Usenet 1994 January
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Newsgroups: comp.sources.postscript,comp.answers,news.answers
Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!gatech!howland.reston.ans.net!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!uunet!brunix!doorknob.cs.brown.edu!jgm
From: Jonathan Monsarrat <postscript-request@cs.brown.edu>
Subject: v02INF1: PostScript Sources monthly FAQ v1.11 12-26-93 [3 of 3]
Content-Type: text
Message-ID: <JGM.93Dec26193933@fiji.cs.brown.edu>
Followup-To: poster
Summary: An index of all programs posted to comp.sources.postscript
Sender: news@cs.brown.edu
Reply-To: postscript-request@cs.brown.edu (Jonathan Monsarrat)
Organization: Brown University Department of Computer Science
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1993 00:39:33 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: Thu, 27 Jan 1994 00:00:00 GMT
Lines: 161
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu comp.sources.postscript:100 comp.answers:3149 news.answers:16175
Archive-name: postscript/sources
Last-modified: 1993/12/26
Version: 1.11
-- PostScript Sources --
Introduction to comp.sources.postscript
(the comp.sources.postscript FAQ v1.11)
Jonathan Monsarrat
This FAQ is formatted as a digest.
Most news readers can skip from one question
to the next by pressing control-G. GNUs uses
C-c C-n to skip to the next question.
To contribute sources, read the section ``Submitting Sources''.
Newsgroup-related mail that is not a submission should be sent to
me at postscript-request@cs.brown.edu.
Related FAQs: comp.lang.postscript, comp.sources.misc, comp.text,
comp.text.tex, comp.fonts, comp.graphics.
The comp.sources.postscript archives are available by ftp to
ftp.ips.cs.tu-bs.de in /usenet/comp.sources.postscript, and
ftp.sterling.com in /usenet/comp.sources.postscript/. There is an
index in the last section of this FAQ.
This FAQ and the indexes are available by anonymous ftp to
wilma.cs.brown.edu:pub/comp.sources.postscript. You can get the
comp.lang.postscript FAQ by anonymous ftp to
wilma.cs.brown.edu:pub/comp.lang.postscript. Both come in ASCII,
LaTeX, DVI, and PostScript formats.
Subject: 6 comp.sources.postscript Index to Volume 1
This is an index of all programs that have been posted to
comp.sources.postscript in volume 1.
The comp.sources.postscript archives are available by ftp to
ftp.sterling.com in /usenet/comp.sources.postscript/. There is an
index in the last section of this FAQ.
v01i001: radsheet - a collage of radiation symbols, Part01/01
v01i002: roachsheet - a collage of roaches, Clip Art, Part01/01
v01i003: roaches - a bunch of roaches, Clip Art, Part01/01
v01i004: moesheet - a collage of Moes, Clip Art, Part01/01
v01i005: bobsheet - Illuminati, J.R. Bob Dobbs, Clip Art, Part01/01
v01i006: yinyang.eps - Yin-Yang symbol, Clip Art, EPS, Part01/01
v01i007: acmlogo - The ACM Logo in EPSI, Clip Art, Part01/01
v01i008: GradFill - example of a fast smooth gradient fill, Part01/01
v01i009: pcal - PostScript calendar generator
v01i010: Messenger - a relaxed Courier-like font, Font, Part01/02
v01i011: Messenger - a relaxed Courier-like font, Font, Part02/02
v01i012: No-No - the forbidden sign in EPSI, Clip Art, Part01/01
v01i013: X_Logo - the X Windows Logo in EPSI, Clip Art, Part01/01
v01i014: motif-logo - the OSF/MOTIF Logo in EPSI, Clip Art, Part01/01
v01i015: X_Logo2 - X Windows Logo in scarlet EPSI, Clip Art, Part01/01
v01i016: bid - A bridge bidding sheet, Part01/01
v01i017: music - a blank music sheet, Part01/01
v01i018: book-page - a "typical book page", joke image, Part01/01
v01i019: Yin-Yang - A yin-yang symbol in EPS, Clip Art, Part01/01
v01i020: audio-tape - makes cassette, DAT, 8mm tape labels, Part01/02
v01i021: audio-tape - makes cassette, DAT, 8mm tape labels, Part02/02
v01i022: video-tape - labels for VHS tapes, version 2.2, Part01/01
v01i023: copyright - The US Copyright Office's FORM TX, Part01/01
v01i024: trefoil - trefoil lines with hiding logic, Part01/01
v01i025: calendar - A simple calendar, PostScript level-2, Part01/01
v01i026: parseAFM - Ada binding to Adobe's AFM Parser, Part01/02
v01i027: parseAFM - Ada binding to Adobe's AFM Parser, Part02/02
v01i028: halftone - PostScript Halftone Example, Part01/01
v01i029: distps - Mandlebrot Set, Program, Part01/01
v01i030: hexroot - Draws hexagons on OpenWindows root, Part01/01
v01i031: sorting - Sorting routines in PostScript, Utility, Part01/01
v01i032: calendar REPOST - A simple calendar in level 2 or 1, Part01/01
v01i033: quickref - Two PostScript Language Quick Ref Sheets, Part01/01
v01i034: sorting2 - Merge sort example in PostScript, Part01/01
v01i035: basketball - NCAA Basketball Tournament Pairings, Part01/01
v01i036: osflogo - The OSF Logo in color EPSI, Clip Art, Part01/01
v01i037: isolatin1 - Line Printer simulator, ascii->ps, Part01/01
v01i038: obfs93 - The Obfuscated PostScript Contest Results, Part01/03
v01i039: obfs93 - The Obfuscated PostScript Contest Results, Part02/03
v01i040: obfs93 - The Obfuscated PostScript Contest Results, Part03/03
v01i041: hexs - A game board with hexagons, Part01/01
v01i042: notsign - The forbidden sign in PostScript, Part01/01
v01i043: purse - A pattern for a coin purse, Part01/01
v01i044: biohazard - The biohazard symbol, Clip Art, Part01/01
v01i045 REPOST: fractals - Fractal PostScript programs, Part01/02
v01i046 REPOST: fractals - Fractal PostScript programs, Part02/02
v01i047: examples - PostScript programming examples, Part01/01
v01i048: ransom - magazine clip ransom note programs & font, Part01/01
v01i049: organizer - Date & address books, diary & calendar, Part01/01
v01i050: showc - centers, concatenates a string, Example, Part01/01
v01i051: lpsim - A simple raw ASCII -> PostScript converter, Part01/01
v01i052: sched - A daily schedule program, Part01/01
v01i053: pckeybd - Template for FN keys on IBM AT keyboard, Part01/01
v01i054: kidnapper - Another "ransom"-like font, Font, Part01/01
v01i055: airplane - A couple of paper airplanes, Toys, Part01/01
v01i056: postal - Envelope address, with postal bar code, Part01/01
v01i057: printfont - Lots of font printing utilities, Part01/02
v01i058: printfont - Lots of font printing utilities, Part02/02
v01i059: musiclabels - CD, cassette, videotape label makers, Part01/07
v01i060: musiclabels - CD, cassette, videotape label makers, Part02/07
v01i061: musiclabels - CD, cassette, videotape label makers, Part03/07
v01i062: musiclabels - CD, cassette, videotape label makers, Part04/07
v01i063: musiclabels - CD, cassette, videotape label makers, Part05/07
v01i064: musiclabels - CD, cassette, videotape label makers, Part06/07
v01i065: musiclabels - CD, cassette, videotape label makers, Part07/07
v01i066: textpro - Text manipulation functions, Utility, Part01/01
v01i067: draft - Prints "draft" behind each page, Program, Part01/01
v01i068: buscard - A Basic Program to print Business Cards, Part01/01
v01i069: shapes - A font made from shapes, Font, Example, Part01/01
v01i070: spooling - Spooling system utilities, Part01/01
v01i071: pst - Combines PostScript programs, Utility, Part01/01
v01i072: pstotgif - Converts PostScript to TGIF, Utility, Part01/01
v01i073: ppst - The PostScript Processing Speed Test, Part01/02
v01i074: ppst - The PostScript Processing Speed Test, Part02/02
v01i075: mmpapier - Millimeter graph paper, Part01/01
v01i076: maillabel - Mailing label PostScript for xeroxing, Part01/01
v01i077: logpaper - customizable Log paper, plots points, Part01/01
v01i078: lottery - Some lottery tickets, Part01/01
v01i079: - PSTutils, Utilities, Part01/02
v01i080: - PSTutils, Utilities, Part02/02
v01i081: hp2ps v1.8 - Converts HPGL to PostScript, Program, Part01/02
v01i082: hp2ps v1.8 - Converts HPGL to PostScript, Program, Part02/02
v01i083: buscard2 - UNIX shell to print Business cards, Part01/01
v01i084: poster - Scales up your posters onto many pages, Part01/01
v01i085: ecflag - The European Community Flag, Clip Art, Part01/01
v01i086: shapeshifter - Converts between page sizes, Part01/01
v01i087: wp2ps - Fixes up Word Perfect PostScript, Utility, Part01/01
v01i088: cdlogo - The compact disc logo, Logo, Part01/01
v01i089: noselling - A No Soliciting Sign, Part01/01
v01i090: ppst - v3.1, PostScript speed tester, Utility, Part01/01
v01i091: taxform - A joke tax form in PostScript, Program, Part01/01
v01i092: marslogo - Military Affiliate Radio System Logo, Part01/01
v01i093: eps2epsi - Converts EPS to EPSI, Utility, Part01/01
v01i094: logpaper - Log paper in PostScript, Part01/01
v01i095: dither - Choose the optimum dither frequency, Part01/01
v01i096: deskcal - A desk calendar on a dodecahedron, Part01/01
v01i097: wallpaper - some color randomized wallpaper, Part01/01
v01i098: lcal - A lunar calendar program, Part01/02
v01i099: lcal - A lunar calendar program, Part02/02
v01i100: compass - The compass rose measuring tool, Part01/01
v01i101: lego - A Lego library and examples, version 0.1, Part01/01
v01i102: logos - Many various logos, Clip Art, Part01/01
v01i103: barcode - A bar code maker, Utility, Part01/01