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Newsgroups: comp.object,comp.answers,news.answers
Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!nic.hookup.net!news.moneng.mei.com!uwm.edu!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!uchinews!news
From: Bob Hathaway <rjh@geodesic.com>
Subject: Comp.Object FAQ Version 1.0.5 (12-13) Part 8/8
Message-ID: <1993Dec14.045542.18801@midway.uchicago.edu>
Followup-To: comp.object
Summary: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List and Available Systems For Object-Oriented Technology
Sender: news@uchinews.uchicago.edu (News System)
Organization: Geodesic Systems
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1993 04:55:42 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Lines: 1544
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu comp.object:13855 comp.answers:2996 news.answers:15754
Archive-name: object-faq/part8
Last-Modified: 12/13/93
Version: 1.0.5
>27 Browser for OO info
From: oscar@cui.unige.ch (Oscar Nierstrasz)
Subject: CUI & Object Oriented Information Sources on the World Wide Web
Reply-To: oscar@cui.unige.ch
Organization: University of Geneva, Switzerland
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1993 12:18:38 GMT
An HTTP server has been installed at the Centre Universitaire d'Informatique
of the University of Geneva. Information about various research groups at
the CUI is available, as well as a number of other experimental services.
The Object Systems group at CUI is providing a number of pointers to
Object-Oriented Information Sources available on the World Wide Web.
The page containing these sources is accessible from the CUI home page.
The URL is: http://cui_www.unige.ch/home.html
You must have a WWW browser to access the information. If you do not have
a browser, you should obtain, for example, the xmosaic browser from:
ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu:Web/xmosaic or info.cern.ch:pub/www.
The material available from CUI is in an early stage of development.
Suggestions for additional OO references to include (or whatever) are welcome!
Oscar Nierstrasz
Dr. O.M. Nierstrasz, Centre Universitaire d'Informatique
University of Geneva, 24, rue General-Dufour, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 705.7664 Secr: 705.7770 Fax: 320.2927
E-mail: oscar@cui.unige.ch Home: 733.9568
>28 Apertos(Meta-Obj Distr OS, research)
The Apertos (formerly MUSE) project at Sony Research
is a meta-object based distributed OS for turning portable wireless
hand-held computers into fully-connected Dynabook-like
terminals. It's very very wizzy. The papers are on:
The source is available for research; I think you have to
sign something first.
>29 Actors Paper (UIUC)
From: agha@cs.uiuc.edu (Gul Agha)
Subject: Actor Theory Paper available
Organization: University of Illinois, Dept. of Comp. Sci., Urbana, IL
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1993 15:41:02 GMT
A new paper providing a definitive and detailed development of the
semantics of actor systems is available via anonymous ftp. Comments
are especially welcome.
Title: A Foundation for Actor Computation
Authors: Gul Agha, Univerity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ian Mason, Stanford University
Scott Smith, John Hopkins University
Carolyn Talcott, Stanford University
We present an actor language which is
an extension of a simple functional language, and provide a precise
operational semantics for this extension. Actor configurations are
open distributed systems, meaning we explicitly take into account the
interface with external components in the specification of an actor
system. We define and study various notions of equivalence on actor
expressions and configurations.
to ftp the compressed postscript file:
ftp sail.stanford.edu (or
login: anonymous
send ident as password.
cd pub/MT
the file is called:
Note: the paper is 76pp long. It subsumes work reported in our paper
in CONCUR '92.
(A number of other recent papers on actor languages and their
implementation may be obtained by anonymous ftp from
biobio.cs.uiuc.edu in the directory pub/papers).
>30 Chambers' Thesis
What: SELF optimizing compiler and Thesis
From: chambers@cs.washington.edu (Craig Chambers)
Date: 9 May 92 22:00:53 GMT
My Ph.D. thesis, entitled "The Design and Implementation of the Self Compiler,
an Optimizing Compiler for Object-Oriented Programming Languages," is now
available as Stanford technical report number STAN-CS-92-1420. Copies may be
ordered from Stanford. Stanford requires $20 (plus tax for orders from within
California), in advance, for each copy.
The dissertation also is available in compressed postscript form. The
electronic version may be copied via anonymous ftp from self.stanford.edu in
the directory pub/papers/chambers-thesis. This version is free. Note however
that the thesis is about 250 pages long.
>31 graph drawing
From: rt@cs.brown.edu (Roberto Tamassia)
Subject: annotated bibliography on graph drawing algorithms
Organization: Brown University Department of Computer Science
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1993 06:45:48 GMT
A new revised version of the annotated bibliography on graph drawing
algorithms by Giuseppe Di Battista, Peter Eades, Roberto Tamassia, and
Ioannis Tollis is now available via anonymous ftp from
wilma.cs.brown.edu ( The files are /pub/gdbiblio.tex.Z
and /pub/gdbiblio.ps.Z.
>32 Law of Demeter
From: lieber@ccs.neu.edu (Karl Lieberherr)
Subject: Law of Demeter/Adaptive Software
Organization: College of CS, Northeastern University
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1993 20:41:49 GMT
Yes, the Law of Demeter paper is available in electronic form on the
net. Indeed, many of the Demeter project papers are available from
the ftp server at Northeastern University (see instructions below).
The Law of Demeter idea has been automated in the Demeter Tools/C++
as an adaptive software tool which automatically makes much of your C++ code
compliant with the Law of Demeter. The tool is an add-on tool to
your favorite C++ development environment and is commercially available
from Demeter International. The Demeter Tools/C++ lift
object-oriented programming to a higher level of abstraction
by allowing the user to focus on the essential and
stable classes. A paper on ADAPTIVE SOFTWARE will appear in
the Communications of the ACM and is also available from the
ftp server.
For more information, use the ftp instructions below or call
Demeter International
56 Bennett Road
Marblehead, MA 01945
phone: (617) 639 1544
fax: (617) 373 5121
or send e-mail to demeter@ccs.neu.edu
-- Karl Lieberherr
FTP instructions:
Some of our papers are available in one package by anonymous ftp from
ftp.ccs.neu.edu (
in directory pub/demeter/documents
Use the following command sequence to copy the Demeter papers:
% ftp ftp.ccs.neu.edu or
Name ( ... ): ftp
Password: your-email-address
ftp> cd pub/demeter/documents
ftp> ls
ftp> binary
ftp> get papers.tar.Z
ftp> quit
% uncompress papers.tar.Z
% tar xf papers.tar
If you want to copy individual papers and not all at once, go to
directory pub/demeter/documents/papers and retrieve them
Law of Demeter paper:
Adaptive Software papers:
>33 OO Dyn Grping, memory
From: mario@cs.man.ac.uk (Mario Wolczko)
Subject: Re: OOPLs and Locality of Reference
Keywords: locality of reference
Date: 5 Jul 93 14:39:13 GMT
Organization: Dept Computer Science, University of Manchester, U.K.
The measurements done as part of the work here on the Mushroom project
show that temporal locality within Smalltalk objects is great (and
hence even conventional caches work reasonably well [unless the GC
scheme trashes the cache]), whereas spatial locality on a scale much
larger than the average object (which is 40 bytes) is much harder to
come by.
More details can be found in these papers (all available by ftp from
mushroom.cs.man.ac.uk in /pub/mushroom/papers):
"Dynamic Grouping in an Object Oriented Virtual Memory Hierarchy"
Ifor Williams, Mario Wolczko, Trevor Hopkins, Proc. ECOOP 87,
Springer-Verlag LNCS 276, pp.79-88.
"Realization of a Dynamically Grouped Object-Oriented Virtual
Memory Hierarchy", Proceedings of the Workshop on Persistent Object
Systems: Their Design, Implementation and Use, available as
Persistent Programming Research Report PPRR-44-87, Universities
of Glasgow and St. Andrews, Aug. 1987, pp.298--308.
"An Object-Based Memory Architecture"
Ifor Williams and Mario Wolczko, in Implementing Persistent Object
Bases: Proc. Fourth International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems,
Morgan Kaufmann, 1991, pp.114-130.
The first three figures are in obma-fig[123].ps.Z.
Mario Wolczko
______ Dept. of Computer Science Internet: mario@cs.man.ac.uk
/~ ~\ The University uucp: mcsun!uknet!man.cs!mario
( __ ) Manchester M13 9PL JANET: mario@uk.ac.man.cs
`-': :`-' U.K. Tel: +44-61-275 6146 (FAX: 6236)
____; ;_____________the mushroom project___________________________________
>34 Pred Classes (Cecil)
What: "Predicate Classes" paper
From: chambers@klamath.cs.washington.edu (Craig Chambers)
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 93 01:25:02 GMT
"Predicate classes are a new linguistic construct designed to
complement normal classes in object-oriented languages. Like a normal
class, a predicate class has a set of superclasses, methods, and
instance variables. However, unlike a normal class, an object is
automatically an instance of a predicate class whenever it satisfies a
predicate expression associated with the predicate class. The
predicate expression can test the value or state of the object, thus
supporting a form of implicit property-based classification that
augments the explicit type-based classification provided by normal
classes. By associating methods with predicate classes, method lookup
can depend not only on the dynamic class of an argument but also on
its dynamic value or state. If an object is modified, the
property-based classification of an object can change over time,
implementing shifts in major behavior modes of the object. A version
of predicate classes has been designed and implemented in the context
of the Cecil language."
Comments on the ideas in the paper are appreciated.
-- Craig Chambers
>35 Manchester Archive and some
What: Manchester Archive, SmallTalk-V
From: johnson@m.cs.uiuc.edu (Ralph Johnson)
Date: 18 Dec 91 19:41:38 GMT
We have a complete copy of everything in the Manchester archive, and you
can either access it by e-mail like the Manchester archive or by anonymous
ftp. Our archive is on st.cs.uiuc.edu, and you can get information about the
e-mail server by sending to archive-server@st.cs.uiuc.edu, and putting the
line help in your message. We actually have a little more than is in the
Manchester archive. We have the Smalltalk-V code from the defunct
International Smalltalk Association, and a few other odds and ends.
>36 Object Design's OO7 Results
What: Object Design's Results on the OO7 Benchmarks
From: dudek@odi.com (Glen Dudek)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 93 17:17:11 GMT
April 26, 1993
We have made a copy of our results available to the Internet community. You
can access this information through anonymous ftp from ftp.odi.com in the
file /pub/oo7/results.ps.
The report includes the "official" tests done for ObjectStore by the
University of Wisconsin, and our internal execution of all the tests using
ObjectStore Release 2.0.1, the current production version. As the report
shows, our internal execution carefully followed the agreed-upon procedures
for running OO7, and we believe the numbers that were produced accurately
represent ObjectStore's performance.
For further information contact oo7info@odi.com.
>37 Graph service
From: north@ulysses.att.com (Stephen C. North)
Subject: free samples of directed graph layouts by mail
Keywords: graph layout, DAG, embedder
Date: 25 Jun 93 18:28:29 GMT
Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill
I have created an experimental service for remote users to try some of
our graph layout programs through Internet mail, for research or
educational purposes. I'm looking for a few friendly users to try this
service. The programs are:
dag (directed graphs, old, program, works with some USL C++ utilities.
This may have unintentionally sparked the apparently misdirected
discussion of "DAG classes" in one newsgroup recently.)
dot (directed graphs, newer algorithms, better layouts, more features)
neato (undirected graphs, compatible with dot, Kamada-Kawai spring embedder)
You can ftp PostScript files of documentation from dist/drawdag/*.Z on
To draw graphs, send a graph file to drawdag@toucan.research.att.com
and give the command line in the Subject header. For example,
From cs.Princeton.EDU!north Thu Jun 24 11:45:28 0400 1993 remote from toucan
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 11:45:28 -0400
From: Stephen North <north@cs.Princeton.EDU>
To: drawdag@toucan.research.att.com
Subject: dot -Tps
digraph G { a -> b }
File arguments are disabled for obvious reasons. Please let me know if
you hit any snags. There is a reasonable limit on graph size and probably
number of invocations from a given site/account. (If you use it that much,
AT&T's Intellectual Property Division sells binary executables; their number
is 800-462-8146).
Stephen North, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill NJ, (908) 582 7392
Parturiunt montes, nascetur ridiculus mus!
>38 C++SIM (Simula-like Sim Pkg)
From: M.C.Little@newcastle.ac.uk (Mark Little)
Subject: C++SIM Release 1.0 Announcement
Organization: Computing Laboratory, U of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK NE17RU
Keywords: C++, SIMULA, simulation, object-oriented
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1993 15:02:33 GMT
C++SIM 1.0 Release Announcement.
This is to announce the release of version 1.0 of C++SIM, a simulation
package written in C++. C++SIM provides discrete process based
simulation similar to that provided by the simulation class and
libraries of SIMULA. The linked list manipulation facilities provided
by SIMSET are also included in the package.
Inheritance was used throughout the design to an even greater extent
than is already provided by SIMULA. This has allowed us to add new
functionality without affecting the overall system structure, and hence
provides for a more flexible and expandable simulation package.
A paper is included which describes the design and implementation of
C++SIM and includes a worked example of how to use the package. The
paper describes the class hierarchy which we have created, and
indicates how it can be used to further refine the simulation package.
The simulation package requires the use of a threads package and
currently only works with Sun's lightweight process library or the Gnu
thread package (which *is* included in the distribution). The package has
been used on Sun workstations, and, with the exception of the thread
library requirement, contains no system specific code which should make
porting to other systems relatively easy. The code has been compiled
with Cfront 2.1 and Cfront 3.0.1 and g++ 2.3.3
If you find any bugs or make modifications (e.g., ports to other thread
packages) or port it to other systems, then please let me know so I can
keep the sources up-to-date for other users.
The package is available via anonymous ftp from arjuna.ncl.ac.uk
>39 commercial on cd-rom
From: jimad@microsoft.com (Jim Adcock)
Subject: Re: Non-defense Ada applications - answering several requests
Date: 11 Jun 93 18:56:55 GMT
Organization: Microsoft Corporation
1) Get a copy of the Computer Select Database. [I notice the company
is offering free trial copies [the database is CD-ROM based]]
2) Select "Section: Software Product Specifications"
3) Select "Find: C++"
Behold! A list of 734 commercially available software packages written
in C++, including some of the best known names in the software industry.
>40 C++ Signatures (subtyping)
From: gb@cs.purdue.edu (Gerald Baumgartner)
Newsgroups: comp.object,comp.lang.c++
Subject: signature implementation for G++ 2.5.2 and tech report available
Date: 4 Nov 1993 12:03:00 -0500
Organization: Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue University
Announcing the paper
Signatures: A C++ Extension for
Type Abstraction and Subtype Polymorphism
by Gerald Baumgartner and Vincent F. Russo.
Tech report CSD-TR-93-059, Dept. of Computer
Sciences, Purdue University, September 1993.
Submitted to Software Practice & Experience.
and a beta release of our implementation of
signatures for GCC 2.5.2.
How to Get that Stuff?
You can get both the paper and the implementation by ftp from
host: ftp.cs.purdue.edu (
login: anonymous
password: your e-mail address
directory: pub/gb
files: COPYING Copyright notice.
README This file.
Signatures.{dvi,ps}.gz DVI and Postscript versions
of the paper.
gcc-2.5.2.sig.diff.gz Patch to upgrade GCC 2.5.2.
test.tar.gz Test files and script to run
the tests.
To make GCC 2.5.2 understand signatures, just copy the context diff
file into the GCC source directory, type
gunzip gcc-2.5.2.sig.diff.gz
patch < gcc-2.5.2.sig.diff
and rebuild and install `gcc,' `cc1plus,' the man pages, and the manual.
For compiling C++ code containing signatures, you need to use the
command line option
We tested our extension on Sun 4 only, but since there are no changes
to the compiler backend, it is expected work on other architectures as
well. To test whether it works on your architecture, unpack the file
`test.tar.gz' and run the shell script
It compiles the test programs and runs them. If everything works
correctly, all the test programs (all 40 of them) should print
Hello World.
What are Signatures anyway?
Roughly, signatures are type abstractions or interfaces of classes.
They are related to ML's signatures, categories in Axiom, definition
modules in Modula-2, interface modules in Modula-3, and types in
The main language constructs added are signatures and signature pointers.
For example, the signature declaration
signature S
int foo (void);
int bar (int);
defines a new abstract type `S' with member functions `int foo (void)'
and `int bar (int).' Signature types cannot be instantiated since they
don't provide any implementation. Only signature pointers and signature
references can be defined. For example,
C obj;
S * p = &obj;
defines a signature pointer `p' and initializes it to point to an object
of class type `C,' where `C' is required to contain the public member
functions `int foo (void)' and `int bar (int).' The member function call
int i = p->foo ();
executes then `obj.foo ().'
Class `C' is called an implementation of the abstract type `S.' In
this example, we could have made `S' an abstract virtual class and `C' a
subclass of `S,' and we would have had the same effect. The advantages
of signatures over abstract virtual classes are
- you can build a type hierarchy separate from the class inheritance
(implementation) hierarchy,
- subtyping becomes decoupled from inheritance, and
- signatures can be used with compiled classes, while you cannot
retrofit an abstract virtual class on top of compiled class
For more information, please, see the paper.
What's Implemented and what's not?
Signature declarations and signature pointers are implemented and
working. For examples of what's working and how to use them you can
have a look at the test files.
The following bugs are known:
- The destructor of objects cannot be called though signature pointers.
- A signature pointer cannot point to an object of a class defined
by multiple inheritance.
- The signature conformance check does not work if the signature
contains other signature declarations or class declarations.
- Operator and conversion operator member functions of signatures
can only be called with function call syntax, such as
`p->operator+(17),' but not with operator or conversion syntax.
The following language constructs and features are not yet implemented:
- constants in signatures,
- signature references,
- signature inheritance,
- the `sigof' (signature of a class) construct,
- views (not even the parsing is done),
- signature templates, and
- exception specifications in signature member function declarations.
The following optimization is not implemented:
- Looking up a virtual class member function through a signature
pointer/reference requires double indirection. This can be optimized
by memoizing, so that only the first lookup of a member function
requires double indirection and further lookups require only single
The items above are roughly in the order in which they will be implemented.
Besides bug fixes, the main features that have been implemented since the
last release are default implementations of signature member functions
and opaque types.
Please, send your questions, comments, suggestions, and complaints to
Gerald Baumgartner
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN 47907
Internet: gb@cs.purdue.edu, UUCP: ...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!gb
>41 The Texas Persistent Store
The Texas Persistent Store, version 0.1
Texas is a simple, portable, high-performance and (best of all) FREE
persistent store for C++ using "pointer swizzling at page fault time"
to translate persistent addresses to hardware-supported virtual addresses.
Texas is built on top of a normal virtual memory, and relies on the
underlying virtual memory system for caching. It uses user-level virtual
memory protections to control the faulting of data from a persistent storage
file into virtual memory.
All addresses in a page are translated from a persistent format to
actual virtual addresses when the page is brought into virtual memory,
and subsequent memory references (including pointer traversals) are
just as fast as for non-persistent data.
Texas is easy to use, and is implemented as a UNIX library. It is small
and can be linked into applications. It requires no special operating
system privileges, and persistence is orthogonal to type---objects may be
allocated on either a conventional transient heap, or on the persistent
heap, as desired.
Texas supports simple checkpointing of heap data. A log-structured storage
module is under development, and will provide fast checkpointing of small
Texas is beta software, and the current prerelease version supports only
simple single-machine operation. Future releases will support client-server
operation, a flexible access control scheme, and transaction support.
Texas currently runs under SunOS and ULTRIX, using Sun CC or GNU C++.
Porting to other modern systems (e.g., OS/2, WNT, Mach) should be easy---it
requires only mprotect(), signal(), and sbrk() calls (or their equivalent)
to control virtual memory protection setting and trap handling.
Papers about the pointer swizzling scheme and Texas itself (referenced
below) are available via anonymous ftp from cs.utexas.edu (IP address, as postscript files swizz.ps and texaspstore.ps in the
directory pub/garbage.
The source code for Texas is also available, in the directory
Paul R. Wilson and Sheetal V. Kakkad, "Pointer Swizzling at Page Fault
Time: Efficiently and Compatibly Supporting Huge Address Spaces on Standard
Hardware," Proc. Second Int'l. Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating
Systems, Sept. 1992, Dourdan, France, pp. 364--377.
Vivek Singhal, Sheetal V. Kakkad, and Paul R. Wilson, "Texas: an Efficient,
Portable Persistent Store", Proc. Fifth Int'l. Workshop on Persistent Object
Systems, Sept. 1992, San Miniato, Italy, pp. 11-33.
>42 OSE C++lib
From: grahamd@research.otc.com.au (Graham Dumpleton)
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1993 11:34:42 +1100 (EST)
Organisation: Telstra International
Phone: +61-2-287-3119
OSE consists of three C++ class libraries, a build environment based on
GNU make, programs for documentation extraction and other miscellaneous
The C++ libraries include generic classes and some UNIX specific classes.
Collection classes use templates compatable with AT&T C++ 3.0. If you
have a C++ compiler which does not support templates, a template
preprocessor supplied with OSE can be used.
OSE uses a GNU style configure script, making it relatively easy to
install, even on platforms for which it may not yet have been compiled.
For DOS users, a script is provided to create a copy of the C++
libraries suitable for compilation on that platform.
OSE can be obtained via anonymous ftp from:
ftp.th-darmstadt.de []
directory pub/programming/languages/C++/class-libraries/OSE
United States
straylight.acs.ncsu.edu []
directory /pub/ose
csis.dit.csiro.au []
directory pub/otc
To get further information about OSE, without actually fetching the
complete package, either fetch the file "ANNOUNCE" from one of the
ftp sites, or send mail to:
>43 Traces,kiczales,MOP,DI
From: gregor@parc.xerox.com (Gregor Kiczales)
Subject: Re: Dynamic Objects
In-Reply-To: rjh@geodesic.com's message of 25 Aug 93 21:52:56 GMT
Message-ID: <GREGOR.93Sep3093506@calvin.parc.xerox.com>
Organization: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
References: <16C357BF0.MFARMER@utcvm.utc.edu> <1993Aug25.215256.8031@midway.uchicago.edu>
Date: 3 Sep 93 09:35:06
Earlier in this series of messages, Craig Chambers and others mentioned
his ECOOP'93 paper on predicate classes, which provide a powerful handle
on some of the problems that have been mentioned in this series of
messages, specifically, how dynamic changes to an object or its context
can be harnessed to reliably effect the object's (message receipt)
behavior. As I see it, predicate classes are a key step towards solving
one of the most frustrating problems of OO programming: the struggle
over whether to encode some difference among objects in the value of a
slot (that is one of its parts) or in the object's `method table' (class
or that which it is one-of).
A closely related problem, that has also come up in this series of
messages, is how so-called factory objects can dynamically select the
behavior of the objects they create. We have developed a new OO
language concept called Traces, that can be used to make much more
powerful factory objects, as well as handle some of the things predicate
classes do. The two ideas are similar in that they both make behavior
selection a much more dynamic phenomena.
My ISOTAS'93 paper presents the concept of Traces and shows it
application to some problems. This paper is available for anonymous FTP
from ftp.parc.xerox.com, in the /pub/mops directory. The file is
Following is the abstract from the paper:
Object-oriented techniques are a powerful tool for making a system
end-programmer specializable. But, in cases where the system not only
accepts objects as input, but also creates objects internally,
specialization has been more difficult. This has been referred to as
the ``make isn't generic problem.'' We present a new \oo{} language
concept, called traces, that we have used successfully to support
specialization in cases that were previously cumbersome.
The concept of traces makes a fundamental separation between two kinds
of inheritance in \oo{} languages: inheritance of default implementation
-- an aspect of code sharing; and inheritance of specialization, a
sometimes static, sometimes dynamic phenomenon.
>44 C++ coding standard
From: metz@iam.unibe.ch (Igor Metz)
Subject: Re: C++ coding standard
Organization: Dept. of CS, University of Berne, Switzerland
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1993 07:08:21 GMT
euagate.eua.ericsson.se (Internet Address:
[Also an archive site. E.g. Coplien includes a dir of C++ examples]
>45 Kala Archive
From: sss@world.std.com (Sergiu S Simmel)
Subject: Kala White Paper now available via anonymous ftp
Message-ID: <CD4MyB.Hsn@world.std.com>
Organization: Penobscot Development Corporation, Cambridge MA
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1993 07:18:11 GMT
An 8-page paper providing an overview of what Kala is and what Kala is
for is now available, in PostScript format, in the Kala Archive. The
file is accessible, via anonymous FTP, at the following location:
The outline is the following
1 What is Kala For?
2 Software Infrastructure
Persistent Data and Persistent Stores
3 Data Transfer
4 Data Visibility
Changing Visibility
Sharing Visibility
5 Runtime and Architectural Models
6 Relationship to Other Technologies
This paper is targeted towards those who don't know anything about
Kala and would like to find out a bit in 10 pages or less.
P.S. For those of you who do not have FTP access and would like to
obtain this file, please send a brief e-mail message to
info@Kala.com, requesting that the file be e-mailed to you.
Beware that the file is approximately 425Kbytes long (the paper
contains 13 illustrations!).
>46 BeBOP(seq,par,LP,OO,meta)
From: ad@munta.cs.mu.OZ.AU (Andrew Davison)
Subject: BeBOP v.1.0 Available
Message-ID: <9325614.15552@mulga.cs.mu.OZ.AU>
Organization: Department of Computer Sci, University of Melbourne
Follow-Up: comp.parallel
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1993 04:08:41 GMT
BeBOP and bp Version 1.0 now available
What is BeBOP?
The language BeBOP is a unique combination of sequential
and parallel Logic Programming (LP), object oriented
programming and meta-level programming.
The LP component offers both don't know non-determinism
and stream AND-parallelism, a combination not possible
with concurrent LP languages.
BeBOP's object oriented features include object IDs,
encapsulation, message passing, state updating, and
object behaviour modification.
The meta-level capabilities are based on the treatment
of Prolog theories as first order entities, which
enables them to be updated easily, and for fragments
to be passed between objects in messages.
BeBOP is implemented by translation down to NU-Prolog,
and its parallel extension, PNU-Prolog. An unusual
aspect of this is the way that object IDs are utilized
as a communication mechanism between objects.
What is bp?
The bp interactive interpreter supports BeBOP programming
by allowing the flexible invocation of objects, and
offering the means for setting up communication links
between objects at any time. An incidental benefit is
the ability to use `global' variables in queries. Since
bp is an augmentation of the NU-Prolog np system, objects
and Prolog goals can be combined, and a by-product is
that the floundering of Prolog queries is avoided.
Where are they?
The BeBOP system (BeBOP and bp), and the PNU-Prolog
preprocessor pnp, can be found at the anonymous ftp
site munnari.oz.au (, in the directory
pub as the file bebop.tar.Z. Remember to use binary
mode when copying it.
The release comes with a user manual, several papers
(in Postscript format), sample programs, and source code.
System requirements
The BeBOP system requires the following:
* The NU-Prolog system, compiler and interpreter
* The pnp preprocessor
(this is included as part of the BeBOP system release)
* GCC or similar compiler
* Yacc (or Bison) and Lex
For more details, contact:
Andrew Davison
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Melbourne
Parkville, Victoria 3052
Email: ad@cs.mu.oz.au
Fax: +61 3 348 1184
Phone: +61 3 287 9172 / 9101
Telex: AA 35185
>47 Knowledge Media, Massive cd-rom, lots of freeware
A "Resource Library" of cd-rom discs . CDs for language/OS, graphics, multi-
media, mega-media (3), and audio. "Gathered from the resources of the
Internet, CompuServe, Genie, BIX, and other BBS's". Some shareware. Should be
available at your local software store.
From the back of the Languages CD:
'Over 100 Languages'
This is the largest collection of compilers, interpreters, libraries, and
source code for standard and experimental computer languages and operating
systems ever assembled. A must for anyone interested in computer programming,
this disc is just right for everyone, whether he or she is a researcher,
student, or an interested hobbist.
Knowledge Media Inc.
Paradise, CA 95969 USA
>48 u++, C++ Trans. and Concry RTS
From: nat@nataa.frmug.fr.net (Nat Makarevitch)
Subject: Re: 'Concurrent Objects' - Suggestions needed
Date: 10 Oct 1993 02:41:15 GMT
Organization: LIVIA
u++ - uC++ Translator and Concurrency Runtime System
The u++ command introduces a translator pass over the
specified source files after the C preprocessor and before
the actual C++ compilation. The translator converts sev-
eral new uC++ constructs into C++ statements. The u++
command also provides the runtime concurrency library,
which must be linked with each uC++ application.
uC++: Concurrency in the Object-Oriented Language C++, by
P.A. Buhr, G. Ditchfield, R.A. Stroobosscher, B.M.
Younger, C.R. Zarnke; Software-Practise and Experience,
22(2):137--172, February 1992. This paper describes uC++
v2.0, which has been significantly extended.
The uC++ system is available via anonymous FTP
from watmsg.UWaterloo.ca:pub/uSystem. A license agreement
is required to use uC++.
>49 Real Time
From: dstewart+@cs.cmu.edu (David B Stewart)
Subject: Re: Object-Oriented Systems and Realtime
Organization: The Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1993 16:51:19 GMT
In article <1993Oct11.082519.23058@cs.tcd.ie>,
Chris Zimmermann <czimmerm@cs.tcd.ie> wrote:
>Hi community:
>What is the state of the art concerning real time in
>object-oriented systems (if any)? By this, I mean the
>marriage of more or less traditional real time systems
>(including systems concerned with "soft" real time aspects
>like multimedia) with the OO paradigm.
We've done significant work in that area. Check out the following tech
D. B. Stewart, R. A. Volpe, and P. K. Khosla, "Design of Dynamically
Reconfigurable Real-Time Software using Port-Based Objects,"
Carnegie Mellon University Tech Report #CMU-RI-TR-93-11, July 1993.
Abstract: The current development of applications for sensor-based
robotic and automation (R&A) systems is typically a `one-of-a-kind'
process, where most software is developed from scratch, even though
much of the code is similar to code written for other applications.
The cost of these systems can be drastically reduced and the capability
of these systems improved by providing a suitable software framework
for all R&A sys tems. We describe a novel software framework, based on
the notion of dynamically reconfigurable software for sensor-based
control systems. Tools to support the implementation of this framework
have been built into the Chimera 3.0 Real-Time Operating System. The
framework provides for the systematic development and predictable
execution of flexible R&A applications while maintaining the ability to
reuse code from previous applications. It combines object-oriented
design of software with port-automaton design of digital control
systems. A control module is an instance of a class of port-based
objects. A task set is formed by integrating objects from a module
library to form a specific configuration. An implementation using
global state variables for the automatic integration of port-based
objects is presented. A control subsystem is a collection of jobs
which are executed one at a time, and can be programmed by a user.
Multiple control subsystems can execute in parallel, and operate
either independently or cooperatively. One of the fundamental concepts
of reconfigurable software design is that modules are developed
independent of the target hardware. Our framework defines classes of
reconfigurable device driver objects for proving hardware independence
to I/O devices, sensors, actuators, and special purpose processors.
Hardware independent real-time communication mechanisms for
inter-subsystem communication are also described. Along with providing
a foundation for design of dynamically reconfigurable real-time
software, we are also developing many modules for the control module,
device driver, and subroutine libraries. As the libraries continue to
grow, they will form the basis of code that can eventually be used by
future R&A applications. There will no longer be a need for developing
software from scratch for new applications, since many required modules
will already be available in one of the libraries.
This report is available via anonymous FTP as follows:
Name: anonymous
Password: yourname@yourmachine
ftp> binary
ftp> cd /usr/chimera/public
ftp> get CMU_RI_TR_93_11.ps.Z
ftp> quit
% uncompress CMU_RI_TR_93_11.ps.Z
% lpr CMU_RI_TR_93_11.ps (must be a postscript printer)
For more information, 'finger chimera@cmu.edu'.
>50 Ada-9x (compiler, GNU)
From: stt@spock.camb.inmet.com (Tucker Taft)
Subject: Re: which language to use ...?
Organization: Intermetrics, Inc.
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1993 23:22:42 GMT
Also, there is a preliminary release of a GNU-GCC-based Ada 9X
compiler available from NYU on cs.nyu.edu in pub/gnat/...
The front end is written in Ada itself; the back end
is the usual GCC back end (enhanced as appropriate).
S. Tucker Taft stt@inmet.com
Intermetrics, Inc.
Cambridge, MA 02138
>51 OO Course Slides
From: wellerd@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu (David Weller)
Subject: Re: Slides on OOP or OMT wanted
Organization: Sigma Software Engineering, Inc.
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1993 11:01:44 EST
In article <2bdot7$3nr@news-rocq.inria.fr> ziane@lolita.inria.fr (Mikal Ziane (Univ. Paris 5 and INRIA) ) writes:
>Hello netters,
>Is anybody aware of public domain slides available on an ftp site ?
>I'd like slides on OO programming or OO design methods (esp. OMT).
>I know I am crazy to ask for that but someone told me he saw
>a very good C++ course on some ftp site ! (he does not remember which one
It's true! On WUArchive (wuarchive.wustl.edu) there is a series of
slides developed in Microsoft's PowerPoint. The course material
includes lesson plans, tests, and workbooks, along with full notes
accompanying each slide.
There's one _little_ catch -- it's in the Public Ada Library. Now,
the OOP course (there's three courses, one on OOD, OOP, and Software
Engineering) covers both C++ and Ada. It was designed to let the
students work in both languages to get an objective opinion of the
pluses and minuses of each language (gee, what a concept!).
The OOD slides do NOT cover OMT. Some material is used from Booch's
OOD book, but not the notation. From looking at the slides, it appears
very easy to insert your own notation. The important part for students
is communicating the concepts, which (for the price) these slides do
a DAMN good job of. <- (Safire's Violation #45: "A perposition is a
bad thing to end a sentence with." :-)
Ah, but WHERE on WUArchive are they? If you look under
languages/ada/crsware, I believe you'll find them. Good luck!
type My_Disclaimer is new Standard.Disclaimer with record
AJPO, SEI : Cognizance := Disavow_All_Knowledge;
end record;--)
>52 GTE Distrib Reports
From: em02@gte.com (Emon)
Subject: Reports Available From The Distributed Object Computing Department
Date: 5 Nov 93 18:10:15 GMT
Organization: GTE Laboratories, Inc.
40 Sylvan Road, M/S 62
Waltham, Massachusetts 02254
For over six years, the primary focus of the Distributed Object Computing
Department within GTE Laboratories has been the Distributed Object
Management (DOM) project. The DOM project conducts research into
object-oriented technology for integrating heterogeneous, autonomous,
distributed (HAD) computer systems/resources. Major research areas include:
interoperable object models; interoperable, distributed object
architectures; heterogeneous, extended transaction models; and information
requests in HAD environments. We are experimenting in these areas using our
prototype DOM system which we have developed over the past five years. This
technology is based on ideas from a number of technical areas including
distributed, object-oriented, databases, multi-database systems, operating
systems, and programming languages.
Permission is granted at this time for the operations and uses listed
below. However, this permission is non-transferable and is subject to
revocation on a report-by-report basis, due to possible copyright transfers
that are normal in the publication process. Any additional copyright
restrictions are noted in the reports themselves. Default permissions are
for anonymous ftp, electronic viewing, and single-copy printing.
Permissible uses are research and browsing. Specifically prohibited are
SALES of any copy, whether electronic or hardcopy, of any of these reports
for any purpose. Also prohibited is copying, excerpting or extensive
quoting of any report in another work without the written permission of one
of the report's authors.
Reports marked with a "*" can be retrieved in postscript(ascii) form via
anonymous ftp from ftp.gte.com ( in the "pub/dom" subdirectory.
>>>>>>>>> 1994
[GEOR94a]* Georgakopoulos, D., M. Rusinkiewicz, and W. Litwin,
"Chronological Scheduling of Transactions with Temporal Dependencies," to
appear in the VLDB journal, January 1994 (submitted in December 1990).
[GEOR94b]* Georgakopoulos, D., M. Hornick, P. Krychniak, and F. Manola,
"Specification and Management of Extended Transactions in a Programmable
Transaction Environment," to appear in the Proceedings of the 10th
International Conference on Data Engineering, Houston, Texas, February
1994. Also published as TC-0207-02-93-165, GTE Laboratories Incorporated,
February 1993.
>>>>>>>>> 1993
[BROD93a]* Brodie, M.L., "The Promise of Distributed Computing and the
Challenge of Legacy Information Systems," in Hsiao, D., E.J. Neuhold, and
R. Sacks-Davis (eds), Proc. IFIP TC2/WG2.6 Conference on Semantics of
Interoperable Database Systems, Lorne, Australia, November 1992, Elsevier
North Holland, Amsterdam 1993.
[BROD93b]* Brodie, M.L. and M. Stonebraker, "DARWIN: On the Incremental
Migration of Legacy Information Systems," DOM Technical Report,
TR-0222-10-92-165, GTE Laboratories Inc., March 1993.
[GEOR93a]* Georgakopoulos, D., M. Hornick, and P. Krychniak, "An
Environment for Specification and Management of Extended Transactions in
DOMS," to appear in Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on
Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems, Vienna, Austria, April 1993.
[GEOR93c]* Georgakopoulos, D., M. Rusinkiewicz and A. Sheth, "Using
Ticket-based Methods to Enforce the Serializability of Multidatabase
Transactions," to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge
Engineering December 1993 (submitted in February 1992).
[GEOR93e]* Georgakopoulos, D., M. Hornick, F. Manola, M. Brodie, S.
Heiler, F. Nayeri, and B. Hurwitz, "An Extended Transaction Environment for
Workflows in Distributed Object Computing," in IEEE Data Engineering, pp.
24-27, vol. 16, no. 2, June 1993.
[MANO93a] Manola, F., "The Need for Object Model Interoperability,"
Workshop Report, Workshop on Application Integration Architectures, Dallas,
Texas, February 1993
[MANO93c]* Manola, F. and S. Heiler, "A 'RISC' Object Model for Object
System Interoperation: Concepts and Applications," TR-0231-08-93-165, GTE
Laboratories, Inc., August 1993.
[MITC93a] Mitchell, G., "Extensible Query Processing in an
Object-Oriented Database," PhD Thesis, Brown University Technical Report
No. CS-93-16, May 1993. Available in hard copy from Brown University,
Computer Science Department, and postscript format via anonymous ftp from
wilma.cs.brown.edu as file techreports/93/cs93-16.ps.Z
[NAYE93c]* Nayeri, F., and B. Hurwitz, "Experiments with Dispatching in a
Distributed Object System," GTE Laboratories, Inc., TR-0236-09-93-165, July
[NAYE93d]* Nayeri, F., "Addressing Component Interoperability in the OMG
Object Model," position paper submitted to ORB Implementors' Workshop, San
Francisco, June 1993.
[NICO93a] Nicol, J., T. Wilkes, and F. Manola, "Object Orientation in
Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Systems," IEEE Computer, pp. 57-67,
Vol. 26, No.6, June 1993.
[VENT93]* Ventrone, V. and S. Heiler, "Some Practical Advice for Dealing
with Semantic Heterogeneity in Federated Database Systems," Submitted to
>>>>>>>>> 1992
[BGR92]* Batra, R., D. Georgakopoulos, and M. Rusinkiewicz, "A
Decentralized Deadlock-free Concurrency Control Method for Multidatabase
Transactions," in Proceedings of 12th International Conference on
Distributed Computing Systems, Yokohama, Japan, June, 1992.
[BRO92b]* Brodie, M.L. and J. Mylopoulos , "Artificial Intelligence and
Databases: Dawn, Midday, or Sunset?," Canadian Information Processing
/Informatique Canadienne, July/August 1992.
[BROD92c]* Brodie, M.L. and S. Ceri, "On Intelligent and Cooperative
Information Systems," in International Journal of Intelligent and
Cooperative Information Systems 1, 2 September 1992.
[BUCH92] Buchmann, A.P., M.T. Ozsu, M. Hornick, D. Georgakopoulos, F.A.
Manola, "A Transaction Model for Active Distributed Object Systems," in
Database Transaction Models for Advanced Applications, A.K. Elmagarmid,
(ed.), Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, Spring 1992.
[GEOR92]* Georgakopoulos, D., "A Framework for Dynamic Specification of
Extended Multidatabase Transactions and Interdatabase Dependencies,"
Proceedings of Third Workshop on Heterogeneous Databases and Semantic
Interoperability, Boulder, February, 1992.
[HEIL92] Heiler, S., S. Haradhvala, B. Blaustein, A. Rosenthal, and S.
Zdonik, "A Flexible Framework for Transaction Management in Engineering
Environments," in Database Transaction Models for Advanced Applications,
A.K. Elmagarmid (ed.), Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, Spring 1992.
[MANO92]* Manola, F., S. Heiler, D. Georgakopoulos, M. Hornick, M.
Brodie, "Distributed Object Management," International Journal of
Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems 1, 1 March 1992.
[MANO92a]* Manola, F. and S. Heiler, "An Approach To Interoperable Object
Models," Proceedings of the International Workshop on Distributed Object
Management, Edmonton, Canada, August 1992 (also in Distributed Object
Management, M.T. Ozsu, U. Dayal, and P. Valduriez (eds.), Morgan Kaufmann,
San Mateo, CA, 1993).
>>>>>>>>> 1991
[BROD91] Brodie, M., "Distributed Object Management Research,"
Proceedings of the Second Telecommunications Information Networking
Architecture (TINA) Workshop, pp. 297-303, Chantilly, France, March 1991.
[BROD91a]* Brodie, M. and M. Hornick, "An Interoperability Development
Environment For Intelligent Information Systems," Proceedings of the
International Workshop on the Development of Intelligent Information
Systems, Niagara-on-the-Lake, April 1991.
[BUCH91]* Buchmann, A.P., M. Tamer Ozsu, and D. Georgakopoulos, "Towards
a Transaction Management System for DOM," TR-0146-06-91-165, GTE
Laboratories Incorporated, June 1991.
[GEOR91a]* Georgakopoulos, D., M. Rusinkiewicz, and A. Sheth, "On
Serializability of Multidatabase Transactions Through Forced Local
Conflicts," Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Data
Engineering, Kobe, Japan, April 1991.
[GEOR91b]* Georgakopoulos, D., "Multidatabase Recoverability and
Recovery," Proceedings of the First International Workshop on
Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems, Kyoto, Japan, April 1991.
[GRL91] Georgakopoulos, D., M. Rusinkiewicz, and W. Litwin,
"Chronological Scheduling of Transactions with Temporal Dependencies," in
the VLDB journal, available draft also as a Technical Report from the
Department of Computer Science at the University of Houston, UH-CS-91-03,
February, 1991.
[HEIL91]* Heiler, S., "Extended Data Type Support in Distributed DBMS
Products: A Technology Assessment and Forecast," TR-170-12-91-165. GTE
Laboratories Incorporated, December 1991.
[HORN91]* Hornick, M.F., J.D. Morrison, and F. Nayeri, "Integrating
Heterogeneous, Autonomous, Distributed Applications Using the DOM
Prototype," TR-0174-12-91-165. GTE Laboratories Incorporated, December
[MANO91] Manola, F. and U. Dayal, "An Overview of PDM: An Object-Oriented
Data Model," in K.R. Dittrich, U. Dayal, and A.P. Buchmann (eds.), On
Object-Oriented Database Systems, Springer-Verlag, 1991.
[MANO91a]* Manola, F., "Object Data Language Facilities for Multimedia
Data Types," TR-0169-12-91-165. GTE Laboratories Incorporated, December
[MANO91b] Manola, F., "The Third-Generation/OODBMS Manifesto, Commercial
Version," SIGMOD Record, Vol. 20, No. 4, December 1991.
[RUSI91] Rusinkiewicz, M. and D. Georgakopoulos, "Multidatabase
Transactions: Impediments and Opportunities," Compcon Spring '91 Digest of
Papers, San Francisco, February 1991.
[VENT91] Ventrone, V. and S. Heiler, "Semantic Heterogeneity as a Result
of Domain Evaluation," SIGMOD Record Special Issue: Semantic Issues in
Multidatabase Systems, Vol. 20, No. 4, December 1991.
>>>>>>>>> 1990
[BREI90] Breitbart, Y., D. Georgakopoulos, and M. Rusinkiewicz, A.
Silberschatz, "Rigorous Scheduling in Multidatabase Systems," Proceedings
of Workshop in Multidatabases and Semantic Interoperability, Tulsa, pp.
658-667, November 1990.
[BROD90]* Brodie, M.L., F. Bancilhon, C. Harris, M. Kifer, Y. Masunaga,
E.D. Sacerdoti, K. Tanaka, "Next Generation Database Management Systems
Technology," in Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases, W. Kim, J-M
Nicolas, S. Nishio, (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers, 1990.
[HEIL90] Heiler, S., F. Manola and S. Zdonik, "An Object-Oriented
Database Approach to Federated Systems," (unpublished paper), 1990.
[MANO90] Manola, F., "Object-Oriented Knowledge Bases," AI Expert, 5(3),
5(4), March and April 1990.
[MANO90a]* Manola, F. and A. Buchmann "A Functional/Relational
Object-Oriented Model for Distributed Object Management: Preliminary
Description" TM-0331-11-90-165. GTE Laboratories Incorporated, December
[MANO90b]* Manola, F., M. Hornick, and A. Buchmann "Object Data Model
Facilities for Multimedia Data Types" TM-0332-11-90-165, GTE Laboratories
Incorporated, December 1990.
[MYLO90]* Mylopoulos, J. and M. Brodie, "Knowledge Bases and Databases:
Current Trends and Future Directions," Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 474: Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence: Integration
Aspects, D. Karagiannia, (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1990.
[RUSI90] Rusinkiewicz, M., D. Georgakopoulos, and R. Thomas, "RDS: A
Primitive for the Maintenance of Replicated Data Objects," Proceedings of
Second IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Dallas, pp.
658-667, December 1990.
[SILB90] Silberschatz, A., M. Stonebraker, and J.D. Ullman (eds.), M.L.
Brodie, P. Buneman, M. Carey, A. Chandra, H. Garcia-Molina, J. Gray, R.
Fagin, D. Lomet, D. Maier, M.A. Niemat, A. Silberschatz, M. Stonebraker, I.
Traiger, J. Ullman, G. Wiederhold, C. Zaniolo, and M. Zemankova, P.A.
Bernstein, W. Kim, H.F. Korth, and A. van Tilborg, (co-authors), "Database
Systems: Achievements and Opportunities," ACM SIGMOD Record, 19, 4,
December 1990; also appeared in Communications of the ACM, Vol. 34, No.10,
pp. 110-120, October 1991.
[STON90] Stonebraker, M. , L.A. Rowe, B. Lindsay, J. Gray, M. Carey, M.L.
Brodie, P. Bernstein, and D. Beech, "Third-Generation Data Base System
Manifesto," ACM SIGMOD Recored 19, 3, September 1990.
[ZERT90] Zertuche, D.R. and A.P. Buchmann, "Execution Models for Active
Database Systems: A Comparison," TM-0238-01-90-165, GTE Laboratories
Incorporated, January 1990.
>>>>>>>>> 1989
[BROD89] Brodie, M., D. Bobrow, V. Lesser, S. Madnick, D. Tsichritzis,
and C. Hewitt, "Future Artificial Intelligence Requirements for Intelligent
Database Systems" Expert Database Systems: Proceedings From the Second
International Conference, L. Kerschberg (ed.), Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo
Park, CA, 1989.
[BROD89a] Brodie, M. , J. Mylopoulos, "Future Intelligent Information
Systems: AI and Database Technologies Working Together," in M. Brodie, J.
Mylopoulos, (eds. and contributors), Readings in Artificial Intelligence
and Databases, Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1989.
[MANO89]* Manola, F., "Applications of Object-Oriented Database
Technology in Knowledge-Based Integrated Information Systems," GTE
Laboratories Incorporated, April 1989.
[MANO89a]* Manola, F., "Object Model Capabilities For Distributed Object
Management," TM-0149-06-89-165, GTE Laboratories Incorporated, June 1989.
[MANO89b]* Manola, F., "An Evaluation of Object-Oriented DBMS
Developments," TR-0066-10-89-165, GTE Laboratories Incorporated, October
[WELC89] Welch, J.L. and A.P. Sistla, "Object-Based Concurrency Control
and Recovery Mechanisms," TM-0150-06-89-165, GTE Laboratories Incorporated,
June 1989.
>>>>>>>>> 1988
[MANO88]* Manola, F., "Distributed Object Management Technology,"
TM-0014-06-88-165, GTE Laboratories Incorporated, June 1988.
>>>>>>>>> 1987
[MANO87] Manola, F., "A Personal View of DBMS Security," Database
Security: Status and Prospects, C.E. Landwehr (ed.), Elsevier Science
Publishers B.V., North Holland, 1988, 23-34; TN CS1.1, GTE Laboratories
Incorporated, December 1987.
_[GEOR94a]* _[GEOR94b]*
_[BROD93a]* _[BROD93b]* _[GEOR93a]* _[GEOR93c]* _[GEOR93e]*
_[MANO93a] _[MANO93c]* _[NAYE93c]* _[NAYE93d]* _[NICO93a]
_[BGR92] _[BRO92b]* _[BROD92c]* _[BUCH92] _[GEOR92]*
_[HEIL92] _[MANO92]* _[MANO92a]*
_[BROD91] _[BROD91a]* _[BUCH91]* _[GEOR91a]* _[GEOR91b]*
_[GRL91] _[HEIL91]* _[HORN91]* _[MANO91] _[MANO91a]*
_[MANO91b] _[RUSI91] _[VENT91]
_[BREI90] _[BROD90]* _[HEIL90] _[MANO90] _[MANO90a]*
_[MANO90b]* _[MYLO90]* _[RUSI90] _[SILB90] _[STON90]
_[BROD89] _[BROD89a] _[MANO89]* _[MANO89a]* _[MANO89b]*
>53 KEOBJ, OO DSP micro-kernel
From: clb@softia.com (Chris Bidaut)
Subject: Object kernel for DSP & RISC processors
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1993 22:48:46
Organization: Softia, Inc.
This is an announcement for KEOBJ, an object-oriented micro-kernel for Digital
Signal Processors (DSP) and RISC processors. This is also a request for
comments from the Internet community. Feedback on the architecture and
programming interface will be appreciated and incorporated into the next
KEOBJ is an object-oriented micro-kernel optimized for advanced embedded
applications, and it particularly targets Digital Signal Processors (DSP)
and RISC processors in multimedia environments.
Its main features are object-orientation, real-time behavior, signal processing
support, micro-kernel architecture and scalability.
1.1 Object-orientation
The kernel is a collection of system classes exported to the applications
(e.g Process, Thread, Memory, ...).
An object name space provides a way to locate any public object (e.g. IPC,
memory) using a symbolic path.
The kernel is written in C++ and is easily portable.
1.2 Real-time behavior
The design stresses fast response time and predictability to qualify for the
real-time label. The kernel is reentrant and preeemptable.
1.3 Signal processing support
Besides providing an architecture appropriate for most general purpose
applications, the kernel incorporates dedicated features for signal processing
applications. This includes two phases interrupt processing, time-deadline
scheduling, Inter Process Communications, multiple memory pools, awareness of
the constraints due to a single data type (word).
1.4 Micro-kernel architecture
Probably the most important feature of the kernel is the ability to be
extended at run-time with new services such as devices drivers, public
classes (IPC, file systems, windowing systems). Applications and system
services are dynamically loaded by a COFF compatible loader.
The core kernel is customizable at run-time through a personality mechanism
to emulate other environments (Operating systems) or to tailor the processes
1.5 Scalability
The API supports physical and virtual memory organizations with the same
Applications source code will be portable across DSP and RISC processors.
The architecture supports symmetric multiprocessing and distribution (Available
by mid-1994).
A set of documentation about KEOBJ is available via anonymous ftp on the
following Internet server:
netcom.com ( in file /pub/softia/keobj.zip
If you do not have access to Internet, contact me for other delivery media at:
Chris Bidaut clb@softia.com
Telephone (408) 262-6520 Fax (408) 262-7210
>54 MindFrame for Windows
From: gcl@netcom.com (Geoff Lee)
Subject: "MindFrame for Windows" (freeware) application is available for ftp
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1993 21:07:28 GMT
MindFrame for Windows 1.0 Release Note
mndframe.zip (MindFrame for Windows) is available for anonymous ftp
on ftp.cica.indiana.edu. It is currently in /pub/pc/win3/uploads.
"MindFrame for Windows" is a freeware application developed to
teach an object modeling approach presented in the
book: "Object-Oriented GUI Application Development" Geoff Lee,
Prentice-Hall, 1993, ISBN 0-13-363086-2.
This application is useful in many other areas as well, for
example, in Bible studying (metaphors, parables, prophecies,
types), neural modeling, ecological modeling, and task modeling.
There are 20 sample applications covering these areas. There
are also description of each of the sample application in the
on-line Help. Read "About MindFrame..." help topic for more
This is a copyrighted software, but you can freely redistribute if
you keep the release intact.
The following is the content of mdnframe.txt file in the .zip file:
1. Installation Procedure:
DOS> mkdir MndFrame
DOS> cd MndFrame
DOS> copy b:MndFrame.zip (or where you kept the mndframe.zip file)
DOS> unzip -d mndframe.zip (extract files into subdirectories)
DOS> copy grid.vbx \windows\systems (your local Windows system directory)
2. Running the application:
. In Windows, open your "File Manager"
. Go to \MndFrame directory
. Find the MndFrame.exe file
. Drag the MndFrame.exe file icon into a "Program Manager" window
. Open the MndFrame.exe program
3. Sample applications:
Once you are in the MindFrame application, open files in the
\MndFrame\Samples subdirectories. There are 20 sample files organized
according to areas of application (e.g., object modeling, neural
modeling, bible studying). You can also find description of each of
these samples in the On-Line Help file.