Usenet 1994 January
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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!usc!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!decwrl!looking!brad
Message-ID: <S615.66a@clarinet.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 93 3:30:11 EST
Expires: Wed, 22 Dec 93 3:30:11 EST
Newsgroups: clari.net.newusers,news.answers
From: brad@clarinet.com (Brad Templeton)
Reply-To: clarinet@clarinet.com
Followup-to: poster
Approved: brad@clarinet.com
Subject: Picking which ClariNet newsgroups you wish to read (Jul/92)
Lines: 107
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu clari.net.newusers:121 news.answers:14927
Archive-name: clarinet/pickgroups
There are over 200 ClariNet newsgroups and nobody is
expected to read them all. Here's an overview of those you
might want to check into.
First of all, almost everybody should read clari.news.flash
and clari.news.bulletin. These contain only the very
biggest stories.
Unless you really want to restrict your reading, also read
clari.news.urgent, which contains all the top stories of the
day. It and the above two groups are your front page.
If you want to read just the top stories in an area, then consider:
clari.news.top (Front section)
clari.news.top.world (World News section front page)
clari.biz.top (Business section front page)
clari.sports.top (Sports section front page)
You may instead wish to just look for stories of "major"
priority (which will be crossposted to a "top" group) in the
groups of interest you like. The above groups are priority
specific. The rest are subject-specific.
You may also decide that you want to read only summaries of
the news. In this case consider the following groups:
clari.news.briefs Summary each morning of the top stories
in the USA.
clari.news.cast Summary every 2 hours of top U.S. and world
clari.news.headlines Hourly summary of the top headlines.
clari.canada.newscast Hourly summary for Canada.
clari.local.headlines Different headline summaries for U.S. regions.
clari.local.*.briefs Summaries for the specific regions.
You may find that you can read a summary group and then, if
a story is of particular interest, look in the appropriate
topic-specific group to track down all the details.
You may want to pay particular attention to the "TechWire"
groups in clari.tw. If you are in the computer industry,
clari.tw.computers is a must. Clari.tw.science is also very
Just about everybody interested in computers should read
clari.nb.top, for the top 5-6 computer and telecom stories
of the day. If you have specific interests you will want to
also subscribe to other Newsbytes groups. If you buy
computers, be sure to use clari.streetprice.
Next pick the subject specific groups of interest to you in
the News, Sports and Business areas. If you follow stories
for a specific special interest group such as gays, Jews,
blacks or women, use a group from the clari.news.group
If you follow news from Canada, look into the clari.canada
Finally, round out your reading with some entertainment.
Consider some of our clari.feature syndicated features --
Dave Barry, Mike Royko, Miss Manners or Kinsey. Also look
at clari.news.interest.people.column, a daily "people"
column. You'll also like clari.news.interest.quirks -- a
group just for the odd and funny items in the news. There's
also a daily almanac in clari.news.almanac
Follow the arts, movies and books. Try clari.news.arts,
clari.news.books and clari.news.movies.
Into finance and the markets? We have lots of regular
market reports and business news in the clari.biz hierarchy.
Sports stories are split up by sport. For the sports you
follow, subscribe to the appropriate groups. The volume may
be a bit high, but a good newsreader can help you deal with
Those who follow international news will want to look at
clari.news.europe and the very-high-volume
clari.news.gov.international, in addition to
clari.news.top.world, of course.
If you follow supreme court decisions, read
There are many other groups, covering government, politics,
wars, mishaps, disasters, the law, the courts, issues,
labor, the military, entertainment, religion, sex, trends
and weather to name just a few. Browse our group list to
pick the topics that interest you.
Don't forget our local hierarchy. There's a local group for
most U.S. and Canadian regions, with news, briefs or both.
Pick the groups for where you live, and perhaps for where
you used to live.
Finally: Be sure to subscribe to clari.net.announce for
announcements of new groups and important information
regarding ClariNet. If you wish to discuss ClariNet and
issues with other subscribers in an open and unmoderated
newsgroup, subscribe to clari.net.talk.