Usenet 1994 January
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Internet Message Format
Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!paperboy.osf.org!pluto.osf.org!alan
From: alan@pluto.osf.org (Alan Hamilton)
Newsgroups: soc.bi,soc.motss,soc.answers,news.answers
Subject: Bisexual Resource List (monthly posting)
Followup-To: poster
Date: 1 Dec 1993 14:20:01 GMT
Organization: Open Software Foundation
Lines: 899
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <2di96h$3on@paperboy.osf.org>
Reply-To: alan@osf.org (Alan Hamilton)
NNTP-Posting-Host: pluto.osf.org
Summary: Resources for and about bisexual people.
Mailing-lists: Bisexu-L,BiAct-L,BiFem-L,Gay-Libn
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu soc.bi:39075 soc.motss:180327 soc.answers:667 news.answers:15282
Archive-name: bisexual/resources
_Bisexual Resource List_
This compilation of resources useful to Bisexuals is posted monthly
to newsgroups soc.bi, soc.motss, and news.answers, and to mailing
lists biact-l, bisexu-l, bifem-l, and gay-libn.
Additions and changes since the last-published version are marked with
a bar (|) in the left column. Deletions (which will not appear in the
next version) are marked with a less-than (<) in the left column.
Please send dates of Pride Day (or nearest approximation) for all
locations you know about.
If you or anyone you know makes a media appearance of any sort
(newspaper, magagazine, radio, television, etc.) as a
bisexual-identified person, please be sure to send a copy to the
Bisexual Archives, c/o the Bisexual Resource Center (BRC).
Please help eradicate US-centrism in this resource list. Please point
out listings which leave out the country, or otherwise assume that the
world revolves around the US. For a description of some geographic
entities which are sometimes confused, send mail to alan@osf.org.
In price listings, "waged" means that you have a job; "unwaged" or
"concessions" means that you're unemployed, at school or university,
retired, etc.
Many lists of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), including this one,
are archived and available via anonymous FTP from rtfm.mit.edu in the
directory /pub/usenet/news.answers. The name in the Archive-name:
line of the header is the name under which the FAQ is archived. This
FAQ is archived as bisexual/resources. You also may send e-mail to
mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with
send usenet/news.answers/finding-sources
in the body to find out how to get files from rtfm.mit.edu by e-mail.
Please send additions and corrections and suggestions to Alan Hamilton
at alan@osf.org or c/o BRC, P.O. Box 639, Cambridge, Massachusetts
02140, USA, including requests to have your email address listed in
the BISEXUAL ACTIVISTS EMAIL ADDRESSES section. You may order a hard
copy from for US$5.00 from BRC, which also publishes various pamphlets
of interest to LesBiGay folks by writing to the address above or calling
| If you are on FidoNet and are willing to repost (or help me find out
| how to post) this message on FidoNet, please contact me. (Alan
| Hamilton alan@osf.org)
You can support bisexuals to participate in the Stonewall 25 planning
meetings by sending your (tax deductible) donations to BRC, P.O. Box
639, Cambridge Massachusetts 02140, USA, marked "Stonewall 25 Travel
1993 Oct 1-3 Britain's 11th annual conference.
Write: c/o Box B, Hiziki, 15 Goosegate,
Hockley, Nottingham NG1 1FE, Great Britain. OR
BICON, c/o The Rainbow Centre, 180 Mansfield
Road, Nottingham NG1 3HW, UK. Tel. [+44] 602 703553.
1993 Oct 22-24 Western Regional bisexual conference in
San Diego, California, US.
1993 Dec Time to renew subscriptions to newsletters!
1994 Jun 17-25 Gay Games IV, New York City, New York, USA.
1994 Jun 23 BiNet Annual Meeting, New York City, New York, USA.
1994 Jun 24-25 International Bisexual Conference in New York City,
New York, USA.
1994 Jun 26 Stonewall 25: International March on the United
Nations to Affirm the Human Rights of Lesbian and Gay
People, New York City, New York, USA. 212-626-6925.
1994 Jun 27-Jul 1 International Lesbian and Gay Association
(ILGA) conference, New York City, New York, USA.
1994 Nov 17-20 InQueery/InTheory/InDeed: Sixth North American
Conference on Lesbian, Gay, and BISEXUAL Studies;
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
CALENDAR: PRIDE DATES by Country / Region:
List your pride dates as early as possible, so that people in your
region can plan to join you.
1994 Jun 26 Toronto, Ontario. (last Sunday in June)
Europride '94, Amsterdam. 15-26 June 1994.
Info: Postbus 17601, 1001 JM Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Camping space most likely available! Bring your tents!
United States / BiNet Northeast Region (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont,
Massachusetts, Rhode Island)
1994 Jun 10-12 Boston BiFest, Boston Massachusetts, USA.
1994 Jun 11 Pride Day, Boston Massachusetts, USA.
United States / BiNet Tri-State Region (New York, New Jersey, Connecticut)
1994 Jun 26 Pride Day, New York City, New York.
(last Sunday in June)
United States / BiNet Mid-Atlantic Region (Maryland, D.C.,
Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Deleware)
United States / BiNet Southeast Region (North and South Carolina,
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee,
Florida, Puerto Rico, U.S.Virgin Islands)
United States / BiNet North Central Region (Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana,
Michigan, Illinois, Missouri)
United States / BiNet Midwest Region (Minnesota, Upper Michigan, North
and South Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Kansas City)
United States / BiNet Southwest Region (Utah, Nevada, New Mexico,
Arizona, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas)
United States / BiNet South Pacific Region (California, Hawaii, Guam)
1994 Jun 19 Pride Day, San Francisco, California, USA.
(always the last Sunday of June, but changed
in 1994 to accommodate Stonewall)
1994 Jun 19 Pride Day, Los Angeles, California, USA.
(always next-to-next-to-last Sunday of June)
United States / BiNet Northwest Region (Alaska, Washington, Oregon,
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming)
US$5 _International Directory of Bisexual Groups_, April 1993 edition.
US$5 Numerous pamphlets on bisexuality and related issues. US$5
Bibliography of books by and/or about bisexual people and issues.
Developed by Lambda Rising Bookstore, Washington, District of
Columbia, USA. Bisexual Resource Center (BRC), POB 639, Cambridge
Massachusetts 02140, USA.
The Bisexual Archives, available for use by appointment with BRC,
POB 639, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140, USA.
List of organizations who either have a "sexual orientation" clause
as part of policy or are subject to laws relating to "sexual orientation".
Requests, corrections and contributions to larry@bradley.bradley.edu.
Annotated list of Bisexuality in Science Fiction, Fantasy and Other
Fiction. Requests, corrections and contributions to daveb@harlequin.co.uk
(Dave Berry).
_List of GLBO Television Characters_: semi-regular or recurring/
occasional gay, lesbian or bisexual characters. Requests, corrections
and contributions to David Wyatt <david_wyatt@umanitoba.ca> .
List of books with bisexual themes and/or characters. Requests,
corrections and contributions to jhm%hourglas@tronsbox.xei.com .
*** This address is obsolete. Does anyone have another? ***
Bisexuality in Literature: A Checklist. Requests, additions, and
corrections to M. S. Montgomery, PO Box 1189, Princeton, New Jersey
08542, US, or michael@pucc.princeton.edu.
A referrendum in the state of Colorado in the US recently passed an
ammendment to the state constitution which legalizes discrminination
agains LesBiGay people. Many people have called for a boycott of
companies and services (such as the tourist/ski industry) in Colorado.
A list of companies and contacts is available by anonymous ftp from
nifty.andrew.cmu.edu ( in
/pub/QRD/qrd/rights/colorado/addresses* .
Soc.bi FAQ: A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and their
answers from soc.bi, the bisexual social newsgroup. Copies may be
requested from J.W.Harley@bham.ac.uk (Jon Harley).
Reading list (short) for people in mixed-sexual-orientation
relationships. Requests, corrections, and contributions to:
pfieland@citron.sw.stratus.com (Peggy Fieland).
_International Directory of Bisexual Groups_
April 1993 edition
Send corrections and additions to both Alan Hamilton <alan@osf.org>
(for this document) and Robyn Ochs <ochsr@harvarda.harvard.edu> for
the directory.
| International
| Bisexual Resource Center (BRC), P.O. Box 639, Cambridge Massachusetts
| 02140, USA. Phone: 617-338-9595. Email: brc@panix.com . Publishes
| the _International Directory of Bisexual Groups_ and pamphlets on
| bisexuality and related issues; maintains an archive of bisexual
| information from around the world.
Macquarie University, Sidney, Bisexual/Lesbian/Gay Group.
Phone: Tim Davis 61-2-805-7629 or 61-2-805-7633(fax).
Trent Lesbian and Gay Collective, 290 Rubidge St. N., Peterborough,
Ontario, CANADA K9J 3P4. Phone: (705)743-5414. Email: TLGC@trentu.ca
[A group for LGBOs of Peterborough, Trent University and Sir Sanford
Fleming College. It is currently considering a name change to be more
inclusive to bisexuals and community members.]
Biverse, 290 Rubidge St. N., Peterborough, Ontario, CANADA K9J 3P4.
Phone: (705)743-5414. Email: TLGC@trentu.ca, ATTN: Biverse. [A
support/service/social/political group for those interested in
sexuality issues]
| England / Birmingham
| Birmingham University Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Association, Birmingham
| Guild of Students, Edgbaston Park Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham,
| England. Meetings Thursday in the Guild at 8:00pm. Meeting room open
| term time from 1-2:00pm on weekdays.
England / London
London Bisexual Group (LBG), PO Box 3325, London, N1 9EQ, Great
Britain. Meetings at 7:30 or 8pm each Friday at London Friend,
86 Caledonian Road, London N1. Nearest tube/BR Kings Cross - St Pancras.
| Finland
| Bi Women's Group of Helsinki, Naisasialiitto Unioni, Bulevardi 11 A,
| 00120 Helsinki, Finland. Meets at 19.00 on Tuesdays of every
| even-numbered week.
| Finland
| Bi Group in Helsinki, Finland. Defunct.
Bikupan / RFSL Stockholm, Box 45090, S104 30 Stockholm, Sweden.
Contacts: Christopher Arnold, phone (+46) 8 628 89 08, email:
d8arnch@dtek.chalmers.se; Johan Adler phone: (+46) 8 722 72 20.
| United States / Regional
| Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG), 202-638-4200.
| United States / California / Bay Area
| Bisexual People of Color Caucus. Phone changed to 415-703-7977.
| Bay Area Bisexual Network. Phone changed to 415-703-7977.
| BiPOL. Phone changed to 415-703-7977. Email changed to: c/o Gerard
| at gerard@netcom.com
| Bay Area Bisexual Speakers' Bureau. Phone changed to 415-703-7977.
| United States / California
| GLB Alumni Association, c/o Troy Williams, Box 72804, Davis California
| 95617, USA.
United States / California
Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Graduate Students' Network, University of
California, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA.
United States / District of Columbia (Washington D.C.)
Alliance of Multicultural Bisexuals (AMBi) has disbanded.
United States / Georgia
Valdosta State College Gay and Lesbian Association, C/O Doug Carver,
VSC Box 7097, Valdosta, Georgia 31698, USA. Phone: (912) 247-0181
Email: dcarver@grits.valdosta.peachnet.edu . Founded in March, 1992.
United States / Georgia
BiAtlanta, PO Box 5240, Atlanta, Georgia 30307, USA. Phone:
United States / Georgia
Bisexual Atlanta Resource Center (BARN). Phone: 404-908-3413
United States / Georgia
Georgia Girth And Mirth, 404-621-5710, P.O. Box 190972, Atlanta,
Georgia 31119-0972, USA.
United States / Hawaii
University of Hawaii: GLB `Ohana. Social group meets Fridays at 7:30
at the UH Women's Center, in the University YWCA. Also, a Bi Women's
support group meets there on Thursdays. Call: (808)742-7762.
United States / Michigan
Bi Women's Group and Bi men's group, 3000 Michigan Union, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109, USA. Contact the U.Michigan LGMBPO for info at:
(313)763-4186. The group meets at the university, but is not a
university group. All bi women and men are welcome.
United States / Minnesota
Bisexual Women's Social Group. Potluck format. Joint events with men
by invitation only. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
contact information needed.
United States / Minnesota
Brian Coyle, Minneapolis D.F.L. Caucus for G/L/Bi/Tg People, their
Families and Friends. Phone: Marie Hanson (612)722-5673 or Wally Swan
United States / Minnesota
Philips G/L/Tg/Ts/Bi Organization. Phone: Rand (612)872-2241 or Tom
United States / Minnesota
Quatrefoil Library, 1619 Dayton Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104,
USA. Phone: (612)641-0969. Serving L/G/Bi/Tgs. Books, videos,
tapes, games, periodicals, extensive archives.
United States / Minnesota / Interest Group
Front Runners/Walkers of MSP. Outdoor walking/running group. Phone:
Judy (612)293-0465 or Greg (612)724-2111.
United States / Minnesota / Interest Group
Minnesota Leather Den Women's group. Phone: Sheila (612)292-0542.
United States / Minnesota
Humphrey Institute L/G/Bi Caucus, HHH Institue of Public Affairs,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA. Phone:
United States / Minnesota
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis: Progressive Student Organization
G/L/Bi Caucus, 235 Coffman Union, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA.
Phone: (612)626-7099.
| United States / New York
| Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Alliance, 362 Student Union, State University
| of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260, USA. Phone: 716-645-3063.
| Fax: 716-645-2112.
United States / North Carolina
Durham Bi Women's Support Group, c/o Our Own Place, 1411 Watts Street.
Phone: 919-688-0223. Contact person: 106 Laurel Hill Rd., Chapel
Hill, NC 27514.
United States / North Carolina
Charlotte Bi Support Group. New phone: 704-522-8432.
| United States / Ohio
| Momazons, P.O. Box 02069, Columbus Ohio 43202, USA. National
| organization for lesbians and bi women who are mothers or want
| children in their lives. Opportunity for lesbians and our friends to
| explore options in bearing, adopting, raising or being involved with
| children. Momazons facilitates connections between lesbian mothers
| seeking camaraderie, information and support.
United States / Oregon
Bisexual Community Forum (co-gender.) Meets 2nd/4th Wednesdays at
7:30pm. Contact: Laury at (503)285-4848.
United States / Oregon
BiNet: Oregon. Meets the 1rst/3rd Tuesdays at 7:00pm. Contact: Jill
at (503)236-3229. Business meetings the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Newsletter - in the works, tentatively, "Northwest BiWays."
| United States / Pennsylvania
| Bisexual Women's Group, c/o LGBSA, 310 HUB, University Park
| Pennsylvania 16802, USA.
United States / Texas
Bi-line bisexual group in Houston. Postal contact: Garrett Wingfeld,
P.O. Box 667041, Houston Texas 77266-7041. Email: Michelle at
United States / Virginia
Lesbigays, Friends and Allies Working Group of the Consortium of Peace
Research and Education (COPRED), George Mason University, Fairfax
Virginia 22030-4444, USA. Phone: 703-993-3639.
United States / Washington (state)
GLUE/University of Washington (Gay Lesbian University Employees).
P.O. Box 23164, Seattle Washington 98102-0464, USA. E-mail:
glue@u.washington.edu . Phone: GLUE Hot Line (206)781-6784. An
organization of gay, Lesbian, bisexual and other sexual minority
employees at the University of Washington.
US Regional
BiNet USA, P.O. Box 7327, Langley Park, MD 20787-7327, USA.
Gays And Lesbians of Zimbabwe (GALZ), P.O. Box 1995, Harare, Zimbabwe.
Includes bisexuals.
BIsexual Native And Women Of Color (BINAWOC).
Postal address: BINAWOC, P.O. Box 2253, Prescott Arizona 86302, USA.
E-Mail Directory of Lesbigay Scholars, with more than 150 persons
listed. To be included, request the entry form from
lcrew@andromeda.rutgers.edu .
Computer Mailing Lists:
BiAct-L (bisexual activists) mailing list. To subscribe, send a
message to listserv@brownvm.brown.edu with the following in the
message body:
sub biact-l Your Name
Directions for posting to the list will be sent to you when you are
added to the list. To unsubscribe or suspend your biact-l mail,
send one of the following commands to listserv@brownvm.brown.edu:
unsub biact-l
set biact-l nomail
BiThry-L (bisexuality and gender theory) mailing list. To
subscribe, send a message to listserv@brownvm.brown.edu with the
following in the message body:
| sub bithry-l Your Name
Directions for posting to the list will be sent to you when you
are added to the list. To unsubscribe or suspend your bithry-l mail,
send one of the following commands to listserv@brownvm.brown.edu:
unsub bithry-l
set bithry-l nomail
BiFem-L mailing list for Bi women and Bi-friendly women. To
subscribe, send a message to listserv@brownvm.brown.edu with no
subject line and the following message body:
SUBSCRIBE BIFEM-L *your full name*
You will receive an acknowledgement of your message, and will later
receive a message welcoming you to the list and explaining how to
post messages. The list volume is 80-100 messages per day.
Bisexu-L mailing list. To subscribe, send a message to
listserv@brownvm.brown.edu with no subject line and the
following message body:
SUBSCRIBE BISEXU-L *your full name*
You will receive an acknowledgement of your message, and will later
receive a message welcoming you to the list and explaining how to
post messages. The list volume is 45-50 messages per day.
A digest form (2-3 mail messages per day, each a packet of messages
received that day) is available to reduce the number of mail messages.
Instructions for switching to the digest form are included in the
welcome message you receive when you are added to the list.
biversity@gnu.ai.mit.edu mailing list - local Boston announcement list
(not a discussion-type list). Subscriptions to liz@ai.mit.edu .
eagle@pompei.usc.edu mailing list for discussion of gays in the
Boy Scouts of America. Send subscription requests to
Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Librarians Network. To join the list and receive
mailings from GAY-LIBN:
At Bitnet nodes, send mail or an interactive message to
punctuation, no other text).
At other nodes, send mail to LISTSERV@VM.USC.EDU with the text SUB
GAY-LIBN FIRSTNAME LASTNAME (no punctuation, no other text).
Arenal@lut.fi - Lista de discucion para Gais, Lesbicas, Bisexuales y
Amigos en Latinoamerica y el Mundo. To join, send mail to
listserv@lut.fi with the following message body:
Subscribe Arenal Your Name
GLB-News mailing list of LesBiGay-related news and information. To
join: send mail to listserv@brownvm.brown.edu or
listserv@brownvm.bitnet with the following message body:
Subscribe GLB-NEWS Your Name
GayNet mailing list for LesBiGay issues. To join, send mail to
Stonewall 25: Mailing list for people interested in the plannning of
Stonewall 25, a celebration of the first 25 years of the modern LBG
liberation movement in the United States, the March on United Nations
headquarters, and associated events. To join, send mail to
Majordomo@queernet.org with the following message body:
subscribe stonewall25
bnnj@plts.org (also known as uunet!sdl!plts!bnnj) - local BiNet New
Jersey mailing list. Mostly announcements. To join, send mail to
bnnj-request@plts.org or uunet!sdl!plts!bnnj-request
Profemen mailing list for discussion of men's issues in (pro-)feminist
environment. Bi men & women are welcome. Subscription to:
jyanowitz@hamp.hampshire.edu (Jason).
Transgen: mailing list for people interested in gender and transgender
issues. Send an email message to LISTSERV@brownvm.brown.edu with the
words 'SUBSCRIBE TRANSGEN Your Name' as the only thing in the BODY of
the message.
CD-Forum: a "safe space" digested electronic mailing list for the
support of cross-dressing, transsexuality, and other gender issues.
Friendly and frank discussions. No membership fees. Your address
will be kept in strict confidence. Articles you submit for
publication in the forum are stripped of header and signature id
unless you instruct me otherwise. To subscribe, please send a short
paragraph describing your interest in cd forum, and where you heard of
it, to cd-request@valis.biocad.com . You will be requested to submit
an introductory article within one month of your subscription.
LUTI: mailing list for LesBiGay Christians. For information, send an
email message (from Internet) to lcrew@andromeda.rutgers.edu or (from
CompuServe) to INTERNET:lcrew@andromeda.rutgers.edu with the following
subject line:
Subject: LUTI, yes
UK-MOTSS: A mailing list for the lesbian, bisexual and gay network
community. Requests for further information, or to be added to the
list, should be sent to one of the following addresses:
uk-motss-request@pyra.co.uk (UKNet/Internet)
uk-motss-request@uk.co.pyra (JANet)
uk-motss-request%pyrltd@uknet (alternative JANet route)
uk-motss-request@pyrltd.UUCP (UUCP pseudo-domain)
...!uknet!pyrltd!uk-motss-request (UUCP route)
Information may be obtained automatically by sending a message to
uk-motss-server@pyra.co.uk with the subject:
send misc/info
usenet newsgroups:
soc.motss: Usenet social newsgroup for gays and lesbians, it also
includes many bisexual people, and supportive straight people.
200+ messages per day.
soc.bi: Usenet social newsgroup for Bi and Bi-friendly people.
20-50 messages per day.
Subscription is based on your newsreader software, so check out the
manual or ask someone else who uses the same newsreader.
There is a bisexual sub-forum on Compuserve - it is called Biways, and
is a sub-forum of the HSX200 forum.
One of the seven message boards of America Online's 'Gay & Lesbian
Community Forum' is a Bisexual Message Board.
alt.trangendered: Usenet social newsgroup for people interested in
gender and transgender issues.
Other online resources:
Queer Resource Directory (QRD) is available in the following ways:
by WAIS at quake.think.com
by Gopher at teetot.acusd.edu, nifty.andrew.cmu.edu,
windex.its.rpi.edu hopper.acs.virginia.du and vector.intercon.com
[also WAIS capable]
by FTP in /pub/QRD at vector.intercon.com (
and in /pub/QRD at nifty.andrew.cmu.edu (
For more information contact Ron Buckmire at <buckmr@RPI.EDU>
"Bi Centrist" newsletter, c/o BiCentrist Alliance, 202-828-3065, PO
Box 2254, Washington, District of Columbia 20013-2254, USA.
"Bifocal" newsletter, PO Box 13158, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414, USA.
"BiFocus, A Newsletter for the Philadelphia Bisexual Community", PO
Box 30372, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103, USA. US$12.00 regular,
US$4.00 low income and US$20.00 institution/supporting.
Bifrost magazine: 6.50 pounds (waged) or 4.5 pounds (unwaged) for 12
issues. Bifrost, PO Box 117, Norwich, NR1 2SU, England. Cheques
should be payable to Bifrost. Send an SSAE for a sample issue.
(Non-UK subs may be higher.) Essential reading for news of the UK
bisexual movement. Email: bifrost@ed.ac.uk
"BiMonthly" newsletter, published bimonthly by the Boston Bisexual Men's
Network, 617-247-6684, POB 639, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140, USA.
"The Bi Monthly" newsletter, published monthly by the Champaign-Urbana
Bisexual Network, c/o McKinely Foundation, 809 South Fifth Street,
Illinois 61820, USA. 1-year subscription (10 issues) US$10 (US$7 with
valid University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus mail address.)
BiNet quarterly newsletter, published by BiNET, P.O.Box 772, Washinton
District of Columbia 20044-0772, USA. US$10 or membership in BiNet
(yearly dues of $1 per $1000 of income.)
"Bi Women" newsletter, published bimonthly by the Boston Bisexual
Women's Network, 617-247-6684, POB 639, Cambridge, Massachusetts
02140, USA.
"North Bi NorthWest" newsletter, Seattle Bisexual Women's Network,
206-783-7987, P.O. Box 30645 Greenwood Station, Seattle WA 98103-0645.
"Side Bi Side", quarterly newsletter of the Bi Network of the
Washington, D.C. Area, P.O. Box 2646, Langley Park, MD 20787, USA.
US$15/year, checks payable to BNDC or Bi Network.
Unitarian-Universalist Bisexual Network (UUBN) newsletter, published
occasionally by UUBN. Send US$10 to UUBN, P.O. Box 10818, Portland,
Maine 04104, USA, for a membership packet including the newsletter, a
copy of the _International Directory of Bisexual Groups_ and lots
BI-Nieuws, published four times per year by the Dutch National
BI-Network ("Vereniging Landelijk Netwerk Biseksualiteit".) Write to
P.O. Box 75087, 1070 AB AMSTERDAM to subscribe, or send e-mail to
_50 Steps To Bisexual Visibility_ pamphlet, _Safer Sex_ pamphlet,
_Bisexuality_ pamphlet, all developed by BiCEP and published by BRC,
617-247-6683, POB 639, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140, USA.
These pamphlets are also available on 3.5" IBM-compatible floppy disk.
Call BRC to order, or to volunteer to record them on audio cassette.
_Anything That Moves_ magazine, c/o BABN, 2404 California Street #24,
San Francisco, California 94115, USA. 1 year: US$25, 2 years: US$45,
Foreign/Group/Institutions: 1 year, US$30, Limited Income: 1 year, US$16.
Make checks payable to BABN. "Mailings are discreet & sent bulk
_Bi Any Other Name: Bisexual People Speak Out_. Ed. by Loraine
Hutchins & Lani Kaahumanu. Boston: Alyson Publications, 1991. ISBN
0-55583-174-5 (paperback). US$11.95
_Bisexual Lives_. Published in London by Off Pink Publishing, 1988.
ISBN 0-9513103-0-5 (paperback). Sequel (_More Bisexual Lives_) in
_The Bisexual Option: A Concept of One-Hundred Percent
Intimacy_, Klein, Fred. New York: Arbor House, 1978. ISBN 0-87795-179-9.
_Bisexuality, A reader and sourcebook_, Thomas Geller, ed.
1989 Times Change Press, Ojai, California, USA.
_Bisexuality & HIV/AIDS: A Global Perspective_. Ed. Rob Tielman,
Manuel Carballo, & Aart Hendriks. Buffalo, NY, Prometheus Press,
1991. ISBN 0-87975-666-7. [US$42.50 cloth; paperback not yet available
Dream Magazine, Klinger Publications, Klinger Building, 2801 Fourth
Ave., San Diego, California 92103 USA. US$70 for 12 issues
_The Final Closet: The Gay Parents' Guide for Coming Out to Their Children_.
rev. ed. Rip Corley. Ed. by Jean Chang. LC 89-82740. 192p. 1990. pap. 8.95
(ISBN 0-945586-08-6). Editech Pr.
_The Handbook of Non-Sexist Writing for Writers, Editors and
Speakers_, Casey Miller and Kate Swift.
US: 1980, Harper and Row, ISBN 0-06-463542-2.
UK: 2nd British edition 1989, The Women's Press Limited, 34 Great
Sutton Street, London EC1V 0DX, England. UK pounds 4.95.
International Gay/Les/Bi Student Group Directory. 128KB. Send mail
to <bmcconne@vtssi.vt.edu> to request a copy or provide updates.
_Two Lives to Live: Bisexuality in Men and Women_. Ed. by Fritz Klein
& Timothy J. Wolf. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1985. ISBN
0-918393-22-1 (pap.). Also published by Haworth Press, 1985, with the
title _Bisexualities: Theory and Research_; originally appeared as
_Journal of Homosexuality_, vol. 11, nos. 1/2 (Spring 1985).
_Open Hands_ is published by the lesgay group of United Methodists.
Open Hands, 202-863-1586 FAX 202-488-1423, P. O. Box 23636, Washington,
District of Columbia 20026, USA.
_The Other Side of the Closet: The Coming-Out Crisis for Straight Spouses_.
Amity P. Buxton. 350p. (Orig.). 1991. pap. 14.95 (ISBN 1-877880-07-8).
IBS Press.
_Talk Back! The Gay Person's Guide to Media Action_, "Lesbian and
Gay Media Advocates", US$3.95 Alyson Publications, Boston, 1982.
ISBN 0-932870-10-4
_Closer to Home: Bisexuality & Feminism_ edited by Beth Reba Weise.
$14.95 from Seal Press, 3131 Western Avenue #410, Seattle, WA
98121-1028. Phone: (206) 283-7844.
_Women and Bisexuality_, by Sue George. 252 pages. Published by
Scarlet Press, 5 Montague Road, London E8 2HN, UK. Price: GBP 9.99
(paperback); GBP 30 (hardback) (GBP is the international code for
British pounds). ISBN: 1 85727 071 1 (paperback); 1 85727 066 5
| _Cracking the Corporate Closet_, to be published by Harper/Collins in
| 1993, will examine employment practices, workplace issues, charitable
| and political giving, advertising and other issues relevant to lesbian
| and gay rights.
BiVocal : the radio show by, for, and about BiSexuals,c/o 9A Bealey
Ave, Christchurch 1, New Zealand. Plains FM, 96.9 MHz, canterbury
plains area, New Zeland. It is a community radio station. We
alternate, every 2nd week Mondays 8-8:30pm. The other week is
Outwaves, the queer show.
Call for all forms of written and visual work for an anthology by and
about bisexual women. Deadline: April 1, 1993. At least half of this
anthology will be written and produced by women of colour and the book
will be published by Sister Vision Press, a Black Women and Women of
Colour Press. We are an editorial group of six feminist bisexual
women. We are Black, Black/Asian, South Asian, Ashkenazi Jew and
white, able-bodied, working- and middle-class. We especially seek the
voices of bisexual women of colour. Share your work with us: Bisexual
Women's Anthology c/o Sister Vision Press; P.O. BOX No. 217, Stn. E;
Toronto, Ontario, M6H 4E2; Canada.
Pamphlets published by BRC are available free to vision-impaired
people from 617-338-9595, POB 639, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140,
USA. These pamphlets are also available on 3.5" IBM-compatible floppy
disk. Also included is this file, the "Bi Activists Resource List."
Call BRC to order, or to volunteer to record literature on audio
cassette for the blind.
_Safer Sex_ pamphlet, developed by BiCEP and published by BRC,
617-247-6683, POB 639, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140, USA.
The following people have volunteered to be contacts for HIV/AIDS issues:
"Liz Highleyman" <liz@ai.mit.edu>
"Michael Beer" <mawad@american.edu>
"Julie Waters" <julie@drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu>
US: Attn: Scot Nakagawa, FIGHT THE RIGHT, 522 S.W. 5th Avenue, #1375,
Portland, OR 97204. Phone: (503) 221-0115. Fax: (503) 228-1965.
US OREGON: Support Our Communities Political Action Committee. Phone:
Debra Betron 503-287-9370.
US IDAHO: Idaho for Human Dignity, P.O. Box 797, Boise, ID 83701.
Phone: 208-336-5160.
US WASHINGTON: Washington Citizens for Fairness, P.O. Box 4828,
Seattle, WA 98102. Phone: 206-233-1932.
US MICHIGAN: Michigan Organization for Human Rights, P.O. Box 2738,
Lansing, MI 48909. Phone: 517-887-2605.
US CALIFORNIA: Task Force To Oppose the California Anti-Gay Ballot
Initiative, c/o Mike Hudson of People for the American Way, 330
Washington Blvd. Suite 703, Marina del Rey, CA 90292. Phone:
US FLORIDA: Floridians Respect Everyone's Equality, 317 1/2 Park Ave.,
Tallahasse, FL 32301. Phone: 904-561-6336.
US FLORIDA: Human Rights Task Force, 1222 S. Dale Mabry, #652, Tampa,
FL 33629. Phone: 813-273-8769.
US MAINE: Equal Protection Lewiston, P.O. Box 7804. Lewiston, ME
04243-7804. Phone: 207-784-5818.
US TENNESSEE: Social Justice Committee, James Talent, c/o
MCC/Knoxville, P.O. Box 2343, Knoxville, TN 37901. Phone:
| Buys For Bi's, 1559 Rockville Pike Suite 213, Rockville Maryland
| 20852, USA. Buttons and T-shirts. Write for catalog.
| Like A Diva, 312-227-2588. Call for catalog.
| Lambda Rising, 800-621-6969, 1625 Connecticut Ave. NW, District of
| Columbia 20009, USA. Books, records, tapes, buttons, etc. Mailing
| list for extensive book catalog (quarterly?).
| Don't Panic Designs, 11264 Playa Ct., Culver City California 90230,
| USA. Phone: 310-815-0280, 800-457-PANIC.
| Made In Gay America (MIGA) catalog. Phone: 1-800-USA-GAYS.
| Shocking Gray, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Phone: 800-555-1212.
| They have great stuff, good prices and deserve our support.
| A Different Light on Hudson Street in Manhattan, NYC (Info in 212 Area Code)
| Liberty Books in Austin, Texas, USA. Phone: 800-828-1279.
| Also check out the back pages and ads in Genre, OUT, Advocate and
| other related magazines, often found even in MAINSTREAM bookstores,
| like Barnes & Noble, WaldenBooks, BookStop and others.
| Cardpack Subscriptions, Box 330, 70-A Greenwich Avenue, New York, NY
| 10011. Specify your request for either the Community Cardpack (men)
| or Sapphile (women).
| The Christopher Street West Association sells a number of Gay-oriented
| items through the mail. Credit cards accepted; for a free merchandise
| catalog, call 213-656-6553.
PET PROJECTS (things we'd like to see happen in Bi communities)
Audio tape/braille/large print/email/floppy disk bi literature for
people with visual impairments.
Eliminating oppression of people in the Bisexual Communities on the
excuse of race, age, or disability.
Translating BRC pamphlets into other languages than English.
Send mail to alan@osf.org to be added to this list. Keep in mind:
This list may be requested by anyone, from alan@osf.org, and is posted
monthly to Bisexu-l, BiFem-l BiAct-L, soc.bi and soc.motss.
"Aimee L. Tweedie" <bv424@cleeveland.freenet.edu>
"Alan Hamilton" <alan@osf.org>
1993 President of the East Coast Bisexual Network, Inc. and co-founder
of the Unitarian-Universalist Bisexual Network. Does writing and
public speaking, panel discussions and workshops on HIV/AIDS, sexual
orientation, bisexuality, oppression theory, and related subjects.
Contact for bisexual issues, bisexual literature, or to volunteer time
to BRC or UUBN.
"Biverse - The Bisexual Association" TLGC@trentu.ca
Biverse is a open political/social/support group based on the
principle of freedom of sexuality expression in all forms. Although
its address is through Trent university, it is a community based
"Brett Beemyn" <brett-beemyn@uiowa.edu>
"Darci L. Chapman" <dlc@gasco.com>
"Dave Berry" <daveb@harlequin.co.uk>
"Dean Taormina" <taormina@cac.psu.edu>
"Gerard Palmeri" <gerard@netcom.com>
"Ian Watters" <iwatters@cix.compulink.co.uk>
Hon Secretary of the London Bisexual Group, PO Box 3325, London,
Great Britain N1 9EQ.
"Jill Nagle" <jcnagle@garnet.berkeley.edu>
"Julie Firman" <firman@RCF.rsmas.miami.edu>
"Julie Waters" <julie@drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu>
Contact for issues related to HIV/AIDS and issues related to gender and
transsexuality. Does public speaking and panel discussions on sexuality
and gender.
"Kelly Cookson" <kc55@umail.umd.edu>
"Ken Jones" <kenj@sgi.com>
"Laura Arnold" <laura@plts.org>
"Louie Crew" <lcrew@andromeda.rutgers.edu>
"Maria Maso" <maso@mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu>
"Mike Montgomery" <michael@pucc.princeton.edu>
A.k.a. "M. S. Montgomery". Reference librarian, bi-bliographer,
versifier, essayist, lifepartner, father, lover, friend. Takes
reference and bibliographic queries on bi-related subjects.
"Malcolm Pon" <mpon@gmuvax2.gmu.edu>
Co-chair, Education and Outreach, George Mason University GLBSA.
Maurice Snellen; maurice@bi-link.hacktic.nl
Secretary of the Dutch National BI-Network ("Vereniging Landelijk
Netwerk Biseksualiteit"), e-mail contact-person for this organization,
who can also be contacted if you want to subscribe to their newsletter
"Ray Schnitzler" <schnitz@unipress.com>
"Robyn Ochs" <ochsr@harvarda.harvard.edu>
"Ronald Ferguson" <ronie@cup.portal.com>
"Sharla Clos" <sclos@gnu.ai.mit.edu>
"Scott Wells" <wells@athena.cs.uga.edu>
"Tane' Tachyon" <tachyon@ucscb.ucsc.edu>
"Ted Hardie" <hardie@leland.stanford.edu>
"Tigger" <nnewman@us.oracle.com>
"Tom Limoncelli" <tal@warren.mentorg.com>
"Wayne Bryant" <bryant@teradyne.com>
"Will Rowe" <mdrache@trentu.ca>
An active member of Biverse, the Trent Lesbian and Gay Collective, and
a dedicated activist on HIV/AIDS and sexuality issues.
"Kay Dekker" <idx009@cck.coventry.ac.uk>
"Virginia Fleming" <vmf@acpub.duke.edu>
| "Woody Cartwright" <cartwrig@sas.upenn.edu>