Usenet 1994 January
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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!pad-thai.aktis.com!pad-thai.aktis.com!not-for-mail
From: bobmcc@tcs.com (Bob McCormick)
Newsgroups: comp.text.frame,news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: FrameMaker FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 2/2
Supersedes: <frame/faq/part2_753166815@GZA.COM>
Followup-To: comp.text.frame
Date: 13 Dec 1993 00:01:21 -0500
Organization: Teknekron Communications Systems, Inc.
Lines: 1183
Sender: faqserv@security.ov.com
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: 26 Jan 1994 05:00:11 GMT
Message-ID: <frame/faq/part2_755758811@GZA.COM>
References: <frame/faq/part1_755758811@GZA.COM>
Reply-To: bobmcc@tcs.com
NNTP-Posting-Host: pad-thai.aktis.com
Summary: This posting contains a list of Frequently Asked
Questions (and answers) about the FrameMaker set
of document publishing products. These FAQs should
be read by anyone who wishes to post to the
comp.text.frame newsgroup or the framers mailing
list. This is part 2 of 2 parts.
X-Last-Updated: 1993/12/11
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu comp.text.frame:7742 news.answers:15703 comp.answers:2956
Archive-name: frame/faq/part2
Version: 2.2
Last-modified: 1993/12/10
This is part 2 of 2 of the FrameMaker FAQ (Frequently Asked
Question) list. To get part 1, send e-mail:
To: mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
with body containing: send usenet/news.answers/frame/faq/part1
** PAG-1: Is there any easy way to move one or more pages to a different
place in the document? (Two layout models.)
FM supports two basic layout models; let's call them "newspaper" and
"term paper". In the term paper model, there's basically one story
that flows from one page to the next; the pages themselves can be
thought of as transient, existing only to divide up the flow. In the
newspaper model, the pages exist independently of the stories, and you
place the stories by reshaping the text columns and linking a column
on page 1 to a column on another page. The newspaper model is also
used for producing "forms". Overhead transparencies can be done with
either model.
In the newspaper model, you probably start out by using Page->Add Page
to create the proper number of pages, then placing stories in the
columns, and linking those columns to additional ones on later pages
as necessary. Pages are not automatically generated when text flows
out of a column (Autoconnect is off). There's no "easy" way to
rearrange pages, but this model doesn't often require it.
In the term paper model, you start with one page, and let a
lengthening story automatically generate additional pages (Autoconnect
is on). If style dictates that page break is required, you simply tag
the next paragraph as "Start at Top"; this is probably built into the
cataloged tag. In this model, you don't move "pages" around, you move
bunches of sentences around (using Cut and Paste), and the pages
adjust themselves automatically.
Note that in the term paper model you DON'T want to use "Add Page" and
you DO want to place any graphics in a anchored frame or table, so
they'll move with the text, not stick to the page.
Things can get complicated when you want an exception page in the
middle of a term paper, such as a rotated page for a landscape
formatted graphic.
Additional points:
- There is NO way to cut/copy and then paste a master page as a unit.
- There is NO way to cut/copy and then paste a reference page as a unit.
You can only add a new (empty) master/reference page, and then
copy and paste objects from the source page.
- There is NO way to add a new page (Page:Add Page) and simultaneously
specify a desired master page.
An added page ALWAYS gets master page "Right" (or "Left" in a
2-sided document as appropriate). If you want to add a page
using a different master page you must first add it and then
apply the master page using Page:Column Layout. If the desired
master page has a different arrangement of text columns you will
often end up with "orphan" text columns that you must delete.
Contributor: David Cortesi <cortesi@informix.com>
** PAG-2: How do I force a page break?
Ideally, you would have a unique tag that leads off the text on the
new page (e.g., Head1), and you set this paragraph format to Start:
Top of Page or Top of Column. However, this is not always
appropriate. There are a few other solutions:
*** A. Create a Paragraph tag called PageBreak, and set its point size to
4.0pt (smallest possible), Space Above to 0, and Space Below to 999pt.
The huge space below forces the next paragraph to the top of the page.
Contributor: <rgf@concurrent.co.uk>
*** B. Create a Paragraph tag called PageBreak, and set its Start to Top
of Page (or Column). Set the point size to 4.0pt (smallest possible),
Space Above to 0, and Space Below to 0. Set the leading to the
negative of the point size and the Space Above of the following
paragraph. This causes the two paragraphs to overlap.
Contributor: Lester C. Smalley
*** C. Select the first paragraph that you want on the new page and do
"ESC j P".
Contributor: L. Daniel York <ldy@copley.mv.com>
** PAG-3: How can I change the page size of an existing document?
Use ONE of the following methods:
*** A. Edit the MIF file.
To change master page sizes, save the file as a MIF document, and then
edit the MIF file -- search-and-replace all instances of 8.5" x 11.0"
with the desired measurements. Look for the attribute "PageSize".
Save the MIF file, and then open it again in FrameMaker -- you will
have to use the Page Layout dialog box to reapply Master Page --> Body
Page formats, although perhaps you could use the Use Formats From
dialog box, specifying the current document as the template and
updating only the Page Layout.
Also, after doing this, remember to reformat any tabs at the right end
of the template's headers/footers.
Contributors: Jonathan B. Horen <horen@rs.com>
Anders Thulinc <ath@linkoping.trab.se>
*** B. Copy formats.
1. Make a new document of the right size.
2. Save this document as a new name.
3. Open your old Template.
4. Go to the Master Pages of both documents,
For each master page in the old template:
- Create or go to that Master Page in the New document,
- In the New document, Edit: Select All on Page and delete,
- In the Old document, Edit: Select All on Page and copy,
- In the New document, Paste.
5. In the New Document, Select Use Formats from the File menu
and bring over everything EXCEPT the Page Layouts.
Contributor: Alan S. Koch <ask@sei.cmu.edu>
*** C. Frame's Method.
A slightly different method is described in Using FrameMaker, Chapter
14: Specifying Page Layout, Changing a document's page size.
Contributor: Ari Cohn <acohn@synopsys.com>
** PAG-4: I used a rotated (landscape) page for a large figure, but the
figure keeps moving to a portrait page!
If you have a document which contains a figure too wide for a portrait
page, you can created a landscape master page for it to reside on.
The problem is that when you add stuff on the pages before the
landscape page, the landscape figure moves onto another (portrait)
page, and the new text goes onto the landscape page. If you separate
the landscape page from the flow, then the figure numbers get messed
The easiest solution is to create the figure rotated in an anchored
frame. You can use a large "scratch" page somewhere to create the
figure of such a size that, when rotated, it will fit on your standard
portrait page. Thus you won't need a custom master page. Turn off
Cropping in the Special Anchored Frame dialog will allow the frame to
extend beyond the margins, which might allow it to be edited on a
portrait page. You need to rotate the figure back to horizontal
whenever you need to edit it.
Custom master pages in the middle of a document are a problem because
you cannot integrate them into the automatic alternation of left/right
master pages; you cannot create "alternative" left/right master pages.
Contributor: Rob Weinberg <robertw@informix.com>
** PAG-5: How can I get text to flow around a graphic?
This is described in the FM User Manual, Chapter: Controlling the Flow
of Text, Flowing text around a graphic (Windows version: page 17-14;
Unix version: page 15-11).
** PRT-1: How can I print "DRAFT" on the background of every page?
*** A. Insert PostScript code into your document
On the master page, create a new text rectangle. Add the following
(DRAFT) /Times-Roman /B -52 /UL .8
#include "$FMHOME/.fminit2.0.ps/docs/BigFill.ps
where $FMHOME is the pathname of your $FMHOME directory. Select the
text rectangle and choose Format Flow. Select PostScript Code and
choose OK. Go to the body pages and print.
The arguments are:
1 = string to print, in parenthesis, e.g. (PRELIMINARY)
2 = font desired: /font, e.g. /Times-Roman
3 = mode code where /W = fill width, /H = fill height, /B = fill both,
expands the characters to fill the text rectangle
4 = rotate value from -180 to +180
where positive = counterclockwise, negative = clockwise
5 = starting corner: /LL /LR /UR /UL where LL = lower left, etc.
6 = grayscale value from 0 to 1 where 0 = black, 1 = white
The size of the text is determined by the size of the text rectangle
and the "mode code" argument.
For Mac users: Obtain the file BigFill.ps from somewhere and put it in
the same folder as your document. Then follow the above instructions,
except use: #include "BigFill.ps"
*** B. Update the FMlpr script
The "Printer Name" field on the print box is passed to the FMlpr
script. A printername of xxx:yyy calls FMlpr.xxx with a printername
of yyy (xxx is translated to lowercase). This allows supporting
multiple paper trays, fax modems, draft printing etc., merely by
adding scripts into $FMHOME/.fminit2.0. For example, the following
script will print "DRAFT" in the background of every page. Note that
the FMlpr.draft file must be made executable (chmod a+x FMlpr.draft).
*** ----8<---- cut here ----8<----
#!/bin/sh # This
script adds postscript code to print the word DRAFT on every page. #
Name it FMlpr.draft and place it in any of the directories: #
~/.fminit2.0, ./.fminit2.0, or $FMHOME/.fminit2.0. # Set printer name
to draft:xxx where xxx is the name of your # postscript printer.
. $3/FMlpr.init
echo \
% Prelude to show a draft string on every page.
/DRAFTDICT 10 dict def
/bd /Helvetica-Bold findfont def
/od bd maxlength 1 add dict def
bd {exch dup /FID ne {exch od 3 1 roll put} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
od /FontName /Outline0 put od /PaintType 2 put od /StrokeWidth 0 put
/Outline0 od definefont pop
/DRAFT { gsave
[1 3] 0 setdash 0.8 setgray
/Outline0 findfont setfont
DRAFTSTRING dup stringwidth pop 8.875 exch div dup 72 mul dup scale
52.3 rotate 2.5 exch div -.35 translate
0 0 moveto show
grestore } def
/oldshow /showpage load def
/oldcopy /copypage load def
/showpage { DRAFTDICT begin DRAFT oldshow end } def
/copypage { DRAFTDICT begin DRAFT oldcopy end } def
% End of draft prelude" > $TMPFILE
tail +2 "$FILE" >> $TMPFILE
echo "$MYNAME: Printing DRAFT to printer $PRINTER"
rm -f $TMPFILE
. $FMINITDIR/FMlpr.finder
----8<---- cut here ----8<----
Contributor: Graham Williams <gjw@csis.dit.csiro.au>
** PRT-2: How can I print with the "-h" switch in FM3.0/3.1?
In FM2.1, you could place "ps -h" in the Printer Name box in the Print
dialog, to get a file printed without a header (Unix or similar
systems). In FM3.0, the printer script was changed. To restore this
feature, edit $FMHOME/.fminit2.0.ps/FMlpr, and change occurrences of
in the lpr commands. This allows multiple arguments to be passed to
lpr, instead of passing the entire text to the -d or -P switch.
** PRT-3: How can I set the default printer name?
Refer to FrameMaker Reference manual, Page D-5, Resources for the
"Print dialog box". Add the following line to your .Xdefaults file:
Maker.printerName: {printername}
NOTE: This will affect any document which has not yet been stored with
a printer name. If a document was Saved with a printer name, the
saved name will be used.
The printer name will be saved with the document when:
you save after you print the document, and in the Print dialog,
the PrinterName edit box contained something even marginally different
from what is specified by your Maker.printerName:
(either because you changed it, or
because it had previously been saved that way)
e.g. "34b" vs. "34b -h"
The printer name will NOT be saved with the document when:
you save after you print the document, and in the Print dialog,
the PrinterName edit box was IDENTICAL to
what is specified by your Maker.printerName:
(either because you changed it, or
because it had previously been saved that way)
If you build templates, you must be sure there is NOT a printer name
saved in the templates, or people's defaults will not affect them.
To remove the PrinterName from a document that has one saved with one:
1. Open the document.
2. Select File:Print
3. Change the Printer Name edit box to be IDENTICAL to
Maker.printerName: in YOUR .Xdefaults
4. Click OK (print the document.)
5. Select File:Save
Contributor: Alan S. Koch <ask@sei.cmu.edu>
** PRT-4: How can I print pages in pamphlet/booklet/signature order?
Pamphlet/booklet/signature order is where two logical pages are
printed on each side of a physical sheet of paper, double-sided, and
the pages are folded and stapled in the middle. For a 2-sheet, 8 page
booklet, the page order would be: 8 & 1, 2 & 7, 3 & 6, 4 & 5.
*** A. PSUtils
PSUtils is a package of utilities to manipulate PostScript files.
Page selection and rearrangement are supported, including arrangement
into signatures for booklet printing, and page merging for
2up/4up/8up/9up printing.
psbook rearranges pages into signatures
psselect selects pages and page ranges
pstops performs general page rearrangement and selection
psnup uses pstops to merge multiple pages per sheet
epsffit fits an EPSF file to a given bounding box
PSutils is available from ftp.dcs.ed.ac.uk ( in the file
pub/ajcd/psutils.tar.Z. It is written by Angus Duggan. The package is
also available in the comp.sources.misc archives, or mail a message to
archie@archie.unl.edu with the single body line of
prog psutils
Contributors: Angus Duggan <ajcd@dcs.ed.ac.uk
Robert Pincus <robert@atmos.washington.edu>
David Cortesi <cortesi@helium.informix.com>
*** B. DynoPage (Mac)
On the Macintosh, the DynoPage 2.0 software will do this. It also
prints many other formats, such as 2-up, 6-up, etc. A free demo disk
is available. Contact:
Portfolio Software Tel: +1 800-729-3966
10062 Miller Avenue Fax: +1 408-252-0440
Suite 20 Applelink: PORTFOLIO
Cupertino, CA 95014-3466 USA CompuServe: 75300,520
America Online: Portfolio
*** C. Double Up and Double Up Professional (Windows)
On Windows, the Double Up software will do this. (A Unix version is
in Beta Test.) Contact:
Legend Communications Inc. Tel: +1 800-668-7077
54 Rosedale Avenue CompuServe: 73220,2006
Brampton ON L6X 1K1, Canada
** PRT-5: Is there a way to print certain pages or ranges from a book
or file, besides the one-range-at-a-time printing via FM?
The "psxlate" program can extract a whole bunch of pages and
organizations from DSC compliant PostScript, which Frame is. The
program is contained in the software package called Psroff (the
non-Adobe TranScript program). The output of psxlate is standard
out, so it can be redirected to the printer or to a file for later
The software is available for FTP from ftp.uu.net.
Contributor: brown@wi.extrel.com
** PRT-6: How can I print double-sided on a printer that supports it?
*** A. HP LaserJet IIISi
Have FMlpr (or manually) insert this line somewhere near the top of
the temp PostScript file (probably after %%EndComments):
statusdict begin false settumble true setduplexmode end
Then to keep the DOS users happy, insert somewhere near the end:
statusdict begin false setduplexmode end
Contributor: Nate Stelton <etan@tellabs.com>
[Someone has written a FMlpr.duplex script to do this automatically,
but it is too big to include in the FAQ. Soon, we may have an FTP
site for these type of files. Stay tuned. -Bob]
** FIL-1: Where can I find a filter to convert <XXXXXX> to Frame?
There is a list of filters that is maintained, and posted to this list
when changed. The filter list and most of the filters can be obtained
by anonymous ftp to the ftp sites listed below.
FTP-name Directory
-------- ---------
ftp.irisa.fr /FrameMaker/Filters
procyon.cis.ksu.edu /pub/FUN/Filters
sunbane.engrg.uwo.ca /pub/fun/filters
ftp.uni-stuttgart.de /pub/unix/text-processing/framemaker/filters
A mail server is available for most of the filters:
To: ftp-server@ftp.uni-stuttgart.de
body contains:
The filters reside in the directory:
The filters are packed and encoded in various ways (shar, .Z, tar),
and unpacking programs are available from the mail server; see INDEX.
If you do not have access to any of these methods, request the list by
sending email to Ed van Leeuwen <Ed.van.Leeuwen@tnofel.fel.tno.nl> or
Mark Lawrence <framers-request@drd.com>.
Contributors: Ed van Leeuwen <Ed.van.Leeuwen@tnofel.fel.tno.nl>
Mark Lawrence <framers-request@drd.com>.
Hansjuergen Paul <paul@iatge.uucp>
Barbara Burr <Burr@rus.uni-stuttgart.de>
** FIL-2: How do I convert a Frame document from Mac to Sun? (etc.)
The document file is the same on every platform that Frame supports,
so there is no conversion. If you're having trouble, make sure that
you are transferring in "binary" mode, not text mode, not MacBinary
mode. If moving to the Mac, you will have to open FM and then open
the file; double-clicking the file icon won't work. If the document
does not show in the Open File dialog, press Option while choosing
File Open.
If the two platforms are running different versions (1.3/2.x/3.x),
and/or you have to convert to an older version, write the file out in
MIF format before transferring, and transfer in text mode.
Except for the special case in the previous paragraph, you do not
have to convert to MIF to transfer between platforms, unless you can
only do the transfer in text mode.
** FIL-3: Why do my imported images show up as gray rectangles when I
transfer a file from <platform-A> to <platform-B>?
Note that imported graphics may not display or print on the new
platform; consult FM Reference Manual Appendix on "Using FrameMaker on
Multiple Platforms." This occurs because the graphics are displayed
using features of the operating system (such as QuickDraw routines on
the Mac and PostScript on the NeXT) that are not available on every
If you "Copy File Into Document" when importing, and set the "Save
FrameImage with Imported Graphic" attribute (in File:Preferences),
your graphics will be displayed no matter what platform you're on.
Although you cannot always import a given graphic format into a given
platform's FrameMaker, once that graphic is imported with the
FrameImage, its contents are displayable in any platform's FrameMaker.
Again, consult the Reference Manual. Note that FrameImages are 72DPI
bitmaps, so you can display the image, but you won't necessarily like
what you get if you print it.
** FIL-4: How can I automatically import a graphic file whose format is
not recognized by FM, if I can how to do the conversion manually?
Modify in $FMHOME/.fminit2.0 the files suffixlist and MifRead.
You can add any filters you want as long as they return a file in a
format directly recognised by frame (mif, rasterfile, xwd...)
Warning: if you translate in xwd or raster, frame will give a .rf
extension to the resulting file (copied in the calling directory),
EVEN if such a file already exists.
The first time, you can't import, by copy, only by reference.
Contributor: Bertrand Decouty
** FIL-5: How do I incorporate code fragments in a Frame doc?
There is a filter called prog2mif to handle this. It is available with
the other filters (see question FIL-1).
The most difficult part is that tabs work differently in code text
files than they do in FM. In code, tab usually goes to the next tab
stop after the current column. In FM, tab goes to the next tab stop,
according to the number of tabs on the line.
Contributor: Janick Bergeron <janick@bcrkd13.bnr.ca>
** FIL-6: Are there any SGML converters for FM?
*** A. MIF/SGML Conversion System (Unix)
"MIF/SGML Conversion System" John Payne
Avalanche Development Company Tel: +1 303-449-5032
947 Walnut Street Fax: +1 303-449-3246
Boulder, CO 80302 USA Internet: john@avalanche.com
*** B. OmniMark (on all Frame platforms)
OmniMark North America: 800-565-9465
Exoterica Corporation Tel: +1 613-722-1700
1545 Carling Avenue Fax: +1 613-722-5706
Ottawa, ON K1Z 8P9 CANADA Internet: info@xgml.com
OmniMark provides SGML support for FrameMaker and FrameBuilder through
its rich development language. OmniMark's built-in SGML parser
supports all SGML DTDs.
** FIL-7: I am having problems transferring PostScript in and out of FM.
You can also get help from the folks on comp.lang.postscript and
comp.sources.postscript newsgroups. The comp.lang.postscript FAQ
is available via e-mail:
To: mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
body contains: send usenet/news.answers/postscript/faq/part1-4
send usenet/news.answers/postscript/faq/part5-6
send usenet/news.answers/postscript/faq/part7-10
send usenet/news.answers/postscript/faq/part11
send usenet/news.answers/postscript/faq/part12
send usenet/news.answers/postscript/index
*** A. Can't take FM PostScript and import into LaTex.
Comment out the following lines in the FM PostScript file, FMDOCUMENT
manualfeed {true} {papersize} ifelse
{manualpapersize} {false} ifelse
{desperatepapersize} if
Modify the size of the BoundingBox, needed especially for small FM
figures. Use ps2epsi, pstoepsi, or bbfig to compute the proper size.
Here is a script contributed by Peter Nuth that does a lot of the
edits automatically. Here are his notes:
The script calls the pstoepsi program which converts a postscript file
to an EPSI file (encapsulated postscript with device independant
bitmap). Since EPSI files are much bigger than straight PS files, we
just pull the bounding box info out of the EPSI file and insert that
into the original PS file. If you would rather keep EPSI files
around, go ahead and change the script.
The pstoepsi program is pretty old. The latest version of Ghostscript
(available from prep.ai.mit.edu) includes the ps2epsi script, which
you might use instead.
#!/bin/csh -f
# Copyright 1991-1993
# Eric A. Brewer
# Peter Nuth
# This program fixes the postscript output produced by FrameMaker
# so that it can be included in latex
# optional second argument: output file
# With one argument, the input file is overwritten
if ($#argv < 1) then
echo "expecting the filename"
set tmp = "tmp-fixfm-$$"
if ("$2" != "") then
set output = "$2"
set output = "$1"
# Comment out 4 consecutive lines in postscript prolog
awk '/setpapername $/,/{desperatepapersize} if/{ printf "%%% "}; {print $0}' $1 > $tmp.ps
echo 'Computing bounding box...'
pstoepsi $tmp.ps $tmp.epsi > /dev/null
set bb = `fgrep '%%BoundingBox' $tmp.epsi | head -1`
sed -e "s/%%BoundingBox.*/$bb/" $tmp.ps > $output
/bin/rm -f $tmp.ps $tmp.epsi
Contributors: Jan van der Steen <jansteen@cwi.n>
Ingolf Markhof <markhof@ls12.informatik.uni-dortmund.de>
Amir Samad <amir@skua.bu.edu>
Peter R. Nuth <nuth@ai.mit.edu>
Albert Pang <albert@brahms.INSL.McGill.CA>
*** B. Can't view FM PostScript in Ghostview.
Change the first line of the FM PS file from
Contributor: brown@wi.extrel.com
*** C. Converting PS to EPSI or EPSF.
You can use "ps2epsi", which comes with and depends on Ghostscript.
Ghostscript is part of the GNU package; consult the GNU license.
Available via anonymous FTP:
Host: prep.ai.mit.edu
Directory: /pub/gnu
Files: ghostscript-2.6.1.tar.gz, ghostscript-2.6.1msdos.tar.gz
Contributor: Nelson Loyola <loyola@bnr.ca>
** FIL-8: How can I convert a group of files between FM binary and MIF?
The following c-shell script converts all files named *.framemif (MIF
format) to *.doc (FM binary format). If your files don't have the
extension ".framemif", you can change "framemif" below to whatever
extension your files use.
# !/bin/csh
# Use the "ls" command to find the files, then pipe the names through "sed"
# to remove the extension. Feed the output to "awk", and use "awk" to create
# a fmbatch script file, which is stored under the name "fmbatchscript"
ls *.framemif| \
sed -e s/.framemif//gp| \
awk '{print "Open " $0 ".framemif";\
print "SaveAs d " $0 ".framemif " $0 ".doc";\
print "Quit " $0 ".framemif"}' >! fmbatchscript
# Run fmbatch using the script created above
fmbatch fmbatchscript
# Delete the script file
rm fmbatchscript >& /dev/null
Contributor: Mike Kirsch <mkirsch@novell.com>
** FIL-9: How do I importand ISO Latin1 (ISO-8859.1) text into FM?
*** A. Use .Xdefaults
Add the following line in $HOME/.Xdefauts:
Maker.textCharacterEncoding: ISOLatin1
Altough file $FMHOME/.fminit2.0/xresources/Maker says
! Use this resource if you want FrameMaker to save in 8-bit
! ISO-Latin text rather than in 7-bit ASCII text.
!Maker.textCharacterEncoding: ISOLatin1
this works both for importing and saving as plain text.
*** B. Use file suffix and MifRead
Add a .is1 suffix to all ISO Latin1 encoded files. This is
implemented by file $FMHOME/.fminit2.0/MifRead:
case $1 in
*.is1) $5/is1tomif <$1 >$2;;
and files $FMHOME/bin/is1tomif and $FMHOME/bin/bin.<platform>/is1tomif.
The file $FMHOME/.fminit2.0/suffixlist must contain a line with <is1>
if you want MifRead to be called.
*** C. Use preferences
Someone mentioned the file $FMHOME/.fminit2.0/preferences; there is no
such file in my installation but perhaps others have it; this is why
it's worth mentioning anyway.
*** D. Other tips and resources
The file $FMHOME/.fminit2.0.ps/iso1.map contains a conversion table
between ISO Latin1 and FrameMaker internal encoding; it can be used by
your conversion programs.
Note that a .mif file must be completely in ascii or in FrameMaker
internal character encoding; you cannot put ISO Latin1 text in it,
even in a <String `...'> statement and with the X resource previously
mentionned and expect an automatic conversion. This is why you will
need to make the conversion yourself if you have a program that
generates .mif files derived from some text input, and that is not
aware of the problem.
There is a file that can help you with all of your tests. It contains
a line for every character with the high bit on; the character itself
is enclosed in [] and a description follows. All you have to do is
look at what is inside the [] after the one or more steps of
manipulation of this file by programs.
Available for anonymous FTP:
Host: watsun.cc.columbia.edu
Directory: /kermit/charsets/latin1.txt
Contributor: Charles Levert <charles@comm.polymtl.ca>
** FIL-10: How do I screendump a window with a menu?
----------------8< cut here--------------------------
# Allows a window dump after a 5 second delay, but allows the user
# to select the window with the mouse.
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 outfilename"
echo "Place the cursor in the window you wish to dump; you will"
echo "then have 5 seconds to open up the windows you want."
WHICHONE=$(xwininfo | grep "Window id" | cut -f 4 -d " ")
sleep 5; xwd -screen -frame -id $WHICHONE -out $1
----------------8< cut here--------------------------
Contributors: Wayne T. Watson <wayne@netcom.com>
Brad Fischer
** SGB-1: Are there any grammar checkers for FM?
*** A. Grammatik 5.0 (Windows, Mac)
WordPerfect Corporation Cindy, extension 22588
Mail Stop Q-300, Information Services Tel: +1 (800) 451-5151
1555 N. Technology Way Fax: +1 (801) 222-5077
Orem, UT 84057-2399 USA $99.00
Contributor: Lester Bautista <lab@tellabs.com>
** SGB-2: Do you know what happens if the spell checker finds "Interleaf"
(a competitor to FrameMaker)?
Yes, we do, but just in case, it gets posted every 3-4 months.
** SGB-3: How can I do bibliographies in FrameMaker?
*** A. fmbib
"fmbib" takes a Frame document (.mif format) as its input, with
"Bibliography" markers embedded where the references occur. The marker
text is that of a key word indexed into a bibliography database file,
such as Scribe's ".bib" files. In fact, the program is compatible
with Scribe bibliography files. The user can also specify on the
command line one of several reference and bibliography styles. fmbib
will then generate a new FM .mif file which is the actual
bibliography. The original document is modified to contain
cross-references to this new document. These references appear as
visible text when the user updates cross-references in the original
document. The program also aids in creating new bibliography database
The sources have been built and tested under CMU's BSD4.3-compliant
MACH OS, for Sun3, Sun4, Pmax, Vax, and IBM-RT workstations. It
should be portable to any Unix box.
Available for anonymous FTP:
Host (USA): ftp.mips.com
Directory: pub/frame/fmbib.tar.Z
Host (Europe): peanuts.pst.informatik.uni-muenchen.de (
Directory: pub/etc/fmbib.tar.Z
Contributor: Craig Marcus
*** B. BibFrame
BibFrame makes it possible to deal with references in FrameMaker in a
general way. You do not have to enter your reference list by hand
every time you write a document. Instead, the reference list is
automatically generated from a data base with references. This ensure
that your reference entries are in the right format. You do not have
to bother with how things should be emphasized, abbreviated and so on.
You have a database with references. The format of the references is
the same format that is used by BibTeX. That means that people using
LaTeX and FrameMaker can use the same data base.
Currently it is possible to use the bibliography styles ``plain'',
``alpha'' and ``mapalike''.
It ought to work on most Unix machines. This program require BibTeX
to be present.
Available for anonymous FTP:
Host: ftp.ida.liu.se (
Directory: pub/bibframe/bibframe-0.4.1.tar.Z
Contributor: Tommy Persson <tpe@ida.liu.se>
*** C. EndNote Plus
Mac Endnote 1.6 ($149), Mac EndNote Plus 1.3 ($249)
Niles & Associates, Inc. Internet: nilesinc@well.sf.ca.us
2000 Hearst Ave. Suite 20 CompuServe: 71172,653
Berkeley, CA 94709 USA AOL: NilesAssoc
Tel: +1 510-649-8176 AppleLink: Niles.Assoc
Fax: +1 510-649-8179
From the vendor:
EndNote stores the bibliographic references in a database, so they can
be resorted and reformatted in various different ways. Users copy a
temporary citation into their Frame paper by choosing one or more
references and copying onto the clipboard. When they paste into the
paper, it's in a temporary citation format like this [Billosky, 1989
To format, a user must save their files as MIF, and then open and scan
them in the EndNote program. This searches the files for brackets and
matches them to the EndNote reference database. The user then chooses
a bibliographic style (we supply several, including APA, Chicago,
Nature and Vancouver), and Formats the paper. EndNote will make
copies of each file, change the temporary citations to author-year or
numeric format, and build a bibliography of the cited references at
the end of the last file.
From Todd R. Johnson <tj@cis.ohio-state.edu>:
Although EndNote Plus is quite versatile and easy to use, it is
extremely slow at processing MIF files. For example, a 14 page
document with a few figures took several minutes to process. During
this time EndNote takes over your Mac so that you can't even switch to
another application.
** SGB-4: Can FM produce automatically numbered endnotes?
Not directly. However, there is a work-around using cross-references.
- Create an autonumbered paragraph type called "Endnote," with a
number format of "E:[<n+>] "
- Putting each note text in a paragraph of this type, at the end of
the document.
- Create a character style called "Endnote" which reduces the point
size and enables the superscript attribute. This will be used for
reference to the note in the main text.
- Create a cross-reference format called "Endnote" with a format of
<Endnote>[<$paranumonly>]<Default P Font>
- In the body of the document, add a cross-reference to the Endnote
paragraph that lists the reference.
Unfortunately, if you rearrange the text, the notes will not
automatically be re-arranged in the back of the document. When you
are ready to produce the document, go to the beginning, use Edit
Search/Find to search for "Cross-Reference of Format: Endnote". If
you find an Endnote that is out of order, re-arrange the note text in
the back of the document.
Contributor: David Cortesi <cortesi@helium.informix.com>
** SGB-5: Are there any plotting/charting packages that work with FM?
*** A. GNUPlot
Gnuplot version 3.4 can output graphs in MIF format, so that you can
include them in Frame documents. This is superior to using EPS since
you can see and edit the imported graphic.
Gnuplot is excellent for plotting mathmatical functions. I prefer
xvgr/xmgr for plotting data files.
For more details, see the announcement in comp.graphics.gnuplot.
Available via anonymous FTP:
Host: prep.ai.mit.edu
Directory: /pub/gnu
Files: gnuplot3.4.tar.gz
Contributor: Phil Endecott <endecotp@cs.man.ac.uk>
*** B. TempleGraph
TempleGraph generates the output in MIF format.
Contributor: Bob Nehls <rn11195@sage.medtronic.com>
*** C. Robochart
Robochart is a generic flow diagram editor. You can create diagrams
using several built-in or user-defined objects, connect them with
several types of "rubber-band" flow lines, and add or edit label text
for both objects and flows. You can create multilevel hierarchical
diagrams, use multiple fonts and colors, and output in PostScript,
EPSF, MIF, HPGL, or ASCII formats.
Robochart runs under OpenWindows (Solaris 1.x or 2.x). A single node
license is $495. An evaluation copy (the full program and manual,
with file save disabled) is $25 (credited against first license).
Digital Insight Tel: +1 805-583-3627
PO Box 533 Fax: +1 805-583-3809
Simi Valley, CA 93062-0533 USA Internet: rc-sales@digins.com
*** D. xvgr/xmgr
xvgr (Sun View) and xmgr (Motif) can be obtained via anonymous FTP
Host: ftp.ccalmr.ogi.edu []
Directory: CCALMR/pub/acegr
xvgr can read single (X-Y), multiple (X-Y1,Y2,Y3) and error-bar
(X-Y-DY) data in a pretty flexible format. The graph types include
line, scattered plots, and bar charts among others. The user has
complete control over fonts, legend locations, tick-marks, size of
graph, output type, and zillions of other things. xvgr can produce
MIF output, so you have full editing capability over the graph in FM.
Contributor: Vallury Prabhakar <rustcat@sunrise.stanford.edu>
** SGB-6: Is there a thesaurus that works with FM?
*** A. Concise Oxford Dictionary/Oxford Thesaurus on CDROM
I'm using - among others - the `Concise Oxford Dictionary/Oxford
Thesaurus' (Electronic Book version, [EBROM = 8cm CDROM]) on
Suns/Nexts. The CD costs ~ 100 DM in Germany (~ 60 US$). These EBROM
CDs are intended for the various Electronic Book Player units (`Data
Discman'), but can also be used under Unix using a retrieval software
(we're selling such a retieval software, please contact info@tools.de
for more information).
Contributor: Juergen Keil <jk@tools.de>
*** B. 1911 Roget's Thesaurus
Thanks to Project Gutenberg, a copy of the 1911 Roget's
Thesaurus has been made available via anonymous FTP:
Host: mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu [ ]
Directory: /etext
Files: roget11.txt, roget11.zip
Please ftp the file during off-hours -- at times OTHER THAN 10:00 AM
to 6:00 PM Central Standard Time (Daylight time in summer).
You only need one of these, as roget11.zip is roget11.txt in a .ZIP
file. Note, however, the size: 1377400 for roget11.txt and 592247 for
Contributor: Darryl Okahata <darrylo@sr.hp.com>
** SGB-7: How to use configuraiton management tools with FM?
*** A. SCCS on binary (.fm, .doc)
Just use SCCS in binary mode. Several people commented that the -b
option would be required, some say it is used automatically. However,
the s_dot files grow very quickly, even for very small changes.
*** B. RCS on binary (.fm, .doc)
May need to compile it to use GNU diff.
[Any other issues/advice re RCS? -Bob]
*** C. Convert to MIF
The initial files are large, but do not grow as fast a binary. Since
it is a text file, the standard SCCS variables can be used. Major
disadvantage is the fiddly save/open procedure. This can be fixed
with a shell around appropriate SCCS functions, using fmbatch. You
can also modify the MifWrite filter to so to some processing when
saved as MIF.
*** D. Mezzanine
Mezzanine is from a company called Saros. They call it "middleware",
and it is a document management system, independent of any
documentation package.
It also enables a system administrator to determine which fields of
information should be completed to identify a document, so that
searches can then be made using these fields (e.g. project name,
contract number, contractor, etc.).
Saros Corporation, USA
Tel: +1 206-646-1066
Fax: +1 206-462-0879
Saros Europe HQ, Naarden, the Netherlands
Tel: +31-2159-42050
Fax: +31-2159-46452
*** E. CasewWare/CM
CaseWare/CM is a set of tools used for configuration management and
version control. One of the tool modules manages Frame documents,
including (from the data sheet):
Version control of Frame Documents
Version control of Frame Books
Automatic Dependency Management
Full Document Configuration Management
Support for FrameMaker Objects
Frame Documents
Frame Books
Frame Live Links
Frame Image Files
CaseWare, Inc. Tel: +1 714-453-2200
108 Pacifica, Irvine, CA 92718 USA
Contributors: John Townsend <jtown@fossa.navy.mil.nz>
Karen Hutchins <karen@yc8.yc.estec.esa.nl>
Reid Simpson <simpson@Xylogics.COM>
See question FIL-2 for conversion between FM on various platforms.
** PLT-1: How do I display white text on a black background? (and other X
Window System specific information)
*** A. White Text on Black Background
For FM 3.0/3.1 on X, set up the following in your .Xdefaults file:
Maker.colorDocs: False
Maker*docBackground: black
Maker*winRect.foreground: white
To set the menus, dialogs, borders, etc. to white-on-black, try:
Maker*background: black
Maker*foreground: white
*** B. Other X Resources
Look in the various files in $FMHOME/.fminit2.0/xresources .
*** C. How come I can't type in any dialogs?
Try setting the following attributes:
Maker*focusOnMouse: True
OpenWindows.FocusLenience: True
Maker.olwmClickType; False
OpenWindows.SetInput: followmouse
Also, consult the Release Notes, particularly the section about
configuring FM for different window managers.
** PLT-2: How do I open documents from the command line using an already
running FrameMaker (and thus only a single license)?
In the directory $FMHOME/source/openmaker/clclient the README contains
information on how to build and use the clclient (Command Line Client)
program. This program allows you to open documents from the command
line using an already running FrameMaker. This is useful for desktop
tools like Sun's FileManager which associate an application to be run
with a document, allowing FrameMaker to be running just once, and
communicating with this running FrameMaker to open further documents.
Contributor: Graham Williams <gjw@csis.dit.csiro.au>
** PLT-3: Where can I find keyboard shortcuts for [platform]?
UNIX: Refer to $FMHOME/.fminit2.0/kbmaps/README.kbmap for lots of info
on keyboard mapping, and pointer to the various files used for
mapping. (NeXT: /LocalAppls/FrameMaker.app/fminit2.0/......)
UNIX: Print out: $FMHOME/.fminit2.0.ps/docs/QuickRef.doc
MAC: There is a Quick Reference sheet for the Macintosh available from
Frame Technologies. It was circulated recently in MIF format.
** PLT-4: How can I maximize battery life for FM on portables?
*** A. Mac PowerBooks
I had similar battery problems with my powerbook. Here is how I solved
it. First, create a RAM disk and install FM on it (put only those
items which FM needs to launch on the RAM disk). Install a minimum
operating system on the RAM disk and configure the computer to boot
from the RAM disk. With this configuration FM will not need to keep
accessing the hard drive. On a Macintosh, I find I need 6mb for the
RAM disk (2.3 for system, 2.5 for FM and remainder for document). The
system takes 1.5 mb in addition to the RAM disk and FM needs 2mb to
run. This implies you need at least 10mb of RAM- I have 12-for this
to work. Not the best solution, but its the only one I've found that
doesn't make me start cussing at my computer and FM.
Contributor: John R. O'Hair <johair@afit.af.mil>
** PLT-5: Can FM-Win run under Win-OS/2 3.0?
From the OS/2 FAQ:
To run Framemaker for Windows under Win-OS/2 3.0, patch the file
MAKER.EXE (using PATCH or DEBUG). Around offset $1DDD1C ($1E0AFE for
Framemaker 3.01) in the file you should see a series of hexadecimal
bytes as follows: 9A FF FF 00 00 A8 20 75 17. Change the second to
last byte from $75 to $EB.
Contributor: Ren Maddox <lhmaddox@bnr.ca>
** TMP-1: Where can I get the FUN tape?
The FUN tape contains some sample clip art and various useful programs
and filters. It is available by anonymous FTP from
Host: procyon.cis.ksu.edu
Directory: pub/FUN/FUN_Tape-2.1
Host: irisa.irisa.fr
Directory: FrameMaker
Or, send a blank tape (size/format?) to:
Frame Technology, Attn: FUN Tape, using address at top of FAQ.
** TMP-2: Where can I get a template for technical papers?
There are two templates for IEEE format papers available by anonymous
FTP from
Host: tardis.cl.msu.edu
Directory: pub/frame
Files: ieee1.mif, ieee2.mif
Contributor: Alan D. Cabrera <adc@tardis.cl.msu.edu>
** TMP-3: Where can I get DTD template for FrameBuilder?
FrameBuilder versions of the ISO 12083 SGML DTDs for articles and
books are available via anonymous FTP:
Host: ftp.gmd.de
File: gmd/sgml/fbedds.tar.Z
Also included are a few FrameBuilder "templates" for these document
types containing layout information. The article template is in the
style of a Kluwer journal article. ISO 12083 is a set of SGML DTDs
for articles, books and serials.
Contributor: Thomas F. Gordon <thomas.gordon@gmd.de>
end of part 2 of 2; end of FAQ