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Newsgroups: bionet.info-theory,news.answers
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From: toms@ncifcrf.gov (Tom Schneider)
Subject: Biological Information Theory and Chowder Society FAQ (better early than late)
Message-ID: <CIEqAq.G6o@ncifcrf.gov>
Followup-To: bionet.info-theory
Summary: monthly Frequently Asked Questions posting for BITCS
The news group bionet.info-theory is a forum for discussing information theory
in biology and for tossing food for thought around. Other interesting
mathematical problems in biology are also welcome, as we will try our best to
take the log of them, so as to convert them into information theory problems.
Originator: toms@fcs260c2
Keywords: FAQ, Biological Information Theory and Chowder Society
Sender: usenet@ncifcrf.gov (C News)
Nntp-Posting-Host: fcs260c2.ncifcrf.gov
Organization: Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1993 22:54:26 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Lines: 549
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu bionet.info-theory:1821 news.answers:16067
Archive-name: biology/info-theory
Replies to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for bionet.info-theory
Biological Information Theory and Chowder Society
version = 1.48 of bionet.info-theory.faq 1993 December 17
This file is stored in the anonymous ftp archive ncifcrf.gov in pub/delila
under the name bionet.info-theory.faq and also as bionet.info-theory.faq.Z (The
.Z means it is compressed; remember to use the binary transfer mode if you pick
up the latter. See the uncompressed README file in the archive for where to
get the uncompress program if you need it.) Please send questions and comments
to: Tom Schneider toms@ncifcrf.gov
This file is also posted monthly on news.announce and bionet.info-theory.
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Unfortuantely one gets the entire month in a single document.
Concerning Inappropriate Postings
The short form of this news group's name, bio-info, can be a little confusing
to some people inexperienced in network communications or with little knowledge
of the discipline (if there is any :-) of biological information theory. It
can and has been mistaken as a news group for general biological information.
Our readers should be aware that when such postings come to our attention, we
do attempt to inform, privately, the people who make these inappropriate
postings of the error of their ways and suggest alternative or more appropriate
Subjecting the writers of inappropriate posting to public excoriation is not a
good policy because the mistake is usually inadvertant and the follow-up
postings add further to the irritation of our regular readers. When others
publicly reply to such posts in this news group, although they may think they
are being polite to the original poster, they are still annoying our regular
readers. We suggest that a better policy for readers who do wish to reply to
inappropriate posts is to do so privately or to an appropriate news group.
The Biological Information Theory and Chowder Society (BITCS) is a group of
scientists interested in the biological applications of information theory
(thus the "BIT") who meet informally for dinner (thus the "CS") from time to
time in the Washington, DC, area. At our dinners we have only one rule ---
food fights are discouraged.
The guys who started this thing did it because we weren't certain we understood
the biological implications of information theory. Some of us are more
comfortable with the mathematical machinery and assemble biological systems
into grand canonical ensembles whether they want to be there or not; and some
of us think they understand what the biological systems are doing but can't
take a log to base 2. What we try to do is pry from one another the bits of
knowledge that will help us understand what's going on.
Some of the topics up for discussion in our group are:
biological applications of information theory
biochemical molecular machines
computer methods for recognition of molecular structure and function
database organization for biomolecular information
A few relevant papers are listed below.
The group started when Tom Schneider was introduced to John Spouge in 1988.
Tom bounced his ideas about molecular machines off John, and John kept finding
flaws. Tom would go away rather unhappily for a month and then find a
solution. But John was always one step ahead... (and still is, on last
account.) Tom gave a talk about molecular machines at the Lambda Lunch meeting
on the Bethesda NIH campus, and John introduced John (Steve) Garavelli. We all
got together with Peter Basser for dinner once in a while to talk about
information theory. Steve brought in one of the first people to apply
information theory to biology, Hubert Yockey. Steve Garavelli dubbed the group
the "Biological Information Theory and Chowder Society", which it is still
called. We are known sometimes as 'chowderheads', and talk about food fights,
but so far have only had electronic food fights! We hold dinners in Bethesda
Maryland on random occasions.
When our informal mailing list became difficult to handle, we petitioned to
start a bionet news group. We hope to hold roaring discussions, and everyone
is welcome to join. If you are uncertain about something, quit lurking and ask
on the net. It may well be that what bothered you is the key to a new piece of
information theory in biology. (The major advances so far have been by things
that REALLY bugged people.)
We will also announce when and where our (irregular) eatings are and you are
welcome to join if the travel is not too far. John Spouge
(spouge@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov), usually makes the arrangements.
This faq sheet answers simple questions about this group. The BIG questions
should be discussed on the net, where we can all haggle over them. Here are a
few for starters:
What is the role of theory in biology today?
What should be the role of biological theory?
What is information? How should it be defined?
What bothers you when you read the two papers on the theory of molecular
machines? (It is only from the things that bother us that we can make progress
in understanding.) (See references below.)
What are flaws in the theory of molecular machines?
How is ATP used to drive molecular machines?
All communication systems are associated with living things, so is it true that
information theory is really a theory about living things? Was Shannon really
a great biologist?
There are a huge number of papers related to this topic, just about everything
in molecular biology, lots of chemistry, physics, electronics, evolutionary
theory, thermodynamics, statistical mechanics and the kitchen sink ... You can
get a pretty good overview by combining the references of Schneider.ccmm,
Schneider.edmm and Leff1990. References are given in BiBTeX format, the
bibliography program associated with LaTeX, the powerful and portable
typesetting program.
# Wonderful books:
author = "L. Gonick",
title = "The Cartoon Guide to Computer Science",
publisher = "Barnes \& Nobel",
address = "N. Y.",
year = "1983"}
author = "L. Gonick",
title = "The Cartoon Guide to Genetics",
publisher = "Barnes \& Nobel",
address = "N. Y.",
year = "1983"}
author = "L. Gonick
and A. Huffman",
title = "The Cartoon Guide to Physics",
publisher = "HarperPerennial",
address = "N. Y.",
isbn = "0-06-273100-9",
year = "1990"}
# A good starting point if you don't know much molecular biology:
# (Two volumes)
author = "J. D. Watson
and N. H. Hopkins
and J. W. Roberts
and J. A. Steitz
and A. M. Weiner",
title = "Molecular Biology of the Gene",
edition = "fourth",
year = "1987",
publisher = "The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc.",
address = "Menlo Park, California"}
# This book describes LaTex and BiBTeX:
author = "L. Lamport",
title = "\LaTeX: A Document Preparation System,
User's Guide \& Reference Manual",
publisher = "Addison-Wesley Publishing Company",
address = "Reading, Massachusetts",
callnumber = "Z253.4.L38L35",
isbn = "0-201-15790-X",
year = "1986"}
# ***********************************************************
# REFERENCES - Information Theory
# The best starter book:
author = "J. R. Pierce",
title = "An Introduction to Information Theory:
Symbols, Signals and Noise",
edition = "second",
publisher = "Dover Publications, Inc.",
address = "New York",
isbn = "0-486-24061-4",
comment = "
Ordering information: Pierce1980 is currently available by mail from:
Dover Publications, Inc.
31 East 2nd street
Mineola, New York 11501
Pierce, An Introduction to Information Theory: Symbols, Signals and Noise
code number: 24061-4
$7.95 + charges. Payment in full, no telephone or credit card orders.
Postage and Handling charges are:
Bookrate: $3 (US only)
UPS: $4.50 (US only, not Alaska or Hawaii or PO boxes)
Foreign orders: add 20% of total (minimum $2.50)
Sales Tax (Ny residents only)
Foreign Orders Note: Remittances must be sent by international money
order or in U.S. funds via Federal Wire System to Chemical Bank, N. Y. ABA
#021000128. Mark all remittances "For the account of Dover Publications,
Inc. #001 053 272"
This information is from the Dover Math and Science Catalogue 9/92",
year = "1980"}
# A good introduction to the mathematics:
author = "W. Sacco
and W. Copes
and C. Sloyer
and R. Stark",
title = "Information Theory: Saving Bits",
publisher = "Janson Publications, Inc.",
address = "Providence, Rhode Island",
isbn = "ISBN 0-939765-25-X",
year = "1988"}
# Important originals:
author = "C. E. Shannon",
title = "A Mathematical Theory of Communication",
year = "1948",
journal = "Bell System Tech. J.",
volume = "27",
pages = "379-423, 623-656"}
author = "C. E. Shannon
and W. Weaver",
title = "The Mathematical Theory of Communication",
publisher = "University of Illinois Press",
address = "Urbana",
isbn = "ISBN 0-252-72548-4",
year = "1949"}
author = "C. E. Shannon",
title = "Communication in the Presence of Noise",
year = "1949",
journal = "Proc. IRE",
volume = "37",
pages = "10-21"}
# For the committed: The Complete Works!
author = "C. E. Shannon",
editor = "N. J. A. Sloane and A. D. Wyner",
booktitle = "Claude Elwood Shannon: collected papers",
publisher = "IEEE Press",
address = "Piscataway, NJ",
isbn = "0-7803-0434-9",
comment = "IEEE Order Number: PC0331-9
To order directly by charge card (eg Visa works) you can call
$69.95 + $5 handling charge
delivery in about 2 weeks",
year = "1993"}
# How locks work and other cool stuff:
author = "D. Macaulay",
title = "The Way Things Work",
publisher = "Houghton Mifflin Company",
address = "Boston",
year = "1988"}
# Leff1990 gives a review of the Maxwell's Demon problem.
# See also Schneider.edmm, listed below.
author = "H. S. Leff and A. F. Rex",
title = "Maxwell's Demon: Entropy, Information, Computing",
publisher = "Princeton University Press",
address = "Princeton, N. J.",
phone = "1(800) 777-4726",
isbn.hard = "0-691-08726-1 (hard cover)",
isbn.paper = "0-691-08727-X (paperback)",
year = "1990"}
# ***********************************************************
author = "Edwin T. Jaynes",
title = "Information Theory and Statistical Mechanics",
year = 1957,
journal = "Physical Review",
volume = "106",
pages = "620-630"}
author = "Edwin T. Jaynes",
title = "Information Theory and Statistical Mechanics. {II}",
year = 1957,
journal = "Physical Review",
volume = "108",
pages = "171-190"}
# A version of Jaynes' new book "PROBABILITY THEORY -- THE LOGIC OF SCIENCE"
# is available in the archive in the jaynes directories.
# *********************************************************** # REFERENCES -
author = "T. D. Schneider
and G. D. Stormo
and L. Gold
and A. Ehrenfeucht",
title = "Information content of binding sites on nucleotide sequences",
journal = "J. Mol. Biol.",
volume = "188",
pages = "415-431",
year = "1986"}
author = "T. D. Schneider",
editor = "G. J. Erickson and C. R. Smith",
title = "Information and entropy of patterns in genetic switches",
booktitle = "Maximum-Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Science and Engineering",
volume = "2",
pages = "147-154",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
address = "Dordrecht, The Netherlands",
year = "1988"}
author = "T. D. Schneider
and G. D. Stormo",
title = "Excess Information at Bacteriophage {T7} Genomic Promoters
Detected by a Random Cloning Technique",
year = "1989",
journal = "Nucl. Acids Res.",
volume = "17",
pages = "659-674"}
author = "T. D. Schneider
and R. M. Stephens",
title = "Sequence Logos: A New Way to Display Consensus Sequences",
journal = "Nucl. Acids Res.",
volume = "18",
pages = "6097-6100",
year = "1990"}
author = "T. D. Schneider",
title = "Theory of Molecular Machines.
{I. Channel} Capacity of Molecular Machines",
journal = "J. Theor. Biol.",
volume = "148",
number = "1",
pages = "83-123",
note = "{(Note: The figures were printed out of order!
Fig. 1 is on p. 97.)}",
year = 1991}
author = "T. D. Schneider",
title = "Theory of Molecular Machines.
{II. Energy} Dissipation from Molecular Machines",
journal = "J. Theor. Biol.",
volume = "148",
number = "1",
pages = "125-137",
year = 1991}
author = "N. D. Herman
and T. D. Schneider",
title = "High Information Conservation Implies that at Least Three Proteins
Bind Independently to {F} Plasmid {{\em incD\/}} Repeats",
journal = "J. Bact.",
volume = "174",
pages = "3558-3560",
year = "1992"}
author = "R. M. Stephens
and T. D. Schneider",
title = "Features of spliceosome evolution and function
inferred from an analysis of the information at human splice sites",
journal = "J. Mol. Biol.",
volume = "228",
pages = "1124-1136",
year = "1992"}
author = "P. P. Papp
and D. K. Chattoraj
and T. D. Schneider",
title = "Information Analysis of Sequences that Bind
the Replication Initiator {RepA}",
journal = "J. Mol. Biol.",
comment = "Cover of 233, number 2!",
volume = "233",
pages = "219-230",
year = "1993"}
# Copies of these and of earlier papers (ie, level 0 theory)
# are available; send your physical address to Tom Schneider.
# (His address is given below.)
# See also the README file in the ftp archive ncifcrf.gov in pub/delila.
# ***********************************************************
editor = "Hubert P. Yockey and Robert P. Platzman and Henry Quastler",
title = "Symposium on Information Theory in Biology",
booktitle = "Symposium on Information Theory in Biology",
year = 1958,
publisher = "Pergamon Press",
address = "New York, London"}
author = "Hubert P. Yockey",
year = 1981,
title = "Self-organization Origin of Life Scenarios and Information Theory",
journal = "J. Theor. Biol.",
volume = "91",
pages = "13-31"}
author = "H. P. Yockey",
title = "Information Theory in Molecular Biology",
publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
address = "Cambridge",
callnumber = "",
comment = "40 West 20th Street,
New York, N. Y. 10011-4211,
order number 350050",
year = "1992"}
John S. Garavelli
Protein Information Resource
National Biomedical Research Foundation
Washington, DC 20007
Tom Schneider
National Cancer Institute
Laboratory of Mathematical Biology
Frederick, Maryland 21702-1201
John L. Spouge
National Center for Biotechnology Information
National Library of Medicine
Bethesda, MD 20894
Please email comments and suggestions on this faq sheet to Tom.