 1000FFA9
This will let you refer to these keys by name. For example, the following
resource will define scroll keys for your xterm. You can put this resource
into your ~/.Xdefaults file and it will get loaded when you start an xterm.
XTerm*VT100.Translations: #override \
<KeyPress>UpBox : scroll-back(1,halfpage) \n \
<KeyPress>DownBox : scroll-forw(1,halfpage) \n
If you use emacs or motif, you may want to define a "meta" key (motif calls
this an "alt" key, presumably because IBM has some pull at OSF). You can do
this by creating a ~/.keymod file, an put this in it:
clear mod1
keycode 147 = Meta_L
add mod1 = Meta_L
This makes F0 your meta key. You can use whatever key you want as your
meta, of course. Use xev to find out the keycode for the key you want.
Then, when you log in, run this command (I put this in ~/.xsession, which
gets run on my machine when I log in):
/usr/bin/X11/xmodmap .keymod
-- Jim Rees
19) Where can I get emacs?
A new version of my modifications to GNU Emacs for the Apollo is now available.
This version supports GNU Emacs 18.57, Domain/OS SR10.2 and SR10.3, and the
latest release of the Domain C Compiler...
I am distributing this release from labrea.stanford.edu ( The
following files are available for anonymous ftp from the "pub/gnu" directory:
apollo-emacs.tar.Z Apollo GNU Emacs modifications
As always, to install my Apollo GNU Emacs modifications, uncompress and untar
"apollo-emacs.tar.Z" on top of a unmodified GNU Emacs 18.57 distribution tree,
and consult "APOLLO.README" for building instructions.
Note: There is a bug in SR10.2 tar such that overwritten files are not
necessarily truncated to the proper size. Before you untar the file under
SR10.2, execute the following commands:
rm README etc/APOLLO etc/MACHINES info/dir lisp/cl-indent.el* lisp/info.el*
rm lisp/lisp-mode.el* lisp/paths.el* lisp/rmail.el* lisp/rnews.el*
rm lisp/server.el* lisp/shell.el* lisp/startup.el* src/Makefile src/crt0.c
rm src/dired.c src/dispnew.c src/emacs.c src/fileio.c src/fns.c src/keyboard.c
rm src/m-apollo.h src/process.c src/sysdep.c src/x11fns.c src/x11term.c
rm src/xdisp.c src/ymakefile
Leonard N. Zubkoff
Lucid, Incorporated
Also, if you want a multi-window X version of emacs, check out epoch,
available from cs.uiuc.edu. - Jim Rees
19a) How about version 19?
Jim Rees writes:
There are patches available on apollo.archive.umich.edu for gnu emacs 19 to
run on Domain/OS.
20) Do you have a problem with Gnu Emacs' C-x` command?
Gnu Emacs 18.55 (with Leonard N. Zubkoff's patches for sr 10.2) seems to
have a problem with shell subprocesses. At times the 0x0 character
(displayed as ^@ by emacs) appears in buffers running a shell. While this is
only a nuisance running an inferior shell, it is a problem when running the
M-x compile command: The C-x ` (next-error) function is unable to process
the compiler output. Has anybody found out what causes this problem and how
to fix it? Any hints will be appreciated!
-- mike@vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at (Michael K. Gschwind)
This should probably go in some kind of FAQ list (sigh)... Emacs talks to
its subsprocesses using pseudo ttys (ptys among friends). On Apollos, ptys
occasionally get corrupted, and the problem you describe results.
Rebuilding the ptys helps, but it can have funny side effects to any users
logged in on those ptys. We rebuild ours once per week. That seems to
avoid the problem most of the time, but of course your mileage may vary.
Here is the relevant line from our /usr/lib/crontab (running the shell
script at 04:00 every Sunday morning):
0 4 * * 7 root /usr/local/lib/fix_ptys
and here is /usr/local/lib/fix_ptys:
#!/bin/csh -f
/bin/rm -f /dev/[pt]ty[pq][0-9a-f]
/etc/crpty 32
21) Does anybody know where I can get proxy ARP?
Answer: Proxy ARP is a bad idea. Apollo has wisely decided not to
support it. Use subnets instead.
22) Are there third-party vendors of ethernet boards?
The ethernet board used in the Otter (dn3000 series) is a 3Com 505. You can
buy your own and perhaps save some money. If you buy the board from Apollo,
it comes with a special PROM, which you won't have if you buy direct from
3Com. That means you won't be able to boot diskless over the ethernet, or
make remote dumps over the ether. But you'll still be able to boot from
disk, or over the ring if you have one. And once the node is booted,
everything else will work fine.
The 505 is more expensive than some boards, because it has quite a bit of
on-board smarts and buffering. No other ethernet board will work in the
Otter, unless you want to write your own driver, and even then you will lose
the ability to run domain protocols and TCP over the ether, which makes it
pretty useless.
Switch settings for the 505 are given in the file ether-switches.
-- Jim Rees
And as followup:
In article <1992Jun30.140020.994@quintro.uucp>, bep@quintro.uucp (Bryan Province) writes:
I bought a 3C505 board from 3Com instead of Apollo because I'm not
interested in doing diskless booting over the ethernet. I know it's missing
a prom for doing that. I've set the jumpers as described in the
/systest/ssr_util/jumpers program with no luck.
Correct settings are port 300, mem addr 80000, dma 6, intr 10, test mode
off, rom select off. If Domain/OS (and DEX) can't find the board at all,
you've probably got the port wrong. You should have jumpers 8 and 9 in,
where "in" is away from the back panel bnc and aui connectors.
A second board would go at port 310, mem addr 84000, dma 3, intr 9.
-- Jim Rees
Correct, however all the original poster said was that self tests
couldn't find the board. I'm assuming that he's referring to the self
tests that run when powering up in normal mode (or when the
appropriate prom command is it "te" ?) is entered. If this is the
ONLY time the board can't be found, it's because of the lack of the
boot prom (self test code is stored in there). Run "ex config" and
remove it's knowledge of the ethernet board so it won't try to test
it. The OS should find it ok (and nothing was said in the original
mail about whether the OS could or could not find it, I assume that it
could (it should!) ).
I tried emailing the original poster but couldn't for some reason...
carl@Cayman.COM (Carl Heinzl)
23) How do I enable IP name service?
Uncomment the 'nmconfig' lines in /etc/rc.local. Create the empty file
/etc/daemons/nmconfig. Create the file /etc/resolv.conf. It should look
like this:
domain domain-name
nameserver server1
nameserver server2
nameserver server3
where domain-name is your domain name, and server1..n are the numeric IP
addresses of your name servers. You can have as many as you want, it tries
them in the order listed. Here's a sample file for pisa.citi.umich.edu (IP
addresses are fictional):
domain ifs.umich.edu
-- Jim Rees
24) Why can't I log in as root anywhere except a DM pad?
All you need is to configure /etc/ttys to allow root login via psudo-ttys
(if you really want to):
pty0 none dumb on secure
pty1 none dumb on secure
ptyf none dumb on secure
-- chen@digital.sps.mot.com (Jinfu Chen)
25) How can I determine the load average without /dev/kmem?
long avenrun[3];
-- Jim Rees
26) Why do I get "cannot start daemon" when I try to use lpr?
The Apollo lpr/lpd seems to differ from other BSDs in that it
apparently references the Domain name (set by ctnode) as well as servername
(created in /usr/spool/lpd by the system administrator). Those names should
agree with the Internet hostname. The hostname is set by default to the Domain
name (which by default is set to the hard disk name, I think, as Yan Lau
suggested in his note on how they resolved this problem). IF YOU MODIFY
might be to get the lpr/lpd sources and recompile, but the easiest solution
seems to be:
uctnode <your old node name>
lcnode -me (get your node number)
ctnode <internet hostname you want to be> <your node #>
then be sure the lines in rc.local that set hostname are
commented out so the hostname will be the Domain node name
then be sure that /usr/spool/lpd/servername contains the same
name as the Domain name (hostname > /usr/spool/lpd/servername)
then carefully check the protections on lpr, lpd, and the
various spool directories as suggested in earlier notes
on this problem
of course, look in the BSD Systems Admin guide for other aspects
of the setup such as printcap entries, etc.
This approach has the advantage that it doesn't require modifying sendmail.cf
to handle Internet mail, etc. (the "I refuse to talk to myself" problem that
started all of this!).
--hdtodd@eagle.wesleyan.edu (David Todd)
27) How can I get my printer to work?
[updated: 3-jun-93]
Answer: It's not as easy as it should be. If you want BSD (lpr/lpd)
printing, then see the separate file "printing".
This file is available in:
If you want to use Apollo (prf/prsvr/prmgr) printing, in particular if you
want to use a dot-matrix or other unsupported printer, then see the
'generic' driver and related comments.
These files are available in:
Paul Szabo - System Manager // School of Mathematics and Statistics
szabo_p@maths.su.oz.au // University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
28) About Exabyte Tapes.
[date: 28-mar-93]
Chris Folland writes:
Target 2:
Device Type: Tape (Removable Media)
Product: EXB-8200
Rev Level: 4.24
ANSI version compliance: SCSI-1
I want to issue the following command (from man mknod) :-
/etc/mknod /dev/exabyte b <major_number> <minor_number>
The reply:
The device already exists, for SCSI id 2, /dev/rmts9 and /dev/rmts13. I would suggest
that a:
mt /dev/rmts9 -scsi rewind
be used before any first access to the drive. For various other scsi ids, the map is
id device wbak/rbak -dev
1 rmts8 rmts12 m0 (default)
2 rmts9 rmts13 m1
3 rmts10 rmts14 m2
4 rmts11 rmts15 m3
Hardware is 9000/433s running OS
The reason that the 8200 SX drives were a problem had to do with the length
of time it takes to rewind, label, reposition, etc. on the 8200SX. A wbak
label of the tape fails. The 8200SX works with tar at SR 10.4. Rwmt doesn't
appear to work at same.
Jim Waldram Senior System Analyst
waldram@grizzly.uwyo.edu Department of Atmospheric Science
JWALDRAM@OUTLAW.UWYO.EDU University of Wyoming
307-766-5351 (Ph) Box 3038 University Station
307-766-2635 (Fax) Laramie, WY 82071
28a) Do I need to buy Omniback to use my Exabyte 8mm tape drive?
Apollo's earlier tape utilities, including "wbak", "rbak", and "rwmt" access
the tape drive directly via calls to either the magtape driver or the
cartridge tape driver, depending on whether you use "-dev mt" (the default)
or "-dev ct". These calls are made via the unreleased "tfp_$" calls, which
then branch out to either the unreleased "mt_$" or the "ct_$" calls. All of
these library routines are in /lib/tfp. When Apollo introduced their 8mm
Exabyte drive, they wrote a new tape library to support the drive; and they
did *not* add support for the drive to the existing "tfp_$" library. Thus,
the older Apollo programs can not access Apollo's 8mm drive. Only programs
which use the new tape library can access the drive, and Omniback is the
only Apollo utility that I'm aware of which does use the new library.
The standard Unix utilities, such as "tar", "dd", "mt" and the like, all
access the tape drive via a Unix device file (eg. /dev/rmt0). As of SR10.x,
Apollo has supplied device files for SCSI tape drives attached to either the
native SCSI port of the DN2500 or the SCSI port of the multi-function WD7000
disk controller used on most DN3500 and DN4500 machines. These device files
are /dev/rmts8 and /dev/rmts12 (rewind and no-rewind) for SCSI tape device
0, and /dev/rmts9 and /dev/rmts13 (rewind and no-rewind) for SCSI tape
device 1 [note: hardware hackers, feel free to correct me! this explanation
is getting long enough to publish as an article -- I'd *hate* to get this
wrong in print!!]. These device files invoke the *new* Apollo tape library,
and therefore can access the 8mm Exabyte drive in addition to SCSI cartridge
tapes and SCSI 9-track tapes. The device files /dev/rmt8 and /dev/rmt12, on
the other hand, access the old tape library for 9-track drives; and
/dev/rct8 and /dev/rct12 access the old tape library for non-SCSI cartridge
tape drives.
Now, there *is* a way to use "wbak" and "rbak" with the 8mm Exabyte drive:
you use the "wbak -to" and "rbak -from" options to redirect I/O to a file
instead of old tape library, and you use either /dev/rmts8 or /dev/rmts12 as
the file name. There is a minor drawback to this: the ANSI labeled tape
options such as "-fid" (file ID), "-vid" (volume ID), and "-f NN" (write to
the NNth file on the tape) won't work -- you can only write an unlabled file
to the current position on the tape.
So much for HP/Apollo ... There *is* at least one 3rd party vendor that
provides a cleaner solution. Workstation Solutions sells the Exabyte drive
packaged with a version of the *old* Apollo tape library that supports the
8mm drive, and a utility program that automatically loads this library prior
to running "wbak", "rbak", "rwmt", and any other program you like. The
library replaces the regular Apollo 9-track tape library and makes the
Exabyte drive look like the 9-track tape. Thus any program which uses the
"mts_$" and "ios_$" calls to access a 9-track tape will work ... and any
program which uses the /dev/rmt8 or /dev/rmt12 device files (which in turn,
access the old Apollo tape library) will also work.
Either way, your Apollo sales person is mis-informed. Exabyte drives *can*
be used on the Apollos under SR10 with DN2500/3500/4500 machines via the
SCSI tape device files; or under either SR9.7 or SR10 via either the magtape
library calls or the old, non-SCSI, device files with Workstation Solutions'
package on DN2500/3500/4500 with SCSI ports, or on DN3000/4000 machines with
an AT-BUS SCSI adaptor card.
-- David Krowitz <krowitz@richter.mit.edu>
[added 2-9-93]
Question #28a re: needing to use Omniback for 8mm. MDL Corp. now has a
driver for using Exabyte 8500's, 8200's, 8205's, etc. under DomainOS
10.3.x and 10.4 with wbak, rbak, tar, etc., and supports different
densities, etc. as well as automatic byte-swap detection and conversion
on the fly for ANSI-labeled volumes (such as those made by wbak).
Thought you'd like to know.
Michael Lampi lampi@mdlcorp.com
MDL Corporation 15301 NE 90th Street, Redmond, WA 98052
(206) 861-6700 (206) 861-6767 FAX
Digital Information Systems Group, Tel: +31-40-473401, Fax: +31-40-448375
Room EH 10.35 Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands TEAM OS/2
Internet:wjw@eb.ele.tue.nl, X400:C=nl;A=400net;P=surf;O=tue;OU=ele;OU=eb;S=WJW;
Digital Information Systems Group, Tel: +31-40-473401, Fax: +31-40-448375
Room EH 10.35 Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands TEAM OS/2
Internet:wjw@eb.ele.tue.nl, X400:C=nl;A=400net;P=surf;O=tue;OU=ele;OU=eb;S=WJW;