Usenet 1994 January
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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!gatech!mailer.acns.fsu.edu!sync!adchen
From: adchen@cs.fsu.edu (Tony Chen)
Newsgroups: rec.skate,news.answers,rec.answers
Subject: Rec.skate FAQ: Where to Skate (Indoors) (6/10)
Supersedes: <rec-skate-faq-6-752435206@cs.fsu.edu>
Followup-To: rec.skate
Date: 6 Dec 1993 14:58:19 GMT
Organization: Florida State University Computer Science Department
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Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Distribution: world
Expires: 01/05/94
Message-ID: <rec-skate-faq-6-755189889@cs.fsu.edu>
References: <rec-skate-faq-1-755189889@cs.fsu.edu>
Reply-To: adchen@cs.fsu.edu (Tony Chen)
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Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu rec.skate:8876 news.answers:15541 rec.answers:3268
Posted-By: auto-faq 1.24
Archive-name: rec-skate-faq/part6
(last changed: May 5, 1993)
(The listings are not really organized in any coherent fashion. My apologies
but I don't have time to take care of this. If anyone else wants to do a
quick editing job on it though...feel free 8-) -T. Chen )
(collected by Albert Boulanger)
From: Robert John Butera <rbutera@rice.edu>
Subject: Re: Good rinks in Texas
In Houston: Trade Winds Roller Rink
5006 W. 34th. Just East of highway 290 just north of
Adult night is Thursdays, 7:30-10. Not as much dance music as I'd
like, though there is some every night. A lot of the crowd seems
to favor classic rock, but everything is played.
From: "Rebecca Y. Shen" <rebecca@cco.caltech.edu>
Subject: Re: Any good rink roller skaing in greater (Northern) LA?
I live in Pasadena, but I haven't ventured around the Greater LA basin, so I can
only comment on three nearby rinks: Glendale, San Gabriel, and West Covina.
Personally, I figure/freestyle skated (and am now on ice), so after the first
couple months I stopped going to the crowded adult sessions.
Floor Size:
West Covina -- Big
Glendale -- Medium
San Gabriel -- Small
Floor type:
West Covina -- Synthetic/Plastic ??
Glendale -- Wood (good condition)
San Gabriel -- Wood (OK condition)
West Covina -- Yes/Rent
Glendale -- NO
San Gabriel -- Yes
Time-distance (from central Pasadena -- say Lake and Colorado):
West Covina -- 20 minutes / 30+ minutes (rush hour)
Glendale -- 10 minutes
San Gabriel -- 10 minutes
From: rebecca@cco.caltech.edu Mark L. Fussell
My favorite is Moonlight Rollerway in Glendale: it is close, has a large enough
rink, and has nice skaters/management.
Approximate hours (I am removing the half hours, so 8 may actually be 7:30):
Wed,Fri: 3-5 -- This is a "kid" session, but is not at all crowded,
so ideal for "fancy skating".
Sat,Sun: ?1-3,3-5 -- Crowded "kid" sessions
Fri,Sat: 8-10,10-12 -- Crowded Adult/Teenage sessions, Modern music
Thu: 8-10 -- ?? A less crowded Adult/Teenage session,
possibly more Adults
Wed: 8-10 -- Dance session, Organ Music (open to everyone,
but has a lot of dance-pairs, and about
20 minutes of organised dances).
Tue: 8-10 -- Never been: think it is adult with ?? jitterbug,
disco, modern music ??
Sun: 8-10 -- Gay night, open to anyone (who doesn't mind the
couples, and a couple dances you might not want to join). I've never been, but
I know straight people who do go.
West Covina's hours should be similar to Glendale, although I know the rinks in
the area rotate some of the special adult sessions with each other. West Covina
has more people, and a big center area for spot Rexxing.
San Gabriel may also be similar to Glendale, but I wouldn't recommend it
of the small floor, and no one that I have met ever suggested it.
I'll send you the exact addresses/phone numbers later.
Friends from skating have recommended North Hollywood, Reseda, and several other
places, but I don't know anything beyond that. If you go to one of the adult
sessions at Glendale there will be several people to ask.
From: Erica Nowicki <k080116@hobbes.kzoo.edu>
I was a speedskater on the circut in michigan for a few years, and am
an avid rink-hopper, and worked at 1 for 4 years. Here is a record of some of
my findings :
*note these are all PERSONAL opinions given as truthfully as possible.
@= rink that hold meets.
Skateland of Woodhaven, Woodhaven, MI (homebase): Usually a friendly crowd,
but the floor needs to be redone in my opinion the speeds tend to be
kept at a reasonable pace for sessions and the crowd under control.
Dixie Skateland, Monroe MI: They need a better floor and sound system and
their regular crowd is obnoxious.
@Skatin' Station, Canton, MI: This is the place that State Meets are usually
held along with a thanksgiving invitational that usually has a pretty
good representation from a good number of states. Their floor is
excellent along with their sound system, but I tend to find that their
sessions lacking.
Riverside Arena, Livonia, MI: This rink I recommend highly, they have an
excellent floor, and their sessions are awsome. I attend these
sessions quite frequently even though it is almost an hour from my
All Skate, Jackson, MI: They have a decent floor, and their crowd is one of
the friendliest that I have seen in a long time, they also have a
decent sound system, they do have very strict rules though which may
turn alot of the better skaters off.
Rollerworld, Kalamazoo, MI: Well, this rink is in a shopping mall, they do
need a new floor, they have strict rules, and need a new sound system
but their crowd is nice for the most part.
I have gone to other rinks, but have only been once mainly for competition and
cannot give an accurate impression though that only.....
Have a nice day...
From: carl@udwarf.tymnet.com (Carl Baltrunas & Cherie Marinelli 1.5)
Subject: Re: Any good rink roller skaing in greater (Northern) LA?
In article <ABOULANG.92Jan31210737@pilsner.bbn.com>, aboulang@bbn.com (Albert Bo
ulanger) writes:
> I have been thinking that it may be a good idea to build a
> network-wide resource of good roller skating rinks around the world.
> (Any good rinks in U.K. or Australia?) I have checked out rinks in
> Denver, Silicon Valley, San Diego, LA, Ft. Lauderdale area, Daytona,
> Orlando, NYC, Boston, the Twin Cities MN, Chicago, Toronto, and
> Washington DC. I will take the time out to compile a list if people
> supply me information.
> Have to travel -- will skate, Albert Boulanger aboulanger@bbn.com
I've not had to travel as much as I would like, but I've skated in the
Washington DC metro area (includes MD & VA), Baltimore MD, St. Louis,
Portland OR, Silicon Valley [live here] and LA with reasonable success.
I used to get "Skate" Magazine (guess I ought to renew it) and I would
look through the previous year or two to find the names of rinks that had
figure/dance/free-style tests results to find the names of rinks to look
up in the phone books when I got to a city I was visiting for more than a
couple of days.
This, of course, does NOT include all the available rinks... just ones that
have artistic/speed skating clubs... but in any given area, that's where
I'd prefer to skate anyway.
With a little work, I should be able to remember the places I've skated if
you/anyone is interested, with some critique of the place.
As for the LA area, there are at least half a dozen good rinks and probably
more with a little driving. They usually have a good showing at the SW
Regional meets and I know a few teachers from that area. SkateWay in in
the Pasadena (I think) area was ok, but I think they were a pretty small
rink. It was 6 years ago I was there.
Randall mentioned restrictions about backwards skating, et al in a lot of
rinks. That's one reason to look for a rink with a club. They are a lot
more tolerant of things like that if you show that you are a competant
skater. Having a past or current amateur card is helpful too... Also if
you get a chance to talk to the owner/mgmt and let them know you are from
out-of-state and not just a regular, they may be more apt to let you do
things they harrass other skaters about.
My wife and I were in Baltimore and went to a "practice" session and talked
to the pro there about some floor time and she hemmed and hawed a bit then
said she'd have to talk to the management. While we all walked toward the
office, we mentioned that our coach as Wayne Melton (a reasonably known SW
and US champion skater/teacher). She immediately stopped and told us to
put on our skates without even bothering to go to the office. If the rink
is truly interested in skaters and skating in general, they will try to
accomodate out-of-town skaters if you are open and honest with them about
what you want to do.
From: bill@franklin.com (bill)
Subject: Roller skating rinks (was: Any good rink roller skaing in greater (Nort
hern) LA?)
Summary: what I like near south/central NJ
In article <ABOULANG.92Jan31210737@pilsner.bbn.com> aboulanger@bbn.com writes:
: (Any good rinks in U.K. or Australia?) I have checked out rinks in
: Denver, Silicon Valley, San Diego, LA, Ft. Lauderdale area,
There are still good rinks in Ft. Lauderdale? That's my home turf
and the rink I started at, Gold Coast, has, I'm told, been
converted to a Salvation Army store or somesuch. Sad; it used to
be the oldest rink in the state. When I left about two years ago,
there wasn't much else in the area.
: I will take the time out to compile a list if people
: supply me information.
I'm primarily a dance skater, so my evaluations are from that
standpoint. Here are the rinks I've visited since I moved up here.
In Burlington county, New Jersey, there is the Holiday Skating
rink in Delanco, just off 130. It has a very large floor, in
pretty good shape, though not as well maintained as it used to
be. They have a competent, if uninspired, live organist on
Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday evenings. Tuesday is a crowded
session; the other two are fairly peaceful. I hear the organist
also does a late night session Friday (Saturday?) of just R&Rish
music but I've never been to that session.
Down in Gloucester county, there are two rinks. Skater's Choice,
in Hurffville (I think), on 47 near 55, has a decent Wednesday
night organ session. Dave Paden (sp?) plays and he's good. The
rink floor is average size and fairly well maintained. The rink
has a reasonable crowd but one can skate through it.
Speaking of Dave Paden, he also plays at the Cornwells rink. This
is just a bit east of Philadelphia on 13. This is on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. These sessions are not awfully crowded and the folk
are a bit older than in the other sessions I've mentioned. The
floor is average size but not quite as good as the one at
Skater's Choice. (This info is about a year old.)
Back to Gloucester county is the rink I skate out of, the
Deptford rink, just off 47 near 295. Besides having some good
pros, its main claim to fame is NO SMOKING, none at all in the
building. Since most of the other rinks tend to be smokeholes and
I'm allergic to it, I really like that. Unfortunately, it has a
small floor that has definitely seen better days. And the one
organ session they have, on Thursdays, is tapes and very poorly
attended. The tapes aren't very good, either. Sigh. (This is
likely to change; the management is letting some of the club
skaters run the session. With any luck, they'll do better. But if
you are interested in this session, you really should call the
rink instead of just going.)
Finally, there is the Rollerama rink in Levittown, Pennsylvania,
on 413 between 95 and 1. This had, a year ago anyway, a Sunday
evening session. This rink is also fairly small and the floor
could be in better shape, though it is better than Deptford's.
That session is also just tapes.
Subject: Any good rink roller skaing in greater (Northern) LA?
Thanks for your input. Here is the info I had for LA (that is not on
your list -- spelling questionable):
Reseda: Sherman Square Roller Rink.
18430 Sherman Way. 818 345-6902
(Thursday 8:30-1:30)
Grand Terrace: Calif Skate
22080 Indust(?) 824-8114
San Bernadino: Stardust RR
2167 N Lugo 883-1103
Torrance: Shamrock
1851 Mullin Ave 328-7150
Riverside: Calif Skate
12710 Magnolia Ave 354-7060
Montclair: Holiday RR
9191 Central Ave 626-0501/982-9150
Saugus: Skate in Place
21616 Golden Triangle Rd 255-8453
1004 34th (805) 327-7859
415 Ming Av 831-5537
30 Kentucky 322-5661
2200 Wibble Rd 833-2525
From: "Rebecca Y. Shen" <rebecca@cco.caltech.edu>
Subject: Re: Any good rink roller skaing in greater (Northern) LA?
The following are the addresses:
Glendale -- Moonlight Rollerway, 5110 San Fernando Rd.
San Gabriel -- Fiesta Roller Rink, 136 S. San Gabriel Bl.
West Covina -- Skate Junction, 901 W. Service Ave.
also names from the White Pages (so possibly not rinks):
Cerritos -- Skate Depot, 11113 E-183rd
Whittier -- Skateland, 12520 E. Whittier Blvd.
Also, I saw in an ad the Moonlight claims both Tuesday and
Wednesday are Organ Music, so I may have been wrong about Tuesday
nights, or the ad may be out of date.
From: geo@shilah.Eng.Sun.COM (george atkins)
Subject: Re: Any good rink roller skaing in greater (Northern) LA?
In the Bay Area (San Francisco, not Hudson) there are a handful of skating
rinks, though not as many as one would think, probably because the weather is
mild year-round.
The closest rink to San Fracisco is the Rolladium in San Mateo, about a twenty
minute drive south from the City. Right off of Hwy 101 and real convenient to
the airport (in case you can't wait and want to skate right off the plane.)
It has a wood floor and a very nice sound system. Friendly regulars, but not
very crowded for some reason. They've played funky music the times I've been
there, but I've only been on Tuesday nights. (415) 342-2711
In Milpitas there is Cal Skate at I-680 and Hwy 237. I've never been there but
I hear Wednesday and Sunday nights are wild. I hear they play a lot of hip hop,
have a polyurethane floor and a host of excellent skating regulars to pick
things up from (big dance scene in the middle.) Milpitas is about 35 miles
south of Oakland in the East Bay, but very convenient to San Jose. (510) 946-
Next up there is Golden Skate in San Ramon. I was there for adult night. The
floor is nice and they played some nice music, but too much heavy metal for
my tastes (makes everybody skate real fast and fall down a lot.) It's a good
45 minute drive from the City. Way out in the 'burbs. (510) 820-2525
I've heard nice things about the Aloha Roller Palace in San Jose at 397 Blossom
Hill Rd. off of Hwy 101. I've never been there but I've heard that it's a real
skate scene, especially on Friday nights. The place is said to be large. Not
sure what the floor is made of, but if you're going to San Jose give them a
call and you can tell me! (408) 226-1156 (message line) or 226-1155
But the ultimate skating experience in the Bay Area in my opinion is Golden
Gate Park on Sundays. the park is closed to traffic on that day (certain agents
are trying to close it on Saturdays, too.) The weather is great (actually
better in the winter than the summer it seems) And there are *tons* of skaters
cruising up and down the roads, in-line and quad, as well as skate boards,
bicycles, horses (well, okay, only the police.) There's a wild dance scene at
6th Ave from noonish until dark. (Bay Area skaters - am I right?) There are two
places I know of that rent skates that are walking distance to the park; Skates
on Haight and Magic Skate at Fulton and 6th. Be there or be square!
From: aboulang@bbn.com (Albert Boulanger)
Subject: Re: Speed (Now Denver area rinks)
Date: 20 Apr 92 10:52:44
In article <1992Apr19.142227.27310@mnemosyne.cs.du.edu> pearnhar@isis.cs.du.edu
(Philip A. Earnhardt) writes:
You should hook up with a speed program. There are speed roller skating
programs at the rink in Longmont, CO, and a couple of rinks in Colorado
Springs. I'd guess there's at least one in Denver; ask around.
Can you post the names of the rinks you know of in the area? (For
potential roller skating visitors to the front range?)
There is a rink off of Coal Mine Rd in South Denver that I have
visited. It is called Starport as I recall. Other names that I have
for the Denver area:
Skate City -- Aurora 344-3321
Arapahoe 770-2223
Littleton 795-6109
Meadowood 690-1444
Rollerama 288-0502
Starport S Denver 972-4433
US on Wheels ???
Roller City ???
Travel, will skate,
Albert Boulanger
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 92 13:12:52 -0400
From: Susan Harbour <harbour@rapnet.sanders.lockheed.com>
I just read your rink-request in rec.skate. I have been to Austin Tx.
a couple of times this year and I have been to two roller rinks there. I
believe there are three in the city, but I was only able to locate two
of them (two of them are called Skateworld, I was only able to locate one of
the Skateworlds. I *think* the other is either a practice rink or an ice rink,
but I only ever got to hear their answering machine, so I don't know for sure.)
The third rink (Playland) is probably not one that you want to go to (I know
I never want to go back.) It's a pink epoxy coated concrete floor, which *can*
be a real nice skating surface, but this one is used for Bingo about five
nites a week, and has these pot holes in the epoxy that go right into the
concrete....I was afraid I'd ruin my (then new) dance wheels. It's really
pretty seedy, and it's also ridiculously hard to find.
Skateworld (the one I found) sounds like what you are looking for.
The times I've been there they've played top 40 music, but I believe they have
*adult* nites and Christian nites. The floor is wood, (a little small I think)
but set up very much like the Skate 3 rink in Tyngsboro, (though the floor is a
natural wood color and a whole lot smoother than Tyngsboro.) The crowd is
generally not very big, and most of the times I've been there the floor has
also been reasonably clean (so you're not picking up a quarter inch of goop
on your wheels, making it feel like you're skating on a washboard.) Though
at least once that I was there I left after 40 minutes because it was so
cruddy. I've seen them have a "race" now and again between songs during
certain sessions, but I guess speed skating is more popular in Texas than
dance skating.
Take I-35 north (north of the Airport which is north
of the 'downtown' area) take the Rundberg exit and go west on Rundberg
to Lamar Blvd. Take a right on Lamar (you should see an HG supermarket)
and go just past the HG parking lot, and take a left on Rutland Dr.
The rink will be on your right. (You can see it from the HG parking lot).
I can't find my list of sesssion times, so you'll have
to call them when you get there.
I didn't go scouting outside of the city much since my stays in
Austin are generally only two or three days, and I never get a whole lot
of exploration time. But, I thought I'd tell you what I know!
From: sastls@mvs.sas.com, ASTLS@mvs.sas.com
Subject: Re: Roller Skating vacation: Miami FL, Austin TX, Sante Fe NM
The biggest (best) rink in Austin is Playland. They are installing a brand new
floor AS WE SPEAK (write). They will be letting everyone skate on it this
Friday night for the 1st time. I tried to call and found out all I can get is a
recording until Friday when they reopen. I was going to ask when the adult
session is for you -- I'll let you know on Monday if you won't be on your
vacation yet. ??? There are only about 3 rinks in Austin and that's the best
one. It is about a block from 183 and Burnet Rd.
From: Randal L. Schwartz, <merlyn@iwarp.intel.com >
Someone asked about rinks... My fav was Aloha Skate Palace in South
San Jose (or something like that) on a Monday night. Great songs,
good crowd. Cal Skate in Milpitas was also good, and they had a wood
floor (not the silly blue stuff that is so prevalent now).
The rinks within 30 minutes of Portland have gone from 7 to 3 in the
last few years. Has this happened elsewhere? None of them were
because of lack of business... most were because the landlords decided
that putting in yet another discount clothes store or strip mall was a
better deal. Just what we needed. Sigh.
Ok, since this seems to include all types of skating (at least with
wheels!) I will make myself know as a rollerskater. My regular indoor
rink is Christiana here in Newark Delaware. Several champion figure
skaters have come from here. I never really paid attention to that fact
until I was skating at a rink in Ohio. A woman asked me where I was
from. After I told here that I usually skate at a rink in Delaware, she
said, "Oh yeah. I have heard of Christiana. [name I don't remember] came
from there."
During the summer I perform outside at a park near the waterfront in
Philadelphia (Penn's Landing). There is a group that gets together from
around the Philly area to Jam on Sunday afternoons, and many of the
Holidays. If you are ever in Philly on a sunday come on down and see us.
The "stage" is between Society Hill towers and the waterfront. Next to
the Vietnam Memorial.
From: Russell Turpin <turpin%cs.utexas.edu.uucp@BBN.COM>
Subject: Re: On using both feet (was: sorting it out)
I like PlayLand, which is on 183, just east of MoPac and just west
of Burnet Rd. (Coming north on MoPac, take 183 South (really east)
and then bear right on the access road. Turn right at the stop
sign and PlayLand is about a block down behind a car dealership.)
They have adult nights on Tuesdays and Sundays. Two of my coworkers
-- one of whom is pretty good -- and I skate there pretty regularly.
There is a good group of regulars.
From: "Tamara Shaffer, x3222" <SASTLS@mvs.sas.com>
Subject: Re: Rinks in Austin
> I thought you all would like to know about each others opoinion's
> about Austin's rinks:
> ****************************************************************
> Date: Wed, 22 Apr 92 13:12:52 -0400
> From: Susan Harbour <harbour@rapnet.sanders.lockheed.com>
> To: aboulanger@BBN.COM
> Hi Albert,
> I just read your rink-request in rec.skate. I have been to Austin Tx.
> a couple of times this year and I have been to two roller rinks there. I
> believe there are three in the city, but I was only able to locate two
> of them (two of them are called Skateworld, I was only able to locate one of
> the Skateworlds. I *think* the other is either a practice rink or an ice
> but I only ever got to hear their answering machine, so I don't know for
The other Skateworld is a working skating rink. It is small. It is
located in northwest Austin in Anderson Mill. This is north on 183
about 1-1/2 miles (?) south of 620 at Anderson Mill Rd.
> The third rink (Playland) is probably not one that you want to go to (I know
> I never want to go back.) It's a pink epoxy coated concrete floor, which
> be a real nice skating surface, but this one is used for Bingo about five
> nites a week, and has these pot holes in the epoxy that go right into the
> concrete....I was afraid I'd ruin my (then new) dance wheels. It's really
> pretty seedy, and it's also ridiculously hard to find.
A *lot* of things in Austin are hard to find. There is a lot of
road work in the area of Playland. We live with it. Oh well. I can
appreciate what she is saying, but considering their work they are
doing, and that it will be brand spanking new while you are here, I
figured it would be the best one to check out. :)
> Skateworld (the one I found) sounds like what you are looking for.
> The times I've been there they've played top 40 music, but I believe they
> *adult* nites and Christian nites. The floor is wood, (a little small I
> but set up very much like the Skate 3 rink in Tyngsboro, (though the floor is
> natural wood color and a whole lot smoother than Tyngsboro.) The crowd is
> generally not very big, and most of the times I've been there the floor has
> also been reasonably clean (so you're not picking up a quarter inch of goop
> on your wheels, making it feel like you're skating on a washboard.) Though
> at least once that I was there I left after 40 minutes because it was so
> cruddy. I've seen them have a "race" now and again between songs during
> certain sessions, but I guess speed skating is more popular in Texas than
> dance skating.
> Anyway...directions....
> Take I-35 north (north of the Airport which is north
> of the 'downtown' area) take the Rundberg exit and go west on Rundberg
> to Lamar Blvd. Take a right on Lamar (you should see an HG supermarket)
> and go just past the HG parking lot, and take a left on Rutland Dr.
> The rink will be on your right. (You can see it from the HG parking lot).
Like I said, look for the HEB. I haven't been to this one, but I know
her directions work.
> *******************************************************************
> Posted-Date: Wed, 28 Mar 90 11:00:15 CST
> From: Russell Turpin <turpin%cs.utexas.edu.uucp@BBN.COM>
> Date: Wed, 28 Mar 90 11:00:15 CST
> X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (6.5.6 6/30/89)
> To: aboulanger@BBN.COM
> Subject: Re: On using both feet (was: sorting it out)
> I like PlayLand, which is on 183, just east of MoPac and just west
> of Burnet Rd. (Coming north on MoPac, take 183 South (really east)
> and then bear right on the access road. Turn right at the stop
> sign and PlayLand is about a block down behind a car dealership.)
The street is McCann and it's a Nissan dealership. Hope that helps!
> They have adult nights on Tuesdays and Sundays. Two of my coworkers
> -- one of whom is pretty good -- and I skate there pretty regularly.
> There is a good group of regulars.
> Russell
From: Andrew D. Abbott| <abbottad@nextwork.rose-hulman.edu>
Subject: Re: Good rink roller skating in Detroit?
In rec.skate article <ABOULANG.92Apr27134019@pilsner.bbn.com> you
> I will be traveling to Detroit and would like to know if there are
any good roller rink sessions in the general area.
On occasion there is in-line skating at the Pontiac Silverdome and at
the Joe Louis Arena. I'm not sure if these fit your idea of a good
roller rink (I've never skated there), but they may be interesting
places to skate. You may have to do some checking around, though, to
find out when the times are. Otherwise, Shores Skateland in
Mt.Clemens may have what your interested in.
I hope this has been just a bit helpful.
From: aboulang@bbn.com (Albert Boulanger)
Subject: Roller Skating vacation - Rinks in Florida (USA Rinks)
I went skating in several rinks/cities in Florida. Here is a breakdown
by day of adult skating session in Florida. One generalization that I
have made is: USA (United Skates of America) rinks are a cut above
the rest in general. They all seem to have a varied session schedule
to meet the tastes of a varied clientele. I have been to USA rinks in
Chicago, and Minneapolis. In addition the one in Tampa (which I
visited but did not skate at a session) has the same type of schedule.
Adult Roller Skating (indoor) in Florida
Semomoram Skateway Orlando, 407 834-9095, 834-9106 (manager)
Comments:OK, Speed (shuffle) oriented music. They did play some techno.
The Palace, Lantana (West Palm Beach), 407 967-0311
Comments: Never got to it.
Gold Coast, Ft Lauderdale, 305 523-6783
Comments: Dead session and they were going to cancel it. "Floating
floor" which is a floor built on wood beams so that it rebounds. These
floors are really nice!
Skate Mania, Ocala
Comments: Never got to it.
Galaxy Skateway, Palm Beach Gardens (West Palm Beach) 407 627-4554
Comments: Never got to it.
Skate Odyssey, Tampa 813 935-2000
??? (Never got hours)
Comments: Never got to it.
Universal Entertainment, Orlando, 407 282-3140, 407 282-3141
Comments: OK, about the same as Semoram. Last time I was there, they
seem to have a bit better mix of music than just the "shuffle" beat
like many Florida rinks tend to lapse into.
Southland Roller Palace, Pinellas Park, 813 546 0018
Comments: So-So, mostly shuffle beat type stuff.
Hot Wheels, Miami, 305 595-3200
Comments: Did not go to this session, but the adult Thursday session
was the best I seen on my vacation.
Galaxy Skateway Hollywood, Davie, 305 435-3300, 432-5144
Comments: Went to this several years ago.
It was Ok -- mostly shuffle beat type stuff.
USA, Tampa 813 876-6544, 813 876-5826
Comments: This session claims to be a Hot 100 Club mix -- I will try
to check this one out next time.
Hot Wheels, Miami, 305 595-3200
Comments: Best session I went to on this trip. Center is walled off from
the rest of the floor (but open for skating).
Galaxy Skateway Hollywood, Davie, 305 435-3300, 432-5144
Comments: See Monday night,
Galaxy Skateway, North Lauderdale, 305 721 0580
Comments: Never got to it.
Happy Days Skate & Putt, Davie, 305 452-2800
Comments: Never got to it.
Rainbow Roller Land, Largo, 813 585-5987, 813 586-6810
Comments: Never got to it.
Roller Skating Center of Coral Springs, 305 755-0011
Comments: Never got to it.
Skate City, Daytona Beach, 904 788-4401
??? (8-10:30)
Comments: Several years ago they had an adult session on Thursday. The
manager said that they may be starting this session again in the summer.
From: merlyn@techbook.com (Randal Schwartz)
Subject: Re: Hillsboro (Oregon) Roller Rink destroys music format
In article <D2150039.3k82mg@udwarf.tymnet.com> carl%udwarf@tymix.tymnet.com
|Since I haven't been into a rink for a few months, I can't comment on the
|music they might be playing... but our local rink has a sunday night adult
|skate and the stuff they were playing is pretty much 70s/80s stuff with a
|few oldies and current pop (top-40) thrown in.
that'd be cool, probably. I keep thinking that "adult" music is stuff
from the 60's. I forget I'm getting older. :-)
|Hmmm... I spend a week in Oregon a year or two ago when BiiN was trying to
|make a product offering and I tried one or two of the rinks there... and I
|forget, but I don't think I made it to the Hillsboro rink because they had
|a "soul" night the night I was ready to go... but, I thought I went down
|to the Oaks (in the Oaks Amusement Park) and they had this enormous pipe
|organ... I can't imagine them playing things you can't dance to... although
|maybe pipe organ music may be a bit much if that is ALL they play. I don't
|remember, but it wasn't that crowded and I was able to practice my spins
|even though they didn't allow me to practice any jumps.
|Are they still open? Is that a viable rink? :-)
BiiN! Hey, I was a contractor there during its entire existance (well,
at least until they killed all the contractors in one fell swoop).
Hillsboro still has a "soul" session on Wednesday nights. I haven't
gone back to see if they've ruined that one too.
Oaks is still there. It'd better be. It's the oldest and largest rink
in the Pacific Northwest (since 1920-something, I think). They still
play the old pipe organ (the pipes hang over the center of the rink) on
some sessions, but Friday and Saturday nights are top-40 from records
(and maybe CDs). I attend a "private" session there on Sunday nights which
is mostly rap-ified soul (and some good stuff too :-). It's run by a private
group (the "Rose City Rhythm Rollers") and it's for members only, so we
can pretty much play what we want (well, OK, what the DJ wants :-).
But one nearly-good session a week isn't enough to keep me tuned up or
in shape. Sigh. Down from 10 hours a week to 2.2 hours. Not good.
From: "Robert E. Brown" <robert.brown@quorum.com>
Subject: Re: Roll-Land
I go to sessions that play "artistic" skating dance music. In my neck of the
Riverdale Rollerworld in Warwick, RI 401-821-2595
Sunday and Tuesday, 7:30 to 10
Silver City Skateland, Taunton, MA 508-824-4866
Sunday 7:30 to 10
Highland Heights Rink in Tauton, MA 508-824-9363
Sunday 7:30 to 9:30, Thursday 7 to 9
The last of these is a small rink in a suburban neighborhood run by an elderly
couple who built the rink 40 years ago. The floor is great and the rink is
almost always empty . . . because of . . .
Silver City, probably the best competitive rink near me. I've not been to
their dance session.
Riverdale has a nice, but always dirty, floor -- the boards on the ends of
the rink are curved. The rink has a small competitive club. It has
popular rock and roll sessions, populated with local kids. I practice here,
since it's closest.
One of the earliest rinks in the country is also in RI -- since the Newport
rich of old seemed to enjoy rolling around in their mansions after dinner.
I believe this rink is near the Providence airport, but haven't found it
From: "Robert E. Brown" <robert.brown@quorum.com>
Subject: Re: Roll-Land
One of the earliest rinks in the country is also in RI -- since the Newport
rich of old seemed to enjoy rolling around in their mansions after dinner.
I believe this rink is near the Providence airport, but haven't found it
We found this rink (Hillsboro Country Club) during a non-session period. They ha
sessions during the week starting at 7pm. It is located on US1 (2100
Post RD) in Warwick RI. Phone number is 401 737-9828
From: "Robert E. Brown" <robert.brown@quorum.com>
Subject: friendly rinks
Of the rinks I mentioned in my note, Riverdale and Highland Heights are
the friendliest -- especially Riverdale. In your skating travels have
you run across any rinks where people do the flea hop. I suspect that
flea hopping was only done in a few rinks around Cleveland, and may be
extinct now.
Flea hopping seems to have originated at a rink in Chagrin Falls, where the
steps were: LF (hop) RB (hop). That is, alternating left forward and
right backward steps (mohawk turn transitions) with hops on each foot.
Each step is one beat of the music, with the hops giving a double-time
effect. I only saw this once or twice.
At my rink in Mayfield, Ohio (suburb of Cleveland), people omitted the hops
and skated each step to two beats of boogie music. The forward step with
a deep inside edge, the backward with a deep outside. This basic step was
used as a starting point for lots of tricks, occasionally including small
jumps, but mostly just tricky footwork.
Ahh, fond memories of Bobby Freeman on organ playing "Smoke on the Water"
(maybe the actual title is somwthing like Purple Haze) in front of a wall
of disco lights, while hundreds flea hopped at top speed . . . .
From: nigel@rs733.GSFC.NASA.Gov
Subject: Re: Good indoor roller skating in the DC area?
In article <ABOULANG.92Jul21110552@kariba.bbn.com> aboulang@bbn.com (Albert
Boulanger) writes:
In my forays of rinks in the DC area, I have not found a really good
rink -- ideally for an area like Washington DC there would be a rink(s)
that has adult sessions with a "dance club" feel. Does any exist in the
DC/Baltimore area?
Uh...I haven't noticed any...I usually go to Columbia if I'm in an
indoor mood. They have an Adult night there that is more fun for me.
Plus they rent rollerblades ;-).
To: kanarick@media-lab.media.mit.edu
Subject: skating indoors boston
I noticed today you posted something in rec.skate about finding a good
place to skate with good music. Do you know of any places in the Bostong
that have good music *and* would allow me to bring my in-lines? I
looked up Roller Skating in the Yellow Pages and found two places,
but I don't know anything about either of them. Might you?
Nothing compared to NYC. The best is probably the Sunday night session
at Roller Kindgdom in Tyngsboro MA (7:30-11). They allow in-lines that
don't tear up the rink floor as far as I know. Besides Sunday night,
there is a Wednesday night session at Roller Kindgdom in *Hudson* MA
from 7:30-11 and Monday night session at the rink in Beverly (I forget
its name). There are two Thursday night sessions: Tyngsboro MA
(7:30-11) {I go to this} and Roller World in Saugus from 8:30-11. Call
the rinks up.
Phone numbers:
Tyngsboro 508 649-2440(rec)/649-3439
Hudson 508 652-3440
Saugus 617 231-1111
Beverly 508 927-4242
There are rinks south of Boston (in Tauton for example) that I have
never been to although I have saved some email on them.
grr@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com (George Robbins)
Subject: Roller Rinks (Philadelphia Area)
This is a list I've been maintaining of local skate rinks that
I've visited. I'd appreciate any corrections or comments...
1) matinee/kid-oriented sessions generally omitted, some of the
schedules are fairly complete, others list just the sessions
I've attended.
2) rink sizes are hard to judge, since it's easy to be fooled by
the size/style of the building vs. the floor and the crowd.
Floors bounded by wall seem much smaller than those with a
runway. Large is something like 170'x70' - dance skaters
notice very quickly as the floor narrows.
3) shapes are approximate - oval has some kind of rounded ends
octagonal has angle clipped corners and rectangular doesn't.
4) Were multiple locations are given, the first is usually what the
rink claims, the others are better known approximations.
Caln/Thorndale/Downingtown PA
Caln Roller Rink
~1 mile west of Downingtown on business Rt. 30
Behind "Carpet Warehouse" on north side of road.
Mon 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Adult Escape - Lessons
Tues 7:15 PM - 8:00 PM Adult Beginner/Dance Lessons
8:00 PM - 11:00 PM Adult-18 Skate (slower) - Live Organ Music
Wed 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM Discount Nite
Thur 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Advanced Dance Lessons
8:00 PM - 11:00 PM Adult-18 Skate (faster) - Live Organ Music
Fri 7:30 PM - 11:00 PM Open - Top 40 DJ Joe Lamont
Sat 7:30 PM - 11:00 PM Open - Top 40 DJ Wobbly
Hardwood - 170'x72' Rectanglar
In-lines prohibited...
This is a full size wood rink, kept in good condition. Peripheral
areas are wood 3/4's of the way around the rink, with a couple wide
areas suitable for practice when not crowded.
Adult skates have traditional skating music by live organist Nick
Viscuso, who is good, but the skate/music schedule seems rigid with
only occasional seasonal variations. Open skates are generally crowded
with school age kids, little adult presence.
I'm kind of predjudiced, since this is my home rink, but it seems to be
one of the better managed and has relatively extended hours. The staff
is fairly strict, but tend to relax once they recognize you. No firm
rules against backwards skating, but jumps are discouraged.
The biggest problem is the lack of any Adult session other than the
traditional organ music stuff...
Villanova/Bryn Mawr/Radnor PA
Villanova Skate Arena (was Radnor Rolls)
Rt. 30 and 320 just west of Villanova
Behind small shopping center northwest corner of 320 intersection
Monday 9:30 AM - 12:00 N Adult Artistic & Dance
Tues 7:00 PM - 7:30 PM Adult Classes
Tues 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Adult-18 Skate - Music Unknown
Fri 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM After School Skate
7:00 PM - 11:00 PM Open - Top 40 DJ
Sat 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM Open - Top 40 DJ
In-lines allowed and for rent, popular with the kids.
Hardwood - ? - rough surface
This is a mid-size rink, which suffers from a warped surface. The
worst spots are inside of the normal traffic oval, but still make for
an interesting feel as you pass over the bumps and gullies. The
peripheral area has a grungy carpet though there is a tiny, dirty
(20'x20'?) practice floor behind the DJ booth.
I've only been here during an open skates, so there were the usual
problems with erratic kids and beginners mixing with faster teens and
a few adults. Enforcement seemed lax and there were some kids doing
flips and live body/barrel jumps.
Good points are that the staff is new and friendly, and there are
informal (all ages) roller hockey games after the Saturday session.
Warrington PA (between Doylestown & Horsham)
Warrington Roller Skating Rink
Rt. 611 at Warrington
East side of 611
Hardwood - ? - Rectangular
I stopped in here during off hours, seems to be a long, narrow rink,
quaint but in pretty nice condition. Weekend hours only.
Lansdale/Hatfield PA
Spin-A-Round Skating Center
Rt 309 north of County Line Rd (Line Lexington)
on hillside overlooking east side Rt. 309
Wed 6:45 PM - 7:30 PM Beginner Dance Lessons
7:30 PM - 10:00 PM Organ Music
Fri 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM Top 40
Sat 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM Top 40
9:30 PM - 12:00 PM Top 40
Sun 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM Family Night - Organ Music
In-line skates prohibited.
Hardwood - ? - Octagonal?
This is a full size rink, but was need of resurfacing. A wood gangway
surounds the entire rink and snack bar, but isn't really wide enough
for practice.
I've only been here on an open Saturday night when it was snowing, so I
don't know much about the usual crowds. There aren't any adult nights,
so there's generally a mix of all ages, though the Wednesday night
session feautures "organ music" and may be more elderly. The Saturday
split session does result the the departure of many of the youngest
skaters at the end of the early session.
Apparently they have a rule limiting backwards skating "inside the red
line" or during backwards skates, but this wasn't being enforced when I
was there due to the small crowd.
Aston/Brookhaven PA
CN Skate Palace
Concord Rd. and Rt. 452
just south of the Concord Rd./Rt 452 5-points intersection
Wed 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM Family Night
Fri 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM Open Session
Sat 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM Rock & Roll
In-line skates permitted.
Hardwood - 160'x60' rectangular
This is a fairly small/narrow rink in a converted suburban movie
theater. Perhaps as compensation, the floor is in excellent condition
and they even have a wheel-cleaner widget to scrub off the usual
suburban wheel crud.
An intersting feature is that since the floor is built up over a
sloping theatre floor, it's fully suspended making for a nice feel.
Unfortunatly, this doesn't quite make up for the relatively narrow
~60 foot width and kid-goo too often covering the otherwise well
maintained surface.
I've skated here mostly during "family" sessions, which are the usual
zoo-like affairs. There was a Tuesday night adult-rock session for a
while, but attendance wasn't consistant and it was canceled.
This rink is largely kid/family community oriented, but my skating
instructor calls it home and they have an atistic/dance club with
exclusive use for some time on Sunday morning and Wednesday night.
Northeast Philadelphia PA
Palace Roller Skating Center
11750 Roosevelt Blvd.
East Side, near N. Phila Aiport
Tue 10:00AM - 12:30 Adult-18 Morning Session
Wed 6:30 - 9:00 Family
9:30 - 11:00 Adult-18
Thu ? - ?
Friday 7:30 - 11:00 10 & up - Rock
Sat 7:30 - 11:00 10 & up - Rock
11:30 - 1:30PM Adult-18
In-line skates permitted.
Hardwood - ~180'x80' Oval
This is a borderline urban rink - not downtown, but in the Northeast
section of the city. A fairly nice looking facility, but with more
security guards than skate guards. Also a nice skate shop, but it
closed early and I didn't get a chance to look closely.
I visited on a Friday night and the crowd was almost exclusively
teenaged. In addition to being fairly crowded and limited to forward
skating some shuffle/couples, some of the younger kids were doing
stupid things. I got taken down from behind once and pushed several
times - I don't mind crowds, but I prefer rolling freely to dodging
and braking.
There are some late-evening Adult sessions that are supposed to
be pretty good, so I'll have to drop in and see how they compare.
Shillington/Reading PA
Rt 222, South of Shillington
Sun 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM Adult-Night (Live Organ)
Inlines permitted?
Hardwood - - Rectangular?
This is a medium sized rink near Reading. I've only been up there once
during the Sunday night Adult session, which was OK, with a live
organist playing fairly up-beat stuff.
Harrisburg PA
Hagy's Fountainbleau
Sun 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM (?) Adult-Night (Live Organ)
Hardwood - ? - Oval
This is another one I've only been to once, for their Annual "corn-roast",
since it's well over an hour from work, but I plan to get up there again
one of these days.
This is an older rink in a building that has a wonderful high ceiling.
In some ways it's kind of quaint, but it's full sized and the floor is
in good condition. Another interesting feature is a "step-up" seating
area all along one side of the rink.
The owner is apparently one of the founders of the RSROA and there is an
interesting museum aisle with pictures of old rinks, skaters and old
skates, wooden wheels and other curios.
The Sunday night session features live organ music, with at least two
different organists on different weeks.
Newark/Christiana/Ogletown DE
Christiana Skating Center (was Spinning Wheels)
South side Rt 273 just past I-95 intersection
Tue 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM Family Skate
Thu 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM Adult-16 Skate
Fri 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
9:00 PM - 11:30 PM
Sat 8:00 PM - 11:30 PM
Sun 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM Adult-16 Skate - Top 40 DJ
In-lines allowed, but speed skates are the most popular.
Hardwood - ? - Oval
This is a mid-size rink, in good condition, but with a carpeted
peripheral area.
The ~16 Age limit for the "Adult" skates makes for a largely teen-aged
crowd with an assortement older folk. Still, it is enough to make this
perhaps one of the better top-40/dance sessions in the area.
Skating is generally moderate, fast and faster, mixed with a enough
beginners to serve as sacrificial targets. Rules relagate backwards
skating, spins and freestyle to the center of the rink, but enforcement
varies depending on the skate guard, whether the manager is watching an
whether it's a pet rink rat or whoever.
I go to the Sunday night session fairly often, it can be fun as long as
you're up for the pace, but many new skaters or drop-ins give up in
disgust before getting acclimated.
This is also on of the rinks where competitions are held, and has
yielded some winners, but apparently the club/lesson/competition
activity is quite separate from the public sesions.
Elsmere/Wilmington DE
Elsmere Skating Center
Rt. 2 Elsmere
Under the railroad overpass
Wed 8:00 PM - 10:30 PM Organ Night
Fri 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
9:30 PM - 11:30 PM
Sat 8:00 PM - 12:00 PM DJ G-Man
Sun 8:00 PM - 12:00 PM Adult-18 Night - DJ G-Man
Hardwood - ? - Oval?
I've only stopped by here off hours, but this appears to be a nice full
size rink. Has a bit of a reputation for being a "rough" place, but
this may be the suburban view of a rink serving both urban and
blue-collar neighborhoods.
Delanco/Cinaminson/Trenton NJ
Holiday Skating Center
Rt 130 at Creek Rd
Near Holiday Lake/Ice Cream Stand
Tues 8:00 - 11:00 Adult-16/Organ Night
Wed 6:30 - 9:30 DJ (Family?)
Fri 7:30 - 11:00 DJ
Sat 7:30 - 11:00 DJ
11:00 - 2:00 (AM) Rock Organ (once/month - call!)
Sun 7:30 - 10:30 Organ Night
Inlines permitted/for rent, but none seen on adult night.
Hardwood - 200'x90' - Oval w/wood surround practice area
This is perhaps the largest rink in the Area. It's a bit longer and
much wider than usual and still has a large skatable seating area at
one end and wide seating/practice lane down one side.
The Tuesday session features live organ music and is fairly well attended
by a mix of all ages. There are mid-session and after session artistic
dance skates.
George Robbins - now working for, work: to be avoided at all costs...
From harbour%mervax.dnet@rapnet.sanders.lockheed.com Fri Apr 23 08:37:14 1993
These three rinks are in northern Virginia, all three within about a
half hour of Fairfax Virginia (which is about 10 minutes east of Dulles
Skate City -- Mathis Rd., Manassas Virginia. 703-361-0425
From Fairfax, take 28 south to Manassas. Take a right on Liberia
then left at the next traffic light on Mathis. The rink is the third
building on the left, behind a car dealership, and across the street
from a cinema.
The floor is wood, and in fair condition, and medium to small. Public
sessions are very crowded. Backwards skating was allowed during sessions.
Roller Blades are also allowed.
There are public sessions most nites from 7 to 10 and there are
some day time sessions, such as an adult skate on Thursday from 10 to noon.
As always, it's best to call before you go to be sure.
Skate City USA -- Sudley Rd. Manassas Virginia. 703-361-7465
This rink is probably managed by the same folks who own Skate City,
because their session schedule sounds very similar. I didn't actually get
to skate here, so I don't have explicit directions, or first hand information
about the rink. However, skaters are Skate City seemed to think the floor at
Skate City USA was bigger than Skate City.
Again, call for information.
Fronconia Roller Rink -- Alexandria Virginia 703-971-3334
Take exit 3 off 495 (Franconia/Van Dorn exit.) Bear right at the
the traffic light to about the third set of lights which should be
Franconia Rd. Take a left on Franconia, and go about a half to three quarters
of a mile. You will see a Crown Gas station on the left. The rink is behind
the gas station.
Sessions are nightly 7 to 10 pm, except where there is a private
party. I went in the middle of the week and the session not well attended,
(which was great for practice.) I was told by skaters there, however, that
the weekend sessions are very popular. I don't recall if they allow roller
blades, but they do require toe stops or dance plugs, and will ask to see
your skates when you pay your admission (I wasn't hasseled about my figure
skates, though.)
The floor is wood and is in pretty nice condition, medium to to small,
but about average size from what I've seen elsewhere around the country.
Hope you can use this!
List of contributors:
aboulang@bbn.com (Albert Boulanger)
bill@franklin.com (bill)
carl@udwarf.tymnet.com (Carl Baltrunas & Cherie Marinelli 1.5)
Erica Nowicki <k080116@hobbes.kzoo.edu>
geo@shilah.Eng.Sun.COM (george atkins)
grr@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com (George Robbins)
merlyn@techbook.com (Randal Schwartz)
Mark L. Fussell using <rebecca@cco.caltech.edu>
Robert E. Brown <robert.brown@quorum.com>
Robert John Butera <rbutera@rice.edu>
Russell Turpin <turpin%cs.utexas.edu.uucp@BBN.COM>
sastls@mvs.sas.com, ASTLS@mvs.sas.com
Susan Harbour <harbour@rapnet.sanders.lockheed.com>
Tamara Shaffer <SASTLS@mvs.sas.com>
=END OF PART 6=================================================================