Usenet 1994 January
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Newsgroups: soc.culture.hongkong,news.answers
Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!gatech!howland.reston.ans.net!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!psinntp!jho!news
From: john@jho.com (John Ho)
Subject: soc.culture.hongkong FAQ, Part II (E-Mail Connections in HK)
Message-ID: <CGp1CJ.1DB@jho.com>
Summary: This posting contains a list of Frequently Asked Questions (and
their answers) on the soc.culture.hongkong. Please read this posting
before posting to the newsgroup.
Sender: john@jho.com (John Ho)
Reply-To: john@jho.com
Organization: JHO Company, Dallas, Texas USA
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1993 15:21:54 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Lines: 409
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu soc.culture.hongkong:54320 news.answers:14843
Archive-name: hongkong-faq/part2
Last-modified: Wed Nov 17 09:31:31 CST 1993
Version: 2.1
PART II - E-mail Connections in Hong Kong
If you have any questions regarding addition/deletion/modification
to this FAQ, please contact John Ho at "john@jho.com". Your comments
will be appreciated.
1001-1299) (reserved)
1301) Is Hong Kong University (HKU) / Chinese University (CU) / Hong
Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) on the net?
1302) Do they have access to SCHK?
1303) How to send mail to CU?
1304) How to send mail to HKUST
1305) How to send mail to HK Polytechnics?
1306) How to send mail to HK Baptist College?
1307) How to send mail to City Polytechnics of HK?
1308) How to send mail to HKU?
1312-1349) (reserved)
1401) Who provides Internet connection services in HK?
1402) Who are the service providers and how do I contact them?
1403) Are there any BBS with Internet connection?
1404-1499) (reserved)
1501) What is the ClassLink project?
1502) Who else have connection in HK?
1503) Where else can I get more info?
1301) Is Hong Kong University (HKU) / Chinese University (CU) / Hong
Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) on the net?
YES, they are! We have recently started to see a
lot of postings in soc.culture.hongkong coming out of UST, CU and
the Baptist Colleges, etc. Currently, CU is acting as the main hub
in HK for the higher education insitutions. They are connected
to the NASA location in Mountain View, California and their hub also
serves other connections in Australia, and Korea.
1302) Do they have access to SCHK?
Yes, but the actual readership is unknown. Someone from CU
said that there are a lot more to do in HK than talking to a terminal. :) :)
1303) How to send mail to CU?
The easy way is to look up the person who you want to send mail to by:
finger "names of person"@ns.cuhk.hk
finger "names of person"@cuhk.hk
e.g. finger "so and so"@ns.cuhk.hk (remember to use the double quote)
To reach the Computer Science dept, you can use "person@cs.cuhk.hk".
If you have problem sending mail to CU, please contact
1304) How to send mail to Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology (HKUST)?
<username>@usthk.ust.hk ! VMS accounts (Internet)
<username>@usthk.bitnet ! VMS accounts (Bitnet)
<username>@uxmail.ust.hk ! Unix accounts (Internet)
If you have problem sending mail to HKUST, please contact
"postmaster@usthk.ust.hk" or "postmaster@uxmail.ust.hk".
[ Steven Wong (Postmaster at USTHK) CCSTEVEN@usthk.ust.hk ]
1305) How to send mail to HK Polytechnics?
Try: <username>@hkpcc.hkp.hk
If you have problem sending mail to Hong Kong Polytech, please contact
1306) How to send mail to HK Baptist College?
Try: <username>@comp.hkbc.hk
Baptist College also gives out guest accounts, for more
information contact:
Mr. Jimmy Tsang
USS Section, CTSC
HK Baptist College
224 Waterloo Road
Kowloon, Hong Kong
If you have problem sending mail to Baptist College, please contact
1307) How to send mail to City Polytechnics of HK?
Try: <username>@cphkvx.cphk.hk
If you have problem sending mail to City Poly, please contact
1308) How do I send mail to HKU?
Try: <username>@hkuxb.hku.hk or
<username>@hkucc.bitnet or
<username>@hkucc.hku.hk or
<username>@csd.hku.hk or
If you have problem sending mail to HKU, please contact
1309-1399) (reserved)
1401) Who provides Internet connection services in HK?
Two companies are now offering dedicated leased lines services connected
to the Internet:
A) Hong Kong Internet and Gateway Services (HKIGS)
(All fees are in Hong Kong dollars & subject to revision without notice)
(1) TCP/IP Connections:
Link Speed Dialup Connection Leased Line Connection
------------ ------------------------- ----------------------------
Bits/Second Activation Monthly Installation Monthly
------------ ------------------------- ----------------------------
9600 $1,000 $1,950 $4,000 $3,800
19200 - - $7,000 $6,800
64000 - - $15,000 $12,000
------------ ------------------------- ----------------------------
Part-time PPP/SLIP access Leased line costs included;
100 hours monthly average Dedicated 24 hours IP access
Additonal time @ $20/hour
(2) Dialup UNIX and UUCP Access (V.32/V.32bis)
Service Registration Monthly Fee Connect Time
----------------- -------------- -------------- --------------------
UNIX $100 $100/month $20/hour
UUCP $100 $100/month $20/hour
----------------- -------------- -------------- --------------------
(Disk Storage charge for UNIX account: 5MB/Month free, $20/MB/Month)
Support services provided free of charge:
[1] Register & provide DNS Resolution Service for your Internet Domain Name
[2] Register & provide Global Internet Routing for your IP Network Numbers
[3] Mail Forwarding (POP/UUCP/UNIX) based on MX Records of your Internet name
[4] Technical Consultation on subjects of the Internet & related networks
[5] Full or partial feed of Usenet News (NNTP/UUCP/MAIL)
For more information, please contact Aaron Cheung at "aaron@hk.net".
B) Hong Kong Supernet HKUST R&D Corporation, Ltd.
They provide a 64Kbps Digitial Data Service with an estimated start-up
cost of $54,700 which includes routers, sign-up fee and 2 months payment
for HK Telecom for a 64K DDS leased line. The monthly charge is $5,900
which includes $3,500 for the Supernet and $2,400 for the HK Telecomm.
The $3,500 monthly charges will include send or receive up to 1000 MB of
data to/from the PSI backbone in the US. An additional charge of $8/MB
will be imposed if the volume is the volume exceeds the 1000 MB level.
Supernet provided free seminars and training for all registered customers.
Consulting is available at a rate of $360/hr after the first free
consulting hour per month. For more info, please contact "info@hk.super.net".
1402) Who are the service providers and how do I contact them?
Personal connection are now offered by several companies:
(1) Internet Online HongKong, Ltd. (Open for business on December 1, 1993)
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 47165,
Morrison Hill Post Office
Hong Kong
Domain name: iohk.com
IP address:
E-Mail: samson@hknet.hk.net
info@iohk.com (operate 15 Nov 93)
Service provide:
A) DialUp Account which REAL time access to Internet e-mail,
FULL UseNet Complement (over 5,000 newsgroups), telnet,
Multiuser `talk`, IRC, and batch ftp.
Fee: 1) Annual Membership Fee:
HK$300/Year for those who join or submit their
enquiry before January 1994. Effective 1st January
1994, they will charge $400/Year.
2) E-Mail Charges:
(Note: No charge for submitting messages/articles
within UseNet Newsgroup but if you send
replies via E-Mail, we will charge on the
HK$2.00 per out-going E-Mail for size below 3KB,
HK$1.00 per KB start from the 4th KB. We calculate
by dividing the overall total size of messages per
total number of messages so you should be able to
send messages in larger sizes without extra cost
near the end of each month.
Incoming E-Mail is ABSOLUTELY free! However, you
have a limited disk quota in the public mailbox
spool directory as we would encourage users to pick
up mail regularly instead of leaving them idle. If
you mailbox is overflown, E-mail addressed to you
will start bouncing back until you clean up your own
3) OnLine Usage Charges:
No extra cost for other online services such as
Usenet newsgropus read/reply, file downloading from
our local archive, etc. except outgoing E-Mail. We
plan to provide batch ftp soon, if it is technical
B) UUCP Account - forward UseNet News (FULL feed) and E-Mail.
Fee: 1) HK$100 Membership Fee/Year, PLUS
2) HK$300/Month. 3 Months in advanced payment.
Services include:
- MX service for your own machine (domain)
- 10MB/Out-going+In-Coming E-Mail per month.
HK$5.0/MB start from the 11th MB.
- Unlimited Outgoing & In-Coming Usenet News.
2) Hong Kong Internet and Gateway Services (HKIGS)
Domain name: hk.net
HKIGS provides an individual dialup for $100/month and
an hourly connection charge of $20/hr. Interested parties
should call +852 5277777 (voice) or +852 5274848 (fax)
for more information, or mail to "info@hk.net".
3) Association for Internet Resources (AIR-DOM)
Address: 14/F, Alpha House
Flat G, 27-33 Nathan Rd.
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Domain Name: air.org
IP Address: through
Administrative Contact:
Michelangeli, Enzo (EM18) enzo@AIR.ORG
Technical Contact:
Daryanani, Raju (RD23) raju@AIR.ORG
+852-811-2822 ext. 35
AIR is a non-profit society set up to provide Internet access
to non-commercial users, such as individuals, educational
institutions such as secondary schools, Fidonet BBSes, etc. The
stated aims of the society are to promote the educational resources
of the Internet, and as a result several organisations and
individuals have donated cash and equipment, including the server
(DEC), modem (TCL - local Zyxel distributor), and phone lines and
space for the server (KGV school).
Membership Info: As the hub is currently being configured it is not
open to the public. Users who wish to join can obtain a membership
form by logging on to the HK Computer Society Mail Office BBS
((852)735-8802), or from periodic postings to SCHK, or by mailing
raju@air.org. The Fidonet echo/newsgroup, HK.USENET.PROJECT can be
used to obtain more information within HK. (Note: this echo is only
available on Fidonet BBSes in HK).
Cost: Membership fees are currently set at HK$600 per year, providing
a Usenet feed and unlimited email; BBSes can become members for
HK$1000 per year. Full Internet connectivity is planned for later
this year, but a small hourly charge may be imposed if members
monopolise the lines. The aim is to keep membership fees as low as
possible by spreading the costs as widely as possible.
4) Global Network Communication Technology Co.
Domain name: gnct.com
Please contact Tom Yan (voice) +852 492 5025 or e-mail to
"tomyan@gnct.com". They charge HK$80/month for e-mail and
USENET connection.
5) AT&T Mail
Domain name: att.com
For more info on ATT mail connection provided by the
Hutchison-AT&T, please contact Helena White at "helenawhite@att.com"
by e-mail or she can be reached at +852 8345848. Rumours has it
they charge $100 for unlimited incoming e-mail and $0.25 for
outgoing mail.
6) CompuServe
Domain name: compuserve.com
For more information about Compuserve Internet Connection in Hong
Kong, or to order a Membership Kit, just fax a request to
+852 877-4523, or call +852 867-0118.
7) Hong Kong Supernet HKUST R&D Corporation, Ltd.
Domain name: hk.super.net
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay,
Phone: (+852)358-7924
Fax: (+852)358-7925
email: info@hk.super.net
SuperNet provides telnet, ftp, IRC, USENET, Gopher, Clarinet, talk,
WAIS, Archie and Internet e-mail connection.
Fee: Charge is based on a billing account, it can be one company
with up to 25 UNIX login ID or a single individual. A
minimun charge per billing account is $175/month.
They also charge an additional $20/MB/month for disk
space over 2.5MB and connection time. Connection time
charges is $25/hr during peak (0900-2100) and $10
(2100-0900) during off-peak hours. It is possible
that they will charge for specialized service such
as outgoing modems in the future. There is a cap
of $3500/month for any billing account.
For more info: try anonymous-ftp to hknet.hk.net (HKIGS) or
hk.super.net (HKUST). [Aaron Cheung aaron@hknet.hk.net]
1403-1499) (reserved)
1501) What is the ClassLink project?
CLASSlink (Computerized Link Association of Students and
Schools) is a pilot project among secondary schools in HK. There
are currently 6 schools, 15 students nodes and 20 echo conferences
running using the FidoNet BBS setup. CLASSlink has been in operation
since April 1992 and their mission is to provide e-mail access and
provide telecommunication technology to high school level in HK. An
Internet connection is now under construction. For more info, please
contact Joseph Yang (Network Co-ordinator of CLASSlink), his e-mail
address is "Joseph.Yang@f335.n700.z6.fidonet.org".
1502) Who else have connection in HK?
There are few corporations which have network connection in HK.
The known ones are DEC, Xerox, Oracle, HP, Motorola, SGI and IBM.
1503) Where else can I get more info?
There is now a magazine in Hong Kong called "Dataphile" which
targets the BBS and online services communities in HK. They publish four
times a year and the subscription rate is $100/yr. Subscription outside
HK has an additional charge of $50. Subscription requests should
be faxed to (852) 791-2478 or mailed to The Dataphile, P.O. Box 127,
Sai Kung, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Larry Campbell, one of the founders of the
magazine, can also be reached at "larry@hknet.hk.net".