Usenet 1994 January
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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!medusa.hookup.net!yeshua.marcam.com!usc!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!organpipe.uug.arizona.edu!news
From: rawn@lead.aichem.arizona.edu (Rawn Shah)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.nfs,comp.protocols.tcp-ip,comp.answers,news.answers,comp.sys.mac.comm
Subject: NFS & TCP/IP FAQ for PCs & Macs [part 06/06]
Followup-To: poster
Date: 1 Nov 1993 19:26:50 GMT
Organization: University of Arizona UNIX Users Group
Lines: 966
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.edu
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Reply-To: rawn@rtd.com (Rawn Shah)
NNTP-Posting-Host: lead.aichem.arizona.edu
Summary: This is the FAQ list about PC & Macintosh based NFS & TCP/IP
products for readers of comp.protocols.nfs &
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu comp.protocols.nfs:8376 comp.protocols.tcp-ip:28852 comp.answers:2495 news.answers:14173 comp.sys.mac.comm:33383
Archive-name: pcnfs-faq/part6
Last-modified: 1993/10/28
Version: 1.5
Z-10. NS & ARPA Services: Hewlett-Packard
Company : Hewlett-Packard
Contact : -
Phone : (408) 725-8111
Email :
Postal mail : Hewlett-Packard
19420 Homestead Rd.,
CA 94014
Product : NS & ARPA Services
Current Version: 2.5
Pricing :
Support :
Systems :
Services :
Size :
Features : supports Ethernet, Token-Ring, packet drivers, NDIS, ODI (shim)
Z-11. PathWay Access & Client NFS:The Wollongong Group, Inc.
Company : The Wollongong Group, Inc.
Contact : Marty Udisches
(415) 962-7226
Phone : (415) 962-7202
(800) 962-8649 (California) [toll-free]
(800) 872-8649 (US) [toll-free]
+1 519 747-9900 (Canada)
+1 32-27-18-0311 (Europe)
FAX : (415) 962-0286 (US)
Email : sales@twg.com
Postal mail : The Wollongong Group, Inc.
1129 San Antonio Road
Palo Alto, CA 94303
Product : PathWay Access & Client NFS [PathWay product line]
Current Version: 2.0
Pricing : PathWay Access - $350 (multi-copy pricing - call)
Client NFS - $95
API Developer's Kit for DOS/Windows - $200
Support : call
Systems : MS-DOS 5.x, MS-Windows 3.x
Services : clients: telnet (vt 100, 200, 320, 330) IBM TN3270 (model 2
- 5), IBM 3179g, Tektronix 4010, FTP, mail,
newsreader, scripting language. NFS, LPR
servers: ftpd,
Size : 50-60 KB (in RAM)
Features : adjustable read & write block sizes
available standalone or as option to Pathway Access TCP/IP
similar functionality, look-and-feel & API compatibility
across DOS, MS-Windows, Macintosh, OS/2, OpenVMS.
Support for Etherenet, Token-Ring, Async, X.25
Special : for Pathway Access: 30-day free evaluation copy.
Z-X. PathWay Access for Macintosh: The Wollongong Group
Company : The Wollongong Group
Contact : George Stump & Marty Udiches
(gstump@twg.com & martyu@twg.com)
Phone : (415) 962-7202
(800) 962-8649 (California)
(800) 872-8649 (US)
+1 519 747-9900 (Canada)
+1 32-27-18-0311 (Europe)
FAX : (415) 962-0286 (US)
Email : sales@twg.com
Postal mail : The Wollongong Group, Inc.
1129 San Antonio Road
Palo Alto, CA 94303
Product : PathWay Access & Client NFS [PathWay product line]
Current Version:
Pricing : Access for Macintosh - $295
Client NFS - $295
Support : call
Systems : Macintosh II series
Services : clients: telnet (vt 100, 200, 320, 330) IBM TN3270 (model 2
- 5), IBM 3179g, Tektronix 4010, FTP, mail,
newsreader, scripting language. NFS, LPR
servers: ftpd,
Size : -
Features : Supports Ethernet.
Z-12. PathWay Access for OS/2: The Wollongong Group
Company : The Wollongong Group
Contact : Jeff Oxendine
(415) 962-7143
Phone : (415) 962-7202
(800) 962-8649 (California) [toll-free]
(800) 872-8649 (US) [toll-free]
+1 519 747-9900 (Canada)
+1 32-27-18-0311 (Europe)
FAX : (415) 962-0286 (US)
Email : sales@twg.com
Postal mail : The Wollongong Group, Inc.
1129 San Antonio Road
Palo Alto, CA 94303-4310
Product : PathWay Access for OS/2
Current Version: ?
Pricing : ?
Support : call
Systems : IBM PS/2 or 386 w/ 1MB RAM, OS/2 2.x
Services : clients: telnet (vt 100, 220, 240, 320, 340, IBM 3278,
3179G, Tektronix 4105, 4010), FTP, DNS, LPR, Ping,
Size : At least 2 MB [on disk], 80 KB [average, RAM]
Features : Supports NDIS & ODI for Ethernet & Token-Ring
Supports Netware, LAN Manager, VINES, IBM LAN Server
Keyboard remapping.
Up to 12 concurrent terminal connections
API Developrs Tool Kit available; this includes BSD 4.3
Sockets, 32 bit DLL.
Online help available.
Service Scripting capabilities.
Z-13. PC-NFS: SunSelect
Company : SunSelect
Contact : John Keyes
(508) 442-0546
Phone : (800) 24SELECT
(508) 442-0000
FAX : (508) 250-5068
Email :
Postal mail : SunSelect,
2 Elizabeth Drive,
MA 01824
Product : PC-NFS
Current Version: 5.0
Pricing :
Description Order List/Discount
Number Price/Category
PC-NFS 5.0 PCN-P $435/B
PC-NFS 5.0 single license PCN-W $365/B
PC-NFS 5.0 Base Pack PCN-B** $105/B
PC-NFS 5.0 25 user license PCN-L25** $5,535/B
PC-NFS 5.0 100 user license PCN-L100** $12,990/ND
PC-NFS 5.0 500 user license PCN-L500** $48,650/ND
PC-NFS 5.0 upgrade PCN-PF $80/ND
PC-NFS 5.0 site upgrade PCN-PSITEF $4,050/ND
PC-NFS 5.0 documentation PCN-D $75/ND
(minimum order quantity 10)
**L25, L100, L500 require a Base Pack
Support : Compuserve: "go sunselect"
Internet Ftp sites:
A 5 year site license is available in the UK from Chest [Z-28]
Systems : MS-DOS 5.x, MS-Windows 3.x
Services : clients : NFS, telnet (vt 52, 100, 220, 320), rsh, rcp,
rexec, ping, nfsping, NIS, netstat
servers : ftp, print server (optional), SNMP (optional)
other: Windows Sockets ABI
Size : 80-90 KB (RAM usage) [can be loaded high],
requires 3.5 MB free disk space for new install, 6.0 MB for
Windows install.
Features : ISO-9660 CD-ROM, OS/2 FAT support.
Coexists with: Windows for Workgroups, Netware 3.x, NetBIOS
ODI drivers, NDIS drivers, packet drivers.
Ethernet, Token-Ring, SLIP
Support for Solaris 2.x (Solaris-on-Intel version
Remote server-based Licensing management.
WinSock API support.
Minimum requirements:
IBM PC w/ 640 KB RAM
3.5 MB for DOS install, 6.0 for MSWindows install
Supported boards:
3Com 3C503, 3C505, 3C523,
Ungerman-Bass PC-NIC
Western Digital WD8003E
Racal Interlan NT5010
IBM Token-Ring Network 16/4 Adapter for (AT & MCA
NDIS compatible supported boards:
3C501, 3C503, 3C505, 3C507, 3C523
WD8003E/A, WD8003E/B
NE1000, NE2000
Xircom Ethernet Adapters
3Com TokenLink AT bus
Z-14. PC/TCP: FTP Software, Inc.
Company : FTP Software, Inc.
Contact : Chip Sparling
(508) 685-3300
(508) 794-4477 [FAX]
Phone : (508) 685-4000 - general information
(508) 685-3300 - sales informaiton
(800) 282-4FTP - sales
(508) 685-3600 - technical support
(800) 282-4FTP - support
FAX : (508) 794-4477 - sales
(508) 794-4484 - techincal support
(508) 794-4488 - general
Email : info@ftp.com - general information
sales@ftp.com - sales information
support@ftp.com - technical support
Postal mail : ftp Software, Inc.
2 High Street
North Andover, MA 01845
Product : PC/TCP
Current Version: 2.2
Pricing : $400 - single copy
$175/copy - 20-49 copies
$150/copy - 50-99 copies
$130/copy - 100-499 copies
$110/copy - 500-999 copies
$99/copy - 1000 or more copies
Support : Support & upgrade of multiple copy sites handled through
maintenance contract
Techincal support bulletin board: (508) 659-6240
Internet FTP servers:
ftp.com - 3rd party applications
vax.ftp.com - Specifications, drivers,
newsletters, etc.
Systems : MS-DOS 5.x, MS-Windows 3.x, OS/2 2.0
Services : clients: NFS, telnet (vt 52,100,220), TN3270, ftp, ping,
inet, email (POP2/3, PCmail, SMTP), finger, whois,
nicname, setclock, host, bootp, rsh, rexec, rcp,
tar, news, cookie, printing (LPR, LPQ, LPRM)
servers for DOS/Windows: ftp, tftp, SNMP, SMTP
servers for OS/2: ftp, tftp, SNMP, LPD, finger, bootp,
inetd, DNS, mail, rexec, telnet
Size : "standard" (4 NFS mounts, 6 TCP connections) = 125KB
Using EMM = 26KB
Features : many 3rd party applications use this as transport: network
management tools, X-windows, databases, multimedia & imaging
packages, etc.
OS/2 version supports NDIS for SLIP, Ethernet & Token-Ring
DOS version supports Packet Drivers, NDIS drivers, ASI
drivers, ODI drivers for DIX & 802.3 Ethernet, Token-Ring,
SLIP, PPP & X.25
Also known to work for 802.7 (broadband/CATV), AX.25 (packet
radio), FDDI, ISDN & possibly SMDS.
Co-exists with Banyan Vines, LanManager, Windows for
Workgroups, and Netware.
RFC compliant NetBIOS interface
PC/TCP BootPROMs available for Ethernet cards.
Z-15. Reflection Network Series : Walker Richer & Quinn
Company : Walker Richer & Quinn, Inc.
Contact : -
Phone : (800) 926-3896 [US]
(206) 324-0407 [Washington, US]
+31 70 356 0963 [Europe]
FAX : (206) 322-8151
+31 70 356 1244 [Europe]
Email : -
Postal mail : Walker, Richer & Quinn, Inc.
2815 Eastlake Ave. East,
Seattle, Washington 98102
Buitenhof 47,
2513 AH Den Haag,
The Netherlands
Product :
Current Version:
Pricing :
Support :
Systems : DOS, MS-Windows 3.x & Macintosh
Services : client: LAT, Telnet, NS/VT, FTP
Size :
Features : versatile command language
Supports Ethernet,Token-Ring
Supports NetBIOS & Berkeley Sockets.
Option for Netware, LAN Manager, Banyan VINES
Xwindows option coming soon.
Z-16. Super-TCP:Fontier Technologies Corp.
Company : Frontier Technologies Corporation
Contact : Debbie Ramirez
Phone : (414) 241-4555 ext. 210
FAX : (414) 241-7084
Email : tcp@frontiertech.com
Postal mail : Frontier Technologies Corporation
10201 N. Port Washington Rd.
WI 53092
Product : Super-TCP/NFS for Windows
Current Version: Version 3.00
Pricing : List Price: $495.00 with NFS,
$395.00 without NFS.
NetBIOS option - $295
LPD option - $395
PPP option - $95
ONC option - $695
X.25 option - $2495 (hardware inc.)
Developers toolkit - $695
Site licenses available. (call)
Support : 9am-6pm (EST), phone, email (Internet, Compuserve), bbs
Systems : 286 & above w/ 2 MB RAM MS-Windows 3.x, MSDOS 3.3 above
Services : Client: telnet (VT220, VT320, tn3270), nfs, ftp, tftp,
lpr, talk, nntp, pop 2/3, smtp (MIME extensions), bootp
rcp, rsh, rexec, ping
Server: nfs, ftp, tftp, talk, smtp, snmp, modem, optional
Size : Takes only 3K DOS RAM. 5MB free hard disk space needed.
Features : NDIS, ODI, ASI, PDS, SLIP, PPP (optional), X.25
100% DLL in Windows or TSR for DOS;
Sun ONC RPC/XDR API; NetBIOS API; Windows Sockets API v1.1;
Coexists with NetWare, LAN Manager, Banyan Vines, DCA 10Net,
VxD Virutal Driver
Super-TCP has the first Windows Email with support for MIME
binary file attachments.
Z-17. TCP/IP for DOS: IBM
Company : IBM
Contact : Jeff Wheeler [Atlanta, US]
Phone : (800) IBM-CALL
(800) IBM-3346
FAX : (404) 238-1054
Email : -
Postal mail : IBM
Dept. E15,
P.O. Box 12195,
Research Triangle Park,
NC 27709
Product : TCP/IP for DOS (Product # 02G7087)
Current Version: 2.1
Pricing : ??
Support : ??
Systems : MS-DOS 5.x, MS-Windows 3.x
Services : clients: telnet (vt100,vt220), TN3270, TFTP, FTP,
NFS (optional), REXEC, RSH, LPR, SMTP, POP 2/3
servers: FTPD, LPD
Size : ??
Features : supports Ethernet, Token-Ring, packet drivers (shim), NDIS,
Programmers Toolkit available (Product # 02G7088)
NFS Kit available (Product # 02G7089)
Z-19. TCPOpen : Lanera Corporation
Company : Lanera Corporatopm
Contact :
Phone : (408) 956-8344
FAX : (408) 956-9343
Email : lanera@netcom.com
Postal mail : Lanera Corp.
516 Valley Way,
CA 95035
Product : TCPOpen
Current Version: ??
Pricing :
Single-User License
Product Code Software/Manuals Manuals Only
TCPOpen/Kernel TKER $ 95.00 $30.00
TCPOpen/Standard TOPN $145.00 $40.00
TCPOpen/Plus TPLU $195.00 $50.00
TCPOpen/SDK TSDK $295.00(see note) $50.00
TCPOpen/Standard: TCPOpen/Kernel + TCP/IP applications + Softerm
TCPOpen/Plus: TCPOpen/Standard with NFS client module
TCPOpen/SDK: TCPOpen/Standard with Software Development Kit
Quantity Discount
15% for quantity of 2 to 5
20% for quantity of 5 to 10
25% for quantity of 20 or more (site license is recommended).
University Discount
25% discount
Site License
A site license allows for a specified number of copies to be made of the
software and corresponding manual for use on any system owned by the
purchaser. Only one copy of the software and the corresponding manual is
provided. Additional copies of the manual can be separately ordered at the
price shown above.
Site license requires a purchase of an updates and support policy.
Quantity Per-User Pricing
Kernel Standard Plus
10 - 49 $50.00 $70.00 $90.00
50 - 99 $40.00 $60.00 $80.00
100 - 499 $30.00 $50.00 $70.00
500 - 999 $20.00 $40.00 $60.00
1000+ $20.00 $30.00 $50.00
Site License Expansion
An existing site license can be expanded at a later time. The per-copy
cost of the additional license is based on the final total number of copies
at the time of expansion.
Support :
Free 90-day telephone support and unlimited fax/Internet E-mail support
for all single-user licenses. One-year update fee and unlimited telephone
support for single-user license is $100.00.
One year of unlimited telephone support and updates is at the cost of 20% of
the Site License purchase price.
Due to high cost of oversea support, International (single-user license)
users will receive direct support from local dealers/resellers unless the
purchase is made directly with Lanera or a support contract is purchased.
However, Internet E-mail support is always available to all users.
Systems : DOS, MS-Windows 3.x
Services :
NFS client Module: NFS v2 implementation, up to 15 drives.
TCP/IP: ftp client/server, TFTP client/server, telnet, rlogin, print
utilities, r-utilities (rsh, rexec, etc), finger, whois, remote
Tar, bootp
Softerm: vt (52, 100-series, 220/240, 320/340), IBM 3101 < 10/20,
IBM-ANSI, TN-3270, ANSI-terminal, kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem
Size : kernel : 72 KB (RAM)
Features : NDIS, Packet drivers, ODI drivers. SLIP
co-existence with Netware, LAN Manager, Workgroups,
Lantastic, Vines, InvisibleLAN
TCPOpen/SDK with Windows Sockets API 1.1 DLL available.
Z-20. TTCP: Turbosoft Pte Ltd.
Company : Turbosoft Pte Ltd
Contact : -
Phone : +61 2 552 1266 (Australia)
FAX : -
Email : info@abccomp.oz.au
Postal mail : Turbosoft
248 Johnston St.,
NSW 2038
Product : TTCP
Current Version: 1.2r2
Pricing :
Support :
Systems :
Services :
Size :
Features : supports Ethernet, Token-Ring, packet drivers, NDIS (shim),
ODI (shim)
Z-21. WATTCP : Erick Engelke
Company : -
Contact : Erick Engelke
Phone : -
FAX : -
Email : N/A
Postal mail : N/A
Product : WATTCP programming libraries
WATTCP applications
Current Version: July 1993
Pricing : free. FTP from:
dorm.rutgers.edu: /pub/msdos/wattcp/{wattcp.zip,apps.zip}
The WATTCP Programming Manual is priced as following:
Visa/MC/AE/Cheque/Check/Money Order US$40
or Purchase Order US$60
+ shipping/handling (US or Canada) US$5
or Airmail elsewhere US$10
Credit card sales can be made entirely by email.
Support : none.
Systems : MS-DOS w/ Packet Drivers
Services : clients: telnet, TN3270, ftp, ping, bootp, finger, smtp
servers: telnetd, ftpd, smtpd,
Size : 30-55 KB
Features : Separate programmers referrence is available. It was written
by Erick Engelke (designer of WATTCP) and has many of the
popular WATTCP applications. The manual provides a tutorial
to programming under WATTCP with various related topics and
a complete referrence section. To order the manual please
WATTCP Programmers Manual
c/o Supro Network Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 18, Warsaw, Ontario
Canada KOL-3A0
(705) 652-1572
or email:
Pricing is as above.
NOTE: Supro cannot answer any questions about this software
and the author does not provide the documentation. Please do
not use the above email address for support questions.
Z-22. WinQVT/Net: QPC Software
Company : QPC Software
Contact : -
Phone :
FAX : (716) 377-8305
Email : djp@troi.cc.rochester.edu
Postal mail :
Product : WinQVT/Net
Current Version: 3.93
Pricing : free
Support : none
Systems : MS-Windows 3.1
Services : VT (52, 100, 220), POP mail client, newsreader, FTP, FTPD
Size :
Features : uses packet drivers only
Z-X. Fusion : Pacific Softworks
Company : Pacific Softworks
Contact : Sales
Phone : (800)541-9508
FAX : (805)484-3929
Email : sales@nrc.com
Postal mail : Pacific Softworks, Inc.
4000 Via Pescador,
Camarillo, CA 93012-5049
Product : FUSION for DOS
Current Version: 3.4
Pricing : Single prices
TCP/IP $349.00
TCP/IP w/IPX $399.00
IPX only $149.00
PDS option w/WINSOCK $200.00
PC-Xview & TN3270 also available
Multiple pricing (right to copy), 5 copies to 1,000+
PC/NFS ranging from $250 - $90 each
PDS/WINSOCK ranging from $495 - $195 each
PC-Xview & TN3270 also available
Support : Tech. phone line (805)484-1609, 90 days free tech. support
Univ. discount 33%
Systems : All AT-compatible PCs including 286, 386 and 486 systems
with minimum 4 MB of free hard disk space.
DOS 3.x-6.0, MS Windows 3.1
Services : clients: FTP, Telnet (vt 220), rcp, rlogin, rsh, rshd,
ruptime, rwho, NFS Client
servers: FTPD
Size : 136 KB Conventional memory, can be loaded into Upper memory
for most system configuration
4 MB hard disk space
Features : NDIS support on the following Ethernet Boards
3COM: 3C 501, 503, 505, 507, 509 and 523
Accton: EtherCoax- 8W EN1808, 8WB EN1818, NE2 EN1606
16N EN1603, HP EN1620
EtherPocket- CX/10T
EtherPair- 8W EN1807, 8WB EN1817, NE2 EN1605
16N EN1602, HP EN1619
Cabletron: E2020-X
Digital: EtherWORKS LC DE100, Turbo DE200, MC DE210
DE100, DE200 with ROM chip
D-Link: DE-100, DE-200, DE-300
Novell: NE 1000, NE 2000
Spider: Ethernet Card
Standard Micro: 8003, 8013
Western Digital: WD 8003E, 8003W/A, 8003E/A, 8013EBT,
WD 8003WT, WD8003ET/A, WD8013W
Xircom: Pocket Adapter PE108
Direct Board Drivers for Western Digital WD8003
Token Ring Boards supported: 3COM 3c603 Tokenlink
IPX co-existence
X Window terminal for DOS and MS Windows with PC-Xview
DOS PDS (Programmer's Development System) with Microsoft
and Borland compilers
Highly portable source code available
Z-25. ICE.TCP : James River Group
Company : James River Group, Inc.
Contact : -
Phone : (619) 339-2521
Email : jriver@jriver.com
Postal mail : 125 N. First St.
MN 55401
Product :
Current Version:
Pricing :
Support :
Systems :
Services : Telnet (Wyse60, ANSI), LPR, LPD
Size :
Features : works with Novell.
Z-26. Piper/IP IPswitch, Inc.
Company : IPswitch, Inc.
Contact : Bob MacFadgen
Phone : (617) 942-0621
FAX : (617) 246-2975
Email : bob@ipswitch.com
Postal mail : 333 North Ave.
MA 01880
Product : Piper/IP for DOS & Windows,
Vantage/IP for OS/2
Catipult Netware-TCP/IP gateway
Current Version: 1.0, 1.0, & 1.3 (respectively)
Pricing :
Piper/IP pricing
Part # Description Price
PIP-100 1 user TCP/IP DOS & Windows Pkg $375
& Piper/IP kernel
PIP-105 5 user " $1195
PIP-110 10 user " $1995
PIP-200 1 user kernel only $175
PIP-205 5 user kernel only $745
PIP-210 10 user kernel only $1225
PIP-310 Netbios option $85
PIP-320 NFS client and server for kernel opt. $99
Vantage/IP pricing
Part # Description Price
VAN-100 1 user kernel & apps for OS/2 $395
VAN-105 5 user " $1475
VAN-110 10 user " $2565
VAN-310 Netbios option $95
Catipult line packages
Part # Description Price
CAT-100 30 user Netware-TCP/IP gateway $2975
CAT-145 45 user " $4275
CAT-160 60 user " $5375
CAT-315 15 user upgrade for gateway $1495
CAT-330 30 user " $2675
Site licensing
Users 20-49 50-99 100-249 250-499 500-999 1,000+
PIP-Sxxx (per user) $170 $150 $125 $105 $95 $89
PIP-SKxxx (per user) $87 $80 $69 $59 $54 $49
PIP-SBxxx (per user) $43 $39 $34 $29 $26 $23
PIP-SFxxx (per user) $49 $45 $39 $33 $30 $27
VAN-Sxxx (per user) $195 $175 $145 $120 $108 $99
VAN-SBxxx (per user) $50 $45 $39 $33 $30 $26
[xxx = kernel + apps; Kxxx = kernel only; Bxxx = Netbios option; F = NFS option]
Pricing for additional copies for a site license is based on the aggregate
number of copies in the site license. The 12% annual support fee is prorated
so that support for all copies ends at the same time.
Developers Kit
IPS-200 Ipswitch developers kit w/ berkeley sockets for $475
Catipult, Vantage & Piper/IP. MS-C/C++ or Borland
Support : call.
Systems : Piper/IP: 80x86, 1.5 MB, DOS 3.1
Vantage/IP: any OS/2 capable system, 4MB (OS/2 1.x) 8MB(OS/2
2.x) & OS/2 1.x or 2.x.
Services : Piper/IP: rlogin, telnet (vt102), tn3270, lpq,lpr,lprm,
rexec, rsh, rcp, ftp, tftp, pipernb &upipernb (netbios),
[chmod, ls, nfsmount, pnfs/upnfs, xomap] (NFS), ntpr,
ntprint, mt, rtpcp, tar, finger, whois, red (news), catmail,
pcmailer, fingerd, ftpd, nfsd, rexecd, routed, rshd, snmpd,
telnetd, tftpd, arp, ifconig, setclock, route, netstat,
nslookup, pink, tracetoute, ripquery, snmpd
Vantage/IP: all the above + talk, otalk, mail, reposito,
Note: NFS client and server are part of Vantage/IP and a
separate option for Piper/IP.
Size : 6K in DOS (rest loadable high)
Features : works with Netware, LAN Manager, LAN Server, VINES.
one of the most complete list of applications I've seen.