Usenet 1994 January
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Internet Message Format
Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!pad-thai.aktis.com!pad-thai.aktis.com!not-for-mail
From: huff@mcclb0.med.nyu.edu (Edward J. Huff)
Newsgroups: sci.image.processing,comp.sys.mac.scitech,sci.answers,news.answers
Subject: Macintosh Image Processing Information Sources (FAQ)
Supersedes: <image-processing/Macintosh_755586014@GZA.COM>
Followup-To: sci.image.processing
Date: 26 Dec 1993 00:00:22 -0500
Organization: NYU Chemistry Dept.
Lines: 395
Sender: faqserv@security.ov.com
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu (Jonathan I. Kamens)
Distribution: world
Expires: 24 Jan 1994 05:00:13 GMT
Message-ID: <image-processing/Macintosh_756882013@GZA.COM>
Reply-To: huff@mcclb0.med.nyu.edu (Edward J. Huff)
NNTP-Posting-Host: pad-thai.aktis.com
Summary: Macintosh Image Processing Information available via gopher, FTP,
Usenet, e-mail, telephone, and snail mail.
X-Last-Updated: 1993/10/26
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu sci.image.processing:5463 comp.sys.mac.scitech:785 sci.answers:749 news.answers:16158
Archive-name: image-processing/Macintosh
Sci-image-processing-archive-name: MacImageProc
Comp-sys-mac-scitech-archive-name: MacImageProc
Last-modified: 26 Oct 1993
Version: 1.1.2
How to find information about Macintosh Image Processing. Posted
every two weeks to sci.image.processing, comp.sys.mac.scitech, sci.answers,
sci.image.processing archive has moved to port 71
Macintosh Image Processing Gopher Sites
Macintosh Image Processing FTP Sites
Macintosh Image Processing Packages
Other useful FAQ files
About the Macintosh Image Processing FAQ
Latest Software Versions.
Where to find Mac TurboGopher.
How to set up Mac TurboGopher.
How to search the sci.image.processing archive.
How to search for followups to an article.
Where to find NIH Image
NIH Image Mailing list
This FAQ is in RFC 1153 format, except that the subject line does not
contain the word "Digest" and the "Date" and "From" headers are omitted.
(Is this better or worse than last time?)
Some changes are in progress. The next release will be more complete.
Some sections are deleted. Old versions of this posting remain available
on the s.i.p archive. (25 copies per year :-)...
This work is hereby placed in the public domain. (This notice is required
to avoid copyright under the Berne convention.) You can do anything you
want with it. But please don't change it without putting your name on it.
Subject: sci.image.processing archive has moved to port 71
Your bookmarks will access a directory page which says the archive
has moved (but doesn't say where). You will have to make a new
bookmark, starting with "File/Another Gopher...", fill in the
server name and change the default port from 70 to 71.
Subject: Macintosh Image Processing Gopher Sites
Note: Gopher sites are not necessarily also FTP sites. It is possible for
Gopher site maintainers to put links to these sites into their gophers.
sci.image.processing archive
skyking.oce.orst.edu PORT 71 (NONSTANDARD)
Information From the Costal Imaging Lab/
Sci.image.processing Newsgroup Archive/
WAIS Indes to Articles
nih-image mailing list archive
gopher.soils.umn.edu port 70
Computer Information/
General Information/
Search Nih-Image Mailing List Archives <?>
Computer Information/
General Information/
Selected Electronic Mailing List Archives/
comp.sys.mac.scitech archive
[does anyone know?]
Subject: Macintosh Image Processing FTP Sites
As usual, user "anonymous" (spelled exactly as shown).
Specify your e-mail address as the password.
For more information, see [pointer to FTP FAQ next time].
zippy.nimh.nih.gov /pub/nih-image
rtfm.mit.edu /pub/usenet-by-hierarchy/news/answers
ruby.oce.orst.edu /pub/sci.image.processing
boombox.micro.umn.edu /pub/gopher/Macintosh-TurboGopher
[more FTP sites next time]
Subject: Macintosh Image Processing Packages
The pbmplus image processing package has been ported to MPW,
I have a copy if anyone wants it. You need MPW. Apparently
there is a shell program that can run MPW tools without MPW,
but I have no information about it. A new version called
netpbm has been released recently, but not ported to MPW yet.
This list is taken from the NIH-Image 1.52 manual.
(2-DG and receptor autoradiography)
Image and Computer Vision Center, Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA
NCSA Image, PalEdit, Layout, and Gel Reader (all public domain)
(Scientific visualization, palette editing, gels)
NCSA, Champaign, IL
Anonymous ftp: zaphod.ncsa.uiuc.edu
DIP Station
(Medical image analysis, 16-bits, surface rendering)
Hayden Image Processing Group
Boulder, Colorado
303-449-3433 (whc@po.cwru.edu)
(Color image processing, 24-bit to 8-bit color conversion,
file conversion, plug-in modules)
Adobe Systems
Mountain View, CA
Micro Frontier
Des Moines, Iowa
PixelTools, TCL-Image
(Video rate processing, 1340x1035 frame grabber)
Perceptics Corporation
Knoxville, TN
The Explorer
(Medical image analysis)
Los Angeles, CA
Transform, View, Format, and Dicer
(Scientific visualization, presentation graphics,
volume visualization)
Spyglass, Inc.
Savoy, IL
Image Analyst
Billerica, MA
(Volume rendering, video microscopy)
Fairfield, Iowa
(FFT, >8-bits precision, 24-bit color, scripting)
Signal Analytics
Vienna, VA
(Volume rendering)
Vital Images
Fairfield, Iowa
(Medical image analysis, multi-modality studies, 16-bits, extendible)
Evergreen Technologies, Inc.
Gaithersburg, MD
301-948-1800 (evergreen@applelink.apple.com) Ultimage
Santa Rosa, CA
Subject: MacIP Other useful FAQ files
[more detail next time]
The Archive-name header specifies the file name on the rtfm.mit.edu
archive in the /pub/usenet-by-hierarchy/news/answers subdirectory.
From: stanley@skyking.oce.orst.edu (John Stanley)
Subject: Sci.image.processing FAQ (Huzzah!)
Archive-name: <to be assigned> (Search s.i.p archive for "FAQ")
I haven't looked at these recently, but check these newsgroups or
look on the rtfm archive for FAQ files. Look in the directories
for the group, e.g. /pub/usenet-by-hierarchy/comp/graphics.
[more next time]
Subject: MacIP About the Macintosh Image Processing FAQ
This is the first cut at a new streamlined FAQ that covers more than
one site. More improvements will follow. Keep those suggestions
coming in :-).
Many thanks to John Stanley <stanley@ruby.OCE.ORST.EDU> for setting up an
archive of sci.image.processing. Nearly all posts to s.i.p are archived
there and the full text can be searched rapidly using any Gopher client or
WWW client. This is the preferred method, and the ONLY method described
here. It should be possible to make a mirror or two of the archive on
other continents (hint). This ought to give faster response for people
there, although Gopher gives no feedback about where it is going for any
particular piece of information
To find out more about Gopher, ask in comp.infosystems.gopher or read
"Gopher (comp.infosystems.gopher) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)" which
is posted every two weeks to comp.infosystems.gopher, or is available via
anonymous FTP:
Those without FTP access should send e-mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
with "send usenet/news.answers/finding-sources" in the body to find out
how to do FTP by e-mail. Or just "send usenet/news.answers/gopher-faq".
To obtain the latest copy of THIS document,
"send usenet/news.answers/image-processing/Macintosh".
If you see this text as a separte message followed by several others from
me, you must be running a newsreader like NN which has an option to split
digests and present them as if each article were posted separately.
Mail suggestions or comments to huff@mcclb0.med.nyu.edu (Edward J. Huff).
Preferably, mail a modified copy of the whole file to reflect the changes
you would like to see. I reserve the right to ignore impolite requests.
I will not be maintaining any FAQ files for PC or Unix. Anyone else
who would like to do so is encouraged. It isn't (that) hard.
Also, I plan to include a list of useful search terms, i.e. specific terms
that successfully bring up the desired answers, rather than quoting the
answers themselves. This should also make obsolete copies of this FAQ a
little less obsolete. Please send me successful search terms, especially
if they are not entirely obvious.
I am also looking at a Mac WWW client, and someday will get information
Subject: MacIP Latest Software versions.
As of 19 Oct 93:
Mac TurboGopher latest release is curr.version.is.1.0.7f, beta test is
The latest NIH Image is 1.52. The non-FPU version is for Macs which do
not have a Floating Point Unit. Beta test is nih-image153b13.hqx.
The latest IP Lab demo is 2.3.0h, on zippy.
Subject: MacIP Where to find Mac TurboGopher
Short answer: boombox.micro.umn.edu (
in directory /pub/gopher/Macintosh-TurboGopher file TurboGopher.hqx
Or if you already have an older copy, use the TurboGopher Distribution
bookmark. As usual with Gopher, there is no indication about where on
the internet it is going for the information, and it does not try to
tell you. This could be fixed: the "TurboGopher Distribution" window
ought to contain pointers to gopher servers which contain nearby copies...
An "archie" search for Macintosh-TurboGopher found 25 copies at anonymous
FTP sites around the world.
Telnet to an archie server:
Login as user "archie", and enter "prog Macintosh-TurboGopher". Conserve
bandwidth, FTP from a nearby site.
As usual, archie is not a perfect solution, since archivists have a
tendency to change file names and since the file you are looking for
changes with the version. This search string has been tested on
archie.ans.net and it found 25 sites. Other reasonable searchs are
TurboGopher.sit.hqx and TurboGopher.hqx, but many of the sites use file
names like turbogopher1.05.sit.hqx. Is there a better way?
If you cannot telnet or if you use archie a lot, client software is
available on ftp.ans.net:/pub/archie/clients; documentation in
/pub/archie/doc. Maybe it works better than the telnet version?
Subject: MacIP How to set up Mac TurboGopher
(1) Unbinhex and unstuff it. Fetch will unbinhex it automatically while
obtaining it from the FTP site. You need one of the Stuffit programs to
uncompress TurboGopher. Look in comp.sys.mac.* for more information. Once
you have TurboGopher, you can use it to get the lastest version.
(2) Of course, you need MacTCP properly installed in your system folder,
and a TCP connection to the Internet. Ask you local network manager for
(3) Double click on TurboGopher. Choose "File/Another Gopher" and type
skyking.oce.orst.edu into the dialog box, and change the default port
from 70 to 71.
A window titled "skyking.oce.orst.edu" will appear. Double click on
"Information From the Costal Imaging Lab" and another window will open.
There you will find "Sci.image.processing Newsgroup Archive". Select the
line and choose "Gopher/Set Bookmark" to create a bookmark to the archive.
Then, you can quit from TurboGopher, restart it, and the archive will
appear as an item in your "Bookmarks" window.
Subject: MacIP How to search the sci.image.processing archive using TurboGopher
The first item in the archive window is "WAIS Indes to Articles". Further
down is a folder "Raw Articles." Ignore the folder and use the index.
Double click on the question mark icon, and a dialog box appears: "Find
documents containing these words:". Enter FAQ and a window titled FAQ will
appear. There you can see the complete history of the discussions on when
and if a FAQ posting should appear in sci.image.processing, and also any
other article which happens to contain the word "FAQ".
I suppose that every time this FAQ gets reposted, it is going to be
reentered in the archive. Maybe there is a way to prevent that.
Subject: MacIP How to search for followups to an article
You can copy the "article-ID" header string and paste it into the search
box. This frequently produces more articles than desired, since each
substring delimited by periods etc. is treated as a separate word.
One useful solution to this would be for the original poster to put some
unique single word string in the subject line. Or someday, the index
software could be modified to treat article-ID strings as single words.
Subject: MacIP Where to find NIH Image
NIH Image is a public domain image processing package for the Macintosh.
The home site for NIH Image is zippy.nimh.nih.gov in directory /pub/nih-image.
Copies exist in many places. Wayne has changed his file names to include
nih-image rather than just image, so that archie should be able to find
copies, provided that other archivists preserve the name.
Another good location is sumex-aim.stanford.edu (
/info-mac/grf/util and mirrors of that site.
Subject: MacIP NIH Image Mailing list
Subscribing to the new NIH Image mailing list is good way to get in contact
with other Image users and to get questions answered. It was set up by a
group in the Soil Science Department at the University of Minnesota. To
subscribe, send a message containing the line "subscribe nih-image <your
name>" to listserv@soils.umn.edu. ("Your name" is your actual name,
NOT your e-mail address. The e-mail address comes from the headers).
End of Macintosh Image Processing Information Sources (FAQ)