Usenet 1994 January
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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!usc!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!caen!dmag
From: dmag@caen.engin.umich.edu (Dan DeMaggio)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.apple2,news.answers
Subject: comp.sys.apple2 - Frequently Asked Questions (and answers) part 2 of 2
Supersedes: <a2_751507756@caen.engin.umich.edu>
Followup-To: comp.sys.apple2
Date: 4 Dec 1993 04:31:45 GMT
Organization: University of Michigan Engineering, Ann Arbor
Lines: 988
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Distribution: world
Expires: 7 Jan 1994 04:30:30 GMT
Message-ID: <a2_754979430@caen.engin.umich.edu>
References: <a1_754979430@caen.engin.umich.edu>
Reply-To: dmag@umich.edu
NNTP-Posting-Host: ri.engin.umich.edu
Summary: Covers many common questions, and contains many resources.
Originator: dmag@ri.engin.umich.edu
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu comp.sys.apple2:65887 news.answers:15463
Archive-name: apple2/part2
Last-modified: 03 Dec 1993
Version: 3.4.1
Date: 6/7/93
From: dmag@umich.edu
Subject: What is an Apple II?
Excuse me while I wax a little philosophical, but the Apple II is one of
the computer that started the computer revolution because it is so flexible
and open--a pure hacker's machine, but also one that there is a lot of
software to allow novices to use it too. The following are the various models
of the Apple ][:
Apple ][
Apple ][+
Clones, like the Multitech MPF-II/III, Franklin Ace
Apple /// (w/emulation software)
Software emulators for IBM, Mac and UNIX
TrackStar 128 Hardware Emulator for IBM
Apple ][e (Unenhanced)
E Laser 128 (EX and EX/2)
E Apple ][e hardware Emulation card for Macintosh
E Apple ][e (Enhanced)
E Apple //c
E Apple //c+
E Apple IIGS (ROM 00, 01, 03)
(E) = Emulates an Enhanced //e
Apple ][+: Surprisingly, the ][+ can run some of today's software. For
instance, Davex and FredWriter. You can even run AppleWorks if you have more
than 128K and a program called PlusWorks. Recommended configuration: 16K
language card (in slot 0 with a ribbon cable running to the RAM), an
80-column video card (not the same as a //e 80-column card), shift key
modification (a wire running from shift key to game port). You can also add
accelerators like the Rocket/Zip.
Apple //e: The //e comes in two flavors: Enhanced and Unenhanced. The
Enhancement kit allows an upgrade path by replacing 4 chips. Most current
software requires an Enhanced //e, and sometimes 128K too. The current
operating system is ProDos. The Apple //e is still useful for three major
reasons: 1) It runs AppleWorks, a simple to use, yet sophisticated integrated
program. 2) There are many Apples in schools, so there is a ton of
educational software for it. 3) It is was and will always be a _Personal_
computer. You can learn as little or as much as you want, and nothing stops
you from learning about every nook and cranny in it. Ask any big name
programmer in MS/DOS or Mac where they learned to program. Most of them
taught themselves on a good ol' Apple //. Good programs for an Apple //e:
AppleWorks 3.0 (from Claris) with TimeOut (Beagle Brothers), Copy ][+
(Central Point), ProTerm (InSync), PrintShop (Broderbund). Recommended
configuration: 80 extended column card, 512K to 1MB RAM, Enhanced, Hard Drive
is nice. You can also speed it up with an accelerator (like the Rocket Chip
or the Zip Chip or TransWarp).
//c and //c+: The //c and //c+ are 'luggable' versions of an Enhanced
//e, with many built-in 'cards'. Included are 2 serial ports, a mouse port, a
3.5" disk port and 128K of RAM. The //C+ has a built-in accelerator that runs
at 4 MHz. Even though they don't have slots, you can still add extra memory
(there's room under the keyboard) and a hard drive (through the disk port--a
bit slow by ordinary standards, but usable). Some software that uses the
mouse may get confused on the //C+. The //C and //C+ cannot connect to
AppleTalk. Recommended configuration: 1 MB RAM, 3.5" drive, maybe a Hard
drive. Runs everything that an Enhanced //e runs.
The Laser 128EX is a cross between the //c and an Enhanced //e. It is as
luggable as a //c and has built-in 'cards', and an accelerator. It also has a
slot to expand. If you want to add a card, you may have to disable the
internal UDC (for 3.5" drives) or the internal 1MB memory expansion. Runs
almost everything that the //c and //e runs.
The Apple IIGS represents a giant leap in the Apple // line. It can still
run //e software, but has a better processor (16-bit), a new super-hires
graphics mode, a toolbox in ROM (just like the Mac) and a 32 oscillator
Ensoniq sound chip. It can not only run ProDos, but it can also run GS/OS, a
sophisticated operating system very much like the Macintosh's OS. The
original GS ROM 00 (I think they all have the Woz signature) must have
several chips upgraded to boot/run current software. The ROM 01 had 256K on
the motherboard, while the ROM 03 has 1 MB. Although there were a few ROM
changes, the current system software will work patch the toolbox ROMs to look
identical. Recommended configuration: 1.25 MB lets you boot up and launch
programs. With 2 MB, you will have room for Desk Accessories. Go for 4 MB if
you want a RAM disk (useful if you don't have a hard drive) or do a lot of
Graphics work. Adding a hard drive is highly recommended. You can also speed
it up with a TransWarp GS or Zip GS.
The Apple ][e emulation card is a card that fits in certian Macs that
lets one run Apple //e software. It is actually more like a //c because the
card is not expandable like a //e. There is a place on the back of the card
to plug in a UniDisk 5.25" and a joystick.
Date: 1/1/93
From: dmag@umich.edu
Subject: Some Common Questions (with answers!)
Q: What is 8 bit and 16 bit?
A: That indicates how big the chunks of data are that the CPU can manipulate.
The Apple IIGS is a 16-bit machiene and all previous Apple ]['s are 8-bit.
This is only one of the reasons you cannot run GS software on a //e.
Q: How do I get out of Basic (that little "]" prompt and flashing cursor?
A: Type the word "BYE" and press return. Now get out the Apple manual 'A Touch
of BASIC' and read it.
Q: Can the Apple II connect to SCSI devices?
A: Yes. See the section on SCSI in this FAQ.
Q: How can I tranfer stuff to/from and IBM/Mac?
A: Here's a summary: [Note that you can always do transfers by modem or Null
==== Apple //e ---> Macintosh
There's the IIe Emulation Card that fits into the LC, LC II, LC III, Performa
4000 and the Color Classic. The card has a port for a 5.25" drive, from
which you could probably copy things to/from the Mac.
The ProDos File System Manager is an init (avaliable via FTP) that allows you
to use ProDos 3.5" disks as if they were normal Mac disks. [You will have
to download the entire disk to get that one file.]
FTP: ftp.apple.com /aii/lc.iiecard /*
Apple File Exchange (comes with Mac system software) allows you to copy
to/from ProDos (3.5") disks.
==== Apple //e <--- Macintosh
The programs A2FX and HFSLink will allow you to read Mac disks in a regular
3.5" Apple //e drive. They don't work with High Density disks though.
FTP: apple2.archive.umich.edu /apple2/8bit/util/a2fx.8.bsq
FTP: apple2.archive.umich.edu /apple2/8bit/util/hfslink.b3.bsq
==== Apple //e ---> IBM
See also the CTI drive (next question)
==== Apple //e <--- IBM
If you have a new Apple High Density 3.5" Drive and High Density 3.5"
controller card, then you can use the program MSDOSCOPY (via FTP) to read
IBM disks. (I'm not sure if this does high density IBM Disks or not.)
FTP: apple2.archive.umich.edu /apple2/8bit/util/nsdos.cnvt.bsq
See also the CTI drive (next question)
==== Apple IIGS ---> Macintosh
See above for //e to Mac, or below for Mac to GS
==== Apple IIGS <--- Macintosh
GS/OS (Apple system software for the GS) 6.0 will read and write Mac disks
just fine if you have the HFS FST installed.
Note that you want to read high density (HD) disks, you will need BOTH the
Apple HD 3.5" drive <AND> the HD 3.5" Drive Controller Card.
==== Apple IIGS ---> IBM
The Applied Engineering PC Transporter has a utility to copy files from
MS/DOS to/from ProDos (regardless of disk size). Unfortunately, the PCT
often has problems and AE is unwilling to actively support the card.
See also the CTI drive (next question)
==== Apple IIGS <--- IBM
If you have a new Apple High Density 3.5" Drive and High Density 3.5"
controller card, then you can use GS/OS 6.0.1's MSDOS FST to read IBM
3.5" disks. Note that Apple 5.25"s don't have the hardware to read/write
IBM 5.25" disks.
See also the CTI drive (next question)
Q: What's the CTI Drive?
A: The CTI drive allows you to hook up IBM 3.5" and 5.25" disk drives (no High
Density support yet) to your Apple II. [IBM drives are cheaper] Some software
is included to read MS/DOS disks on your Apple. Otherwise, ProDos and GS/OS
recognize them like normal drives. See CTI's address in the resources
Q: How do I USE stuff I have transfered to/from an IBM/Mac?
A: In general, only certian types of files can be usefully transfered
back-and-forth between computers. One thing that you CANNOT do is run
programs designed for another type of computer. But often you can tranfer
data files between similar programs (Spreadsheets) on different platforms.
Here are some pointers:
One helpful hint is that all computers can read text files. Most word
processors can save your file as text and import as text. But with text
files, you will loose all your formatting (font type, centering and
so-forth). For spreadsheets, saving as DIF will make conversion a breeze.
Databases can be saved as tab-delimited records. (Note that in AppleWorks,
you have to go to Print to save in these formats). Look for options like
"Import" or "Export" (or "Save As" in the Mac world).
If you want to do better, there are several options available. A
commercial program called MacLinkPlus can do some conversions. Some Claris
programs do conversions automagically. Also, AFE can convert between some
kinds of documents (For example AppleWorks Word Processor to MsWorks) if you
have the right translator.
FTP: sumex-aim.stanford.edu /info-mac/util/afe-appleworks-msworks.hqx
For IBM folk,The CrossWorks program can convert between many Apple and
IBM formats, and even comes with a universal null modem cable. Alternately,
If you use AppleWorks a lot, you can get SuperWorks for the IBM, a clone of
AppleWorks. It can import AppleWorks files directly. For graphics,
SuperConvert can convert between all Apple-specific graphics formats and many
Mac, Amiga and IBM specific formats. It can also save as GIF, which is a
universal standard.
Q: What's the scoop on the new HD 3.5" drive?
A: In order to do High Density on the Apple //, you will need both the High
Density 3.5" drive and the new Apple 3.5" controller. If you don't have both,
you will only be able to do regular density. Of course, you will also need
High Density Disks.
Once you have collected the above items, you are in for a pleasant
surprise. ProDos 8 programs not only recognize it, but most programs format
and recognize HD disks just fine. You can even boot off of a HD disk,
allowing plenty of room for GS/OS Desk Accessories and such.
There are a few drawbacks: You cannot boot copy-protected software or (or
some FTA demos.) Also, it takes up a slot, even on the GS.
Q: AppleWorks won't print to my printer. What gives?
A: AppleWorks will refuse to print to a slot that has a disk device. In the
past, this worked well because if you try to print to a slot that has a disk
controller in it, you will re-boot. But now, this can cause problems when a
disk device is 'mapped' into your printer slot (due to a limitation in
ProDos, you can only have 2 drives per slot. Extra partitions on your hard
drive will be re-mapped to other slots). If you have a RamFast, you can
re-map the drives to different slots. Otherwise, (for AW 3.0) use this patch:
POKE 768,128: POKE 769,10 and then BSAVE APLWORKS.SYSTEM,TSYS,A$300,L2,B$AE3.
If you didn't understand that, e-mail me, or look into John Link's SuperPatch
program, which includes many more patches.
Q: Can I use Macintosh Monitors or 3.5" drives with my ][?
A: In general, no. Apple's 3.5" drive has logic to sense which machine it is
hooked up to (Apple II or Macintosh) and it works accordingly. Most 3rd party
drives don't bother to put in Apple II support in their drives. The Mac
monitors cannot be used with the ][ line, not even the GS.
Q: Can I hook up a LaserWriter, DeskJet, etc to my Apple //e?
A: Yes, all the above connections have regular serial or parallel connections.
The tricky part is getting them to do what you want. The DeskJet, for example
will print very nice looking text with regular old "PR#1". But if you want to
change the font or print graphics, you may have to purchase some software.
One excellent program for these types of printers is PublishIt 4. You won't
believe the output you can get from a //e. For AppleWorks fans, there is the
program called SuperPatch. Among it's patches is a cool DeskJet 500 printer
driver. You can print sideways, and change fonts with normal AppleWorks
Q: Can I hook up a LaserWriter, DeskJet, etc to my Apple IIGS?
A: On the GS, you can hook up a LaserWriter via AppleTalk or direct serial
connection. A GS program can typically print to a LaserWriter if it's
connected to the GS via AppleTalk. If you get a DeskJet, or PaintJet, etc,
you can hook them up via the serial port. But in order to use them
effectively, you will want Harmony from Vitesse (better) or Independence
(cheaper) from Seven Hills. They are new printer drivers for GS/OS programs
only. If you want to print from an 8-bit program, see the previous question.
Q: Can I hook up a scanner up to my //e? Can it do OCR (Optical Character
A: Yes and Yes. Just pick up a Quickie scanner (by Vitesse) and InWords (by
WestCode Software). You can scan 4" columns (you must have 512K to 1 Meg) and
can even paste them together to make 8" scans. Then you can use InWords to
"read" text and put it into a text file or AppleWorks Word Processor file.
Q: What version is my computer?
A: Apple //e: The major division is between the Enhanced and unenhanced
models. Look at your computer while re-booting. If it says "APPLE ][", it is
not enhanced. The enhanced computers will say "Apple //e". You can upgrade it
yourself by getting the Apple //e Enhancement kit. (It contains 4 chips to
replace on your motherboard.) Many newer programs will not work unless you
have an Enhanced //e. If you have a //c or GS, or a Laser 128, you have
Enhanced //e compatibility. There are also some older //e's that are not
capable of double-hires. Check the serial number on the motherboard (in the
back, by the power-on led). If it ends in -A, you may need a motherboard swap
(unless you have the PAL version).
Apple //GS: There are 3 major versions of the GS: Check the initial
power-up screen. It will say ROM 01, ROM 03. If it does not say either, you
have the Original (Woz Signature edition). You must upgrade it in order to
run current system software. The ROM 01 has 256K on the motherboard, while
the ROM 03 has 1 MB on the motherboard. All the enhancements of the ROM 03
(except the 1MB, of course) can be added to the ROM 01 simply by booting up
with current system software.
Apple //c: Go into Basic and type "PRINT PEEK (64447)" and press return.
If it says 255, you have a very old //c. See your dealer about getting an
upgrade. If it says 0, you can do 3.5" drives, but you don't have the memory
expansion connector. If it says 3 You have the memory expansion. If it says
4, you have the latest model of the //c. If it says 5, you have a //c+.
Q: What programming languages are available for the Apple ][?
A: Larry W. Virden maintains The Apple II Programmer's Catalog of Languages
and Toolkits. It's archived on several FTP sites. (The main one fisrt)
FTP: idiom.berkeley.ca.us /pub/compilers-list/AppleIICatalog*
FTP: apple2.archive.umich.edu
Q: My GS control panel keeps resetting to the defaults and/or forgetting the
A: It's probably your battery. If you have a ROM 03 GS, you just pop it out an
get another. On the ROM 01, you will need a Slide-On Battery Replacement Kit
from Night Owl Productions. See address in 'Resources' section.
Q: I want a Y-adapter for my GS keyboard.
A: Redmond Cable has an ADB Y-connector cable for separating your mouse from
the side of your keyboard (also can be used to work around a failing ADB port
on the keyboard). See the 'Resources' section of this FAQ.
Q: What programs are there for conversion of graphic images?
A: There are quite a few:
IIGIF is a freeware GIF converter for any Apple II (but there is a patch
needed for the Apple //c). It reads in GIF and saves as hires or
FTP: apple2.archive.umich.edu /apple2/8bit/graphics/iigif.bsc
FTP: apple2.archive.umich.edu /apple2/8bit/graphics/iic.patch.for.iigif
MACDOWN is also freeware and lets you do the same with MacPaint pics.
A ProDos 8 version of The Graphics Exchange (don't know much about it).
[The following software only work on an Apple IIGS]
The Graphics Exchange converts between many formats of graphics.
SuperConvert loads all GS formats, plus GIFS and other non-GS specific
formats and saves in all GS formats (including Finder Icon files). It has
more dithering options than most of the other programs, but you may have
to play with it to find the best one.
SHRConvert is the earlier, shareware, predecessor to SuperConvert. It does a
pretty good job on the types of graphics it supports.
FTP: apple2.archive.umich.edu /apple2/gs/graphics/shrconvert.2.1.bsq
Platinum Paint is a commercial program that can import all GS formats plus
MacPaint. It can only save in SHR and Apple Preferred. Version 2.0 can
make Animations too!
ShowPic 6 is a shareware NDA that can display most GS formats. You can also
save the resulting graphic as a IIGS SHR painting.
FTP: apple2.archive.umich.edu /apple2/gs/gsos/nda/showpic.6.0.bsq
Dream Grafix supports all 3200 color picture types and also 16 color and 256
color pictures. This is a very impressive commercial paint program with
its 3200 color support.
Note: 'All GS formats' includes Superhires (type $C1 and $C0), hires,
double-hires and PrintShop/PrintShop GS.
Q: Where can I get old games and stuff?
A: See the resouces section (Big Red Computer Club, TMS Peripherials, Quality
Computers, Resource Central.) There is also a project called Lost Classics
that is trying to track down origninal authors to get them to donate their
stuff to the Public Domain.
Q: I have an old CPM / PASCAL / DOS 3.3 disk. How do I get it into ProDos?
A: The //e system software, the DOS3.3 FST (GS/OS System 6), and Copy ][+ can
all convert Dos 3.3 files into ProDos. This is only helpful for text files,
graphics, and some Basic programs. For ProDos, CPM, Pascal, Dos 3.3, try the
program Chameleon. It's only drawback is that it does not recognize hard
disks. (just use a temporary ProDos floppy disk)
FTP: apple2.archive.umich.edu /apple2/8bit/util/chameleon.bsq
Q: I'm getting Error XXX. What's it mean?
A: Some common errors and their cause:
ProDos Errors:
UNABLE TO LOAD PRODOS - You can't boot a disk unless it has ProDos and a
something.SYSTEM file on it
$27 I/O Error. Possibly a bad disk? Verify it with Prosel or Copy II Plus
$44 Path not found (You gave an invalid directory name)
$45 Volume not found (you didn't type in the right disk name)
$46 File not found (you didn't type a valid filename)
GS/OS errors:
0911 Either your GS is overheating, or the ADB port is having problems
0301 Bad TransWarp
0308 see 8021
8020 Either random TransWarp, or SCSI (try using different SCSI connector)
8021 If you get this at random times and you have a HS Apple SCSI, it's
probably a version conflict. Install the SCSI drivers from your GS/OS
disk, not your HS Apple SCSI disk.
Q: How do you copy from a 5.25" disk to 3.5" disk?
A: ProDos has no problems with this, as long as you copy by files. Note that
ProDos can only have 51 files in the main directory. If you try to exceed
that, it will give you a cryptic 'Disk Full' error. If there really is space
left on the disk, you can copy all the files into a subdirectory to get
around the 51-file limit. In theory, you can put an unlimited number of files
in a Subdirectory, but in practice, you should limit them to a few hundred.
Q: Why does my Apple II lose characters when I'm using the modem?
A: Check the following: 1) Your software may need interrupts enabled. Examine
DIP Switch 2-6 on your Super Serial Card. 2) If you have an unenhanced //e,
you need to enhance your //e. 3) If you have a //c, it may be one of the ones
that had a serial port problem. Talk to your dealer about upgrading it for
2400 baud support.
Q: What happened to Beagle Brothers?
A: Quality computers is now distributing the Apple II Beagle Brothers
packages. In fact, they are even expanding the TimeOut line of AppleWorks
enhancement packages. On paper, Beagle no longer exists, but Quality is
trying to recruit the same programmers to continue to create new Appleworks
add-ons. BB has retired their extremely old stuff (mostly DOS 3.3) and now
you can download it (for free) exclusively on the QC BBS. (email
jerry@pro-quality.cts.com for details).
Q: Is the Apple // dead?
A: Old computers never die, they just get upgraded. Ok, ok, maybe not. But as
long as the computer is still useful to you, it is not dead. Many people
continue to use their Apple II's to run their buisness, control robots, etc.
Q: Yes, but isn't the Apple // wimpy? Isn't it old technology? Isn't 1 MHz
slow in today's computer world?
A: You don't always need a 50 MHz computer to do word processing, or a 3-D
relational spreadsheet to do checkbook balancing. Of course, I wouldn't use
my Apple to run Mathmatica. Use the right tool for the job. The Apple // is
simple enough that one can take total control of it. Write directly to to
screen. Re-write the operating system. Do cool hardware hacks with it. Write
a simple basic 'guess-the-number' game. Whatever. The point is that many
programmers write software for the Apple // because it is FUN as well as
As for the 'old' bit: the IBM PC was released well over a decade ago too.
The GS is to an Apple II+ as the IBM 486 is to the IBM XT. (Ok, so maybe
that's stretching it a bit). As for speed, you can't directly compare those
because the underlying processors are different. The Apple gets more done in
1 clock cycle than the IBM processor. Really, the only speed that matters is
REAL time. Windows and fancy graphics can really load a computer down. Even
though hardware is getting faster and better, software is getting larger and
slower. You can't win. Compare the time to start up the following word
processors: FrameMaker on a Sun SparcStation w/X-windows (30 seconds), M.S.
Word on a Mac w/System 7 (2 seconds) classic AppleWorks (instantly --I have a
RamFast ;).
Date: 1/1/93
From: dmag@umich.edu
Subject: System 6.0 mini-FAQ
Subtopic: Common Problems
Some programs are incompatible with CloseView. Symptoms are the mouse
wipes out everything it moves over. Remove CloseView or inactivate it in the
system folder. May still cause troubles if active, but set to 'off'. See GS
Technote #91.
EasyAccess is also incompatible with some applications, (especially on
ROM 01). Symptoms are a locked keyboard, and not being able to reboot. Remove
it or make it inactive.
Missing features of system 6? Perhaps you just used easy install, which
doesn't install all the bells and whistles. Try clicking on customize and add
the nifty things like Calculator, Find File, HFS FST, etc. You can also read
the Shortcuts file on SystemTools2 for some great keyboard shortcuts.
Finder icons that match by name and have a leading wildcard require
uppercase letters. For example, a name like "*.txt" never matches, but
"*.TXT" works fine (it matches regardless of a file's actual capitalization).
(This was accidental; the 5.0.4 Finder did not care about capitalization in
icon files.)
Two misconceptions about System 6: The A2.RAMCARD is not for the GS's
/RAM5. It only works with "slinky" (i.e. standard slot) cards. Also, the DOS
3.3 FST has nothing to do with MS-DOS.
Subtopic: Tips & Hints
The AppleShare logon programs have always looked for a folder named
"Mail" inside your user folder whenever you log onto a user volume. If
there's any items in there, they present a dialog that says "You have mail."
Under SSW 6.0, that also sends a SysBeep2 request so you can get the sound of
your choice.
If you don't want to see your icons on boot, set bit 1 (i.e. the 2nd LSB)
of BRAM Location $5F. Be sure not to mess with the other bits. Use the
toolbox calls!
The FinderExtras folder goes in the same folder as the Finder (generally
If you don't like yellow folders in the Finder you can change the byte at
offset +65 in the Finder resource with type $C001 and ID 1. Change the $E0 to
whatever you want (the first digit is the default folder foreground color,
and the low nibble is for the outline color). Only folders that do *not*
already have a color recorded in a Finder.Data file get the default color.
Subtopic: If you have a RamFast
The RamFast and ProDos 2.0.1 both try to do re-mapping of drives to
unused slots. This can cause problems, mostly when launching and returning
from ProDos 8 applications (crashes or wants you to insert disk). Solution:
Configure the RamFast not to re-map. If you have a RamFAST with a ROM
revision less than 2.01a, you need to get a newer ROM from CVT. Otherwise,
V2.01c allows setting Slot Priority Allocations to 0 which will let ProDos
deal with them. V3.0 allows you to choose between RamFast mapping (works now)
and ProDos 8 mapping. If you can't wait, you can Patch ProDos 2.0 not to
re-map slots. Look for "10 BF C9 A5 D0 07" and change the $A5 to $00 (should
be byte $1A3 in the 5th block of the file). Hack at your own risk.
Subtopic: If you have a Vulcan or AE High Density disk
Due to problems with the Vulcan, when booting, it asks for your System
Disk. Just put the Vulcan driver on your boot disk, boot it, and then launch
the installer. Alternately, put the driver on the installer disk and boot it.
(but you have to delete some of the installer scripts first) For the AE High
Density Drive, be sure to remove Apple's 3.5" driver when putting on AE's.
Subtopic: If you have ProSel
Rename start to something else before running the installer, or else the
Finder won't be installed. Believe me, you don't want to miss out on Finder
Subtopic: If you have an AMR 3.5"
If the computer hangs (mostly at the Standard File dialogue box) with no
disk in the drive, try putting one in. What's happening is that GS is reading
the status from the drive, and the drive won't return anything unless there
is a disk in the drive. Just stick a disk in and all will be fine. If it
really annoys you, either deactive the 3.5" driver (get IR so you can
double-click to re-activate it) or simply keep a disk in the drive at all
times. This is not a problem under ProDos 8.
Subtopic: GSCII+ & HFS Note
There is a problem with the HFS FST, but only GSCII seems to be affected.
When de-binscii-ing files, put the output onto a ProDos volume, not an HFS
[ Mega-thanks to Dave Lyons & friends for these. ]
Date: 1/1/93
From: dmag@umich.edu
Subject: What to do with an Apple ][?
Q: What can you hook up to an Apple ][?
A: Hard Drives, Scanners, Video Digitizers, Laser Printers, Video Overlay
Cards, Tape backups, Inkjet Printers, 24 pin Dot Matrix Printers, EPROM
Burners, AppleTalk Networks, High Density 3.5" drives, serial cards, parallel
cards, audio Digitizers, CP/M boards (Z-80 processor), an IBM-on-a-card, 9600
baud modems, D/A and A/D cards, joysticks, mice, graphics tablets, touch
screens, extended keyboards, track balls, several Megabytes of RAM, Real-time
clocks, (cheap) IBM disk drives and of course, Users!
This list is by no means exhaustive: This is just what I personally have
done. All of it is available NOW, and can be done on any Apple //e. In the
very near future, you will be able to hook up:
EitherTalk Networks, DSP boards, and cheap FAX modems.
Q: What can you do with an Apple ][?
A: As if the above weren't impressive, how about: Optical Character
recognition, Desktop publishing, Integrated Spread sheet, Database and Word
Processing, Interactive fiction adventure games, Arcade quality games,
Educational games, Programming, Telecommunications, Inventory, Accounting,
Money Management, and that's not even scratching the surface.
Q: What can the //e can "borrow" from other computers? (w/the right software)
A: GS bitmapped fonts, Mac Disks, MacPaint pictures, GIF pictures, just about
any Mac SCSI device (Hard Drives, Tape backup), Mac sounds?, many archive
formats (like uudecode), any serial device (EPROM burners, FAX modems,
mega-fast modems w/ MNP5), etc.
Q: What can the GS can "borrow" from other computers? (w/the right software)
A: Mac bitmapped fonts, Mac Icons, Mac and Windows TrueType fonts, Mac Disks,
Amiga Mod songs, MacPaint pictures, MacWrite documents, GIF pictures,
WordPerfect documents, just about any Mac SCSI or ADB device (including Hard
Drives, Pen Mice, etc), Mac sounds, Many archive formats (.uu, .zip, .arc,
.sit, .hqx, etc), any serial device (EPROM burners, FAX modems, mega- fast
modems w/hardware MNP-5), etc.
If you are interested in doing any of the above, feel free to e-mail me
(dmag@umich.edu). Someday, maybe I'll fill in the specific software or
hardware you need to do any of the above. If you have any additions, let me
know too!
Date: 8/8/93
From: dmag@umich.edu
Subject: Resources for the Apple II
Listed below are some places to get information about the Apple II. You
should also try your local user group (and the user group library), friends,
relatives, library, school, FTP sites, books, and etc. One good book is "The
Whole Internet Users Guide & Catalog" by Ed Kroll, published by O'Reilly &
Associates Inc.
Edlie Electronics is selling "The ProDOS User's Kit". It seems to be your
basic ProDOS operating system and a manual. I doubt that it's a current
version, but it's worth a look if you need ProDOS on 5.25". Heck, for $1.95,
you can't go wrong. [there is a minimum order, and I have never seen it...
Caveat whatever] !* Edlie Electronics Phone: (800) 645-4722 N.Y. (516)
For educational programs for the II and other computers, try:
Educational Resources Phone: (800) 624-2926
1550 Executive Drive Int'l: (708) 888-8300
Elgin, IL 60123 (USA) FAX: (708) 888-8499
MECC is a group of educators that grouped together and started making
educational software avaliable inexpensively:
MECC Phone: (800) 685-MECC
6160 Summit Drive North
Minneapolis, MN 55430-4003
If you can't find a local user group to get system software from, you can
dowload it from the Cynosure BBS, which has a license to distribute system
software. They have both ProDos and GS/OS.
The Cynosure BBS BBS: (410) 549-2584
[Settings: 8 data bits, No parity 1 stop bit, up to 14400 bps]
Internet: dig@pro-cynosure.cts.com (Doug Granzow)
You can also get system software off of Apple Computer's FTP site. It is
maintained by DTS in their spare time. Thanks guys!
FTP: ftp.apple.com ./aii/sys.soft/*
To find the closest Apple II (or Macintosh) User Group near you, contact:
The Apple User Group Connection Phone:
Apple Computer, Inc. (800) 538-9696, extension 500
20525 Mariani Avenue, MS:36-AA
Cupertino, CA 95014
InCider/A+ is a monthly Apple II/Macintosh magazine. Although their Apple
II coverage is shaky at best, you can find a lot of Apple II ads in there.
P.O. Box 56818
Boulder, CO 80322-8618
A2-Central (formerly Open-Apple) is an 8-page monthly newsletter, but it
is packed with information. It has technical discussions and philosophical
discussions. It is also available on disk, with many PD/SW programs each
month. Resource Central (the parent company) also publishes many monthly
disks, including ones for HyperStudio users, TimeOut users, HyperCard users,
and probably others. All are on 3.5" disk only. They also have taken over
APDA's job of keeping the latest and greatest from Apple and some 3rd party
vendors. They have programming tools and manuals not available anywhere else
(like the Video Overlay Card Development kit, Tool 35/SynthLab docs, etc).
Resource-Central (913) 469-6502
P.O. Box 11250 (913) 469-6507 (FAX)
Overland Park, KS 66207
Apple Programmers and Developers Association (APDA) produces the Develop
CD, a great resource if you have access to a CD player. APDA (800) 282-2732
Apple Computer, Inc. 20525 Mariani Ave, MS:75-2C Cupertino, CA 95014
You can become an associate in the Apple Developer Program for $350 (for
Mac and Apple II) or a mere $150 (for Apple II only) by calling
1-408-974-4897. That gets you Develop magazine, Apple Technical notes, the
Apple Developer CD, discounts on Apple products, and more! If you want to
license Apple Software for distribution with your product you can get
information by calling 1-408-974-4667. (Note: You need a license to
distribute Apple System Software, including ProDOS, and the Installer.)
Apple has a toll-free customer assistance line for handling sales
questions and user concerns. This toll-free line is not designed to be a
technical support hotline, but instead is an extension to the comprehensive
Apple customer relations effort. The Customer Assistance Center is open
Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific time by dialing
GS+ is published bi-monthly, as a magazine and as an accompanying disk.
They are a great source for unique programs, which are not available anywhere
else. They also have reviews of new software. Of course, it's GS specific.
GS+ Magazine (800) 662-3634 (orders only)
c/o EGO Systems (615) 843-3988 9am-6pm M-F EST
P.O. Box 15366 (913) 469-6507 (FAX)
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37415-0366
Aol: GSPlusDiz Delphi: GSPlusDiz GEnie: JWANKERL
Internet: jwankerl@pro-gonzo.cts.com
Hyperstudio Network is a quarterly newsletter about HyperStudio. They put
out an annual 'Best of HyperStudio' disk of stacks, and have discounts on
HyperStudio accessories. They even do some teacher-oriented stuff.
HyperStudio Network Phone:
Box 103 (609) 446-3196
Blawenburg, NJ 08504
The Road Apple - An Apple // "End Users" Underground Newsletter.
Published bi-monthly.
1121 NE 177th, Suite B Phone:
Portland, OR 97230 (503) 254-3874.
Computist is a publication devoted to gathering and distributing
information on removing copy protection from Apple II software.
P.O. Box 110846
Tacoma, WA 98411
Softdisk and Softdisk GS - monthly disk magazines containing a variety of
software (PD/SW, clip art, reviews, etc). Softdisk is available on 5.25" or
3.5" disks. Softdisk GS is available only on 3.5" disks.
Softdisk Publishing Phone:
P.O. Box 30008 (800) 831-2694
Shreveport, LA 71130-0008 (318) 221-8718
AOL: zak Internet: zak@aol.com
USUS is an international non-profit organization dedicated to promoting
and influencing software standards to aid in the development of portable
software. They have a large software library including a lot of source code
(for almost every language or computer).
Keith Frederick (Secretary), USUS Inc.,
P.O. Box 1148
La Jolla, CA 92038
Night Owl makes a slide-on battery for ROM 01 GS's.
Nite Owl Productions Phone:
Slide-On Battery Dept. (913) 362-9898
5734 Lamar Street
Mission, KS 66202
Redmond cable makes and sells all sorts of custom cables.
Redmond Cable Corporation Phone:
17371-A1 NE 67th Ct (206) 882-2009.
Redmond, WA 98052,
Quality Computers not only sells Apple II products, but maintains a list
of user groups and publishes an informative newsletter geared towards
educators (called Enhance). To get a QC catalog and a free subscription to
Enhance, just call or write.
Quality Computers (800) 777-ENHAnce
20200 E. 9 Mile Road (313) 774-7200 (International)
Box 665 (313) 774-2698 (FAX)
St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 (313) 774-7740 (Technical Support)
Internet: jerry@pro-quality.cts.com or QC@genie.geis.com
GEnie: QC America Online: QualityCom
NAUG, the National AppleWorks Users Group is a group devoted to that
wonder program, AppleWorks.
NAUG (313) 454-1115
Box 87453 (313) 454-1965 FAX
Canton, Michigan 48187 (615) 359-8238 BBS
The Big Red Computer Club, or BRCC, (formerly the Big Red Apple Club,
sells all kinds of good software that you can't get anywhere else. (including
discontinued games, etc.)
Big Red Computer Club (402) 379-4680
423 Norfolk Ave.
Norfolk, NE 68701
TMS Pheripherals also sells good stuff (discontinued games, etdc)
TMS Pheripherals (800) ASK-4TMS,
1120 Holland Dr.
Ste. 16
Boca Rato FL, 33487
Alltech sells all kinds of replacement parts for Apple II's.
Alltech Electronics (800) 995-7773 (orders)
602 Garrison St (619) 721-2823 (Fax)
Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 721-7733 (Technical Support
and inquiries)
Sun also sells used Apples parts and books.
Sun Remarketing (800) 821-3221
A new ShareWare-Fee payment service has been established for info, write
Some Assembly Required shareware@uwo.ca OR
1132 Adelaide St. N. #719 hackett@gaul.csd.uwo.ca
London, Ontario N5Y 2N8
ANSITerm is a GS-only communications program that supports X/Y/Z-Modem
(plus variants), Kermit, VT-100, Color ANSI, and offers features like a text
editor, a large scrollback buffer, and macros.
Parkhurst Micro Products Phone: (510) 837-9098
2491 San Ramon Valley Blvd., Suite 1-317
San Ramon, CA, 94583.
The CTI drive allows you to hook up cheap IBM 3.5" and 5.25" disk drives
to you Apple II.
Conversion Technology (CTI) Phone: (801) 364-4171
c/o Patrick L. McLaughlin
516 12th Ave
Salt Lake City, Utah 84103
Sequential Systems announced software for the GS that will let you use
many (but not all) CD-ROMs. Audio, Still Pictures and searching text are
Sequential Systems Phone: (303) 666-4549
1200 Diamond Circle Sales: (800) 759-4549
Lafayette, CO 80026 Tech: (800) 999-1717
SEQUENTIAL@genie.geis.com BBS: (303) 666-7797 14.4
(More resources to be added as I think of them. Email suggestions to
dmag@umich.edu. as always, let me know of any mistakes, updates, corrections,
additions, etc.)
Date: 1/1/93
From: dmag@umich.edu
Subject: General guidelines on How To Troubleshoot
First, resist the temptation to install all your new toys at once. Take it
one step at a time and test everything after adding each item.
Leave the computer plugged in, but turned off when installing cards. Touch
the power supply before and often during your work. Better yet, use a
wrist strap tied to ground through a 1 Megaohm resistor.
When asking others for help, it is essential to know the EXACT error message
you are getting. Also, be as specific as possible. Saying "It did not
work" or "I could not get any farther" is not helpful. Exactly which
screen did it stop at? Does it respond to any input at all? What had you
done up to that point? Is it reproducible any other way?
Make sure you have the required components for the program. Does it require
an Enhanced //e? More RAM? A separate boot disk?
Never use your original disks. Make a backups and store the write-protected
originals in a safe place.
Be sure to keep your disks away from stray magnetic fields emanating from
phones, monitors and speakers.
If you have an accelerator, try to disable it or take it out entirely. It may
not be compatible with the new item.
Is the problem re-producible? If so, what are the MINIMUM actions to
reproduce it?
Check all your cable connections. Do not disconnect or connect any cables
with the computer on.
Try pulling out other cards and disconnect your joystick. If you have a lot
of cards, you might consider a Heavy-Duty Power Supply from A.E. It
supplies 6 Amps instead of a measly 2.5 Amps. Test the power supply with
a voltmeter while the computer is on.
Call the manufacturer to see if there is an upgrade or a fix.
Subtopic: Trouble shooting and good maintenance
Try the system test: hold down the Control key, the Open Apple key, and the
Option (or Solid Apple) key. Then press and release Reset. Lastly, let up
on the other keys. Sit back and 'Watchen Der Blinken Lighten.'
Most RAM cards come with a memory tester. Try running it in continuous mode
for several hours, even if your RAM seems to be working.
Write down your configuration when you have it working (for future
Verify your disk(s) with Copy ][+ or the Finder to see if you have any bad
Subtopic: GS Trouble shooting
Check your control panel settings: What is the startup slot set to? Is the
slot set to "Your Card"? Check your RAM disk setting. Is it taking up all
your memory? Try setting the speed to normal if it's a non-GS program.
Take out or disable your INITS, CDAs, NDAs, and CDEVS. (With System 6, just
hold down Shift while booting).
If you have a hard disk, try booting from a System Disk and/or re-install the
latest system software. Many random problems can be traced to corrupted
or improperly installed system software.
Never connect/disconnect an ADB device when the computer is on.
AppleWorks GS comes with a memory tester (try it).
The TransWarp GS has a continuous test on the CDA (try it too).
Date: 6/27/93
From: dmag@umich.edu
Subject: SCSI
SCSI is a protocol (kind of like serial or parallel) that lets you hook
up several devices (up to 8) on a SCSI bus (a bus is just a series of wires).
You must give each device it's own unique ID number from 0-7. The SCSI card
is usually set to 7. There are two types of SCSI cables: the 50 pin
Centronics-type (like on parallel printers) or the 25-pin "D" connector. The
50-pin is the SCSI standard, the 25-pin is the Apple standard. On a SCSI
chain, there must be a Terminator at each end. A Terminator is just a bunch
of resistors. Some drives have internal terminators (3 small yellow-orange
packs), and some drives come with an external terminator (a "plug" to put on
the back of the drive). Also, somebody on the bus must supply terminator
power (one of the SCSI lines). If There are any problems (multiple things
with the same ID, too much termination or not enough, or no terminator
power), you may be able to use the drive, but your data will get corrupted.
Most of the time, the computer will refuse to recognize the drive.
At first, there was the Apple Rev 'C' SCSI card (named after the final
ROM version--all previous versions MUST be upgraded to work with current
software). There were several clones from the likes of CMS and Chinook. Then
Apple came out with it's High Speed DMA SCSI card. This has the ability to do
Direct Memory Access to the RAM in your computer, which speeds things up.
This created a lot of problems with cards that were not DMA compatible. CV
Technologies also has a DMA SCSI card called the RamFast. This card has 256K
or 1MB of on-board RAM to make it even faster than Apple's card. It can also
supply terminator power if you drive does not supply it. Both of the new
cards support things like SCSI tape backup units, removable SCSI drives, SCSI
CD-ROM, and of course SCSI hard drives. Both the new cards also require an
Enhanced //e.
Subtopic: Tips on setting up a SCSI system:
You can have multiple drives on one SCSI card, just make sure you remove the
termination on all the drives but the last one. This is because the newer
SCSI cards are terminated (and they count as a SCSI device).
Always check that the cords are plugged in properly. Never connect/disconnect
anything when the computer is on.
The computer will boot the hard drive with the highest SCSI ID, which should
be ID 6.
Try letting the drive 'warm up' for 15 seconds before turning the computer
on. The SCSI cards look for drives only at startup, and may ignore any
drives that are not ready.
Try turning off DMA. If this helps, you may have a non-DMA compatible card,
such as the early versions of the TransWarp, early versions of the GS
RAM, or any 8-bit accelerator.
Check that each device has a unique ID. Most drives have a thumbwheel on the
back to set the ID. Your SCSI card (yes, it counts too) is probably ID 7.
Number your drives from 6 downwards for best compatibility. The IDs have
nothing to do with what slot the card is in.
Is there a terminator at each end of the SCSI bus? (the DMA cards are
terminated, and some drives are internally terminated.)
Try the software that came with the card. It may give helpful diagnostic
messages (I.E. the Apple DMA SCSI utilities-- Does it say "No Apple SCSI
card found" or "No SCSI devices found"?)
Do you get the message "Unable to Load ProDos"? If so, it's booting your
drive but you have no system software on it. Try hitting Control-Reset,
then PR#5 (or PR#6) to boot a floppy. Then install the system software
(i.e. ProDos or GS/OS).
In extreme cases, try reformatting the drive, repartitioning, and
re-installing the System software.
If the drive access light blinks in a regular pattern before the computer is
turned on, it is telling you that it has a hardware malfunction. It needs
to be serviced.
Did you try re-installing the System software? Many times, the data on a
drive will get corrupted if you run the drive with improper terminators
or conflicting SCSI ID's. Sometimes you will not notice the corrupted
data until after you fix the problem. If re-installing the System
software helps, it was probably a software problem, not a hardware
The Apple HS DMA SCSI card requires an Enhanced //e. It will not work on the
older //e without an Enhancement Kit.
To really put a drive through it's paces, copy a LOT of stuff from one
partition to another (copy the entire partition if you can). If there is
a problem with DMA or SCSI ID's, it will probably show up as a strange
GS/OS error. (GS only)
Make sure you do not have the Apple SCSI drivers installed if you have a
RamFast. It may cause random problems (they leave an interrupt handler
dangling if they can't find their card.) (GS only)
Make sure you are booting the right slot. If the card is in slot 7, you can
set the startup slot to Scan or 7. (GS only)
If you boot up and only 1 partition shows up, you need to install the SCSI
drivers. (GS only)
If you boot up and it says "Drive XXX is already on the desktop" over and
over: Probably a SCSI ID problem. (GS only)
If you add a CD-ROM, drivers are avaliable from Trantor Systems LTD, 5415
Randall Place, Fremont, CA 94538 (415)770-1400 (GS only)
At least one device must supply terminator power to the bus (Pin 26). The
Apple Cards do not supply this, and some drives don't either. Result: The
drive won't be seen by any software.
Some CMS Platinum drives had pin 40 disconnected for obscure Mac
compatibility reasons. This can cause problems with the Apple IIs.
Make sure you use the drivers from GS/OS, and not the ones that ship with the
Apple HS SCSI card. (Doesn't apply to RamFast).
This FAQ is available on-line at apple2.archive.umich.edu (see FTP)
Permission granted to reproduce in non-profit User Group newsletters.
Any additions/corrections/suggestions would be appreciated. Also,
if this FAQ has helped you, e-mail me and let me know!
Dan DeMaggio (dmag@umich.edu)
-=- Dan DeMaggio -=- dmag@umich.edu -=-
"That is really incredible. That is truly incredible. That is so
incredibly incredible that I think I'd like to steal it." -Zaphod
-=- Dan DeMaggio -=- dmag@umich.edu -=-
"That is really incredible. That is truly incredible. That is so
incredibly incredible that I think I'd like to steal it." -Zaphod