Usenet 1994 January
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From: tittle@netcom.com (Cindy Tittle Moore)
Newsgroups: soc.feminism,soc.answers,news.answers
Subject: soc.feminism Information
Supersedes: <feminism/info_754938172@GZA.COM>
Followup-To: poster
Date: 29 Dec 1993 00:00:19 -0500
Organization: Disorganized in Orange County, CA
Lines: 423
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Approved: tittle@netcom.com,news-answers-request@mit.edu
Expires: 6 Feb 1994 05:00:12 GMT
Message-ID: <feminism/info_757141212@GZA.COM>
Reply-To: tittle@netcom.com
NNTP-Posting-Host: pad-thai.aktis.com
Summary: This post contains information about the moderated group
soc.feminism, including the guidelines for posting.
X-Last-Updated: 1993/10/20
Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu soc.feminism:4229 soc.answers:737 news.answers:13413
Archive-name: feminism/info
Version: 1.5
Last-modified: 9 September 1993
This is an informational post about the newsgroup soc.feminism.
It is posted every 25 days.
Copies of this FAQ may be obtained by anonymous ftp to rtfm.mit.edu
under /pub/usenet/news.answers/feminism/info. Or, send email to
mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with
send usenet/news.answers/feminism/info
in the body of the message, leaving the subject line empty.
NEW: the current charter for this group is included below.
History of soc.feminism
This group was formed in late 1989. There was considerable
debate over the subject matter of the group, who would be allowed
to post, who would moderate, and what the name of the group would
be. There was a large contingent of people who were afraid that
the purpose of soc.feminism would be to provide a women-only
feminist-supportive environment, and they ensured that the charter
of soc.feminism would allow pro-feminist and anti-feminist views,
and be open to both women and men. In the end, four moderators
were selected to moderate the group.
As for the name of the group, it was nearly named talk.feminism,
but soc.feminism won out. The decision was somewhat political, as
it was felt that more sites carried soc. groups than talk. groups.
It turns out that the subject matter of the group has evolved
toward a basic assumption of the notion that women deserve a basic
equality with men, with the disagreement focused on how to best
achieve that, or the prices we pay for a certain route.
Unfortunately, many of _these_ disagreements overwhelm the group
at times, and we are working on ways to tone this down without
invalidating different reader's points of views. Women and men
both of diverse views have always been welcome to post.
The original proposer of soc.feminism was Patricia Roberts, who
collected the votes, worked with Greg Woods to set up a program
allowing multiple moderators and chose the initial moderators. We
were the first multiply moderated group: soc.religion.islam,
rec.arts.sf.reviews and sci.physics.research have followed suit.
The four original moderators of soc.feminism were Cindy Tittle
[Moore], Miriam H. Nadel, Jean Marie Diaz and Valerie Maslak.
Valerie dropped out about a year later when faced with increasing
net-connection trouble. Jean Marie Diaz has not moderated since
the summer of 1991, and Miriam Nadel has taken an extended leave
of absence after taking up consulting work since mid 1992.
Muffy Barkocy became a new moderator in December of 1991, and
Paul Wallich joined us in the beginning of 1993.
We always keep our eyes open for another moderator (send email to
feminism-request@ncar.ucar.edu if interested).
People who objected to soc.feminism's moderated format created
the group alt.feminism in protest in the summer of 1992.
Some dissatisfaction with how the group was progressing was
discussed in the summer of 1993. A full scale discussion on a
charter proposed by the moderators resulted and the charter was
adopted at the end of the summer. Note that prior to this
soc.feminism had had no charter, and used an informal set of
guidelines instead.
Soc.feminism is a feminist discussion forum. Discussion on
feminist theory, experiences, and opinion are all welcomed. The
basic validity of feminism as a viewpoint, however, is not to be
considered at issue. That is, no anti-feminist postings will be
allowed. Note that "anti-feminist" does not necessarily include
those who question feminist tenents so long as the intent is to
find a better direction to take rather than to dismantle feminism.
The overall goal of the newsgroup is to provide information to
those wishing to learn more about feminism and to serve as a
resource to those who consider themselves feminists. To this end,
thoughtful, informational, well-organized and non-inflammatory
articles will be preferred. Speculations and opinions should be
clearly labelled as such, and sweeping generalizations about
feminism (and women, and men) should be strictly avoided, in the
spirit of recognizing that feminism takes many forms, opinions and
For the purposes of this newsgroup, a working definition of
feminism is as follows:
1. The belief that women and men are, and have been, treated
differently by our society, and that women have frequently and
systematically been unable to participate fully in all social
arenas and institutions.
2. A desire to change that situation.
3. That this gives a "new" point-of-view on society, when
eliminating old assumptions about why things are the way they
are, and looking at it from the perspective that women are not
inferior and men are not "the norm."
Obviously people will differ on the implications, opinions and
course of action necessary that they derive from this basic
position. Topical content is expected to be of interest to
feminism. A wide variety of topics may be discussed; if the topic
is no longer obviously feminist related, discussion may continue,
as long as participants make it clear how their feminist views
affect their opinions on the topic. The topics of rape and
abortion are prohibited from this group, and discussion on these
is directed to talk.rape and talk.abortion, respectively.
Informational postings describing abortion rallies or Take Back
the Night activities are the only exceptions. Inflammatory
articles, ad-hominem or personal attacks are also prohibited.
The parallel topic of equal rights for men is not to be the
primary focus of this group. In particular, posts pointing an
accusing finger at feminism for not being right there to create
shelters for abused husbands or diverting/dismissing discussion on
discrimination against women by pointing out where men are
discriminated against instead are prohibited. Feminism is
primarily concerned with eliminating bias against women; efforts
to eliminate bias against men are equally laudable; but discussion
of same will be steered toward soc.men, alt.dads-rights and other
suitable forums. This is not to say that all discussion will
ignore the situation of men, or how to make that better; most
feminists do want to make things better for all people and in
particular many radical feminists point out that you can't do one
without the other. Discussion of men's rights is not prohibited,
but such discussion may not be used as a means for invalidating
other topics.
Since there are many conflicting aspects of feminist thought, we
know that posters to soc.feminism will disagree on some issues.
Nevertheless, an attitude of *mutual respect* is expected.
Soc.feminism is not to be a place for "conversion" -- people are
not expected to convert non-feminists to feminism or vice versa.
Neither are people expected to convert others from one flavor of
feminism to another. Therefore, responses to a post that one
disagrees with are not expected to pick apart that post but to
describe alternate points of view and their supporting reasons.
For example, if an article posts "a, b, and c" and you disagree,
an article that says "I disagree, I think d, e, and f" will be
preferred over "I disagree: not a, not b, and not c". Note that
polite critiques, especially as part of minority views in
feminism, will usually be accepted, but individuals who
consistently post only critiques may be asked to contribute
positive and informational articles about topics they're
interested in instead. If we can't distinguish your article as an
honest critique from an anti-feminist stance, we will ask you to
clarify your position in your post.
In borderline cases, depth of thought, originality and good
writing will count. That is, an interesting posting will be
preferred to a dull one. Decisions of the moderators based on
these subjective factors are final.
Those whose articles do not meet the above criteria are encouraged
to explore alternative groups such as: alt.feminism,
alt.dads-rights, soc.feminism.d (if created), soc.men, soc.women,
talk.abortion, talk.politics.misc, and talk.rape.
Soc.feminism FAQ's
Soc.feminism publishes several FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)
on a monthly basis (this posting is one of them). The others are
FAQ's on: References (books and articles on feminism, in three
parts), Terminologies (descriptions of different "kinds" of
feminism, esp. as used in this newsgroup), and Resources (a
compilation of various organizations and groups of, for, and by,
women). Two more: a history of feminism and a discussion of
violence, are in the works.
To obtain these FAQs, ftp to rtfm.mit.edu and look under
/pub/usenet/news.answers/feminism. If you cannot use ftp, send
email to the mail server at mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with no
subject line, and any combinantion of the lines below (select the
ones to get the FAQ's you're interested in) in the body of your
send usenet/news.answers/feminism/info
send usenet/news.answers/feminism/terms
send usenet/news.answers/feminism/resources
send usenet/news.answers/feminism/refs1
send usenet/news.answers/feminism/refs2
send usenet/news.answers/feminism/refs3
Note that you must repeat the full path name for each included line.
There is a digest version of soc.feminism available. Write to
feminism-digest@ncar.ucar.edu for details or to subscribe. It is
mailed out about once a week or so depending on volume and
consists of what has been posted (no editing). This is NOT
automated; you are sending email to a person at feminism-digest.
Submissions and Requests addresses
To submit an article to soc.feminism, post as you normally do for
other, non-moderated groups. This should work for most people.
If you have trouble with this, email the article to
feminism@ncar.ucar.edu. This will treat it exactly as any other
article posted to soc.feminism (in fact, this is the address that
your newsreader should email the intercepted article to). If you
have questions about the group, you can send your questions to
feminism-request@ncar.ucar.edu. This address will forward your
mail to all active moderators (moderators take vacations, too).
Please do not send email specifically to any one moderator unless
you have been requested to do so, as email addresses may change.
General Guidelines for submission
You should first note that these guidelines are just that. They
cannot precisely spell out exactly what will be accepted and what
will be rejected. Much can depend on context, for example. In
addition, there are always new takes on topics, and a set of
guidelines could not hope to enumerate them all.
Articles must be relevant to feminism. They may not contain
ad-hominem attacks or flames.
Discussion of the moderation of the group (what happened to an
article, whether or not an article is really appropriate, etc.)
must be sent to feminism-request@ncar.ucar.edu. Such discussion
will not be posted to the newsgroup. This is not hard and fast,
and discussion on the nature of the group's moderation has in
the past occured on soc.feminism.
Two topics that are of general feminist interest that are severely
restricted here are abortion and rape. This is partly because the
topics are inherently inflammatory and because there exist
talk.abortion and talk.rape newsgroups to carry on full-fledged
debates. Some discussion *is* allowed, mostly as long as the
articles are not inflammatory and as long as the primary focus is
on the topic's relationship with feminism. Informative articles
(e.g., about specific groups, or calls for marches, or official
positions of feminist organizations, etc) are allowed. You should
note that while soc.feminism takes no official position on the
question of abortion, the majority of abortion-related articles
that are approved tend to be pro-choice simply because most of the
articles submitted are. This should not be construed to reflect
the personal opinions of the moderators, or of any individual
posting to soc.feminism.
Every now and then someone posts a question of the form "This is a
feminist newsgroup, but I never see any women posting to it!"
This may or may not be accompanied by a plea for men to reduce
their posting. In the first place, simple demographics of USENET
mean that there are overwhelmingly more men than women with access
to USENET/email. The existence, however, of some groups that are
almost totally female or balanced more 50-50, points to other
problems than simple demographics. Many women have complained
that soc.feminism is still "too hostile" for other women; there
are undoubtedly many others that refrain from posting because of
the negative aspects of being labelled or considered a feminist.
If you are a woman and would like to see more women post, the only
practical action you can take is ... to post. Asking men to
refrain from posting is simply unfair, especially given USENET's
public nature. There are a number of women-only forums, pointers
to which appear in the Resources FAQ.
There are many other topics that flare up into prolonged and
protracted disagreements. Chief among these are 1) the question
of gender neutral language, 2) the actual statistics on
spouse-beating or other crimes in comparing which gender is "worse
off," 3) the propriety of "women only" events when "men only" are
always attacked as sexist (including the question of women-only
colleges). These topics have come up many times and most regular
readers would be appreciative if you check and even read some of
the references given on these topics in the References post before
jumping in or starting such a topic. This gives everybody a
common basis to discuss from. While these topics are not
forbidden, they may be stopped at the moderators' discretion when
circularity starts to occur.
Other articles that are otherwise perfectly acceptable may be
rejected if a number of prior articles have made the same point,
e.g., someone asks for a book title, or someone makes a point and
a number of people make the same counterpoint. "Me too" and "What
s/he said" articles are generally rejected as well. The aim is
to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio as much as possible.
The subject of homosexuality is relatively sensitive. We will not
post anything we deem homophobic (we consider this to fall under
unwarranted attacks that are already forbidden). Many articles on
or about lesbianism are considered relevant to feminism because of
the close association between feminism and lesbianism. Articles
about gay males are accepted if there is a clear relevance to
feminism present. The point is, there are ties between feminism
and homosexuality, whether or not one disapproves of it. Those
ties can be discussed so long as the question of whether or not
homosexuality is "right" or "wrong" is avoided (since such
discussion is irrelevant to feminism). Here's a check list:
* Gay rights in general are structurally similar to women's
rights, black rights, minority rights, etc. They may be
acceptable (as would black or minority rights articles) if
there are parallels drawn with feminism or some other clearly
drawn link.
* Because much of the theory of patriarchy revolves around how
female sexuality is directed and used for the benefit of the
patriarchy, Lesbianism is a direct challenge to the
patriarchy, especially in Western cultures. Therefore most
articles on Lesbianism are relevant.
* Anti-gay rhetoric is not acceptable. Calm and reasoned
arguments against homosexuality is not acceptable.
Soc.feminism is not a forum for whether or not homosexuality
is "right" or "wrong."
If the post includes private email, be sure to obtain that
individual's permission before posting it. There are no legal
rules about this (yet), but it is requested as part of general
net.etiquette for this group.
If you are posting material that may be copyrighted, please give
all information about where it comes from. Partial quotes,
newspaper articles, book blurbs and the like are generally OK, but
with full source information, we can decide whether such postings
potentially infringe copyright law. We will not post articles
that violate copyright law: examples include entire newspaper or
magazine articles, or substantial portions of books. A review
that extensively quotes such a source is OK, a commentary on such
a source without as much quoting is better.
Posting pointers alone to discussions in other groups is not
generally allowed. However, a discussion of such a thread in
another group is perfectly fine, eg, summarizing the discussion
and adding your thoughts to it. Remember that we do not crosspost
any soc.feminism articles in any case.
Finally, please edit out all unnecessary quoted text and pay
attention to your attributions. We have done some ourselves when
it seemed necessary, but we do not feel that this should be part
of our job. Therefore, your article may be returned with a
request to streamline it if you do not take care to remove old
signatures, excess text, unrelated points and the like.
Multiple Moderation
This group is moderated by several moderators, each working
independently. Submissions are sent to feminism@ncar.ucar.edu,
where one current moderator is selected, and the article forwarded
to that moderator only. This means that there is some variation
in what is approved or not, since there is inherent individual
variation between different people. We do try to minimize this
variation by consulting with each other on the occassional,
problematic, article. However, the whole purpose of multiple
moderation is to reduce the load on any one individual, therefore
we do not consult each other over every posting we get. Please
keep this in mind if you have a complaint which may be related to
Anonymous Posting
We have posted articles anonymously for contributors before. In
general, you must satisfy us that you have a good reason for
remaining anonymous. You will not be anonymous to the moderators,
but your article will be posted without identifying material if we
consent to posting it anonymously. For articles that you wish to
be posted anonymously, you must preface it with your request and
your reasons for the request. We will not post it if we think
that your reasons are insufficient or deceitful; you will be
informed via email of the decision. In any case, your identity
will be kept confidential.
Mail "handles" are not considered anonymous; anonymity is when
there is no email address available to reach the person who posted
the article. Soc.feminism has no policy regarding the common
practice of using a fanciful name or nickname instead of the real
name in the "handle" field.
There are several anonymous mail servers that set up a double
anonymous connection: when you send mail to it, it gives you an
anonymous email address, and anyone responding to that email
address gets an anonymous address of their own. We do not have
any objections to people using this software (since you provide a
valid email address to send to), but be aware that some of these
services are a bit buggy and may cause us problems especially if
we reject your article.
Editorial Policy
If the moderator who receives your article thinks that it is
generally OK if it is somewhat edited, you will get your article
back with comments. At this point, you can change it and send it
back directly to that moderator. If you feel that changes are
unreasonable, you can appeal to the feminism-request address.
Articles that are rejected receive a "rejection notice"; again if
you think it was unfounded, drop a note to feminism-request. If
you sent an article and it has not appeared nor have you received
email about it, you may wish to enquire via feminism-request. Do
keep in mind, though, that articles may sit for a while;
moderators do not necessarily check their mail over the weekends,
and that site connectivity may mean that your site will not
receive your article from the moderator's site within the time you
expect. However, email is not perfect and has been known to send
mail into giant black holes, so bear with us.
The moderators may make cosmetic modifications to articles that have
lines that are too long, have their attributions mixed up, or
quote excessive material. Moderators will occasionally inject
their comments, usually to the effect of advising people where
followups are going to, warning of topic drift, or some other
explanatory note. Any further modifications are always after
consultation with the original author as described in the previous
Please mail in comments, additions, corrections, suggestions, and so
on to feminism-request@ncar.ucar.edu.
Thank you,
--Cindy Tittle Moore
"The last thing feminism is about is exclusion. Feminists can be
defined as those women and men who recognize that the earth doesn't
revolve around anybody's son---or around any one group."
-- Regina Barreca, _They Used to Call Me Snow White...But I Drifted_